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#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# Written by Oron Peled <>
# Copyright (C) 2007, Xorcom
# This program is free software; you can redistribute and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
# $Id$
use strict;
use File::Basename;
BEGIN { my $dir = dirname($0); unshift(@INC, "$dir", "$dir/perl_modules"); }
use Dahdi;
use Dahdi::Span;
use Dahdi::Xpp;
use Dahdi::Xpp::Xbus;
use Dahdi::Xpp::Xpd;
use Getopt::Std;
sub usage {
die "Usage: $0 [-v] [-R] [-s sort_order] [on|off|1|0]\n";
sub check_param {
my $param = shift || die;
open(F, $param) || return '';
my $val = <F>;
close F;
chomp $val;
return $val;
my %opts;
getopts('vRs:', \%opts) || usage;
my $dahdi_autoreg = check_param('/sys/module/xpp/parameters/dahdi_autoreg') eq 'Y';
my $auto_assign_spans = check_param('/sys/module/dahdi/parameters/auto_assign_spans') ne '0';
my $assigned_spans_config = $ENV{'ASSIGNED_SPANS_CONF_FILE'} || '/etc/dahdi/assigned-spans.conf';
my $span_types_config = $ENV{'SPAN_TYPES_CONF_FILE'} || '/etc/dahdi/span-types.conf';
my $have_assigned_spans_config = -f $assigned_spans_config || 0;
my $have_span_types_config = -f $span_types_config || 0;
# Spans will be auto-assigned by default if either:
# - Driver $auto_assign_spans them or
# - Udev script see that we $have_span_types_config and it "add" them
my $default_auto_assign = $auto_assign_spans || $have_assigned_spans_config;
my $sorter;
my $sort_order = $opts{'s'};
if(defined $sort_order) {
my $sorter = Dahdi::Xpp::sorters($sort_order);
if(!defined $sorter) {
my @sorter_names = Dahdi::Xpp::sorters;
print STDERR "Unknown sort order $sort_order. Select from:\n\t";
print STDERR join("\n\t", @sorter_names);
print STDERR "\n";
exit 1;
@ARGV == 0 or @ARGV == 1 or usage;
my $on = shift;
my $verbose = $opts{'v'};
my $should_output = 1;
#print "dahdi_autoreg=$dahdi_autoreg auto_assign_spans=$auto_assign_spans have_assigned_spans_config='$have_assigned_spans_config' have_span_types_config='$have_span_types_config'\n";
if(defined($on)) { # Translate to booleans
$on = uc($on);
$on =~ /^(ON|OFF|1|0)$/ or usage;
$on = ($on eq 'ON') ? 1 : 0;
$should_output = 0 unless $verbose;
sub state2str($) {
return (shift)?"on":"off";
sub myprintf {
printf @_ if $should_output;
foreach my $xbus (Dahdi::Xpp::xbuses($sorter)) {
my $prev = $xbus->dahdi_registration($on);
if(!defined($prev)) { # Failure
printf STDERR "%s: Failed %s\n", $xbus->name, $!;
my $reg_str;
if (defined $on) {
$reg_str = ($on) ? "registering" : "unregistering";
} else {
$reg_str = ($prev) ? "registered" : "unregistered";
myprintf "%-10s\t%3s-%s\t%s (%s)\n",
$xbus->name, $xbus->xpporder, $xbus->label, $xbus->connector,
next unless $xbus->status eq 'CONNECTED';
# Only assign if no default assignment, or forced by '-R' option
if (defined($on) && $on) {
if ($opts{'R'} || ! $default_auto_assign) {
# Emulate /etc/dahdi/assigned-spans.conf:
# - We iterate over $xbus according to /etc/dahdi/xpp_order
# - We "auto" assign all spans of current $xbus
my $devpath = sprintf "/sys/bus/dahdi_devices/devices/astribanks:xbus-%02d", $xbus->num;
my @cmd = ('dahdi_span_assignments', 'auto', $devpath);
system @cmd;
warn "Failed '@cmd' (status=$?)\n" if $?;
if (defined($on) && $on) {
if ($opts{'R'} || ! $default_auto_assign) {
# wait for UDEV to do its stuff
system "dahdi_waitfor_span_assignments assigned";
foreach my $xbus (Dahdi::Xpp::xbuses($sorter)) {
foreach my $xpd (Dahdi::Xpp::Xpd::telephony_devs($xbus->xpds())) {
my $spanno = $xpd->xpd_getattr('span');
myprintf "\t%-10s: ", $xpd->fqn;
my $spanstr = ($spanno) ? ("Span " . $spanno) : "unassigned";
myprintf "%s\n", $spanstr ;
myprintf "# Sorted: $sort_order\n" if defined $sort_order;
=head1 NAME
dahdi_registration - Handle registration of Xorcom XPD modules in dahdi.
dahdi_registration [-v] [-s sortorder] [-R] [on|off]
Without parameters, show all connected XPDs sorted by physical connector order.
Each one is show to be unregistered (off), or registered to a specific dahdi
span (the span number is shown).
All registerations/deregisterations are sorted by physical connector string.
Span registration should generally always succeed. Span unregistration may
fail if channels from the span are in use by e.g. asterisk. In such a case
you'll also see those channels as '(In use)' in the output of lsdahdi(8).
dahdi_registration is intended to be used when the kernel module parameter
B<xpp.dahdi_autoreg> is false (and implicitly: when the module parameter
B<dahdi.auto_assign_span> is true). See also the NOTES section regarding
If dahdi_autoreg is true, the program will normally do nothing.
=head2 Parameters
off -- deregisters all XPD's from dahdi.
on -- registers all XPD's to dahdi.
=head2 Options
=item -v
verbose output.
=item -R
Force operations (on/off) even if the module parameter B<dahdi_autoreg>
for xpp is enabled (which makes this program unneeded).
=item -s I<sort_order>
The sort order to use.
If the option is not used, the sort order is taken from the environment
variable XBUS_SORT and failing that: the hard-coded default of
The available sorting orders are documented in Dahdi::Xpp manual.
=head2 Sample Output
An example of the output of dahdi_registration for some registered
$ dahdi_registration -s type
XBUS-01 usb:0000153 usb-0000:00:10.4-2
XBUS-01/XPD-00: on Span 1
XBUS-01/XPD-01: on Span 2
XBUS-00 usb:0000157 usb-0000:00:10.4-4
XBUS-00/XPD-00: on Span 3
XBUS-00/XPD-01: on Span 4
XBUS-00/XPD-02: on Span 5
XBUS-00/XPD-03: on Span 6
XBUS-00/XPD-04: on Span 7
XBUS-00/XPD-05: on Span 8
XBUS-00/XPD-06: on Span 9
XBUS-00/XPD-07: on Span 10
XBUS-02 usb-0000:00:10.4-1
XBUS-02/XPD-00: on Span 11
XBUS-02/XPD-10: on Span 12
# Sorted: type
=head1 FILES
=item /proc/xpp/XBUS-nn/XPD-mm/dahdi_registration
Reading from this file shows if if the if the specific XPD is
registered. Writing to it 0 or 1 registers / unregisters the device.
This should allow you to register / unregister a specific XPD rather
than all of them.
=head1 NOTES
dahdi_registration is intended to be used when the kernel module
parameter B<xpp.dahdi_autoreg> is false (and implicitly: when the module
parameter B<dahdi.auto_assign_span> is true), that is, Astribank devices
as detected by XPP (xbus / xpd) do not register automatically with the
DAHDI core. This tool is used to register tem in an explicit order. It
works well, but only if you can arange for all of the Astribanks of the
system to be available (and not already registered) at a specific point
in time.
Newer versions of DAHDI added support for registering a span to a
specific span/channelss numbers specification. This allows registering
them out of order. To use this capability, the module parameter
B<dahdi.auto_assign_span> should be unset (set to 0) and thus spans of
detected DAHDI devices could be registered using C<dahdi_span_assignments>
(which may also be run automatically from a udev hook).
In this case there is no point in delaying XPP device registration with
dahdi and the parameter B<xpp.dahdi_autoreg> should be set.
dahdi_registration will simply become a no-op.
=head1 SEE ALSO
B<dahdi_cfg>(8), B<dahdi_span_assignments>(8).