You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# Written by Oron Peled <>
# Copyright (C) 2007, Xorcom
# This program is free software; you can redistribute and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
# $Id$
use strict;
use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Std;
BEGIN { my $dir = dirname($0); unshift(@INC, "$dir", "$dir/perl_modules"); }
use Dahdi::Xpp;
use Dahdi::Xpp::Xbus;
my $sync;
my $autoselect;
sub usage() {
"$0: show / set Astribank sync source\n".
"Usage: $0 [-v] Show sync source.\n".
" $0 [-v] <auto|NN|dahdi> Set sync source.\n".
exit 1;
my %opts;
getopts('hv', \%opts) || usage;
$opts{h} && usage;
if(@ARGV == 1) {
$sync = shift;
$autoselect = 1 if $sync =~ /^auto$/i;
sub get_sorted_xpds() {
my @good_xpds;
foreach my $xbus (Dahdi::Xpp::xbuses) {
next unless $xbus->status eq 'CONNECTED';
foreach my $xpd ($xbus->xpds()) {
my $isreg = $xpd->dahdi_registration();
if(!defined($isreg)) { # Failure
printf STDERR "%s: Failed %s\n", $xpd->fqn, $!;
next unless $isreg; # Skip unregistered XPDs
push(@good_xpds, $xpd);
my @xpd_prio = Dahdi::Xpp::Xpd::xpds_by_rank(@good_xpds);
Dahdi::Xpp::Xpd::show_xpd_rank(@xpd_prio) if $opts{v};
return @xpd_prio;
sub do_select(@) {
my $found;
foreach my $xpd (@_) {
my $xbus = $xpd->xbus;
my $busnum = $xbus->name;
die "Unknown bus name" unless $busnum;
$busnum =~ s/XBUS-//;
die "bad bus name" unless $busnum =~ /^\d+$/;
#printf "Setting sync: %-10s (%s)\n", $xpd->fqn, $xpd->type;
if(Dahdi::Xpp::sync($busnum)) {
#print "SET $busnum\n";
$found = 1;
} else {
print STDERR "Failed to set $busnum: $!\n";
sub do_set($) {
my $sync = shift;
die "Failed to set sync to '$sync'" unless Dahdi::Xpp::sync($sync);
sub unique_xbus(@) {
my %seen;
grep { !$seen{$_->xbus}++; } @_;
my $curr_sync = Dahdi::Xpp::sync;
my @sync_xpds = unique_xbus(get_sorted_xpds());
sub show_sync() {
foreach my $xpd (@sync_xpds) {
my $xbus = $xpd->xbus;
my $xpdstr = '[ ' . $xbus->pretty_xpds . ' ]';
my $label = '[' . $xbus->label() . ']';
my $connector = '(' . $xbus->connector . ')';
my $mark = ($curr_sync =~ /^\d+$/ and $xbus->num == $curr_sync)?"+":"";
my $padding = ' ' x (40 - length $xpdstr);
printf " %1s %s %-25s %-14s %s\n", $mark, $xbus->name, $connector, $label, $xpdstr;
sub check_fxo_host_sync() {
my @host_synced_xpds = grep { $_->xbus->num() ne $curr_sync } @sync_xpds;
my @host_synced_fxos = grep($_->type eq 'FXO', @host_synced_xpds);
if(@host_synced_fxos) {
my @bad_xbus = map { $_->xbus } unique_xbus(@host_synced_fxos);
our $lines = join("\n\t", map { $_->name } @bad_xbus);
print STDERR <<"END";
WARNING: FXO which is not the syncer cause bad PCM
Affected Astribanks are:
if(defined $sync) {
if($autoselect) {
} else {
$sync = uc($sync);
$curr_sync = Dahdi::Xpp::sync;
#print "New sync: ", Dahdi::Xpp::sync, "\n";
} else {
print "Current sync: ", $curr_sync, "\n";
print "Best Available Syncers:\n";
=head1 NAME
xpp_sync - Handle sync selection of Xorcom Astribanks.
xpp_sync <auto|dahdi|nn>
xpp_sync [-v]
On a normal operation one Astribank device provides timing for all the
other Astribank devices.
When run without parameters, xpp_sync will display a list of Astribanks
(xbuses) that are connected and registered as Dahdi spans. The current
xpp sync master will be marked.
If you this an Astribank is connected and yet it does not appear on the
output of xpp_sync, it may be unregistered. Try running dahdi_registration .
=head2 Parameters
=item auto
Automatically selects the best Astribank for syncing.
=item dahdi
Gets synchronization from the Dahdi sync master.
=item nn
Sets XBUS-I<nn> as sync source.
=item -v
Also print the numeric xpp sync rank.
(Parameter name is case-insensitive)
=head2 Example output:
Setting SYNC
Current sync: 01
Best Available Syncers:
+ XBUS-01 (usb-0000:00:10.4-3) [usb:12345678] [ PRI_TE PRI_NT PRI_TE PRI_NT ]
XBUS-00 (usb-0000:00:10.4-2) [usb:QA-01] [ FXS FXO ]
WARNING: FXO which is not the syncer cause bad PCM
Affected Astribanks are:
In this example we see that the recommended xpp sync master is XBUS-02 -
it is the first on the list. It is also the actual syncer, as we can see
from the '+' beside it.
xpp_sync is normally called from the dahdi init.d script.
The parameter it is called with defaults to
I<auto>, but it is possible to override that parameter (e.g: set it to
I<dahdi>) through the value of XPP_SYNC in /etc/dahdi/init.conf .
=head1 FILES
=item /sys/bus/astribanks/drivers/xppdrv/sync
xpp_sync is essentially a nicer interface to
C</sys/bus/astribanks/drivers/xppdrv/sync>. That file
shows the current xpp sync master.
Writing to it, force XPP drivers to use a different sync master
=head1 SEE ALSO
dahdi_registration(1), dahdi_cfg(1), README.Astribank