Oswaldo Acauan e93f3c0fd5 Remove logs
2017-07-28 10:49:48 -03:00

26 lines
1015 B

import stringHash from 'string-hash';
import { check } from 'meteor/check';
import addUser from '../modifiers/addUser';
const COLOR_LIST = [
'#d32f2f', '#c62828', '#b71c1c', '#d81b60', '#c2185b', '#ad1457', '#880e4f',
'#8e24aa', '#7b1fa2', '#6a1b9a', '#4a148c', '#5e35b1', '#512da8', '#4527a0',
'#311b92', '#3949ab', '#303f9f', '#283593', '#1a237e', '#1976d2', '#1565c0',
'#0d47a1', '#0277bd', '#01579b', '#00838f', '#006064', '#00796b', '#00695c',
'#004d40', '#2e7d32', '#1b5e20', '#33691e', '#827717', '#bf360c', '#6d4c41',
'#5d4037', '#4e342e', '#3e2723', '#757575', '#616161', '#424242', '#212121',
'#546e7a', '#455a64', '#37474f', '#263238',
export default function handleUserJoined({ body }, meetingId) {
const user = body;
check(user, Object);
/* While the akka-apps dont generate a color we just pick one
from a list based on the userId */
const color = COLOR_LIST[stringHash(user.intId) % COLOR_LIST.length];
return addUser(meetingId, Object.assign(user, { color }));