Leonardo Crauss Daronco b12ea8252d Webhooks: fix callbacks not being sent for create meeting events
Meeting ID mappings have to be created before the meeting created event is
processed, otherwise they won't generate callbacks to hook registered for
that meetingID only.
2014-11-24 14:34:03 -02:00

89 lines
3.4 KiB

_ = require("lodash")
async = require("async")
redis = require("redis")
request = require("request")
config = require("./config")
Hook = require("./hook")
IDMapping = require("./id_mapping")
Logger = require("./logger")
# Web hooks will listen for events on redis coming from BigBlueButton and
# perform HTTP calls with them to all registered hooks.
module.exports = class WebHooks
constructor: ->
@subscriberEvents = redis.createClient()
start: ->
# Subscribe to the events on pubsub that might need to be sent in callback calls.
_subscribeToEvents: ->
@subscriberEvents.on "psubscribe", (channel, count) -> "WebHooks: subscribed to " + channel
@subscriberEvents.on "pmessage", (pattern, channel, message) =>
processMessage = =>
if @_filterMessage(channel, message) "WebHooks: processing message on [#{channel}]:", JSON.stringify(message)
message = JSON.parse(message)
if message?
id = message.payload?.meeting_id
# First treat meeting events to add/remove ID mappings
if message.header?.name is "meeting_created_message" "WebHooks: got create message on meetings channel [#{channel}]", message
IDMapping.addOrUpdateMapping message.payload?.meeting_id, message.payload?.external_meeting_id, (error, result) ->
# has to be here, after the meeting was created, otherwise create calls won't generate
# callback calls for meeting hooks
# TODO: Temporarily commented because we still need the mapping for recording events,
# after the meeting ended.
# else if message.header?.name is "meeting_destroyed_event"
# "WebHooks: got destroy message on meetings channel [#{channel}]", message
# IDMapping.removeMapping message.payload?.meeting_id, (error, result) ->
# processMessage()
catch e
Logger.error "WebHooks: error processing the message", message, ":", e
@subscriberEvents.psubscribe config.hooks.pchannel
# Returns whether the message read from redis should generate a callback
# call or not.
_filterMessage: (channel, message) ->
for event in
if channel? and message.header?.name? and and
return true
# Processes an event received from redis. Will get all hook URLs that
# should receive this event and start the process to perform the callback.
_processEvent: (message) ->
hooks = Hook.allGlobalSync()
# TODO: events that happen after the meeting ended will never trigger the hooks
# below, since the mapping is removed when the meeting ends
# filter the hooks that need to receive this event
# only global hooks or hooks for this specific meeting
idFromMessage = message.payload?.meeting_id
if idFromMessage?
eMeetingID = IDMapping.getExternalMeetingID(idFromMessage)
hooks = hooks.concat(Hook.findByExternalMeetingIDSync(eMeetingID))
hooks.forEach (hook) -> "WebHooks: enqueueing a message in the hook:", hook.callbackURL
hook.enqueue message