Saving subscriptions to a local database for now.
126 lines
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126 lines
4.5 KiB
_ = require("lodash")
async = require("async")
redis = require("redis")
request = require("request")
config = require("./config")
Hook = require("./hook")
# Web hooks will listen for events on redis coming from BigBlueButton and
# perform HTTP calls with them to all registered hooks.
module.exports = class WebHooks
constructor: ->
@subscriberEvents = redis.createClient()
@client = redis.createClient()
@subscriberMeetings = redis.createClient()
@meetings = []
start: ->
@subscriberEvents.on "psubscribe", (channel, count) ->
console.log "WebHooks: subscribed to " + channel
@subscriberEvents.on "pmessage", (pattern, channel, message) =>
message = JSON.parse message
if message? and @_filterMessage channel, message
console.log "\nWebHooks: processing message [#{channel}]", message
@_processEvent message
catch e
console.log "WebHooks: error processing the message", message, ":", e
@subscriberEvents.psubscribe config.hooks.pchannel
# Returns whether the message read from redis should generate a callback
# call or not.
_filterMessage: (channel, message) ->
for event in config.hooks.events
if channel? and message.header?.name? and
event.channel.match(channel) and event.name.match(message.header?.name)
return true
# Processes an event received from redis. Will get all hook URLs that
# should receive this event and start the process to perform the callback.
_processEvent: (message) ->
@_getHookUrls (error, hookUrls) ->
console.log "WebHooks: got hook urls:", hookUrls
hookUrls.forEach (hook) ->
hook.enqueue message
# Gets all hook URLs on redis and
# Calls `callback(errors, result)` when done. `result` is an array of `Hook` objects.
# TODO: Once the hooks are stored in memory we won't need to get them from redis anymore
_getHookUrls: (callback) ->
tasks = []
@meetings.forEach (meetingId) =>
console.log "WebHooks: checking hooks for the meeting", meetingId
tasks.push (done) =>
@client.lrange "meeting:#{meetingId}:subscriptions", 0, -1, (error, subscriptions) =>
# TODO: treat error
@_getHookUrlsForSubscriptions meetingId, subscriptions, done
async.series tasks, (errors, result) ->
result = _.flatten result
console.log "Hooks#_getHookUrls: returning", result
callback?(errors, result)
# Get the hook URLs for a list of subscriptions.
_getHookUrlsForSubscriptions: (meetingId, subscriptions, callback) ->
tasks = []
subscriptions.forEach (sid, index) =>
tasks.push (done) =>
@client.hgetall "meeting:#{meetingId}:subscription:#{sid}", (error, redisData) ->
# TODO: treat error
console.log "WebHooks: creating hook url for", redisData
hook = new Hook()
hook.mapFromRedis redisData
done null, hook
async.series tasks, (errors, result) ->
console.log "Hooks#_getHookUrlsForSubscriptions: returning", result
callback?(errors, result)
# For now we have to check for all meetings created and store their internal
# meeting ID so we can read from redis the hooks registered for these meetings.
# In the future we might still need to get this events, but only to store the
# meetings' externalID.
_subscribeToMeetings: ->
@subscriberMeetings.on "subscribe", (channel, count) ->
console.log "WebHooks: subscribed to " + channel
@subscriberMeetings.on "message", (channel, message) =>
console.log "WebHooks: got message [#{channel}]", message
message = JSON.parse(message)
if message.header?.name is "meeting_created_message"
# TODO: if left here, will not emit a callback for the meeting_destroyed_event
# else if message.header?.name is "meeting_destroyed_event"
# @_removeMeeting(message.payload?.meeting_id)
catch e
console.log "Application: error processing the message", message, ":", e
@subscriberMeetings.subscribe "bigbluebutton:from-bbb-apps:meeting"
_addMeeting: (meetingId) ->
unless _.contains(@meetings, meetingId)
console.log "WebHooks: adding meeting to the list", meetingId
@meetings.push meetingId
_removeMeeting: (meetingId) ->
index = @meetings.indexOf(meetingId)
if index > -1
console.log "WebHooks: removing meeting from the list", meetingId
@meetings.splice index, 1