git-svn-id: http://bigbluebutton.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1358 af16638f-c34d-0410-8cfa-b39d5352b314
397 lines
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397 lines
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package org.bigbluebutton.web.services
import javax.jms.Message
import javax.jms.Session
import javax.jms.JMSException
import javax.jms.MapMessage
import org.springframework.jms.core.JmsTemplate
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.lang.InterruptedException
class PresentationService {
boolean transactional = false
def jmsTemplate
def imageMagickDir
def ghostScriptExec
def swfToolsDir
def presentationDir
* This is a workaround for this problem.
* http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.postscript/browse_thread/thread/c2e264ca76534ce0?pli=1
def noPdfMarkWorkaround
private static String JMS_UPDATES_Q = 'UpdatesQueue'
def deletePresentation = {conf, room, filename ->
def directory = new File(roomDirectory(conf, room).absolutePath + File.separatorChar + filename)
def deleteDirectory = {directory ->
log.debug "delete = ${directory}"
* Go through each directory and check if it's not empty.
* We need to delete files inside a directory before a
* directory can be deleted.
File[] files = directory.listFiles();
for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
if (files[i].isDirectory()) {
} else {
// Now that the directory is empty. Delete it.
def listPresentations = {conf, room ->
def presentationsList = []
def directory = roomDirectory(conf, room)
log.debug "directory ${directory.absolutePath}"
if( directory.exists() ){
directory.eachFile(){ file->
if( file.isDirectory() )
presentationsList.add( file.name )
return presentationsList
public File uploadedPresentationDirectory(String conf, String room, String presentation_name) {
println "Uploaded presentation ${presentation_name}"
File dir = new File(roomDirectory(conf, room).absolutePath + File.separatorChar + presentation_name)
println "upload to directory ${dir.absolutePath}"
/* If the presentation name already exist, delete it. We should provide a check later on to notify user
that there is already a presentation with that name. */
if (dir.exists()) deleteDirectory(dir)
assert dir.exists()
return dir
def processUploadedPresentation = {conf, room, presentationName, presentationFile ->
// Run conversion on another thread.
new Timer().runAfter(1000)
//first we need to know how many pages in this pdf
log.debug "Determining number of pages"
int numPages = determineNumberOfPages(presentationFile)
log.info "There are $numPages pages in $presentationFile.absolutePath"
convertUploadedPresentation(room, presentationName, presentationFile, numPages)
public int determineNumberOfPages(File presentationFile) {
def numPages = -1 //total numbers of this pdf, also used as errorcode(-1)
def command = swfToolsDir + "/pdf2swf -I " + presentationFile.getAbsolutePath()
log.debug "Executing with waitFor $command"
def p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
// Wait for the process to finish.
int exitVal = p.waitFor()
def stdInput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));
def stdError = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getErrorStream()));
def info
def str //output information to console for stdInput and stdError
while ((info = stdInput.readLine()) != null) {
//The output would be something like this 'page=21 width=718.00 height=538.00'.
//We need to extract the page number (i.e. 21) from it.
def infoRegExp = /page=([0-9]+)(?: .+)/
def matcher = (info =~ infoRegExp)
if (matcher.matches()) {
numPages = matcher[0][1]
} else {
println "no match info: ${info}"
while ((info = stdError.readLine()) != null) {
System.out.println("Got error getting info from file):\n");
if(p.exitValue() != 0) return -1;
catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("exception happened - here's what I know: ");
return new Integer(numPages).intValue()
def showSlide(String conf, String room, String presentationName, String id) {
new File(roomDirectory(conf, room).absolutePath + File.separatorChar + presentationName + File.separatorChar + "slide-${id}.swf")
def showPresentation = {conf, room, filename ->
new File(roomDirectory(conf, room).absolutePath + File.separatorChar + filename + File.separatorChar + "slides.swf")
def showThumbnail = {conf, room, presentationName, thumb ->
def thumbFile = roomDirectory(conf, room).absolutePath + File.separatorChar + presentationName + File.separatorChar +
"thumbnails" + File.separatorChar + "thumb-${thumb}.png"
log.debug "showing $thumbFile"
new File(thumbFile)
def numberOfThumbnails = {conf, room, name ->
def thumbDir = new File(roomDirectory(conf, room).absolutePath + File.separatorChar + name + File.separatorChar + "thumbnails")
def roomDirectory = {conf, room ->
return new File(presentationDir + File.separatorChar + conf + File.separatorChar + room)
public boolean convertUploadedPresentation(String room, String presentationName, File presentationFile, int numPages) {
log.debug "Converting uploaded presentation $presentationFile.absolutePath"
for (int page = 1; page <= numPages; page++)
def msg = new HashMap()
msg.put("room", room)
msg.put("returnCode", "CONVERT")
msg.put("presentationName", presentationName)
msg.put("totalSlides", new Integer(numPages))
msg.put("slidesCompleted", new Integer(page))
log.debug "Converting page $page of $presentationFile.absolutePath"
convertPage(presentationFile, page)
log.debug "Creating thumbnails for $presentationFile.absolutePath"
def msg = new HashMap()
msg.put("room", room)
msg.put("returnCode", "SUCCESS")
msg.put("presentationName", presentationName)
msg.put("message", "The presentation is now ready.")
log.info "Sending presentation conversion success for $presentationFile.absolutePath."
public boolean convertPage(File presentationFile, int page) {
if (! convertUsingPdf2Swf(presentationFile, page)) {
log.info "cannot convert page $page"
if (extractPageUsingGhostScript(presentationFile, page)) {
log.info "created using ghostscript page $page"
if (convertUsingImageMagick(presentationFile, page)) {
log.info "created using imagemagick page $page"
if (convertUsingJpeg2Swf(presentationFile, page)) {
log.info "create using jpeg page $page"
return true
return false
public boolean extractPageUsingGhostScript(File presentationFile, int page) {
def tempDir = new File(presentationFile.parent + File.separatorChar + "temp")
String OPTIONS = "-sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH"
String PAGE = "-dFirstPage=${page} -dLastPage=${page}"
String dest = tempDir.absolutePath + File.separator + "temp-${page}.pdf"
//extract that specific page and create a temp-pdf(only one page) with GhostScript
def command = ghostScriptExec + " " + OPTIONS + " " + PAGE + " " + "-sOutputFile=${dest}" + " " + noPdfMarkWorkaround + " " + presentationFile
log.debug "Executing $command"
def process
try {
def now = new Date()
println "GS starting $now"
process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
// Wait for the process to finish.
int exitVal = process.waitFor()
now = new Date()
println "GS starting $now"
def stdInput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
def stdError = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getErrorStream()));
def str
while ((str = stdInput.readLine()) != null) {
// read any errors from the attempted command
System.out.println("Here is the standard error of the command (if any):\n");
while ((str = stdError.readLine()) != null) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
if (process.exitValue() == 0) {
return true
} else {
return false
public boolean convertUsingJpeg2Swf(File presentationFile, int page) {
def tempDir = new File(presentationFile.getParent() + File.separatorChar + "temp")
def source = tempDir.absolutePath + File.separator + "temp-${page}.jpeg"
def dest = presentationFile.parent + File.separatorChar + "slide-${page}.swf"
println "converting $source to $dest"
def now = new Date()
println "JPEG2SWF starting $now"
def command = swfToolsDir + "/jpeg2swf -o " + dest + " " + source
log.debug "Executing $command"
def process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
// Wait for the process to finish.
int exitValue = process.waitFor()
now = new Date()
println "JPEG2SWF ended $now"
def stdInput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
def stdError = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getErrorStream()));
def str
while ((str = stdInput.readLine()) != null) {
// read any errors from the attempted command
System.out.println("Here is the standard error of the command (if any):\n");
while ((str = stdError.readLine()) != null) {
File destFile = new File(dest)
if (destFile.exists()) return true
return false
public boolean convertUsingImageMagick(File presentationFile, int page) {
def tempDir = new File(presentationFile.getParent() + File.separatorChar + "temp")
def source = tempDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/temp-${page}.pdf"
def dest = tempDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/temp-${page}.jpeg"
def now = new Date()
println "IMAGEMAGICK starting $now"
def command = imageMagickDir + "/convert " + source + " " + dest
log.debug "Executing $command"
def process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
// Wait for the process to finish.
int exitValue = process.waitFor()
now = new Date()
println "IMAGEMAGICK ends $now"
File destFile = new File(dest)
if (destFile.exists()) return true
return false
public boolean convertUsingPdf2Swf(File presentationFile, int page) {
def source = presentationFile.getAbsolutePath()
def dest = presentationFile.parent + File.separatorChar + "slide-" + page + ".swf"
def command = swfToolsDir + "/pdf2swf -p " + page + " " + source + " -o " + dest
log.debug "Executing $command"
def process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command)
// Wait for the process to finish
int exitValue = process.waitFor()
File destFile = new File(dest)
if (destFile.exists()) return true
return false
public boolean createThumbnails(File presentationFile) {
try {
log.debug "Creating thumbnails:"
def thumbsDir = new File(presentationFile.getParent() + File.separatorChar + "thumbnails")
def source = presentationFile.getAbsolutePath()
def dest = thumbsDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/temp-thumb.png"
def command = imageMagickDir + "/convert -thumbnail 150x150 " + source + " " + dest
log.debug "Executing $command"
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
int exitValue = p.waitFor()
if (exitValue == 0) return true
return false
catch (InterruptedException e) {
log.error "exception happened - here's what I know: "
log.error e.printStackTrace()
return false
private renameThumbnails(File dir) {
dir.eachFile{file ->
// filename should be something like 'c:/temp/bigluebutton/presname/thumbnails/temp-thumb-1.png'
def filename = file.absolutePath
// Extract the page number. There should be 3 matches.
// 1. c:/temp/bigluebutton/presname/thumbnails/temp-thumb
// 2. 1 ---> what we are interested in
// 3. .png
def infoRegExp = /(.+-thumb)-([0-9]+)(.png)/
def matcher = (filename =~ infoRegExp)
if (matcher.matches()) {
// We are interested in the second match.
int pageNum = new Integer(matcher[0][2]).intValue()
def newFilename = "thumb-${++pageNum}.png"
File renamedFile = new File(file.parent + File.separator + newFilename)
private sendJmsMessage(HashMap message) {
jmsTemplate.convertAndSend(JMS_UPDATES_Q, message)
/*** Helper classes **/
import java.io.FilenameFilter;
import java.io.File;
class PngFilter implements FilenameFilter {
public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
return (name.endsWith(".png"));