Fix BUGS document to report bug tracker

git-svn-id: 65c4cc65-6c06-0410-ace0-fbb531ad65f3
Mark Spencer 21 years ago
parent 248350a9a5
commit 071ea96fbd


@ -1,48 +1,18 @@
* EVERYTHING MARKED WITH "XXX" IN THE SOURCE REPRESENTS A BUG! Sometimes Asterisk Bug Tracking Information
these bugs are in asterisk, and sometimes they relate to the products =================================
that asterisk uses.
* In general Asterisk is a very new program, and there are liable to be To learn about and report Asterisk bugs or make feature
many bugs yet to be discovered, so if you think you've found one, please requests, please visit the official Asterisk Bug Tracker
be sure to report it. at:
* When you flip to call waiting on a tormenta channel while you have a
three way call up, the parties in the three way cannot hear one another
in the general case.
* No auto-reload in chan_zap yet For more information on using the bug tracker, or to
learn how you can contribute by acting as a bug marshal
please see:
* Must be able to call park with flash-hook transfer
====================================================================== Thank you!
Short report on the voicemail system
Stuff We Need:
-Date/Time (conversion on the fly for different locales) Mark
-A more fleshed/emphasized Main Menu
-Mailbox Options
-useful for allowing user to set certain options
-Notification of new vs. old messages
-Notification of first and last messages (old and new)
and a return to the Main Menu @ the end
**-Better handling of lack of user input, specifically...
infinite loops...
currently found in: vm-instructions
System MUST disconnect user for inactivity
-Mid message menu w/
callback option
option to get caller's number if available
option to leave message directly on caller's voicemail
if he/she has account on system
-Also redesign the End Of Message Menu
-Efficienty Question...
Better to always rename msgs to being @ 0001
Better to append new msgs numerically @ the
end and use software to traverse them in
order...saving cpu cycles on renaming files
..could get messy w/ lots of users
