/* * FSM pseudo code used in the design/implementation of the CC PTMP agent. */ FSM CC_PTMP_Agent { State CC_STATE_IDLE { Stimulus CC_EVENT_AVAILABLE { Next_State CC_STATE_PENDING_AVAILABLE; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_CANCEL { Action Set_Selfdestruct; } } State CC_STATE_PENDING_AVAILABLE { Stimulus CC_EVENT_MSG_ALERTING { Action Send_CC_Available(Q931_ALERTING); Next_State CC_STATE_AVAILABLE; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_MSG_DISCONNECT { Action Send_CC_Available(Q931_DISCONNECT); Next_State CC_STATE_AVAILABLE; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_INTERNAL_CLEARING { Action Release_LinkID; Action Pass_Up_CC_Cancel; Action Set_Selfdestruct; Next_State CC_STATE_IDLE; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_CANCEL { Action Release_LinkID; Action Set_Selfdestruct; Next_State CC_STATE_IDLE; } } State CC_STATE_AVAILABLE { Stimulus CC_EVENT_MSG_RELEASE { Action Stop_T_RETENTION; Action Start_T_RETENTION; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_MSG_RELEASE_COMPLETE { Action Stop_T_RETENTION; Action Start_T_RETENTION; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_CC_REQUEST { Action Pass_Up_CC_Request; Action Stop_T_RETENTION; Next_State CC_STATE_REQUESTED; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_INTERNAL_CLEARING { Action Stop_T_RETENTION; Action Start_T_RETENTION; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T_RETENTION { Action Send_EraseCallLinkageID; Action Release_LinkID; Action Pass_Up_CC_Cancel; Action Stop_T_RETENTION; Action Set_Selfdestruct; Next_State CC_STATE_IDLE; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_CANCEL { Action Send_EraseCallLinkageID; Action Release_LinkID; Action Stop_T_RETENTION; Action Set_Selfdestruct; Next_State CC_STATE_IDLE; } } State CC_STATE_REQUESTED { Stimulus CC_EVENT_CC_REQUEST_ACCEPT { Action Send_EraseCallLinkageID; Action Release_LinkID; /* Start T_CCBS2 or T_CCNR2 depending upon CC mode. */ Action Start_T_SUPERVISION; Action Reset_A_Status; Action Raw_Status_Count_Reset; Next_State CC_STATE_ACTIVATED; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_CANCEL { Action Send_EraseCallLinkageID; Action Release_LinkID; Action Set_Selfdestruct; Next_State CC_STATE_IDLE; } } /* * Pass_Up_A_Status passes up the current final status of A. * Does nothing if status is invalid. * * Pass_Up_A_Status_Indirect is the same as Pass_Up_A_Status but * sets a timer to expire immediately to pass up the event. * Does nothing if status is invalid. * * Pass_Up_Status_Rsp_A passes up the current accumulated status of A. * Does nothing if status is invalid. * * Pass_Up_Status_Rsp_A_Indirect is the same as Pass_Up_Status_Rsp_A but * sets a timer to expire immediately to pass up the event. * Does nothing if status is invalid. */ State CC_STATE_ACTIVATED { Stimulus CC_EVENT_RECALL { Action Send_Error_Recall(ROSE_ERROR_CCBS_NotReadyForCall); Action Set_Call_To_Hangup; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_B_FREE { Action Send_CCBSBFree; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_REMOTE_USER_FREE { Test = Get_A_Status; Test == Invalid { Test = Get_T_CCBS1_Status; Test != Active { Action Reset_Raw_A_Status; Action Send_CCBSStatusRequest; Action Start_T_CCBS1; } Next_State CC_STATE_B_AVAILABLE; } Test == Busy { Action Pass_Up_A_Status_Indirect; Action Send_CCBSBFree; Test = Get_T_CCBS1_Status; Test != Active { Action Reset_Raw_A_Status; Action Send_CCBSStatusRequest; Action Start_T_CCBS1; } Next_State CC_STATE_SUSPENDED; } Test == Free { //Action Pass_Up_A_Status_Indirect; Action Send_RemoteUserFree; Action Stop_T_CCBS1; Action Stop_Extended_T_CCBS1; /* Start T_CCBS3 */ Action Start_T_RECALL; Next_State CC_STATE_WAIT_CALLBACK; } } Stimulus CC_EVENT_A_STATUS { Test = Get_T_CCBS1_Status; Test == Active { Action Pass_Up_Status_Rsp_A_Indirect; Next_State $; } Test != Active { Action Reset_A_Status; Action Reset_Raw_A_Status; Action Send_CCBSStatusRequest; Action Start_T_CCBS1; Action Stop_Extended_T_CCBS1; Action Start_Extended_T_CCBS1; Next_State $; } } Stimulus CC_EVENT_A_FREE { Action Raw_Status_Count_Reset; Action Set_Raw_A_Status_Free; Action Promote_Raw_A_Status; Action Pass_Up_Status_Rsp_A; Action Stop_T_CCBS1; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_A_BUSY { Action Add_Raw_A_Status_Busy; Action Pass_Up_Status_Rsp_A; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T_CCBS1 { Action Promote_Raw_A_Status; Test = Get_A_Status; Test != Invalid { /* Only received User A busy. */ Action Raw_Status_Count_Reset; } Test == Invalid { /* Did not get any responses. */ Action Raw_Status_Count_Increment; Test = Get_Raw_Status_Count; Test >= RAW_STATUS_COUNT_MAX { /* User A no longer present. */ Action Send_CCBSErase(Normal_Unspecified); Action Pass_Up_CC_Cancel; Action Stop_T_CCBS1; Action Stop_Extended_T_CCBS1; Action Stop_T_SUPERVISION; Action Set_Selfdestruct; Next_State CC_STATE_IDLE; } } } Stimulus CC_EVENT_TIMEOUT_EXTENDED_T_CCBS1 { Action Reset_A_Status; Action Raw_Status_Count_Reset; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T_SUPERVISION { Action Pass_Up_CC_Cancel; Action Send_CCBSErase(T_CCBS2_TIMEOUT); Action Stop_T_CCBS1; Action Stop_Extended_T_CCBS1; Action Stop_T_SUPERVISION; Action Set_Selfdestruct; Next_State CC_STATE_IDLE; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_LINK_CANCEL { Action Pass_Up_CC_Cancel; Action Send_CCBSErase(Normal_Unspecified); Action Stop_T_CCBS1; Action Stop_Extended_T_CCBS1; Action Stop_T_SUPERVISION; Action Set_Selfdestruct; Next_State CC_STATE_IDLE; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_CANCEL { Action Send_CCBSErase(Normal_Unspecified); Action Stop_T_CCBS1; Action Stop_Extended_T_CCBS1; Action Stop_T_SUPERVISION; Action Set_Selfdestruct; Next_State CC_STATE_IDLE; } } State CC_STATE_B_AVAILABLE { /* A status is always invalid on entry. */ Stimulus CC_EVENT_RECALL { Action Send_Error_Recall(ROSE_ERROR_CCBS_NotReadyForCall); Action Set_Call_To_Hangup; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_A_STATUS { Action Stop_Extended_T_CCBS1; Action Start_Extended_T_CCBS1; Action Pass_Up_Status_Rsp_A_Indirect; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_A_FREE { Action Send_RemoteUserFree; Action Set_Raw_A_Status_Free; //Action Promote_Raw_A_Status; //Action Pass_Up_A_Status; Test = Get_Extended_T_CCBS1_Status; Test == Active { Action Pass_Up_Status_Rsp_A; } Action Stop_T_CCBS1; Action Stop_Extended_T_CCBS1; /* Start T_CCBS3 */ Action Start_T_RECALL; Next_State CC_STATE_WAIT_CALLBACK; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_A_BUSY { Action Add_Raw_A_Status_Busy; Test = Get_Extended_T_CCBS1_Status; Test == Active { Action Pass_Up_Status_Rsp_A; } } Stimulus CC_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T_CCBS1 { Test = Get_Raw_A_Status; Test != Invalid { /* Only received User A is busy. */ Action Raw_Status_Count_Reset; Action Send_CCBSBFree; Action Promote_Raw_A_Status; Action Pass_Up_A_Status; /* Optimization due to flattening */ //Test = Get_T_CCBS1_Status; //Test != Active { Action Reset_Raw_A_Status; Action Send_CCBSStatusRequest; Action Start_T_CCBS1; } Next_State CC_STATE_SUSPENDED; } Test == Invalid { /* Did not get any responses. */ Action Raw_Status_Count_Increment; Test = Get_Raw_Status_Count; Test >= RAW_STATUS_COUNT_MAX { /* User A no longer present. */ Action Send_CCBSErase(Normal_Unspecified); Action Pass_Up_CC_Cancel; Action Stop_T_CCBS1; Action Stop_Extended_T_CCBS1; Action Stop_T_SUPERVISION; Action Set_Selfdestruct; Next_State CC_STATE_IDLE; } //Action Reset_Raw_A_Status; Action Send_CCBSStatusRequest; Action Start_T_CCBS1; } } Stimulus CC_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T_SUPERVISION { Action Pass_Up_CC_Cancel; Action Send_CCBSErase(T_CCBS2_TIMEOUT); Action Stop_T_CCBS1; Action Stop_Extended_T_CCBS1; Action Stop_T_SUPERVISION; Action Set_Selfdestruct; Next_State CC_STATE_IDLE; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_LINK_CANCEL { Action Pass_Up_CC_Cancel; Action Send_CCBSErase(Normal_Unspecified); Action Stop_T_CCBS1; Action Stop_Extended_T_CCBS1; Action Stop_T_SUPERVISION; Action Set_Selfdestruct; Next_State CC_STATE_IDLE; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_CANCEL { Action Send_CCBSErase(Normal_Unspecified); Action Stop_T_CCBS1; Action Stop_Extended_T_CCBS1; Action Stop_T_SUPERVISION; Action Set_Selfdestruct; Next_State CC_STATE_IDLE; } } State CC_STATE_SUSPENDED { Stimulus CC_EVENT_RECALL { Action Send_Error_Recall(ROSE_ERROR_CCBS_NotReadyForCall); Action Set_Call_To_Hangup; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_A_STATUS { Action Stop_Extended_T_CCBS1; Action Start_Extended_T_CCBS1; Action Pass_Up_Status_Rsp_A_Indirect; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_A_FREE { Action Set_Raw_A_Status_Free; Action Promote_Raw_A_Status; Action Pass_Up_A_Status; Test = Get_Extended_T_CCBS1_Status; Test == Active { Action Pass_Up_Status_Rsp_A; } Action Stop_T_CCBS1; Action Stop_Extended_T_CCBS1; Action Reset_A_Status; Action Raw_Status_Count_Reset; Next_State CC_STATE_ACTIVATED; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_A_BUSY { Action Add_Raw_A_Status_Busy; Test = Get_Extended_T_CCBS1_Status; Test == Active { Action Pass_Up_Status_Rsp_A; } } Stimulus CC_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T_CCBS1 { Test = Get_Raw_A_Status; Test != Invalid { /* Only received User A is busy. */ Action Raw_Status_Count_Reset; } Test == Invalid { /* Did not get any responses. */ Action Raw_Status_Count_Increment; Test = Get_Raw_Status_Count; Test >= RAW_STATUS_COUNT_MAX { /* User A no longer present. */ Action Send_CCBSErase(Normal_Unspecified); Action Pass_Up_CC_Cancel; Action Stop_T_CCBS1; Action Stop_Extended_T_CCBS1; Action Stop_T_SUPERVISION; Action Set_Selfdestruct; Next_State CC_STATE_IDLE; } } Action Reset_Raw_A_Status; Action Send_CCBSStatusRequest; Action Start_T_CCBS1; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T_SUPERVISION { Action Pass_Up_CC_Cancel; Action Send_CCBSErase(T_CCBS2_TIMEOUT); Action Stop_T_CCBS1; Action Stop_Extended_T_CCBS1; Action Stop_T_SUPERVISION; Action Set_Selfdestruct; Next_State CC_STATE_IDLE; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_LINK_CANCEL { Action Pass_Up_CC_Cancel; Action Send_CCBSErase(Normal_Unspecified); Action Stop_T_CCBS1; Action Stop_Extended_T_CCBS1; Action Stop_T_SUPERVISION; Action Set_Selfdestruct; Next_State CC_STATE_IDLE; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_CANCEL { Action Send_CCBSErase(Normal_Unspecified); Action Stop_T_CCBS1; Action Stop_Extended_T_CCBS1; Action Stop_T_SUPERVISION; Action Set_Selfdestruct; Next_State CC_STATE_IDLE; } } State CC_STATE_WAIT_CALLBACK { Stimulus CC_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T_RECALL { Action Pass_Up_CC_Cancel; Action Send_CCBSErase(T_CCBS3_TIMEOUT); Action Stop_T_RECALL; Action Stop_T_SUPERVISION; Action Set_Selfdestruct; Next_State CC_STATE_IDLE; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_STOP_ALERTING { /* * If an earlier link can send us this event then we * really should be configured for globalRecall like * the earlier link. */ Test = Get_Recall_Mode; Test == globalRecall { Action Send_CCBSStopAlerting; } Action Stop_T_RECALL; Action Reset_A_Status; Action Raw_Status_Count_Reset; Next_State CC_STATE_ACTIVATED; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_RECALL { Action Pass_Up_CC_Call; Action Set_Original_Call_Parameters; Test = Get_Recall_Mode; Test == globalRecall { Action Send_CCBSStopAlerting; } Action Stop_T_RECALL; Next_State CC_STATE_CALLBACK; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_A_STATUS { Action Set_Raw_A_Status_Free; Action Pass_Up_Status_Rsp_A_Indirect; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T_SUPERVISION { Action Pass_Up_CC_Cancel; Action Send_CCBSErase(T_CCBS2_TIMEOUT); Action Stop_T_RECALL; Action Stop_T_SUPERVISION; Action Set_Selfdestruct; Next_State CC_STATE_IDLE; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_LINK_CANCEL { Action Pass_Up_CC_Cancel; Action Send_CCBSErase(Normal_Unspecified); Action Stop_T_RECALL; Action Stop_T_SUPERVISION; Action Set_Selfdestruct; Next_State CC_STATE_IDLE; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_CANCEL { Action Send_CCBSErase(Normal_Unspecified); Action Stop_T_RECALL; Action Stop_T_SUPERVISION; Action Set_Selfdestruct; Next_State CC_STATE_IDLE; } } State CC_STATE_CALLBACK { Stimulus CC_EVENT_RECALL { Action Send_Error_Recall(ROSE_ERROR_CCBS_AlreadyAccepted); Action Set_Call_To_Hangup; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_A_STATUS { Action Set_Raw_A_Status_Free; Action Pass_Up_Status_Rsp_A_Indirect; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T_SUPERVISION { Action Pass_Up_CC_Cancel; Action Send_CCBSErase(T_CCBS2_TIMEOUT); Action Stop_T_SUPERVISION; Action Set_Selfdestruct; Next_State CC_STATE_IDLE; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_LINK_CANCEL { Action Pass_Up_CC_Cancel; Action Send_CCBSErase(Normal_Unspecified); Action Stop_T_SUPERVISION; Action Set_Selfdestruct; Next_State CC_STATE_IDLE; } Stimulus CC_EVENT_CANCEL { Action Send_CCBSErase(Normal_Unspecified); Action Stop_T_SUPERVISION; Action Set_Selfdestruct; Next_State CC_STATE_IDLE; } } }