Fix UPGRADE.txt Due To Merging From Branch 11

When merging in the patch for ASTERISK-22728, the UPGRADE.txt file was changed
incorrectly.  That change should have gone into ASTERISK-11.txt.

This commit is to fix that.

Also, another comment in the UPGRADE-11.txt was missing and this commit adds
that as well.

Merged revisions 402115 from

git-svn-id: 65c4cc65-6c06-0410-ace0-fbb531ad65f3
Michael L. Young 11 years ago
parent 230141d677
commit fead41381b

@ -19,6 +19,23 @@
=== UPGRADE-10.txt -- Upgrade info for 1.8 to 10
From 11.6 to 11.7:
- ConfBridge now has the ability to set the language of announcements to the
conference. The language can be set on a bridge profile in confbridge.conf
or by the dialplan function CONFBRIDGE(bridge,language)=en.
chan_sip - Clarify The "sip show peers" Forcerport Column And Add Comedia
- Under the "Forcerport" column, the "N" used to mean NAT (i.e. Yes). With
the additon of auto_* NAT settings, the meaning changed and there was a
certain combination of letters added to indicate the current setting. The
combination of using "Y", "N", "A" or "a", can be confusing. Therefore, we
now display clearly what the current Forcerport setting is: "Yes", "No",
"Auto (Yes)", "Auto (No)".
- Since we are clarifying the Forcerport column, we have added a column to
display the Comedia setting since this is useful information as well. We
no longer have a simple "NAT" setting like other versions before 11.
From 11.5 to 11.6:
* res_agi will now properly indicate if there was an error in streaming an
audio file. The result code will be -1 and the result returned from the

@ -25,16 +25,6 @@ There are many significant architectural changes in Asterisk 12. It is
recommended that you not only read through this document for important
changes that affect an upgrade, but that you also read through the CHANGES
document in depth to better understand the new options available to you.
chan_sip - Clarify The "sip show peers" Forcerport Column And Add Comedia
- Under the "Forcerport" column, the "N" used to mean NAT (i.e. Yes). With
the additon of auto_* NAT settings, the meaning changed and there was a
certain combination of letters added to indicate the current setting. The
combination of using "Y", "N", "A" or "a", can be confusing. Therefore, we
now display clearly what the current Forcerport setting is: "Yes", "No",
"Auto (Yes)", "Auto (No)".
- Since we are clarifying the Forcerport column, we have added a column to
display the Comedia setting since this is useful information as well. We
no longer have a simple "NAT" setting like other versions before 11.
Additional information on the architectural changes made in Asterisk can be
found on the Asterisk wiki (
