prlanzarin 8feb934169 feat(audio): add experimental transparent listen only mode
This is an initial, experimental implementation of the feature proposed in

The intention is to phase out the explicit listen only mode with two
overarching goals:
  - Reduce UX friction and increase familiarity: the existence of a separate
  listen only mode is a source of confusion for the majority of users
  Reduce average server-side CPU usage while also making it possible for
  having full audio-only meetings.

The proof-of-concept works based on the assumption that a "many
concurrent active talkers" scenario is both rare and not useful. With
that in mind, this including two server-side triggers:
 - On microphone inactivity (currently mute action that is sustained for
   4 seconds, configurable): FreeSWITCH channels are held (which translates
   to much lower CPU usage, virtually 0%). Receiving channels are switched,
   server side, to a listening mode (SFU, mediasoup).
   * This required an extension to mediasoup two allow re-assigning producers
     to already established consumers. No re-negotiation is done.
 - On microphone activity (currently unmute action, immediate):
   FreeSWITCH channels are unheld, listening mode is deactivated and the
   mute state is updated accordingly (in this order).

This is *off by default*. It needs to be enabled in two places:
  - `/etc/bigbluebutton/bbb-webrtc-sfu/production.yml` ->
    `transparentListenOnly: true`
  - End users:
    * Server wide: `/etc/bigbluebutton/bbb-html5.yml` ->
      ` true`
    * Per user: `userdata-bbb_transparent_listen_only=true`
2023-08-07 19:43:18 -03:00

132 lines
3.7 KiB

import { check } from 'meteor/check';
import addUserSetting from '/imports/api/users-settings/server/modifiers/addUserSetting';
import logger from '/imports/startup/server/logger';
import { extractCredentials } from '/imports/api/common/server/helpers';
const oldParameters = {
askForFeedbackOnLogout: 'bbb_ask_for_feedback_on_logout',
autoJoin: 'bbb_auto_join_audio',
autoShareWebcam: 'bbb_auto_share_webcam',
clientTitle: 'bbb_client_title',
customStyle: 'bbb_custom_style',
customStyleUrl: 'bbb_custom_style_url',
displayBrandingArea: 'bbb_display_branding_area',
enableVideo: 'bbb_enable_video',
forceListenOnly: 'bbb_force_listen_only',
hidePresentationOnJoin: 'bbb_hide_presentation',
listenOnlyMode: 'bbb_listen_only_mode',
multiUserPenOnly: 'bbb_multi_user_pen_only',
multiUserTools: 'bbb_multi_user_tools',
presenterTools: 'bbb_presenter_tools',
shortcuts: 'bbb_shortcuts',
skipCheck: 'bbb_skip_check_audio',
const oldParametersKeys = Object.keys(oldParameters);
const currentParameters = [
// APP
function valueParser(val) {
try {
const parsedValue = JSON.parse(val.toLowerCase().trim());
return parsedValue;
} catch (error) {
logger.warn(`addUserSettings:Parameter ${val} could not be parsed (was not json)`);
return val;
export default function addUserSettings(settings) {
try {
check(settings, [Object]);
const { meetingId, requesterUserId: userId } = extractCredentials(this.userId);
check(meetingId, String);
check(userId, String);
let parameters = {};
settings.forEach((el) => {
const settingKey = Object.keys(el).shift();
const normalizedKey = settingKey.trim();
if (currentParameters.includes(normalizedKey)) {
if (!Object.keys(parameters).includes(normalizedKey)) {
parameters = {
[normalizedKey]: valueParser(el[settingKey]),
} else {
parameters[normalizedKey] = el[settingKey];
if (oldParametersKeys.includes(normalizedKey)) {
const matchingNewKey = oldParameters[normalizedKey];
if (!Object.keys(parameters).includes(matchingNewKey)) {
parameters = {
[matchingNewKey]: valueParser(el[settingKey]),
logger.warn(`Parameter ${normalizedKey} not handled`);
const settingsAdded = [];
Object.entries(parameters).forEach((el) => {
const setting = el[0];
const value = el[1];
settingsAdded.push(addUserSetting(meetingId, userId, setting, value));
return settingsAdded;
} catch (err) {
logger.error(`Exception while invoking method addUserSettings ${err.stack}`);