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package Dahdi::Hardware;
# Written by Oron Peled <oron@actcom.co.il>
# Copyright (C) 2007, Xorcom
# This program is free software; you can redistribute and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
# $Id$
use strict;
=head1 NAME
Dahdi::Hardware - Perl interface to a Dahdi devices listing
use Dahdi::Hardware;
my $hardware = Dahdi::Hardware->scan;
# mini dahdi_hardware:
foreach my $device ($hardware->device_list) {
print "Vendor: device->{VENDOR}, Product: $device->{PRODUCT}\n"
# let's see if there are devices without loaded drivers, and sugggest
# drivers to load:
my @to_load = ();
foreach my $device ($hardware->device_list) {
if (! $device->{LOADED} ) {
push @to_load, ($device->${DRIVER});
if (@to_load) {
print "To support the extra devices you probably need to run:\n"
print " modprobe ". (join ' ', @to_load). "\n";
This module provides information about available Dahdi devices on the
system. It identifies devices by (USB/PCI) bus IDs.
=head1 Device Attributes
As usual, object attributes can be used in either upp-case or
lower-case, or lower-case functions.
=head2 bus_type
'PCI' or 'USB'.
=head2 description
A one-line description of the device.
=head2 driver
Name of a Dahdi device driver that should handle this device. This is
based on a pre-made list.
=head2 vendor, product, subvendor, subproduct
The PCI and USB vendor ID, product ID, sub-vendor ID and sub-product ID.
(The standard short lspci and lsusb listings show only vendor and
product IDs).
=head2 loaded
If the device is handled by a module - the name of the module. Else -
=head2 priv_device_name
A string that shows the "location" of that device on the bus.
=head2 is_astribank
True if the device is a Xorcom Astribank (which may provide some extra
=head2 serial
(Astribank-specific attrribute) - the serial number string of the
# A global hardware handle
my %hardware_list = (
'PCI' => [],
'USB' => [],
sub new($$) {
my $pack = shift || die "Wasn't called as a class method\n";
my $name = shift || die "$0: Missing device name";
my $type = shift || die "$0: Missing device type";
my $dev = {};
$dev->{'BUS_TYPE'} = $type;
$dev->{IS_ASTRIBANK} = 0 unless defined $dev->{'IS_ASTRIBANK'};
$dev->{'HARDWARE_NAME'} = $name;
return $dev;
=head1 device_list()
Returns a list of the hardware devices on the system.
You must run scan() first for this function to run meaningful output.
sub device_list($) {
my $pack = shift || die;
my @types = @_;
my @list;
@types = qw(USB PCI) unless @types;
foreach my $t (@types) {
my $lst = $hardware_list{$t};
@list = ( @list, @{$lst} );
return @list;
sub device_by_hwname($$) {
my $pack = shift || die;
my $name = shift || die;
my @list = device_list('localcall');
my @good = grep { $_->hardware_name eq $name } @list;
return undef unless @good;
@good > 1 && die "$pack: Multiple matches for '$name': @good";
return $good[0];
=head1 drivers()
Returns a list of drivers (currently sorted by name) that are used by
the devices in the current system (regardless to whether or not they are
sub drivers($) {
my $self = shift || die;
my @devs = device_list('localcall');
my @drvs = map { $_->{DRIVER} } @devs;
# Make unique
my %drivers;
@drivers{@drvs} = 1;
return sort keys %drivers;
=head1 scan()
Scan the system for Dahdi devices (PCI and USB). Returns nothing but
must be run to initialize the module.
my $hardware_scanned;
sub scan($) {
my $pack = shift || die;
return if $hardware_scanned++;
foreach my $type (qw(PCI USB)) {
eval "use Dahdi::Hardware::$type";
die $@ if $@;
$hardware_list{$type} = [ "Dahdi::Hardware::$type"->scan_devices ];
=head1 rescan
Rescan for devices. In case new devices became available since the script
has started.
sub rescan($) {
my $pack = shift || die;
$hardware_scanned = 0;
sub import {
Dahdi::Hardware->scan unless grep(/\bnoscan\b/i, @_);
sub showall {
my $pack = shift || die;
my @devs;
my $printer = sub {
my $title = shift;
my @devs = @_;
return unless @devs;
printf "%s:\n", $title;
foreach my $dev (@devs) {
printf "\t%s\n", $dev->hardware_name;
foreach my $k (sort keys %{$dev}) {
my $v = $dev->{$k};
if($k eq 'MPPINFO') {
printf "\t\tMPPINFO:\n";
eval "use Dahdi::Xpp::Mpp";
die $@ if $@;
$v->showinfo("\t\t ");
} else {
printf "\t\t%-20s %s\n", $k, $v;
foreach my $type (qw(USB PCI)) {
my $lst = $hardware_list{$type};
&$printer("$type devices", @{$lst});