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IMAGE_NAME := andrius/asterisk
# <Dockerfile>:<version>
# OR
# <Dockerfile>:<version>,<tag1>,<tag2>,...
X86_IMAGES := \
alpine/edge:edge \
alpine/latest:latest \
alpine/glibc:glibc_latest,alpine_glibc-16.x,glibc-16.x,alpine_glibc-16.3.0,glibc-16.3.0 \
alpine/3.11:3.11-16.6.2,16.x \
alpine/3.10:3.10-16.3.0 \
alpine/3.9:3.9-15.7.4,15.x \
alpine/3.8:3.8-15.6.2 \
alpine/3.7:3.7-15.6.2 \
alpine/3.6:3.6-14.7.8,14.x \
alpine/3.5:3.5-14.7.8 \
alpine/3.4:3.4-13.18.5,13.x \
alpine/3.3:3.3-13.17.2 \
alpine/3.2:3.2-13.3.2 \
alpine/3.1:3.1-13.3.2 \
alpine/2.7:2.7-11.25.1,11.x \
alpine/2.6:2.6-11.6.1 \
debian/17-current:17-current \
debian/16-current:16-current \
debian/16-certified:16-certified,16.3-cert \
debian/13-current:13-current \
debian/13-certified:13-certified,13.21-cert \
debian/15.7.4:15.7.4 \
debian/14.7.8:14.7.8 \
debian/12.8.2:12.8.2 \
debian/11.25.3:11.25.3 \
debian/10.12.4:10.12.4 \
debian/ \
debian/ \
debian/1.4.44:1.4.44 \
centos/ \
centos/1.4.44:1.4.44 \
# Default is first image from ALL_IMAGES list.
DOCKERFILE ?= $(word 1,$(subst :, ,$(word 1,$(ALL_IMAGES))))
VERSION ?= $(word 1,$(subst $(comma), ,\
$(word 2,$(subst :, ,$(word 1,$(ALL_IMAGES))))))
TAGS ?= $(word 2,$(subst :, ,$(word 1,$(ALL_IMAGES))))
no-cache ?= no
comma := ,
empty :=
space := $(empty) $(empty)
eq = $(if $(or $(1),$(2)),$(and $(findstring $(1),$(2)),\
$(findstring $(2),$(1))),1)
# Default Makefile rule:
# Make manual release of all supported Docker images to Docker Hub.
# Usage:
# make all [no-cache=(yes|no)]
all: | release-all
# Make manual release of all supported Docker images to Docker Hub.
# Usage:
# make release-all [no-cache=(yes|no)]
(set -e ; $(foreach img,$(ALL_IMAGES), \
make release no-cache=$(no-cache) \
DOCKERFILE=$(word 1,$(subst :, ,$(img))) \
VERSION=$(word 1,$(subst $(comma), ,\
$(word 2,$(subst :, ,$(img))))) \
TAGS=$(word 2,$(subst :, ,$(img))) ; \
# Make manual release of Docker images to Docker Hub.
# Usage:
# make release [no-cache=(yes|no)] [DOCKERFILE=] [VERSION=] [TAGS=t1,t2,...]
release: | post-push-hook post-checkout-hook image tags test push
# Build all supported Docker images.
# Usage:
# make image-all
(set -e ; $(foreach img,$(ALL_IMAGES), \
make image no-cache=$(no-cache) \
DOCKERFILE=$(word 1,$(subst :, ,$(img))) \
VERSION=$(word 1,$(subst $(comma), ,\
$(word 2,$(subst :, ,$(img))))) ; \
# Build Docker image.
# Usage:
# make image [no-cache=(yes|no)] [DOCKERFILE=] [VERSION=]
no-cache-arg = $(if $(call eq, $(no-cache), yes), --no-cache, $(empty))
docker build $(no-cache-arg) -t $(IMAGE_NAME):$(VERSION) $(DOCKERFILE) --build-arg VERSION=$(VERSION)
# Tag Docker image with given tags.
# Usage:
# make tags [VERSION=] [TAGS=t1,t2,...]
parsed-tags = $(subst $(comma), $(space), $(TAGS))
(set -e ; $(foreach tag, $(parsed-tags), \
docker tag $(IMAGE_NAME):$(VERSION) $(IMAGE_NAME):$(tag) ; \
# Manually push all supported Docker images to Docker Hub.
(set -e ; $(foreach img,$(ALL_IMAGES), \
make push \
TAGS=$(word 2,$(subst :, ,$(img))) ; \
# Manually push Docker images to Docker Hub.
# Usage:
# make push [TAGS=t1,t2,...]
(set -e ; $(foreach tag, $(parsed-tags), \
docker push $(IMAGE_NAME):$(tag) ; \
docker rmi ${IMAGE_NAME}:${tag} ; \
# Create `post_push` Docker Hub hook.
# When Docker Hub triggers automated build all the tags defined in `post_push`
# hook will be assigned to built image. It allows to link the same image with
# different tags, and not to build identical image for each tag separately.
# See details:
# Usage:
# make post-push-hook [DOCKERFILE=] [TAGS=t1,t2,...]
mkdir -p $(DOCKERFILE)/hooks
docker run --rm -i -v $(PWD)/post_push.erb:/post_push.erb:ro \
ruby:alpine erb -U \
image_tags='$(TAGS)' \
/post_push.erb > $(DOCKERFILE)/hooks/post_push
# Create `post_push` Docker Hub hook for all supported Docker images.
# Usage:
# make post-push-hook-all
(set -e ; $(foreach img,$(ALL_IMAGES), \
make post-push-hook \
DOCKERFILE=$(word 1,$(subst :, ,$(img))) \
TAGS=$(word 2,$(subst :, ,$(img))) ; \
# Create `post_checkout` Docker Hub hook.
# When Docker Hub triggers automated build, the `post_checkout` hook is called
# after the Git repo is checked out. This can be used to set up prerequisites
# for, for example, cross-platform builds.
# See details:
# Usage:
# make post-checkout-hook [DOCKERFILE=]
if [ -n "$(findstring /armhf/,$(DOCKERFILE))" ]; then \
mkdir -p $(DOCKERFILE)/hooks; \
docker run --rm -i -v $(PWD)/post_checkout.erb:/post_checkout.erb:ro \
ruby:alpine erb -U \
dockerfile='$(DOCKERFILE)' \
/post_checkout.erb > $(DOCKERFILE)/hooks/post_checkout ; \
# Create `post_push` Docker Hub hook for all supported Docker images.
# Usage:
# make post-checkout-hook-all
(set -e ; $(foreach img,$(ALL_IMAGES), \
make post-checkout-hook \
DOCKERFILE=$(word 1,$(subst :, ,$(img))) ; \
# Run tests for all supported Docker images.
# Usage:
# make test-all [prepare-images=(no|yes)]
prepare-images ?= no
ifeq ($(prepare-images),yes)
(set -e ; $(foreach img,$(ALL_IMAGES), \
make image no-cache=$(no-cache) \
DOCKERFILE=$(word 1,$(subst :, ,$(img))) \
VERSION=$(word 1,$(subst $(comma), ,\
$(word 2,$(subst :, ,$(img))))) ; \
(set -e ; $(foreach img,$(ALL_IMAGES), \
make test \
DOCKERFILE=$(word 1,$(subst :, ,$(img))) \
VERSION=$(word 1,$(subst $(comma), ,\
$(word 2,$(subst :, ,$(img))))) ; \
# Run tests for Docker image.
# Usage:
# make test [DOCKERFILE=] [VERSION=]
test: deps.bats
./test/bats/bats test/asterisk.bats
# Resolve project dependencies for running Bats tests.
# Usage:
# make deps.bats [BATS_VER=]
BATS_VER ?= 0.4.0
ifeq ($(wildcard $(PWD)/test/bats),)
mkdir -p $(PWD)/test/bats/vendor
wget$(BATS_VER).tar.gz \
-O $(PWD)/test/bats/vendor/bats.tar.gz
tar -xzf $(PWD)/test/bats/vendor/bats.tar.gz \
-C $(PWD)/test/bats/vendor
rm -f $(PWD)/test/bats/vendor/bats.tar.gz
ln -s $(PWD)/test/bats/vendor/bats-$(BATS_VER)/libexec/* \
.PHONY: image tags push \
image-all tags-all push-all \
release release-all \
post-push-hook post-push-hook-all \
post-checkout-hook post-checkout-hook-all \
test test-all deps.bats