/* * Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Petri Lehtinen * Copyright (c) 2011 Graeme Smecher * * Jansson is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for details. */ #include #include #include "jansson_private.h" #include "utf.h" typedef struct { const char *start; const char *fmt; char token; json_error_t *error; size_t flags; int line; int column; } scanner_t; static const char *type_names[] = { "object", "array", "string", "integer", "real", "true", "false", "null" }; #define type_name(x) type_names[json_typeof(x)] static const char *unpack_value_starters = "{[siIbfFOon"; static void scanner_init(scanner_t *s, json_error_t *error, size_t flags, const char *fmt) { s->error = error; s->flags = flags; s->fmt = s->start = fmt; s->line = 1; s->column = 0; } static void next_token(scanner_t *s) { const char *t = s->fmt; s->column++; /* skip space and ignored chars */ while(*t == ' ' || *t == '\t' || *t == '\n' || *t == ',' || *t == ':') { if(*t == '\n') { s->line++; s->column = 1; } else s->column++; t++; } s->token = *t; t++; s->fmt = t; } static void set_error(scanner_t *s, const char *source, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; size_t pos; va_start(ap, fmt); pos = (size_t)(s->fmt - s->start); jsonp_error_vset(s->error, s->line, s->column, pos, fmt, ap); jsonp_error_set_source(s->error, source); va_end(ap); } static json_t *pack(scanner_t *s, va_list *ap); static json_t *pack_object(scanner_t *s, va_list *ap) { json_t *object = json_object(); next_token(s); while(s->token != '}') { const char *key; json_t *value; if(!s->token) { set_error(s, "", "Unexpected end of format string"); goto error; } if(s->token != 's') { set_error(s, "", "Expected format 's', got '%c'", s->token); goto error; } key = va_arg(*ap, const char *); if(!key) { set_error(s, "", "NULL object key"); goto error; } if(!utf8_check_string(key, -1)) { set_error(s, "", "Invalid UTF-8 in object key"); goto error; } next_token(s); value = pack(s, ap); if(!value) goto error; if(json_object_set_new_nocheck(object, key, value)) { set_error(s, "", "Unable to add key \"%s\"", key); goto error; } next_token(s); } return object; error: json_decref(object); return NULL; } static json_t *pack_array(scanner_t *s, va_list *ap) { json_t *array = json_array(); next_token(s); while(s->token != ']') { json_t *value; if(!s->token) { set_error(s, "", "Unexpected end of format string"); goto error; } value = pack(s, ap); if(!value) goto error; if(json_array_append_new(array, value)) { set_error(s, "", "Unable to append to array"); goto error; } next_token(s); } return array; error: json_decref(array); return NULL; } static json_t *pack(scanner_t *s, va_list *ap) { switch(s->token) { case '{': return pack_object(s, ap); case '[': return pack_array(s, ap); case 's': /* string */ { const char *str = va_arg(*ap, const char *); if(!str) { set_error(s, "", "NULL string argument"); return NULL; } if(!utf8_check_string(str, -1)) { set_error(s, "", "Invalid UTF-8 string"); return NULL; } return json_string_nocheck(str); } case 'n': /* null */ return json_null(); case 'b': /* boolean */ return va_arg(*ap, int) ? json_true() : json_false(); case 'i': /* integer from int */ return json_integer(va_arg(*ap, int)); case 'I': /* integer from json_int_t */ return json_integer(va_arg(*ap, json_int_t)); case 'f': /* real */ return json_real(va_arg(*ap, double)); case 'O': /* a json_t object; increments refcount */ return json_incref(va_arg(*ap, json_t *)); case 'o': /* a json_t object; doesn't increment refcount */ return va_arg(*ap, json_t *); default: set_error(s, "", "Unexpected format character '%c'", s->token); return NULL; } } static int unpack(scanner_t *s, json_t *root, va_list *ap); static int unpack_object(scanner_t *s, json_t *root, va_list *ap) { int ret = -1; int strict = 0; /* Use a set (emulated by a hashtable) to check that all object keys are accessed. Checking that the correct number of keys were accessed is not enough, as the same key can be unpacked multiple times. */ hashtable_t key_set; if(hashtable_init(&key_set)) { set_error(s, "", "Out of memory"); return -1; } if(root && !json_is_object(root)) { set_error(s, "", "Expected object, got %s", type_name(root)); goto out; } next_token(s); while(s->token != '}') { const char *key; json_t *value; int opt = 0; if(strict != 0) { set_error(s, "", "Expected '}' after '%c', got '%c'", (strict == 1 ? '!' : '*'), s->token); goto out; } if(!s->token) { set_error(s, "", "Unexpected end of format string"); goto out; } if(s->token == '!' || s->token == '*') { strict = (s->token == '!' ? 1 : -1); next_token(s); continue; } if(s->token != 's') { set_error(s, "", "Expected format 's', got '%c'", s->token); goto out; } key = va_arg(*ap, const char *); if(!key) { set_error(s, "", "NULL object key"); goto out; } next_token(s); if(s->token == '?') { opt = 1; next_token(s); } if(!root) { /* skipping */ value = NULL; } else { value = json_object_get(root, key); if(!value && !opt) { set_error(s, "", "Object item not found: %s", key); goto out; } } if(unpack(s, value, ap)) goto out; hashtable_set(&key_set, key, 0, json_null()); next_token(s); } if(strict == 0 && (s->flags & JSON_STRICT)) strict = 1; if(root && strict == 1 && key_set.size != json_object_size(root)) { long diff = (long)json_object_size(root) - (long)key_set.size; set_error(s, "", "%li object item(s) left unpacked", diff); goto out; } ret = 0; out: hashtable_close(&key_set); return ret; } static int unpack_array(scanner_t *s, json_t *root, va_list *ap) { size_t i = 0; int strict = 0; if(root && !json_is_array(root)) { set_error(s, "", "Expected array, got %s", type_name(root)); return -1; } next_token(s); while(s->token != ']') { json_t *value; if(strict != 0) { set_error(s, "", "Expected ']' after '%c', got '%c'", (strict == 1 ? '!' : '*'), s->token); return -1; } if(!s->token) { set_error(s, "", "Unexpected end of format string"); return -1; } if(s->token == '!' || s->token == '*') { strict = (s->token == '!' ? 1 : -1); next_token(s); continue; } if(!strchr(unpack_value_starters, s->token)) { set_error(s, "", "Unexpected format character '%c'", s->token); return -1; } if(!root) { /* skipping */ value = NULL; } else { value = json_array_get(root, i); if(!value) { set_error(s, "", "Array index %lu out of range", (unsigned long)i); return -1; } } if(unpack(s, value, ap)) return -1; next_token(s); i++; } if(strict == 0 && (s->flags & JSON_STRICT)) strict = 1; if(root && strict == 1 && i != json_array_size(root)) { long diff = (long)json_array_size(root) - (long)i; set_error(s, "", "%li array item(s) left unpacked", diff); return -1; } return 0; } static int unpack(scanner_t *s, json_t *root, va_list *ap) { switch(s->token) { case '{': return unpack_object(s, root, ap); case '[': return unpack_array(s, root, ap); case 's': if(root && !json_is_string(root)) { set_error(s, "", "Expected string, got %s", type_name(root)); return -1; } if(!(s->flags & JSON_VALIDATE_ONLY)) { const char **target; target = va_arg(*ap, const char **); if(!target) { set_error(s, "", "NULL string argument"); return -1; } if(root) *target = json_string_value(root); } return 0; case 'i': if(root && !json_is_integer(root)) { set_error(s, "", "Expected integer, got %s", type_name(root)); return -1; } if(!(s->flags & JSON_VALIDATE_ONLY)) { int *target = va_arg(*ap, int*); if(root) *target = json_integer_value(root); } return 0; case 'I': if(root && !json_is_integer(root)) { set_error(s, "", "Expected integer, got %s", type_name(root)); return -1; } if(!(s->flags & JSON_VALIDATE_ONLY)) { json_int_t *target = va_arg(*ap, json_int_t*); if(root) *target = json_integer_value(root); } return 0; case 'b': if(root && !json_is_boolean(root)) { set_error(s, "", "Expected true or false, got %s", type_name(root)); return -1; } if(!(s->flags & JSON_VALIDATE_ONLY)) { int *target = va_arg(*ap, int*); if(root) *target = json_is_true(root); } return 0; case 'f': if(root && !json_is_real(root)) { set_error(s, "", "Expected real, got %s", type_name(root)); return -1; } if(!(s->flags & JSON_VALIDATE_ONLY)) { double *target = va_arg(*ap, double*); if(root) *target = json_real_value(root); } return 0; case 'F': if(root && !json_is_number(root)) { set_error(s, "", "Expected real or integer, got %s", type_name(root)); return -1; } if(!(s->flags & JSON_VALIDATE_ONLY)) { double *target = va_arg(*ap, double*); if(root) *target = json_number_value(root); } return 0; case 'O': if(root && !(s->flags & JSON_VALIDATE_ONLY)) json_incref(root); /* Fall through */ case 'o': if(!(s->flags & JSON_VALIDATE_ONLY)) { json_t **target = va_arg(*ap, json_t**); if(root) *target = root; } return 0; case 'n': /* Never assign, just validate */ if(root && !json_is_null(root)) { set_error(s, "", "Expected null, got %s", type_name(root)); return -1; } return 0; default: set_error(s, "", "Unexpected format character '%c'", s->token); return -1; } } json_t *json_vpack_ex(json_error_t *error, size_t flags, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { scanner_t s; va_list ap_copy; json_t *value; if(!fmt || !*fmt) { jsonp_error_init(error, ""); jsonp_error_set(error, -1, -1, 0, "NULL or empty format string"); return NULL; } jsonp_error_init(error, NULL); scanner_init(&s, error, flags, fmt); next_token(&s); va_copy(ap_copy, ap); value = pack(&s, &ap_copy); va_end(ap_copy); if(!value) return NULL; next_token(&s); if(s.token) { json_decref(value); set_error(&s, "", "Garbage after format string"); return NULL; } return value; } json_t *json_pack_ex(json_error_t *error, size_t flags, const char *fmt, ...) { json_t *value; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); value = json_vpack_ex(error, flags, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); return value; } json_t *json_pack(const char *fmt, ...) { json_t *value; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); value = json_vpack_ex(NULL, 0, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); return value; } int json_vunpack_ex(json_t *root, json_error_t *error, size_t flags, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { scanner_t s; va_list ap_copy; if(!root) { jsonp_error_init(error, ""); jsonp_error_set(error, -1, -1, 0, "NULL root value"); return -1; } if(!fmt || !*fmt) { jsonp_error_init(error, ""); jsonp_error_set(error, -1, -1, 0, "NULL or empty format string"); return -1; } jsonp_error_init(error, NULL); scanner_init(&s, error, flags, fmt); next_token(&s); va_copy(ap_copy, ap); if(unpack(&s, root, &ap_copy)) { va_end(ap_copy); return -1; } va_end(ap_copy); next_token(&s); if(s.token) { set_error(&s, "", "Garbage after format string"); return -1; } return 0; } int json_unpack_ex(json_t *root, json_error_t *error, size_t flags, const char *fmt, ...) { int ret; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); ret = json_vunpack_ex(root, error, flags, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); return ret; } int json_unpack(json_t *root, const char *fmt, ...) { int ret; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); ret = json_vunpack_ex(root, NULL, 0, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); return ret; }