# frozen_string_literal: true # BigBlueButton open source conferencing system - http://www.bigbluebutton.org/. # # Copyright (c) 2018 BigBlueButton Inc. and by respective authors (see below). # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # BigBlueButton is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along # with BigBlueButton; if not, see . require_relative 'boot' require 'rails/all' # Require the gems listed in Gemfile, including any gems # you've limited to :test, :development, or :production. Bundler.require(*Rails.groups) module Greenlight class Application < Rails::Application # Initialize configuration defaults for originally generated Rails version. config.load_defaults 5.2 # Settings in config/environments/* take precedence over those specified here. # Application configuration should go into files in config/initializers # -- all .rb files in that directory are automatically loaded. def parse_bool(val, default = false) val = ActiveModel::Type::Boolean.new.cast(val) val.nil? ? default : val end # Use custom error routes. config.exceptions_app = routes # Configure I18n localization. config.i18n.available_locales = [:en] config.i18n.default_locale = :en # Check if a loadbalancer is configured. config.loadbalanced_configuration = ENV["LOADBALANCER_ENDPOINT"].present? && ENV["LOADBALANCER_SECRET"].present? # The default callback url that bn launcher will redirect to config.gl_callback_url = ENV["GL_CALLBACK_URL"] # Default credentials (test-install.blindsidenetworks.com/bigbluebutton). config.bigbluebutton_endpoint_default = "http://test-install.blindsidenetworks.com/bigbluebutton/api/" config.bigbluebutton_secret_default = "8cd8ef52e8e101574e400365b55e11a6" # Use standalone BigBlueButton server. config.bigbluebutton_endpoint = if ENV["BIGBLUEBUTTON_ENDPOINT"].present? ENV["BIGBLUEBUTTON_ENDPOINT"] else config.bigbluebutton_endpoint_default end config.bigbluebutton_secret = if ENV["BIGBLUEBUTTON_SECRET"].present? ENV["BIGBLUEBUTTON_SECRET"] else config.bigbluebutton_secret_default end # Fix endpoint format if required. config.bigbluebutton_endpoint += "/" unless config.bigbluebutton_endpoint.ends_with?('/') config.bigbluebutton_endpoint += "api/" if config.bigbluebutton_endpoint.ends_with?('bigbluebutton/') config.bigbluebutton_endpoint += "bigbluebutton/api/" unless config.bigbluebutton_endpoint.ends_with?('bigbluebutton/api/') if config.loadbalanced_configuration # Settings for fetching credentials from a loadbalancer based on provider. config.loadbalancer_endpoint = ENV["LOADBALANCER_ENDPOINT"] config.loadbalancer_secret = ENV["LOADBALANCER_SECRET"] config.launcher_secret = ENV["LAUNCHER_SECRET"] # Fix endpoint format if required. config.loadbalancer_endpoint += "/" unless config.bigbluebutton_endpoint.ends_with?("/") config.loadbalancer_endpoint = config.loadbalancer_endpoint.chomp("api/") # Configure which settings are available to user on room creation/edit after creation config.url_host = ENV['URL_HOST'] || '' end # Specify the email address that all mail is sent from config.smtp_sender = ENV['SMTP_SENDER'] || "notifications@example.com" # Determine if GreenLight should enable email verification config.enable_email_verification = parse_bool(ENV['ALLOW_MAIL_NOTIFICATIONS']) # Determine if GreenLight should require a certain mail-domain config.require_email_domain = ENV["GREENLIGHT_ACCOUNT_HD"].to_s.split(",") # Determine if GreenLight should allow non-omniauth signup/login. config.allow_user_signup = parse_bool(ENV['ALLOW_GREENLIGHT_ACCOUNTS']) # Configure custom banner message. config.banner_message = ENV['BANNER_MESSAGE'] # Enable/disable recording thumbnails. config.recording_thumbnails = parse_bool(ENV['RECORDING_THUMBNAILS'], true) # Configure which settings are available to user on room creation/edit after creation config.room_features = ENV['ROOM_FEATURES'] || "" # The maximum number of rooms included in one bbbapi call config.pagination_number = ENV['PAGINATION_NUMBER'].to_i.zero? ? 25 : ENV['PAGINATION_NUMBER'].to_i # Number of rows to display per page config.pagination_rows = ENV['NUMBER_OF_ROWS'].to_i.zero? ? 25 : ENV['NUMBER_OF_ROWS'].to_i # Whether the user has defined the variables required for recaptcha config.recaptcha_enabled = ENV['RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY'].present? && ENV['RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY'].present? # Show/hide "Add to Google Calendar" button in the room page config.enable_google_calendar_button = parse_bool(ENV['ENABLE_GOOGLE_CALENDAR_BUTTON']) # Enum containing the different possible registration methods config.registration_methods = { open: "0", invite: "1", approval: "2" } config.google_analytics = ENV["GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_TRACKING_ID"].present? # Will always be true unless explicitly set to false config.enable_cache = parse_bool(ENV["ENABLE_CACHED_PROVIDER"], true) # MAINTENANCE config.maintenance_window = ENV["MAINTENANCE_WINDOW"] config.maintenance_mode = parse_bool(ENV["MAINTENANCE_MODE"]) config.report_issue_url = ENV["REPORT_ISSUE_URL"] config.help_url = ENV["HELP_URL"].nil? ? "https://docs.bigbluebutton.org/greenlight/gl-overview.html" : ENV["HELP_URL"] # File types allowed in preupload presentation config.allowed_file_types = ".doc,.docx,.ppt,.pptx,.pdf,.xls,.xlsx,.txt,.rtf,.odt,.ods,.odp,.odg,.odc,.odi,.jpg,.jpeg,.png" # Default locale config.default_locale = ENV["DEFAULT_LOCALE"] # DEFAULTS # Default branding image if the user does not specify one config.branding_image_default = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bigbluebutton/greenlight/master/app/assets/images/logo_with_text.png" # Default primary color if the user does not specify one config.primary_color_default = "#467fcf" # Default primary color lighten if the user does not specify one config.primary_color_lighten_default = "#e8eff9" # Default primary color darken if the user does not specify one config.primary_color_darken_default = "#316cbe" # Default registration method if the user does not specify one config.registration_method_default = case ENV["DEFAULT_REGISTRATION"] when "invite" config.registration_methods[:invite] when "approval" config.registration_methods[:approval] else config.registration_methods[:open] end # Default limit on number of rooms users can create config.number_of_rooms_default = 15 # Allow users to share rooms by default config.shared_access_default = "true" # Don't require recording consent by default config.require_consent_default = "false" # Don't allow users to preupload presentations by default config.preupload_presentation_default = "false" # Don't show option to generate moderator access codes config.moderator_codes_default = "disabled" # Default admin password config.admin_password_default = ENV['ADMIN_PASSWORD'] || 'Administrator1!' # Max avatar image size config.max_avatar_size = ENV['MAX_AVATAR_SIZE'].to_i.zero? ? 100_000 : ENV['MAX_AVATAR_SIZE'].to_i config.social_switching = ENV['SOCIAL_SWITCHING'] == "true" end end