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" Vim syntax file
" Language: Asterisk Extension Language
" Maintainer: tilghman
" Last Change: 2009 Mar 04
" version 0.1
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
syn sync clear
syn sync fromstart
syn keyword aelTodo TODO contained
syn keyword aelKeyword context includes macro globals if else switch case default catch return switches includes for ignorepat
syn match aelComment "//.*" contains=aelTodo
syn match aelContext "\s+\zs[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]\-_]*\ze\s*{"
" Macro declaration
syn match aelMacro "[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]\-_]*(.\{-})\ze\s*{" contains=aelVar,aelFunction,aelExp,aelArgs
" Macro reference
syn match aelMacro "&[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]\-_]*(.\{-});" contains=aelVar,aelFunction,aelExp,aelArgs
" Ranges or other pattern characters
syn match aelExten "\zs_\(\[[[:alnum:]#*\-]\+\]\|[[:alnum:]#*\-]\)\+[\.!]\?\ze\s+=>"
syn match aelExten "\zs[[:alnum:]#*]\+\ze\s*=>"
syn match aelApp "\s\+\zs[[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]_]\+\ze[; ]"
syn match aelApp "\s\+\zs[[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]_]\+\ze(.\{-});"
syn match aelLabel "[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]*\ze:"
syn region aelVar matchgroup=aelVarStart start="\${" end="}" contains=aelVar,aelFunction,aelExp
syn match aelVar "\zs[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]_]*\ze=" contains=aelVar,aelFunction,aelExp
" Retrieving the value of a function
syn match aelFunction "\${_\{0,2}[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]_]*(.\{-})}" contains=aelVar,aelFunction,aelExp
" Setting a function
syn match aelFunction "(\zs[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]_]*(.\{-})\ze=" contains=aelVar,aelFunction,aelExp
syn region aelExp matchgroup=aelExpStart start="\$\[" end="]" contains=aelVar,aelFunction,aelExp
syn match aelArgs "([[:alnum:]_, ]*)" contains=aelArgsElement contained
syn match aelArgsElement "[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]_]*" contained
" Define the default highlighting.
" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
if version >= 508 || !exists("did_conf_syntax_inits")
if version < 508
let did_conf_syntax_inits = 1
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
HiLink aelComment Comment
HiLink aelContext Preproc
HiLink aelMacro Preproc
HiLink aelExten Type
HiLink aelLabel Type
HiLink aelApp Preproc
HiLink aelVar String
HiLink aelVarStart String
HiLink aelArgsElement String
HiLink aelFunction Function
HiLink aelExp Type
HiLink aelExpStart Type
HiLink aelKeyword Statement
HiLink aelError Error
delcommand HiLink
let b:current_syntax = "ael"
" vim: ts=8 sw=2