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# frozen_string_literal: true
# BigBlueButton open source conferencing system -
# Copyright (c) 2018 BigBlueButton Inc. and by respective authors (see below).
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# BigBlueButton is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with BigBlueButton; if not, see <>.
Rails.application.routes.draw do
get '/health_check', to: 'health_check#all'
# Error routes.
match '/401', to: 'errors#unauthorized', via: :all, as: :unauthorized
match '/404', to: 'errors#not_found', via: :all, as: :not_found
match '/500', to: 'errors#internal_error', via: :all, as: :internal_error
# Signin/Signup routes.
get '/signin', to: 'sessions#signin', as: :signin
get '/signup', to: 'sessions#new', as: :signup
post '/signup', to: 'users#create', as: :create_user
match '/ldap_signin', to: 'sessions#ldap_signin', as: :ldap_signin, via: [:get, :post]
# Redirect to terms page
match '/terms', to: 'users#terms', via: [:get, :post]
# Admin resouces
resources :admins, only: [:index]
scope '/admins' do
# Panel Tabs
get '/rooms', to: 'admins#server_rooms', as: :admin_rooms
get '/recordings', to: 'admins#server_recordings', as: :admin_recordings
get '/site_settings', to: 'admins#site_settings', as: :admin_site_settings
get '/room_configuration', to: 'admins#room_configuration', as: :admin_room_configuration
get '/roles', to: 'admins#roles', as: :admin_roles
# Manage Users
get '/edit/:user_uid', to: 'admins#edit_user', as: :admin_edit_user
post '/ban/:user_uid', to: 'admins#ban_user', as: :admin_ban
post '/unban/:user_uid', to: 'admins#unban_user', as: :admin_unban
post '/invite', to: 'admins#invite', as: :invite_user
post '/approve/:user_uid', to: 'admins#approve', as: :admin_approve
get '/reset', to: 'admins#reset', as: :admin_reset
post '/undelete', to: 'admins#undelete', as: :admin_undelete
post '/merge/:user_uid', to: 'admins#merge_user', as: :merge_user
get '/merge_list', to: 'admins#merge_list', as: :merge_list
# Site Settings
post '/update_settings', to: 'admins#update_settings', as: :admin_update_settings
post '/registration_method', to: 'admins#registration_method', as: :admin_change_registration
post '/coloring', to: 'admins#coloring', as: :admin_coloring
post '/clear_cache', to: 'admins#clear_cache', as: :admin_clear_cache
post '/clear_auth', to: 'admins#clear_auth', as: :admin_clear_auth
post '/log_level', to: 'admins#log_level', as: :admin_log_level
# Room Configuration
post '/update_room_configuration', to: 'admins#update_room_configuration', as: :admin_update_room_configuration
# Roles
post '/role', to: 'admins#new_role', as: :admin_new_role
patch 'roles/order', to: 'admins#change_role_order', as: :admin_roles_order
post '/role/:role_id', to: 'admins#update_role', as: :admin_update_role
delete 'role/:role_id', to: 'admins#delete_role', as: :admin_delete_role
scope '/themes' do
get '/primary', to: 'themes#index', as: :themes_primary
# Password reset resources.
resources :password_resets, only: [:new, :create, :edit, :update]
# Account activation resources
scope '/account_activations' do
get '/', to: 'account_activations#show', as: :account_activation
get '/edit', to: 'account_activations#edit', as: :edit_account_activation
post '/resend', to: 'account_activations#resend', as: :resend_email
# User resources.
scope '/u' do
# Handles login of greenlight provider accounts.
post '/login', to: 'sessions#create', as: :create_session
# Log the user out of the session.
post '/logout', to: 'sessions#destroy'
# Account management.
get '/:user_uid/edit', to: 'users#edit', as: :edit_user
get '/:user_uid/change_password', to: 'users#change_password', as: :change_password
get '/:user_uid/delete_account', to: 'users#delete_account', as: :delete_account
post '/:user_uid/edit', to: 'users#update', as: :update_user
post '/:user_uid/change_password', to: 'users#update_password', as: :update_password
delete '/:user_uid', to: 'users#destroy', as: :delete_user
# All user recordings
get '/:user_uid/recordings', to: 'users#recordings', as: :get_user_recordings
# Handles Omniauth authentication.
match '/auth/:provider/callback', to: 'sessions#omniauth', via: [:get, :post], as: :omniauth_session
get '/auth/failure', to: 'sessions#omniauth_fail'
post '/auth/ldap', to: 'sessions#ldap', as: :ldap_callback
# Users who can't create rooms
get '/rooms', to: 'rooms#cant_create_rooms', as: :cant_create_rooms
# Returns a list of users for the shared access list
get '/shared_access_list', to: 'users#shared_access_list'
# Room resources.
resources :rooms, only: [:create, :show, :destroy], param: :room_uid, path: '/'
# Join a room by UID
post '/room/join', to: 'rooms#join_specific_room', as: :join_room
# Extended room routes.
scope '/:room_uid' do
post '/', to: 'rooms#join'
get '/room_settings', to: 'rooms#room_settings'
post '/update_settings', to: 'rooms#update_settings'
get '/current_presentation', to: 'rooms#current_presentation'
post '/preupload_presentation', to: 'rooms#preupload_presentation'
post '/remove_presentation', to: 'rooms#remove_presentation'
post '/update_shared_access', to: 'rooms#shared_access', as: :room_shared_access
delete '/remove_shared_access', to: 'rooms#remove_shared_access', as: :room_remove_shared_access
get '/shared_users', to: 'rooms#shared_users', as: :room_shared_users
post '/start', to: 'rooms#start', as: :start_room
get '/logout', to: 'rooms#logout', as: :logout_room
post '/login', to: 'rooms#login', as: :login_room
# Recording operations routes
scope '/:meetingID' do
# Manage recordings
scope '/:record_id' do
post '/', to: 'recordings#update', as: :update_recording
patch '/', to: 'recordings#rename', as: :rename_recording
delete '/', to: 'recordings#delete', as: :delete_recording
root to: 'main#index'