/* * Written by Oron Peled * Copyright (C) 2004-2006, Xorcom * * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #include #include #include #include "xdefs.h" #include "xpd.h" #include "xpp_dahdi.h" #include "xproto.h" #include "dahdi_debug.h" #include "xbus-core.h" #include "parport_debug.h" static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; DEF_PARM(charp, initdir, "/usr/share/dahdi", 0644, "The directory of card initialization scripts"); #define CHIP_REGISTERS "chipregs" extern int debug; /*---------------- GLOBAL PROC handling -----------------------------------*/ static int send_magic_request(xbus_t *xbus, unsigned unit, xportno_t portno, bool eoftx) { xframe_t *xframe; xpacket_t *pack; reg_cmd_t *reg_cmd; int ret; /* * Zero length multibyte is legal and has special meaning for the * firmware: * eoftx==1: Start sending us D-channel packets. * eoftx==0: Stop sending us D-channel packets. */ XFRAME_NEW_CMD(xframe, pack, xbus, GLOBAL, REGISTER_REQUEST, unit); reg_cmd = &RPACKET_FIELD(pack, GLOBAL, REGISTER_REQUEST, reg_cmd); reg_cmd->bytes = 0; reg_cmd->is_multibyte = 1; reg_cmd->portnum = portno; reg_cmd->eoframe = eoftx; PORT_DBG(REGS, xbus, unit, portno, "Magic Packet (eoftx=%d)\n", eoftx); if (debug & DBG_REGS) dump_xframe(__func__, xbus, xframe, debug); ret = send_cmd_frame(xbus, xframe); if (ret < 0) PORT_ERR(xbus, unit, portno, "%s: failed sending xframe\n", __func__); return ret; } static int parse_hexbyte(const char *buf) { char *endp; unsigned val; val = simple_strtoul(buf, &endp, 16); if (*endp != '\0' || val > 0xFF) return -EBADR; return (__u8)val; } static int execute_chip_command(xpd_t *xpd, const int argc, char *argv[]) { int argno; char num_args; int portno; bool writing; int op; /* [W]rite, [R]ead */ int addr_mode; /* [D]irect, [I]ndirect, [Mm]ulti */ bool do_subreg = 0; int regnum; int subreg; int data_low; bool do_datah; int data_high; int ret = -EBADR; num_args = 2; /* port + operation */ if (argc < num_args) { XPD_ERR(xpd, "Not enough arguments (%d)\n", argc); XPD_ERR(xpd, "Any Command is composed of at least %d words " "(got only %d)\n", num_args, argc); goto out; } /* Process the arguments */ argno = 0; if (strcmp(argv[argno], "*") == 0) { portno = PORT_BROADCAST; //XPD_DBG(REGS, xpd, "Port broadcast\n"); } else { portno = parse_hexbyte(argv[argno]); if (portno < 0 || portno >= 8) { XPD_ERR(xpd, "Illegal port number '%s'\n", argv[argno]); goto out; } //XPD_DBG(REGS, xpd, "Port is %d\n", portno); } argno++; if (strlen(argv[argno]) != 2) { XPD_ERR(xpd, "Wrong operation codes '%s'\n", argv[argno]); goto out; } op = argv[argno][0]; switch (op) { case 'W': writing = 1; num_args++; /* data low */ //XPD_DBG(REGS, xpd, "WRITING\n"); break; case 'R': writing = 0; //XPD_DBG(REGS, xpd, "READING\n"); break; default: XPD_ERR(xpd, "Unknown operation type '%c'\n", op); goto out; } addr_mode = argv[argno][1]; switch (addr_mode) { case 'I': XPD_NOTICE(xpd, "'I' is deprecated in register commands. " "Use 'S' instead.\n"); /* fall through */ case 'S': do_subreg = 1; num_args += 2; /* register + subreg */ //XPD_DBG(REGS, xpd, "SUBREG\n"); break; case 'D': do_subreg = 0; num_args++; /* register */ //XPD_DBG(REGS, xpd, "DIRECT\n"); break; case 'M': case 'm': if (op != 'W') { XPD_ERR(xpd, "Can use Multibyte (%c) only with op 'W'\n", addr_mode); goto out; } num_args--; /* No data low */ //XPD_DBG(REGS, xpd, "Multibyte (%c)\n", addr_mode); break; default: XPD_ERR(xpd, "Unknown addressing type '%c'\n", addr_mode); goto out; } if (argv[argno][2] != '\0') { XPD_ERR(xpd, "Bad operation field '%s'\n", argv[argno]); goto out; } if (argc < num_args) { XPD_ERR(xpd, "Command \"%s\" is composed of at least %d words " "(got only %d)\n", argv[argno], num_args, argc); goto out; } argno++; if (addr_mode == 'M' || addr_mode == 'm') { if (argno < argc) { XPD_ERR(xpd, "Magic-Multibyte(%c) with %d extra arguments\n", addr_mode, argc - argno); goto out; } ret = send_magic_request(xpd->xbus, xpd->addr.unit, portno, addr_mode == 'm'); goto out; } /* Normal (non-Magic) register commands */ do_datah = 0; if (argno >= argc) { XPD_ERR(xpd, "Missing register number\n"); goto out; } regnum = parse_hexbyte(argv[argno]); if (regnum < 0) { XPD_ERR(xpd, "Illegal register number '%s'\n", argv[argno]); goto out; } //XPD_DBG(REGS, xpd, "Register is %X\n", regnum); argno++; if (do_subreg) { if (argno >= argc) { XPD_ERR(xpd, "Missing subregister number\n"); goto out; } subreg = parse_hexbyte(argv[argno]); if (subreg < 0) { XPD_ERR(xpd, "Illegal subregister number '%s'\n", argv[argno]); goto out; } //XPD_DBG(REGS, xpd, "Subreg is %X\n", subreg); argno++; } else subreg = 0; if (writing) { if (argno >= argc) { XPD_ERR(xpd, "Missing data low number\n"); goto out; } data_low = parse_hexbyte(argv[argno]); if (data_low < 0) { XPD_ERR(xpd, "Illegal data_low number '%s'\n", argv[argno]); goto out; } //XPD_DBG(REGS, xpd, "Data Low is %X\n", data_low); argno++; } else data_low = 0; if (argno < argc) { do_datah = 1; if (!argv[argno]) { XPD_ERR(xpd, "Missing data high number\n"); goto out; } data_high = parse_hexbyte(argv[argno]); if (data_high < 0) { XPD_ERR(xpd, "Illegal data_high number '%s'\n", argv[argno]); goto out; } //XPD_DBG(REGS, xpd, "Data High is %X\n", data_high); argno++; } else data_high = 0; if (argno < argc) { XPD_ERR(xpd, "Command contains an extra %d argument\n", argc - argno); goto out; } #if 0 XPD_DBG(REGS, xpd, "portno=%d writing=%d regnum=%d do_subreg=%d subreg=%d " "dataL=%d do_datah=%d dataH=%d\n", portno, /* portno */ writing, /* writing */ regnum, do_subreg, /* use subreg */ subreg, /* subreg */ data_low, do_datah, /* use data_high */ data_high); #endif ret = xpp_register_request(xpd->xbus, xpd, portno, writing, regnum, do_subreg, subreg, data_low, do_datah, data_high, 1); out: return ret; } #define MAX_ARGS 10 int parse_chip_command(xpd_t *xpd, char *cmdline) { xbus_t *xbus; int ret = -EBADR; __u8 buf[MAX_PROC_WRITE]; char *str; char *p; char *argv[MAX_ARGS + 1]; int argc; int i; BUG_ON(!xpd); xbus = xpd->xbus; if (!XBUS_FLAGS(xbus, CONNECTED)) { XBUS_DBG(GENERAL, xbus, "Dropped packet. Disconnected.\n"); return -EBUSY; } strlcpy(buf, cmdline, MAX_PROC_WRITE); /* Save a copy */ if (buf[0] == '#' || buf[0] == ';') XPD_DBG(REGS, xpd, "Note: '%s'\n", buf); if ((p = strchr(buf, '#')) != NULL) /* Truncate comments */ *p = '\0'; if ((p = strchr(buf, ';')) != NULL) /* Truncate comments */ *p = '\0'; /* Trim leading whitespace */ for (p = buf; *p && (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t'); p++) ; str = p; for (i = 0; (p = strsep(&str, " \t")) != NULL && i < MAX_ARGS;) { if (*p != '\0') { argv[i] = p; // XPD_DBG(REGS, xpd, "ARG %d = '%s'\n", i, p); i++; } } argv[i] = NULL; argc = i; if (p) { XPD_ERR(xpd, "Too many words (%d) to process. Last was '%s'\n", i, p); goto out; } if (argc) ret = execute_chip_command(xpd, argc, argv); else ret = 0; /* empty command - no op */ out: return ret; } /*---------------- GLOBAL Protocol Commands -------------------------------*/ static bool global_packet_is_valid(xpacket_t *pack); static void global_packet_dump(const char *msg, xpacket_t *pack); /*---------------- GLOBAL: HOST COMMANDS ----------------------------------*/ /* 0x07 */ HOSTCMD(GLOBAL, AB_REQUEST) { int ret = -ENODEV; xframe_t *xframe; xpacket_t *pack; if (!xbus) { DBG(DEVICES, "NO XBUS\n"); return -EINVAL; } if (xbus_check_unique(xbus)) return -EBUSY; XFRAME_NEW_CMD(xframe, pack, xbus, GLOBAL, AB_REQUEST, 0); RPACKET_FIELD(pack, GLOBAL, AB_REQUEST, rev) = XPP_PROTOCOL_VERSION; RPACKET_FIELD(pack, GLOBAL, AB_REQUEST, reserved) = 0; XBUS_DBG(DEVICES, xbus, "Protocol Version %d\n", XPP_PROTOCOL_VERSION); if (xbus_setstate(xbus, XBUS_STATE_SENT_REQUEST)) ret = send_cmd_frame(xbus, xframe); return ret; } int xpp_register_request(xbus_t *xbus, xpd_t *xpd, xportno_t portno, bool writing, __u8 regnum, bool do_subreg, __u8 subreg, __u8 data_low, bool do_datah, __u8 data_high, bool should_reply) { int ret = 0; xframe_t *xframe; xpacket_t *pack; reg_cmd_t *reg_cmd; if (!xbus) { DBG(REGS, "NO XBUS\n"); return -EINVAL; } XFRAME_NEW_CMD(xframe, pack, xbus, GLOBAL, REGISTER_REQUEST, xpd->xbus_idx); LINE_DBG(REGS, xpd, portno, "%c%c %02X %02X %02X %02X\n", (writing) ? 'W' : 'R', (do_subreg) ? 'S' : 'D', regnum, subreg, data_low, data_high); reg_cmd = &RPACKET_FIELD(pack, GLOBAL, REGISTER_REQUEST, reg_cmd); /* do not count the 'bytes' field */ reg_cmd->bytes = sizeof(*reg_cmd) - 1; reg_cmd->is_multibyte = 0; if (portno == PORT_BROADCAST) { reg_cmd->portnum = 0; REG_FIELD(reg_cmd, all_ports_broadcast) = 1; } else { reg_cmd->portnum = portno; REG_FIELD(reg_cmd, all_ports_broadcast) = 0; } reg_cmd->eoframe = 0; REG_FIELD(reg_cmd, reserved) = 0; /* force reserved bits to 0 */ REG_FIELD(reg_cmd, read_request) = (writing) ? 0 : 1; REG_FIELD(reg_cmd, do_subreg) = do_subreg; REG_FIELD(reg_cmd, regnum) = regnum; REG_FIELD(reg_cmd, subreg) = subreg; REG_FIELD(reg_cmd, do_datah) = do_datah; REG_FIELD(reg_cmd, data_low) = data_low; REG_FIELD(reg_cmd, data_high) = data_high; if (should_reply) xpd->requested_reply = *reg_cmd; if (debug & DBG_REGS) { dump_reg_cmd("REG_REQ", 1, xbus, xpd->addr.unit, reg_cmd->portnum, reg_cmd); dump_packet("REG_REQ", pack, 1); } if (!xframe->usec_towait) { /* default processing time of SPI */ if (subreg) xframe->usec_towait = 2000; else xframe->usec_towait = 1000; } ret = send_cmd_frame(xbus, xframe); return ret; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(xpp_register_request); /* * The XPD parameter is totaly ignored by the driver and firmware as well. */ /* 0x19 */ HOSTCMD(GLOBAL, SYNC_SOURCE, enum sync_mode mode, int drift) { xframe_t *xframe; xpacket_t *pack; const char *mode_name; BUG_ON(!xbus); if ((mode_name = sync_mode_name(mode)) == NULL) { XBUS_ERR(xbus, "SYNC_SOURCE: bad sync_mode=0x%X\n", mode); return -EINVAL; } XBUS_DBG(SYNC, xbus, "%s (0x%X), drift=%d\n", mode_name, mode, drift); XFRAME_NEW_CMD(xframe, pack, xbus, GLOBAL, SYNC_SOURCE, 0); RPACKET_FIELD(pack, GLOBAL, SYNC_SOURCE, sync_mode) = mode; RPACKET_FIELD(pack, GLOBAL, SYNC_SOURCE, drift) = drift; send_cmd_frame(xbus, xframe); return 0; } /* * Wrapper for different types of xbus reset */ static int send_xbus_reset(xbus_t *xbus, uint8_t reset_mask) { xframe_t *xframe; xpacket_t *pack; BUG_ON(!xbus); XFRAME_NEW_CMD(xframe, pack, xbus, GLOBAL, XBUS_RESET, 0); RPACKET_FIELD(pack, GLOBAL, XBUS_RESET, mask) = reset_mask; send_cmd_frame(xbus, xframe); return 0; } /* 0x23 */ HOSTCMD(GLOBAL, RESET_SPI) { XBUS_DBG(DEVICES, xbus, "Sending SPI reset\n"); /* toggle reset line */ send_xbus_reset(xbus, 0x04); send_xbus_reset(xbus, 0x00); return 0; } /* 0x23 */ HOSTCMD(GLOBAL, RESET_SYNC_COUNTERS) { //XBUS_DBG(SYNC, xbus, "\n"); return send_xbus_reset(xbus, 0x10); } /*---------------- GLOBAL: Astribank Reply Handlers -----------------------*/ HANDLER_DEF(GLOBAL, NULL_REPLY) { XBUS_DBG(GENERAL, xbus, "got len=%d\n", XPACKET_LEN(pack)); return 0; } HANDLER_DEF(GLOBAL, AB_DESCRIPTION) { /* 0x08 */ struct xbus_workqueue *worker; __u8 rev; struct unit_descriptor *units; int count_units; int i; int ret = 0; if (!xbus) { NOTICE("%s: xbus is gone!!!\n", __func__); goto out; } rev = RPACKET_FIELD(pack, GLOBAL, AB_DESCRIPTION, rev); units = RPACKET_FIELD(pack, GLOBAL, AB_DESCRIPTION, unit_descriptor); count_units = XPACKET_LEN(pack) - ((__u8 *)units - (__u8 *)pack); count_units /= sizeof(*units); if (rev != XPP_PROTOCOL_VERSION) { XBUS_NOTICE(xbus, "Bad protocol version %d (should be %d)\n", rev, XPP_PROTOCOL_VERSION); ret = -EPROTO; goto proto_err; } if (count_units > NUM_UNITS) { XBUS_NOTICE(xbus, "Too many units %d (should be %d)\n", count_units, NUM_UNITS); ret = -EPROTO; goto proto_err; } if (count_units <= 0) { XBUS_NOTICE(xbus, "Empty astribank? (%d units)\n", count_units); ret = -EPROTO; goto proto_err; } if (units[0].addr.unit != 0 || units[0].addr.subunit != 0) { XBUS_NOTICE(xbus, "No first module. Astribank unusable.\n"); ret = -EPROTO; goto proto_err; } if (!xbus_setstate(xbus, XBUS_STATE_RECVD_DESC)) { ret = -EPROTO; goto proto_err; } XBUS_INFO(xbus, "DESCRIPTOR: %d cards, protocol revision %d\n", count_units, rev); if (xbus_check_unique(xbus)) return -EBUSY; xbus->revision = rev; worker = &xbus->worker; if (!worker->wq) { XBUS_ERR(xbus, "missing worker thread\n"); ret = -ENODEV; goto out; } for (i = 0; i < count_units; i++) { struct unit_descriptor *this_unit = &units[i]; struct card_desc_struct *card_desc; unsigned long flags; if ((card_desc = KZALLOC(sizeof(struct card_desc_struct), GFP_ATOMIC)) == NULL) { XBUS_ERR(xbus, "Card description allocation failed.\n"); ret = -ENOMEM; goto out; } card_desc->magic = CARD_DESC_MAGIC; INIT_LIST_HEAD(&card_desc->card_list); card_desc->type = this_unit->type; card_desc->subtype = this_unit->subtype; card_desc->xpd_addr = this_unit->addr; card_desc->numchips = this_unit->numchips; card_desc->ports_per_chip = this_unit->ports_per_chip; card_desc->port_dir = this_unit->port_dir; card_desc->ports = card_desc->numchips * card_desc->ports_per_chip; XBUS_INFO(xbus, " CARD %d type=%d.%d ports=%d (%dx%d), " "port-dir=0x%02X\n", card_desc->xpd_addr.unit, card_desc->type, card_desc->subtype, card_desc->ports, card_desc->numchips, card_desc->ports_per_chip, card_desc->port_dir); spin_lock_irqsave(&worker->worker_lock, flags); worker->num_units++; XBUS_COUNTER(xbus, UNITS)++; list_add_tail(&card_desc->card_list, &worker->card_list); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&worker->worker_lock, flags); } CALL_PROTO(GLOBAL, RESET_SPI, xbus, NULL); if (!xbus_process_worker(xbus)) { ret = -ENODEV; goto out; } goto out; proto_err: xbus_setstate(xbus, XBUS_STATE_FAIL); dump_packet("AB_DESCRIPTION", pack, DBG_ANY); out: return ret; } HANDLER_DEF(GLOBAL, REGISTER_REPLY) { reg_cmd_t *reg = &RPACKET_FIELD(pack, GLOBAL, REGISTER_REPLY, regcmd); if (!xpd) { static int rate_limit; if ((rate_limit++ % 1003) < 5) notify_bad_xpd(__func__, xbus, XPACKET_ADDR(pack), ""); return -EPROTO; } if (debug & DBG_REGS) { dump_reg_cmd("REG_REPLY", 0, xbus, xpd->addr.unit, reg->portnum, reg); dump_packet("REG_REPLY", pack, 1); } if (!XMETHOD(card_register_reply, xpd)) { XPD_ERR(xpd, "REGISTER_REPLY: missing card_register_reply()\n"); return -EINVAL; } return CALL_XMETHOD(card_register_reply, xpd, reg); } HANDLER_DEF(GLOBAL, SYNC_REPLY) { __u8 mode = RPACKET_FIELD(pack, GLOBAL, SYNC_REPLY, sync_mode); __u8 drift = RPACKET_FIELD(pack, GLOBAL, SYNC_REPLY, drift); const char *mode_name; BUG_ON(!xbus); if ((mode_name = sync_mode_name(mode)) == NULL) { XBUS_ERR(xbus, "SYNC_REPLY: bad sync_mode=0x%X\n", mode); return -EINVAL; } XBUS_DBG(SYNC, xbus, "%s (0x%X), drift=%d\n", mode_name, mode, drift); //dump_packet("SYNC_REPLY", pack, debug & DBG_SYNC); got_new_syncer(xbus, mode, drift); return 0; } #define TMP_NAME_LEN (XBUS_NAMELEN + XPD_NAMELEN + 5) HANDLER_DEF(GLOBAL, ERROR_CODE) { char tmp_name[TMP_NAME_LEN]; static long rate_limit; __u8 category_code; __u8 errorbits; BUG_ON(!xbus); if ((rate_limit++ % 5003) > 200) return 0; category_code = RPACKET_FIELD(pack, GLOBAL, ERROR_CODE, category_code); errorbits = RPACKET_FIELD(pack, GLOBAL, ERROR_CODE, errorbits); if (!xpd) { snprintf(tmp_name, TMP_NAME_LEN, "%s(%1d%1d)", xbus->busname, XPACKET_ADDR_UNIT(pack), XPACKET_ADDR_SUBUNIT(pack)); } else { snprintf(tmp_name, TMP_NAME_LEN, "%s/%s", xbus->busname, xpd->xpdname); } NOTICE ("%s: FIRMWARE %s: category=%d errorbits=0x%02X (rate_limit=%ld)\n", tmp_name, cmd->name, category_code, errorbits, rate_limit); dump_packet("FIRMWARE: ", pack, 1); /* * FIXME: Should implement an error recovery plan */ return 0; } xproto_table_t PROTO_TABLE(GLOBAL) = { .entries = { /* Prototable Card Opcode */ XENTRY( GLOBAL, GLOBAL, NULL_REPLY ), XENTRY( GLOBAL, GLOBAL, AB_DESCRIPTION ), XENTRY( GLOBAL, GLOBAL, SYNC_REPLY ), XENTRY( GLOBAL, GLOBAL, ERROR_CODE ), XENTRY( GLOBAL, GLOBAL, REGISTER_REPLY ), }, .name = "GLOBAL", .packet_is_valid = global_packet_is_valid, .packet_dump = global_packet_dump, }; static bool global_packet_is_valid(xpacket_t *pack) { const xproto_entry_t *xe; //DBG(GENERAL, "\n"); xe = xproto_global_entry(XPACKET_OP(pack)); return xe != NULL; } static void global_packet_dump(const char *msg, xpacket_t *pack) { DBG(GENERAL, "%s\n", msg); } #define MAX_PATH_STR 128 #ifndef UMH_WAIT_PROC /* * - UMH_WAIT_PROC was introduced as enum in 2.6.23 * with a value of 1 * - It was changed to a macro (and it's value was modified) in 3.3.0 */ #define UMH_WAIT_PROC 1 #endif int run_initialize_registers(xpd_t *xpd) { int ret; xbus_t *xbus; char busstr[MAX_ENV_STR]; char busnumstr[MAX_ENV_STR]; char modelstr[MAX_ENV_STR]; char unitstr[MAX_ENV_STR]; char subunitsstr[MAX_ENV_STR]; char typestr[MAX_ENV_STR]; char directionstr[MAX_ENV_STR]; char revstr[MAX_ENV_STR]; char connectorstr[MAX_ENV_STR]; char xbuslabel[MAX_ENV_STR]; char init_card[MAX_PATH_STR]; __u8 direction_mask; int i; char *argv[] = { init_card, NULL }; char *envp[] = { busstr, busnumstr, modelstr, unitstr, subunitsstr, typestr, directionstr, revstr, connectorstr, xbuslabel, NULL }; BUG_ON(!xpd); xbus = xpd->xbus; if (!initdir || !initdir[0]) { XPD_NOTICE(xpd, "Missing initdir parameter\n"); ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } if (!xpd_setstate(xpd, XPD_STATE_INIT_REGS)) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } direction_mask = 0; for (i = 0; i < xpd->subunits; i++) { xpd_t *su = xpd_byaddr(xbus, xpd->addr.unit, i); if (!su) { XPD_ERR(xpd, "Have %d subunits, but not subunit #%d\n", xpd->subunits, i); continue; } direction_mask |= (PHONEDEV(su).direction == TO_PHONE) ? BIT(i) : 0; } snprintf(busstr, MAX_ENV_STR, "XBUS_NAME=%s", xbus->busname); snprintf(busnumstr, MAX_ENV_STR, "XBUS_NUMBER=%d", xbus->num); snprintf(modelstr, MAX_ENV_STR, "XBUS_MODEL_STRING=%s", xbus->transport.model_string); snprintf(unitstr, MAX_ENV_STR, "UNIT_NUMBER=%d", xpd->addr.unit); snprintf(typestr, MAX_ENV_STR, "UNIT_TYPE=%d", xpd->type); snprintf(subunitsstr, MAX_ENV_STR, "UNIT_SUBUNITS=%d", xpd->subunits); snprintf(directionstr, MAX_ENV_STR, "UNIT_SUBUNITS_DIR=%d", direction_mask); snprintf(revstr, MAX_ENV_STR, "XBUS_REVISION=%d", xbus->revision); snprintf(connectorstr, MAX_ENV_STR, "XBUS_CONNECTOR=%s", xbus->connector); snprintf(xbuslabel, MAX_ENV_STR, "XBUS_LABEL=%s", xbus->label); if (snprintf (init_card, MAX_PATH_STR, "%s/init_card_%d_%d", initdir, xpd->type, xbus->revision) > MAX_PATH_STR) { XPD_NOTICE(xpd, "Cannot initialize. pathname is longer " "than %d characters.\n", MAX_PATH_STR); ret = -E2BIG; goto err; } if (!XBUS_IS(xbus, RECVD_DESC)) { XBUS_ERR(xbus, "Skipped register initialization. In state %s.\n", xbus_statename(XBUS_STATE(xbus))); ret = -ENODEV; goto err; } XPD_DBG(DEVICES, xpd, "running '%s' for type=%d revision=%d\n", init_card, xpd->type, xbus->revision); ret = call_usermodehelper(init_card, argv, envp, UMH_WAIT_PROC); /* * Carefully report results */ if (ret == 0) XPD_DBG(DEVICES, xpd, "'%s' finished OK\n", init_card); else if (ret < 0) { XPD_ERR(xpd, "Failed running '%s' (errno %d)\n", init_card, ret); } else { __u8 exitval = ((unsigned)ret >> 8) & 0xFF; __u8 sigval = ret & 0xFF; if (!exitval) { XPD_ERR(xpd, "'%s' killed by signal %d\n", init_card, sigval); } else { XPD_ERR(xpd, "'%s' aborted with exitval %d\n", init_card, exitval); } ret = -EINVAL; } err: return ret; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(run_initialize_registers);