Shaun Ruffell 250bc06238 dahdi_genconf: Use 'dahdi_scan' to determine span_type for B410P cards.
The wcb4xxp driver does not put enough information in the proc filesystem to
determine if the ports are in TE or NT mode.  Previously the ports would
always just setup the dahdi-channels.conf file in TE mode. After this change
the dahdi_scan utility is used to detect if the ports are in TE or NT mode and
setup dahdi-channels.conf appropriately.

Internal-Issue-ID: DAHTOOL-54
Signed-off-by: Shaun Ruffell <sruffell@digium.com>

git-svn-id: http://svn.astersk.org/svn/dahdi/tools/trunk@10214 17933a7a-c749-41c5-a318-cba88f637d49
2011-09-29 17:00:51 +00:00

417 lines
11 KiB

package Dahdi::Span;
# Written by Oron Peled <oron@actcom.co.il>
# Copyright (C) 2007, Xorcom
# This program is free software; you can redistribute and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
# $Id$
use strict;
use Dahdi::Utils;
use Dahdi::Chans;
=head1 NAME
Dahdi::Spans - Perl interface to a Dahdi span information
This package allows access from perl to information about a Dahdi
channel. It is part of the Dahdi Perl package.
A span is a logical unit of Dahdi channels. Normally a port in a
digital card or a whole analog card.
See documentation of module L<Dahdi> for usage example. Specifically
C<Dahdi::spans()> must be run initially.
=head1 by_number()
Get a span by its Dahdi span number.
=head1 Span Properties
=head2 num()
The span number.
=head2 name()
The name field of a Dahdi span. E.g.:
=head2 description()
The description field of the span. e.g:
"T2XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 1" HDB3/CCS/CRC4 RED
=head2 chans()
The list of the channels (L<Dahdi::Chan> objects) of this span.
In a scalar context returns the number of channels this span has.
=head2 bchans()
Likewise a list of bchannels (or a count in a scalar context).
=head2 is_sync_master()
Is this span the source of timing for Dahdi?
=head2 type()
Type of span, or "UNKNOWN" if could not be detected. Current known
=head2 is_pri()
Is this an E1/J1/T1 span?
=head2 is_bri()
Is this a BRI span?
=head2 is_digital()
Is this a digital (as opposed to analog) span?
=head2 termtype()
Set for digital spans. "TE" or "NT". Will probably be assumed to be "TE"
if there's no information pointing either way.
=head2 coding()
Suggested sane coding type (e.g.: "hdb3", "b8zs") for this type of span.
=head2 framing()
Suggested sane framing type (e.g.: "ccs", "esf") for this type of span.
=head2 yellow(), crc4()
Likewise, suggestions ofr the respective fields in the span= line in
/etc/dahdi/system.conf for this span.
=head2 signalling()
Suggested chan_dahdi.conf signalling for channels of this span.
=head2 switchtype()
Suggested chan_dahdi.conf switchtype for channels of this span.
=head1 Note
Most of those properties are normally used as lower-case functions, but
actually set in the module as capital-letter propeties. To look at e.g.
"signalling" is set, look for "SIGNALLING".
sub chans($) {
my $span = shift;
return @{$span->{CHANS}};
sub by_number($) {
my $span_number = shift;
die "Missing span number" unless defined $span_number;
my @spans = Dahdi::spans();
my ($span) = grep { $_->num == $span_number } @spans;
return $span;
my @bri_strings = (
'(?:quad|octo)BRI PCI ISDN Card.* \[(NT|TE)\]',
'octoBRI \[(NT|TE)\] ',
'HFC-S PCI A ISDN.* \[(NT|TE)\] ',
'(B4XXP) \(PCI\) Card', # Use dahdi_scan to determine TE/NT mode
'(WCBRI)', # has selectable NT/TE modes via dahdi_cfg
my @pri_strings = (
'Tormenta 2 .*Quad (E1|T1)', # tor2.
'Xorcom XPD.*: (E1|T1)', # Astribank PRI
'Digium Wildcard .100P (T1|E1)/', # wct1xxp
'ISA Tormenta Span 1', # torisa
'TE110P T1/E1', # wcte11xp
'Wildcard TE120P', # wcte12xp
'Wildcard TE121', # wcte12xp
'Wildcard TE122', # wcte12xp
'T[24]XXP \(PCI\) Card ', # wct4xxp
'R[24]T1 \(PCI\) Card', # rxt1
'Rhino R1T1 (E1)/PRA Card', # r1t1
'Rhino R1T1 (T1)/PRI Card', # r1t1
'WP(E1|T1)/.* "wanpipe', # Sangoma E1/T1
my @soft_term_type_strings = (
'Xorcom XPD.*: (E1|T1)', # Astribank PRI
'(WCBRI)', # has selectable NT/TE modes via dahdi_cfg
our $DAHDI_BRI_NET = 'bri_net';
our $DAHDI_BRI_CPE = 'bri_cpe';
our $DAHDI_PRI_NET = 'pri_net';
our $DAHDI_PRI_CPE = 'pri_cpe';
sub init_proto($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $proto = shift;
$self->{PROTO} = $proto;
if($proto eq 'E1') {
$self->{DCHAN_IDX} = 15;
$self->{BCHAN_LIST} = [ 0 .. 14, 16 .. 30 ];
} elsif($proto eq 'T1') {
$self->{DCHAN_IDX} = 23;
$self->{BCHAN_LIST} = [ 0 .. 22 ];
$self->{TYPE} = "${proto}_$self->{TERMTYPE}";
sub get_digital_spantype {
my $span_no = shift;
my @lines = split /\n/, `dahdi_scan`;
my $found_span = 0;
foreach my $line (@lines) {
if (! $found_span) {
if ($line =~ m/\[$span_no\]/) {
$found_span = 1;
} else {
if ($line !~ m/^\[/) {
if ($line =~ m/digital-(TE|NT)/ ){
return $1;
} else {
$found_span = 0;
die "Cannot determine digital spantype";
sub new($$) {
my $pack = shift or die "Wasn't called as a class method\n";
my $proc_file = shift or die "Missing a proc file parameter\n";
$proc_file =~ m{[^/]*/(\d+)$};
my $num = $1 or die " Invalid span file name: $proc_file\n";
my $self = { NUM => $num };
bless $self, $pack;
$self->{TYPE} = "UNKNOWN";
open(F, "$proc_file") or die "Failed to open '$proc_file\n";
my $head = <F>;
chomp $head;
$self->{IS_DIGITAL} = 0;
$self->{IS_BRI} = 0;
$self->{IS_PRI} = 0;
$self->{TERMTYPE} = "UNKNOWN";
foreach my $cardtype (@bri_strings) {
if($head =~ m/$cardtype/) {
my $termtype = $1;
if ($1 eq 'B4XXP') {
$termtype = get_digital_spantype($num);
if ($1 eq 'WCBRI') {
$termtype = 'TE';
$self->{IS_DIGITAL} = 1;
$self->{IS_BRI} = 1;
$self->{TERMTYPE} = $termtype;
$self->{TYPE} = "BRI_$termtype";
$self->{DCHAN_IDX} = 2;
$self->{BCHAN_LIST} = [ 0, 1 ];
foreach my $cardtype (@pri_strings) {
if($head =~ m/$cardtype/) {
my @info;
push(@info, $1) if defined $1;
push(@info, $2) if defined $2;
my ($proto) = grep(/(E1|T1|J1)/, @info);
$proto = 'UNKNOWN' unless defined $proto;
my ($termtype) = grep(/(NT|TE)/, @info);
$termtype = 'UNKNOWN' unless defined $termtype;
$self->{IS_DIGITAL} = 1;
$self->{IS_PRI} = 1;
$self->{TERMTYPE} = $termtype;
$self->{IS_SOFT_TERM_TYPE} = 0;
foreach my $cardtype (@soft_term_type_strings) {
if($head =~ m/$cardtype/) {
$self->{IS_SOFT_TERM_TYPE} = 1;
if (($self->is_soft_term_type == 0) and ($self->termtype eq "UNKNOWN")) {
$self->{IS_SOFT_TERM_TYPE} = 1;
($self->{NAME}, $self->{DESCRIPTION}) = (split(/\s+/, $head, 4))[2, 3];
($self->{DESCRIPTION} =~ /\(MASTER\)/) ? 1 : 0;
$self->{CHANS} = [];
my @channels;
my $index = 0;
my @channel_lines = <F>;
foreach (@channel_lines) {
next unless /\S/;
next unless /^\s*\d+/; # must be a real channel string.
my $c = Dahdi::Chans->new($self, $index, $_);
push(@channels, $c);
close F;
if($self->is_pri()) {
# Check for PRI with unknown type strings
if($index == 31) {
if($self->{PROTO} eq 'UNKNOWN') {
} elsif($self->{PROTO} ne 'E1') {
die "$index channels in a $self->{PROTO} span";
} elsif($index == 24) {
if($self->{PROTO} eq 'UNKNOWN') {
$self->init_proto('T1'); # FIXME: J1?
} elsif($self->{PROTO} ne 'T1') {
die "$index channels in a $self->{PROTO} span";
@channels = sort { $a->num <=> $b->num } @channels;
$self->{CHANS} = \@channels;
$self->{YELLOW} = undef;
$self->{CRC4} = undef;
$self->{SOFTNTTE} = undef;
$self->{TERMINATION} = undef;
if($self->is_bri()) {
$self->{CODING} = 'ami';
$self->{DCHAN} = ($self->chans())[$self->{DCHAN_IDX}];
$self->{BCHANS} = [ ($self->chans())[@{$self->{BCHAN_LIST}}] ];
# Infer some info from channel name:
my $first_chan = ($self->chans())[0] || die "$0: No channels in span #$num\n";
my $chan_fqn = $first_chan->fqn();
if($chan_fqn =~ m(ZTHFC.*/|ztqoz.*/|XPP_BRI_.*|B4/.*|WCBRI/.*)) { # BRI
if($chan_fqn =~ m(WCBRI/.*)) { # make sure to set termination resistors on hybrid cards
$self->{TERMINATION} = 'term';
$self->{SOFTNTTE} = 'te';
$self->{FRAMING} = 'ccs';
$self->{SWITCHTYPE} = 'euroisdn';
$self->{SIGNALLING} = ($self->{TERMTYPE} eq 'NT') ? $DAHDI_BRI_NET : $DAHDI_BRI_CPE ;
} elsif($chan_fqn =~ m(ztgsm.*/)) { # Junghanns's GSM cards.
$self->{FRAMING} = 'ccs';
$self->{SIGNALLING} = 'gsm';
if($self->is_pri()) {
$self->{DCHAN} = ($self->chans())[$self->{DCHAN_IDX}];
$self->{BCHANS} = [ ($self->chans())[@{$self->{BCHAN_LIST}}] ];
if($self->{PROTO} eq 'E1') {
$self->{CODING} = 'hdb3';
$self->{FRAMING} = 'ccs';
$self->{SWITCHTYPE} = 'euroisdn';
$self->{CRC4} = 'crc4';
} elsif($self->{PROTO} eq 'T1') {
$self->{CODING} = 'b8zs';
$self->{FRAMING} = 'esf';
$self->{SWITCHTYPE} = 'national';
} else {
die "'$self->{PROTO}' unsupported yet";
return $self;
sub bchans($) {
my $self = shift || die;
return @{$self->{BCHANS}};
sub set_termtype($$) {
my $span = shift || die;
my $termtype = shift || die;
$span->{TERMTYPE} = $termtype;
if ($span->is_pri) {
$span->{SIGNALLING} = ($termtype eq 'NT') ? $DAHDI_PRI_NET : $DAHDI_PRI_CPE ;
} elsif ($span->is_bri) {
$span->{SIGNALLING} = ($termtype eq 'NT') ? $DAHDI_BRI_NET : $DAHDI_BRI_CPE ;
$span->{TYPE} = $span->proto . "_$termtype";
sub pri_set_fromconfig($$) {
my $span = shift || die;
my $genconf = shift || die;
my $name = $span->name;
return unless $span->is_soft_term_type;
# if(defined $termtype) {
# die "Termtype for $name already defined as $termtype\n";
# }
my $pri_termtype = $genconf->{pri_termtype};
my @pri_specs;
if(defined $pri_termtype) {
@pri_specs = @{$pri_termtype};
push(@pri_specs , 'SPAN/* TE'); # Default
my @patlist = ( "SPAN/" . $span->num );
my $xpd = Dahdi::Xpp::xpd_of_span($span);
if(defined $xpd) {
my $xbus = $xpd->xbus;
my $xbus_name = $xbus->name;
my $xpd_name = "XPD-" . $xpd->id;
my $label = $xbus->label;
my $connector = $xbus->connector;
#print "DEBUG: '$xbus_name/$xpd_name' LABEL='$label' CONNECTOR='$connector'\n";
push(@patlist, "NUM/$xbus_name/$xpd_name");
push(@patlist, "LABEL/$label/$xpd_name");
push(@patlist, "CONNECTOR/$connector/$xpd_name");
#print STDERR "PATLIST=@patlist\n";
my $match_termtype;
for(my $i = 0; $i < @pri_specs; $i++) {
my $spec = $pri_specs[$i];
#print STDERR "spec: $spec\n";
my ($match, $termtype) = split(/\s+/, $spec);
next unless defined $match and defined $termtype;
# Convert "globs" to regex
$match =~ s/\*/.*/g;
$match =~ s/\?/./g;
#print STDERR "match: $match\n";
foreach my $pattern (@patlist) {
#print STDERR "testmatch: $pattern =~ $match\n";
if($pattern =~ /^$match$/) {
#print STDERR "MATCH '$pattern' ~ '$match' termtype=$termtype\n";
$match_termtype = $termtype;
last SPEC;
die "Unknown pri_termtype" unless defined $match_termtype;