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* Copyright (c) 2002 - 2004, Adaptive Digital Technologies, Inc.
* File Name: GpakErrs.h
* Description:
* This file contains DSP reply status codes used by G.PAK API functions to
* indicate specific errors.
* Version: 1.0
* Revision History:
* 10/17/01 - Initial release.
* 07/03/02 - Updates for conferencing.
* 06/15/04 - Tone type updates.
* This program has been released under the terms of the GPL version 2 by
* permission of Adaptive Digital Technologies, Inc.
* See for more information about
* the Asterisk project. Please do not directly contact
* any of the maintainers of this project for assistance;
* the project provides a web site, mailing lists and IRC
* channels for your use.
* This program is free software, distributed under the terms of
* the GNU General Public License Version 2 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation. See the LICENSE file included with
* this program for more details.
#ifndef _GPAKERRS_H /* prevent multiple inclusion */
#define _GPAKERRS_H
/* Configure Serial Ports reply status codes. */
typedef enum
Pc_Success = 0, /* serial ports configured successfully */
Pc_ChannelsActive = 1, /* unable to configure while channels active */
Pc_TooManySlots1 = 2, /* too many slots selected for port 1 */
Pc_InvalidBlockCombo1 = 3, /* invalid combination of blocks for port 1 */
Pc_NoSlots1 = 4, /* no slots selected for port 1 */
Pc_InvalidSlots1 = 5, /* invalid slot (> max) selected for port 1 */
Pc_TooManySlots2 = 6, /* too many slots selected for port 2 */
Pc_InvalidBlockCombo2 = 7, /* invalid combination of blocks for port 2 */
Pc_NoSlots2 = 8, /* no slots selected for port 2 */
Pc_InvalidSlots2 = 9, /* invalid slot (> max) selected for port 2 */
Pc_TooManySlots3 = 10, /* too many slots selected for port 3 */
Pc_InvalidBlockCombo3 = 11, /* invalid combination of blocks for port 3 */
Pc_NoSlots3 = 12, /* no slots selected for port 3 */
Pc_InvalidSlots3 = 13 /* invalid slot (> max) selected for port 3 */
} GPAK_PortConfigStat_t;
/* Configure Channel reply status codes. */
typedef enum
Cc_Success = 0, /* channel configured successfully */
Cc_InvalidChannelType = 1, /* invalid Channel Type */
Cc_InvalidChannel = 2, /* invalid Channel A Id */
Cc_ChannelActiveA = 3, /* Channel A is currently active */
Cc_InvalidInputPortA = 4, /* invalid Input A Port */
Cc_InvalidInputSlotA = 5, /* invalid Input A Slot */
Cc_BusyInputSlotA = 6, /* busy Input A Slot */
Cc_InvalidOutputPortA = 7, /* invalid Output A Port */
Cc_InvalidOutputSlotA = 8, /* invalid Output A Slot */
Cc_BusyOutputSlotA = 9, /* busy Output A Slot */
Cc_InvalidInputPortB = 10, /* invalid Input B Port */
Cc_InvalidInputSlotB = 11, /* invalid Input B Slot */
Cc_BusyInputSlotB = 12, /* busy Input B Slot */
Cc_InvalidPktInCodingA = 13, /* invalid Packet In A Coding */
Cc_InvalidPktOutCodingA = 14, /* invalid Packet Out A Coding */
Cc_InvalidPktInSizeA = 15, /* invalid Packet In A Frame Size */
Cc_InvalidPktOutSizeA = 16, /* invalid Packet Out A Frame Size */
Cc_ChanTypeNotConfigured = 21, /* channel type was not configured */
Cc_InsuffECResources = 22, /* insufficient ecan resources avail. */
Cc_InsuffTDMResources = 23, /* insufficient tdm block resources avail. */
Cc_InsuffPktBufResources = 25, /* insufficient pkt buffer resources avail. */
Cc_InsuffPcmBufResources = 26, /* insufficient pcm buffer resources avail. */
Cc_BadPcmEcNlpType = 30, /* invalid EC Nlp type */
Cc_BadPcmEcTapLength = 31, /* invalid EC tap length */
Cc_BadPcmEcDblTalkThresh = 32, /* invalid EC double-talk threshold */
Cc_BadPcmEcNlpThreshold = 33, /* invalid EC Nlp threshold */
Cc_BadPcmEcCngThreshold = 34, /* invalid EC Cng threshold */
Cc_BadPcmEcAdaptLimit = 35, /* invalid EC Adapt Limit */
Cc_BadPcmEcCrossCorrLim = 36, /* invalid EC Cross Correlation Limit */
Cc_BadPcmEcNumFirSegs = 37, /* invalid EC Number of FirSegments */
Cc_BadPcmEcFirSegLen = 38, /* invalid EC Fir Segment Length */
/*Cc_InvalidNumEcsEnabled = 48, */ /* more than 1 Ec enabled on channel */
Cc_InvalidFrameRate = 49, /* invalid gpak frame rate */
Cc_InvalidSoftCompand = 50, /* invalid softCompanding type */
Cc_InvalidMuteToneA = 51, /* invalid MuteToneA set, no detector */
Cc_InvalidMuteToneB = 52, /* invalid MuteToneB set, no detector */
Cc_InsuffFaxCngDetResources = 53, /* insufficient tdm block resources avail. */
Cc_PortDmaNotStarted = 54, /* SerialPort not ready */
Cc_ChannelDebugActive = 55, /* Debug Channel is not active */
Cc_ChannelDebugEnabled = 56 /* Channel already been debugged */
} GPAK_ChannelConfigStat_t;
/* Tear Down Channel reply status codes. */
typedef enum
Td_Success = 0, /* channel torn down successfully */
Td_InvalidChannel = 1, /* invalid Channel Id */
Td_ChannelNotActive = 2 /* channel is not active */
} GPAK_TearDownChanStat_t;
typedef enum
Ac_Success = 0, /* algorithm control is successfull */
Ac_InvalidChannel = 1, /* invalid channel identifier */
Ac_InvalidCode = 2, /* invalid algorithm control code */
Ac_ECNotEnabled = 3, /* echo canceller was not allocated */
Ac_InvalidSoftComp = 4, /* invalid softcompanding, 'cause serial port not in companding mode */
Ac_InvalidDTMFMuteA = 5, /* A side invalid Mute, since no dtmf detector */
Ac_InvalidDTMFMuteB = 6, /* B side invalid Mute, since no dtmf detector */
Ac_InvalidFaxCngA = 7, /* A side FAXCNG detector not available */
Ac_InvalidFaxCngB = 8, /* B side FAXCNG detector not available */
Ac_InvalidSysConfig = 9 /* No new system parameters (DTMF config) wrriten yet */
} GPAK_AlgControlStat_t;
/* Write System Parameters reply status codes. */
typedef enum
Sp_Success = 0, /* System Parameters written successfully */
Sp_BadTwistThresh = 29 /* invalid twist threshold */
} GPAK_SysParmsStat_t;
#endif /* prevent multiple inclusion */