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File: oct6100_channel_inst.h
Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Octasic Inc.
File containing all defines, macros, and structures pertaining to the file
oct6100_channel.c. All elements defined in this file are for public
usage of the API. All private elements are defined in the
oct6100_channel_priv.h file.
This file is part of the Octasic OCT6100 GPL API . The OCT6100 GPL API is
free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The OCT6100 GPL API is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with the OCT6100 GPL API; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
$Octasic_Release: OCT612xAPI-01.00-PR49 $
$Octasic_Revision: 90 $
#ifndef __OCT6100_CHANNEL_INST_H__
#define __OCT6100_CHANNEL_INST_H__
/***************************** INCLUDE FILES *******************************/
/***************************** DEFINES *************************************/
/***************************** TYPES ***************************************/
typedef struct _OCT6100_API_CHANNEL_TDM_
/* Laws. */
UINT8 byRinPcmLaw;
UINT8 bySinPcmLaw;
UINT8 byRoutPcmLaw;
UINT8 bySoutPcmLaw;
/* RIN port. */
UINT16 usRinTimeslot;
UINT16 usRinStream;
/* SIN port. */
UINT16 usSinTimeslot;
UINT16 usSinStream;
/* ROUT port. */
UINT16 usRoutTimeslot;
UINT16 usRoutStream;
/* SOUT port. */
UINT16 usSoutTimeslot;
UINT16 usSoutStream;
/* ROUT broadcast info. */
UINT16 usRoutBrdcastTsstFirstEntry;
UINT16 usRoutBrdcastTsstNumEntry;
/* SOUT broadcast info. */
UINT16 usSoutBrdcastTsstFirstEntry;
UINT16 usSoutBrdcastTsstNumEntry;
UINT8 byRinNumTssts;
UINT8 bySinNumTssts;
UINT8 byRoutNumTssts;
UINT8 bySoutNumTssts;
typedef struct _OCT6100_API_CHANNEL_VQE_
UINT8 fEnableNlp;
UINT8 fEnableTailDisplacement;
UINT16 usTailDisplacement;
UINT16 usTailLength;
UINT8 fSinDcOffsetRemoval;
UINT8 fRinDcOffsetRemoval;
UINT8 fRinLevelControl;
UINT8 fSoutLevelControl;
UINT8 fRinAutomaticLevelControl;
UINT8 fSoutAutomaticLevelControl;
OCT_INT8 chRinAutomaticLevelControlTargetDb;
OCT_INT8 chSoutAutomaticLevelControlTargetDb;
UINT8 fRinHighLevelCompensation;
OCT_INT8 chRinHighLevelCompensationThresholdDb;
UINT8 bySoutAutomaticListenerEnhancementGainDb;
UINT8 fSoutNaturalListenerEnhancement;
UINT8 fSoutAdaptiveNoiseReduction;
UINT8 fDtmfToneRemoval;
UINT8 fAcousticEcho;
UINT8 byComfortNoiseMode;
UINT8 byNonLinearityBehaviorA;
UINT8 byNonLinearityBehaviorB;
OCT_INT8 chRinLevelControlGainDb;
OCT_INT8 chSoutLevelControlGainDb;
OCT_INT8 chDefaultErlDb;
OCT_INT8 chAecDefaultErlDb;
UINT8 fRoutNoiseReduction;
OCT_INT8 chRoutNoiseReductionLevelGainDb;
OCT_INT8 chAnrSnrEnhancementDb;
UINT8 fEnableMusicProtection;
UINT8 fIdleCodeDetection;
UINT8 byAnrVoiceNoiseSegregation;
UINT8 bySoutNaturalListenerEnhancementGainDb;
UINT16 usToneDisablerVqeActivationDelay;
UINT16 usAecTailLength;
UINT8 byDoubleTalkBehavior;
UINT8 fSoutNoiseBleaching;
UINT8 fSoutConferencingNoiseReduction;
typedef struct _OCT6100_API_CHANNEL_CODEC_
UINT8 byAdpcmNibblePosition;
UINT8 fEnableSilenceSuppression;
UINT8 byEncoderPort;
UINT8 byEncodingRate;
UINT8 byDecoderPort;
UINT8 byDecodingRate;
UINT8 byPhase;
UINT8 byPhasingType;
typedef struct _OCT6100_API_CHANNEL_
/* Channel configuration. */
/* Flag specifying whether the entry is used or not. */
UINT8 fReserved;
/* Count used to manage entry handles allocated to user. */
UINT8 byEntryOpenCnt;
/* Is this a bidirectionnal channel? */
UINT8 fBiDirChannel;
/* Enable tone disabler? */
UINT8 fEnableToneDisabler;
/* TSI chariot memory entry for the Rin/Rout stream. */
UINT16 usRinRoutTsiMemIndex;
/* TSI chariot memory entry for the Sin/Sout stream. */
UINT16 usSinSoutTsiMemIndex;
/* Additional TSI entry used to temporarily store the SIN signal. */
UINT16 usExtraSinTsiMemIndex;
UINT16 usExtraSinTsiDependencyCnt;
/* Additional TSI entry used to temporarily store the RIN signal. */
UINT16 usExtraRinTsiMemIndex;
UINT16 usExtraRinTsiDependencyCnt;
/* Conversion chariot memory entry. */
UINT16 usRinRoutConversionMemIndex;
UINT16 usSinSoutConversionMemIndex;
/* TSST control memory entry. */
UINT16 usRinTsstIndex;
UINT16 usSinTsstIndex;
UINT16 usRoutTsstIndex;
UINT16 usSoutTsstIndex;
/* SSPX memory entry. */
UINT16 usEchoMemIndex;
/* Active mixer events count to test for last event. */
UINT16 usMixerEventCnt;
/* User channel ID, transparently passed to the user. */
UINT32 ulUserChanId;
/* Copy events. */
UINT16 usSinCopyEventIndex;
UINT16 usSoutCopyEventIndex;
/* Silence events. */
UINT16 usRinSilenceEventIndex;
UINT16 usSinSilenceEventIndex;
/* TDM configuration. */
/* VQE configuration. */
/* Current echo operation mode. */
UINT8 byEchoOperationMode;
/* Currently muted ports. */
UINT16 usMutedPorts;
/* Statistics section. */
INT16 sComfortNoiseLevel;
UINT16 usCurrentEchoDelay;
UINT16 usMaxEchoDelay;
UINT16 usNumEchoPathChanges;
UINT16 usNumEchoPathChangesOfst;
INT16 sCurrentERL;
INT16 sCurrentERLE;
INT16 sMaxERL;
INT16 sRinLevel;
INT16 sSinLevel;
INT16 sRinAppliedGain;
INT16 sSoutAppliedGain;
UINT8 byToneDisablerStatus;
/* Bridge information. */
UINT16 usBridgeIndex;
UINT8 fMute;
UINT8 fTap;
UINT8 fBeingTapped;
UINT8 fCopyEventCreated;
UINT16 usLoadEventIndex;
UINT16 usSubStoreEventIndex;
UINT16 usFlexConfParticipantIndex;
UINT16 usTapBridgeIndex;
UINT16 usTapChanIndex;
/* Buffer playout information. */
UINT32 ulRinBufWritePtr;
UINT32 ulRinBufSkipPtr;
UINT8 fSoutBufPlaying;
UINT8 fRinBufPlaying;
UINT8 fRinBufPlayoutNotifyOnStop;
UINT8 fRinBufPlayoutRepeatUsed;
UINT32 ulSoutBufWritePtr;
UINT32 ulSoutBufSkipPtr;
UINT8 fSoutBufPlayoutNotifyOnStop;
UINT8 fSoutBufPlayoutRepeatUsed;
UINT8 fRinHardStop;
UINT8 fSoutHardStop;
UINT32 ulRinUserBufPlayoutEventId;
UINT32 ulSoutUserBufPlayoutEventId;
UINT8 byRinPlayoutStopEventType;
UINT8 bySoutPlayoutStopEventType;
UINT8 fRinBufAdded;
UINT8 fSoutBufAdded;
UINT8 fBufPlayoutActive;
/* Copy events information. */
/* Number of copy events created. */
UINT16 usCopyEventCnt;
/* Extended tone detection info. */
/* Enable extended tone detection. */
UINT8 fEnableExtToneDetection;
UINT16 usExtToneChanIndex;
UINT16 usExtToneMixerIndex;
UINT16 usExtToneTsiIndex;
/* Mode of operation of the channel based on the extended tone detection configuration. */
UINT32 ulExtToneChanMode;
/* Tone detection state. */
/* This array is configured as follow. */
/* Index 0 contain event 0 to 31 and Index 1 contains event 32 - 55 */
UINT32 aulToneConf[ 2 ];
UINT32 ulLastSSToneDetected;
UINT32 ulLastSSToneTimestamp;
/* Index of the phasing TSST */
UINT16 usPhasingTsstIndex;
/* State of the codec structure associated to this channel. */
UINT8 fSinSoutCodecActive;
UINT8 fRinRoutCodecActive;
/* Codec configuration. */
/* Nlp Conf Dword, index 0 contains the dword where the dword is located. and
index 1 is the actual value of the dword.*/
UINT32 aulNlpConfDword[ cOCT6100_MAX_NLP_CONF_DWORD ][ 2 ];
typedef struct _OCT6100_API_BIDIR_CHANNEL_
UINT16 usFirstChanIndex;
UINT16 usSecondChanIndex;
/* Flag specifying whether the entry is used or not. */
UINT8 fReserved;
/* Count used to manage entry handles allocated to user. */
UINT8 byEntryOpenCnt;
#endif /* __OCT6100_CHANNEL_INST_H__ */