
146 lines
4.6 KiB

define [
], (_, Backbone, io, Utils) ->
ConnectionModel = Backbone.Model.extend
initialize: ->
@socket = null
@host = window.location.protocol + "//" +
disconnect: ->
if @socket?
console.log "disconnecting from", @host
@socket = null
console.log "tried to disconnect but it's not connected"
connect: ->
unless @socket?
console.log "connecting to the server", @host
@socket = io.connect(@host)
console.log "tried to connect but it's already connected"
# Registers listeners to some events in the websocket.
# Events here are generic and related to the connection.
_registerEvents: ->
# Immediately say we are connected
@socket.on "connect", =>
console.log "socket on: connect"
@socket.emit "user connect"
# Received event to logout yourself
@socket.on "logout", ->
console.log "socket on: logout"
Utils.postToUrl "logout"
window.location.replace "./"
# If the server disconnects from the client or vice-versa
@socket.on "disconnect", ->
console.log "socket on: disconnect"
window.location.replace "./"
# If an error occurs while not connected
# @param {string} reason Reason for the error.
@socket.on "error", (reason) ->
console.error "unable to connect", reason
# Emit an update to move the cursor around the canvas
# @param {number} x x-coord of the cursor as a percentage of page width
# @param {number} y y-coord of the cursor as a percentage of page height
emitMoveCursor: (x, y) ->
@socket.emit "mvCur", x, y
# Requests the shapes from the server.
emitAllShapes: ->
@socket.emit "all_shapes"
# Emit an update in a fit of the whiteboard
# @param {boolean} true for fitToPage, false for fitToWidth
emitFitToPage: (value) ->
@socket.emit "fitToPage", value
# Emit a message to the server
# @param {string} the message
emitMsg: (msg) ->
@socket.emit "msg", msg
# Emit the finish of a text shape
emitTextDone: ->
@socket.emit "textDone"
# Emit the creation of a shape
# @param {string} shape type of shape
# @param {Array} data all the data required to draw the shape on the client whiteboard
emitMakeShape: (shape, data) ->
@socket.emit "makeShape", shape, data
# Emit the update of a shape
# @param {string} shape type of shape
# @param {Array} data all the data required to update the shape on the client whiteboard
emitUpdateShape: (shape, data) ->
@socket.emit "updShape", shape, data
# Emit an update in the whiteboard position/size values
# @param {number} cx x-offset from top left corner as percentage of original width of paper
# @param {number} cy y-offset from top left corner as percentage of original height of paper
# @param {number} sw slide width as percentage of original width of paper
# @param {number} sh slide height as a percentage of original height of paper
emitPaperUpdate: (cx, cy, sw, sh) ->
@socket.emit "paper", cx, cy, sw, sh
# Update the zoom level for the clients
# @param {number} delta amount of change in scroll wheel
emitZoom: (delta) ->
@socket.emit "zoom", delta
# Request the next slide
emitNextSlide: ->
@socket.emit "nextslide"
# Request the previous slide
emitPreviousSlide: ->
@socket.emit "prevslide"
# Logout of the meeting
emitLogout: ->
@socket.emit "logout"
# Emit panning has stopped
emitPanStop: ->
@socket.emit "panStop"
# Publish a shape to the server to be saved
# @param {string} shape type of shape to be saved
# @param {Array} data information about shape so that it can be recreated later
emitPublishShape: (shape, data) ->
@socket.emit "saveShape", shape, JSON.stringify(data)
# Emit a change in the current tool
# @param {string} tool [description]
emitChangeTool: (tool) ->
@socket.emit "changeTool", tool
# Tell the server to undo the last shape
emitUndo: ->
@socket.emit "undo"
# Emit a change in the presenter
emitSetPresenter: (id) ->
@socket.emit "setPresenter", id
# Emit signal to clear the canvas
emitClearCanvas: (id) ->
@socket.emit "clrPaper", id