61 lines
2.7 KiB
Executable File
61 lines
2.7 KiB
Executable File
sendChatMessagetoServer: (meetingId, chatObject) ->
# check if this is a private or a public chat message
eventName = ->
if chatObject.chat_type is "PRIVATE_CHAT"
else "send_public_chat_message_request"
# translate the userId to the user's _id
u = Meteor.Users.findOne({'userId':chatObject.from_userid})
if u?
chatObject.from_userid = u._id
# console.log "This is the message we're sending"
# console.log JSON.stringify chatObject
message =
header :
"timestamp": new Date().getTime()
"name": eventName()
"message" : chatObject
"meeting_id": meetingId
"requester_id": chatObject.from_userid
publish Meteor.config.redis.channels.toBBBApps.chat, message
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private methods on server
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@deletePrivateChatMessages = (requesterUserId, requester_id, user1_id, user2_id) ->
requester = Meteor.Users.findOne({_id: requester_id, userId: requesterUserId})
u1 = Meteor.Users.findOne({_id: user1_id})
u2 = Meteor.Users.findOne({_id: user2_id})
if requester? and u1? and u2?
# Delete messages if the requester is a moderator, or one of the participants
if requester.role is "MODERATOR" or (requester._id is u1._id or requester._id is u2._id)
console.log "deleting chat conversation"
Meteor.Chat.remove({ # find all and remove private messages between the 2 users
'message.chat_type': 'PRIVATE_CHAT',
$or: [{'message.from_userid': u1._id, 'message.to_userid': u2._id},{'message.from_userid': u2._id, 'message.to_userid': u1._id}]
@addChatToCollection = (meetingId, messageObject) ->
# manually convert time from 1.408645053653E12 to 1408645053653 if necessary (this is the time_from that the Flash client outputs)
messageObject.from_time = (messageObject.from_time).toString().split('.').join("").split("E")[0]
entry =
meetingId: meetingId
chat_type: messageObject.chat_type
message: messageObject.message
to_username: messageObject.to_username
from_tz_offset: messageObject.from_tz_offset
from_color: messageObject.from_color
to_userid: messageObject.to_userid
from_userid: messageObject.from_userid
from_time: messageObject.from_time
from_username: messageObject.from_username
from_lang: messageObject.from_lang
id = Meteor.Chat.insert(entry)
console.log "added chat id=[#{id}]:#{messageObject.message}. Chat.size is now #{Meteor.Chat.find({meetingId: meetingId}).count()}"