[![](https://images.microbadger.com/badges/image/andrius/asterisk.svg)](https://microbadger.com/images/andrius/asterisk "Get your own image badge on microbadger.com")
[![](https://images.microbadger.com/badges/image/andrius/asterisk:debian-15-latest.svg)](https://microbadger.com/images/andrius/asterisk:debian-15-latest "Get your own image badge on microbadger.com")
By default, Asterisk will run as default user (asterisk) with UID and GID assigned by alpine linux, but it's possible to specify then through environment variables:
-`docker pull andrius/asterisk:11.6.1` for Asterisk 11.x (stable release), Alpine 2.6
-`docker pull andrius/asterisk:11` for Asterisk 11.x (stable release), Alpine 2.7
-`docker pull andrius/asterisk:14` for Asterisk 14.x, Alpine 3.6
-`docker pull andrius/asterisk:15.2.2` for Asterisk 15.2.2, Alpine 3.7
-`docker pull andrius/asterisk:15` for Asterisk 15.x, Alpine 3.8
-`docker pull andrius/asterisk:latest` for Asterisk 15.x, Alpine latest
-`docker pull andrius/asterisk:edge` for latest Asterisk 15.x, based on Alpine edge
### What's missing
Only base Asterisk packages installed. If you want to add sounds, it's recommended to mount them as volume or data container, however you may install additional packages with `apk` command:
- asterisk-alsa - ALSA channel;
- asterisk-cdr-mysql - MySQL CDR;
- asterisk-chan-dongle - chan\_dongle, to manage calls and SMS through Huawei USB dongle;