2020-10-16 10:30:50 -03:00

225 lines
7.3 KiB
Executable File

import Users from '/imports/api/users';
import Auth from '/imports/ui/services/auth';
import WhiteboardMultiUser from '/imports/api/whiteboard-multi-user/';
import addAnnotationQuery from '/imports/api/annotations/addAnnotation';
import logger from '/imports/startup/client/logger';
import { makeCall } from '/imports/ui/services/api';
import { isEqual } from 'lodash';
const Annotations = new Mongo.Collection(null);
const ANNOTATION_CONFIG = Meteor.settings.public.whiteboard.annotations;
const DRAW_START = ANNOTATION_CONFIG.status.start;
const DRAW_END = ANNOTATION_CONFIG.status.end;
const discardedList = [];
let annotationsStreamListener = null;
export function addAnnotationToDiscardedList(annotation) {
if (!discardedList.includes(annotation)) discardedList.push(annotation);
function clearFakeAnnotations() {
Annotations.remove({ id: /-fake/g });
function handleAddedAnnotation({
meetingId, whiteboardId, userId, annotation,
}) {
const isOwn = Auth.meetingID === meetingId && Auth.userID === userId;
const query = addAnnotationQuery(meetingId, whiteboardId, userId, annotation);
if (!isOwn) {
Annotations.upsert(query.selector, query.modifier);
const fakeAnnotation = Annotations.findOne({ id: `${}-fake` });
let fakePoints;
if (fakeAnnotation) {
fakePoints = fakeAnnotation.annotationInfo.points;
const { points: lastPoints } = annotation.annotationInfo;
if (annotation.annotationType !== 'pencil') {
Annotations.update(fakeAnnotation._id, {
$set: {
position: annotation.position,
'annotationInfo.color': isEqual(fakePoints, lastPoints) || annotation.status === DRAW_END
? annotation.annotationInfo.color : fakeAnnotation.annotationInfo.color,
$inc: { version: 1 }, // TODO: Remove all this version stuff
Annotations.upsert(query.selector, query.modifier, (err) => {
if (err) {
logCode: 'whiteboard_annotation_upsert_error',
extraInfo: { error: err },
}, 'Error on adding an annotation');
// Remove fake annotation for pencil on draw end
if (annotation.status === DRAW_END) {
Annotations.remove({ id: `${}-fake` });
if (annotation.status === DRAW_START) {
Annotations.update(fakeAnnotation._id, {
$set: {
position: annotation.position - 1,
$inc: { version: 1 }, // TODO: Remove all this version stuff
function handleRemovedAnnotation({
meetingId, whiteboardId, userId, shapeId,
}) {
const query = { meetingId, whiteboardId };
if (userId) {
query.userId = userId;
if (shapeId) { = { $in: [shapeId, `${shapeId}-fake`] };
export function initAnnotationsStreamListener() {{ logCode: 'init_annotations_stream_listener' }, 'initAnnotationsStreamListener called');
* We create a promise to add the handlers after a ddp subscription stop.
* The problem was caused because we add handlers to stream before the onStop event happens,
* which set the handlers to undefined.
annotationsStreamListener = new Meteor.Streamer(`annotations-${Auth.meetingID}`, { retransmit: false });
const startStreamHandlersPromise = new Promise((resolve) => {
const checkStreamHandlersInterval = setInterval(() => {
const streamHandlersSize = Object.values(Meteor.StreamerCentral.instances[`annotations-${Auth.meetingID}`].handlers)
.filter(el => el != undefined)
if (!streamHandlersSize) {
}, 250);
startStreamHandlersPromise.then(() => {
logger.debug({ logCode: 'annotations_stream_handler_attach' }, 'Attaching handlers for annotations stream');
annotationsStreamListener.on('removed', handleRemovedAnnotation);
annotationsStreamListener.on('added', ({ annotations }) => {
// Call handleAddedAnnotation when this annotation is not in discardedList
.filter(({ annotation }) => !discardedList.includes(
.forEach(annotation => handleAddedAnnotation(annotation));
function increaseBrightness(realHex, percent) {
let hex = parseInt(realHex, 10).toString(16).padStart(6, 0);
// strip the leading # if it's there
hex = hex.replace(/^\s*#|\s*$/g, '');
// convert 3 char codes --> 6, e.g. `E0F` --> `EE00FF`
if (hex.length === 3) {
hex = hex.replace(/(.)/g, '$1$1');
const r = parseInt(hex.substr(0, 2), 16);
const g = parseInt(hex.substr(2, 2), 16);
const b = parseInt(hex.substr(4, 2), 16);
/* eslint-disable no-bitwise, no-mixed-operators */
return parseInt(((0 | (1 << 8) + r + ((256 - r) * percent) / 100).toString(16)).substr(1)
+ ((0 | (1 << 8) + g + ((256 - g) * percent) / 100).toString(16)).substr(1)
+ ((0 | (1 << 8) + b + ((256 - b) * percent) / 100).toString(16)).substr(1), 16);
/* eslint-enable no-bitwise, no-mixed-operators */
const annotationsQueue = [];
// How many packets we need to have to use annotationsBufferTimeMax
const annotationsMaxDelayQueueSize = 60;
// Minimum bufferTime
const annotationsBufferTimeMin = 30;
// Maximum bufferTime
const annotationsBufferTimeMax = 200;
let annotationsSenderIsRunning = false;
const proccessAnnotationsQueue = async () => {
annotationsSenderIsRunning = true;
const queueSize = annotationsQueue.length;
if (!queueSize) {
annotationsSenderIsRunning = false;
const annotations = annotationsQueue.splice(0, queueSize);
// console.log('annotationQueue.length', annotationsQueue, annotationsQueue.length);
await makeCall('sendBulkAnnotations', annotations.filter(({ id }) => !discardedList.includes(id)));
// ask tiago
const delayPerc = Math.min(annotationsMaxDelayQueueSize, queueSize) / annotationsMaxDelayQueueSize;
const delayDelta = annotationsBufferTimeMax - annotationsBufferTimeMin;
const delayTime = annotationsBufferTimeMin + (delayDelta * delayPerc);
setTimeout(proccessAnnotationsQueue, delayTime);
export function sendAnnotation(annotation) {
// Prevent sending annotations while disconnected
if (!Meteor.status().connected) return;
if (!annotationsSenderIsRunning) setTimeout(proccessAnnotationsQueue, annotationsBufferTimeMin);
// skip optimistic for draw end since the smoothing is done in akka
if (annotation.status === DRAW_END) return;
const { position, ...relevantAnotation } = annotation;
const queryFake = addAnnotationQuery(
Auth.meetingID, annotation.wbId, Auth.userID,
id: `${}-fake`,
position: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,
annotationInfo: {
color: increaseBrightness(annotation.annotationInfo.color, 40),
Annotations.upsert(queryFake.selector, queryFake.modifier);
WhiteboardMultiUser.find({ meetingId: Auth.meetingID }).observeChanges({
changed: clearFakeAnnotations,
Users.find({ userId: Auth.userID }, { fields: { presenter: 1 } }).observeChanges({
changed(id, { presenter }) {
if (presenter === false) clearFakeAnnotations();
export default Annotations;