2016-01-15 00:46:41 -05:00

343 lines
14 KiB
Executable File

let calculateFontAndWidth, getRenderedTextSize;
let bind = function(fn, me) {
return function() {
return fn.apply(me, arguments);
// A poll in the whiteboard
this.WhiteboardPollModel = (function() {
class WhiteboardPollModel extends WhiteboardToolModel {
constructor(paper1) {
this.paper = paper1;
this.make = bind(this.make, this);
// the defintion of this shape, kept so we can redraw the shape whenever needed
// format: x1, y1, x2, y2, stroke color, thickness, fill
this.definition = [0, 0, 0, 0, "#333333", "2px", "#ffffff"];
// Creates a polling in the paper
// @param {number} x1 the x value of the top left corner
// @param {number} y1 the y value of the top left corner
// @param {number} x2 the x value of the bottom right corner
// @param {number} y2 the y value of the bottom right corner
// @param {number} thickness the thickness of the object's line(s)
// @param {string} backgroundColor the background color of the base poll rectangle
// @param {number} calcFontSize the default font-size of the text objects
make(startingData) {
let backgroundColor, barHeight, barWidth, calcFontSize, calculatedData, centerCell, color, height, horizontalPadding, i, k, l, leftCell, m, magicNumber, maxBarWidth, maxDigitWidth, maxLeftWidth, maxLineHeight, maxNumVotes, maxRightWidth, n, objects, percResult, ref, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, rightCell, svgNSi, tempSpanEl, tempTextNode, textArray, thickness, verticalPadding, votesTotal, width, x, x1, x2, xBar, xLeft, xNumVotes, xNumVotesDefault, xNumVotesMovedRight, xRight, y, y1, y2, yBar, yLeft, yNumVotes, yRight;
//data needed to create the first base rectangle filled with white color
x1 = startingData.points[0];
y1 = startingData.points[1];
x2 = startingData.points[2] + startingData.points[0] - 0.001;
y2 = startingData.points[3] + startingData.points[1] - 0.001;
thickness = 2;
backgroundColor = "#ffffff";
verticalPadding = 0;
horizontalPadding = 0;
calcFontSize = 30;
votesTotal = 0;
maxNumVotes = 0;
textArray = [];
//creating an array of text objects for the labels, percentages and number inside line bars
if(startingData.result != null) {
//counting the total number of votes and finding the biggest number of votes
for(i = k = 0, ref = startingData.result.length - 1; 0 <= ref ? k <= ref : k >= ref; i = 0 <= ref ? ++k : --k) {
votesTotal += startingData.result[i].num_votes;
if(maxNumVotes < startingData.result[i].num_votes) {
maxNumVotes = startingData.result[i].num_votes;
textArray[i] = [];
//filling the array with proper text objects to display
for(i = l = 0, ref1 = startingData.result.length - 1; 0 <= ref1 ? l <= ref1 : l >= ref1; i = 0 <= ref1 ? ++l : --l) {
textArray[i].push(startingData.result[i].key, `${startingData.result[i].num_votes}`);
if(votesTotal === 0) {
} else {
percResult = startingData.result[i].num_votes / votesTotal * 100;
//if coordinates are reversed - change them back
if(x2 < x1) {
ref2 = [x2, x1], x1 = ref2[0], x2 = ref2[1];
if(y2 < y1) {
ref3 = [y2, y1], y1 = ref3[0], y2 = ref3[1];
//x - the actual calculated x value of the top left corner of the polling area
//y - the actual calculated y value of the top left corner of the polling area
//width - the width of the polling area
//height - the height of the polling area
x = x1 * + this.xOffset;
y = y1 * + this.yOffset;
width = (x2 * + this.xOffset) - x;
height = (y2 * + this.yOffset) - y;
//creating a base outer rectangle
this.obj = this.paper.rect(x, y, width, height, 0);
this.obj.attr("fill", backgroundColor);
this.obj.attr("stroke-width", 0);
this.definition = {
shape: "poll_result",
data: [x1, y1, x2, y2, this.obj.attrs["stroke"], this.obj.attrs["stroke-width"], this.obj.attrs["fill"]]
//recalculated coordinates, width and height for the inner rectangle
width = width * 0.95;
height = height - width * 0.05;
x = x + width * 0.025;
y = y + width * 0.025;
//creating a base inner rectangle
this.obj1 = this.paper.rect(x, y, width, height, 0);
this.obj1.attr("stroke", "#333333");
this.obj1.attr("fill", backgroundColor);
this.obj1.attr("stroke-width", zoomStroke(formatThickness(thickness)));
this.definition = {
shape: "poll_result",
data: [x1, y1, x2, y2, this.obj.attrs["stroke"], this.obj1.attrs["stroke-width"], this.obj1.attrs["fill"]]
//Calculating a proper font-size, and the maximum widht and height of the objects
calculatedData = calculateFontAndWidth(textArray, calcFontSize, width, height, x, y);
calcFontSize = calculatedData[0];
maxLeftWidth = calculatedData[1];
maxRightWidth = calculatedData[2];
maxLineHeight = calculatedData[3];
maxDigitWidth = calculatedData[4];
maxBarWidth = width * 0.9 - maxLeftWidth - maxRightWidth;
barHeight = height * 0.75 / textArray.length;
svgNSi = "";
//Initializing a text element for further calculations and for the left column of keys
this.obj2 = this.paper.text(x, y, "");
"fill": "#333333",
"font-family": "Arial",
"font-size": calcFontSize
});["text-anchor"] = "start";["textAnchor"] = "start";
leftCell = this.obj2.node;
while((leftCell != null) && leftCell.hasChildNodes()) {
//Initializing a text element for the right column of percentages
this.obj3 = this.paper.text(x, y, "");
"fill": "#333333",
"font-family": "Arial",
"font-size": calcFontSize
});["text-anchor"] = "end";["textAnchor"] = "end";
rightCell = this.obj3.node;
while((rightCell != null) && rightCell.hasChildNodes()) {
//setting a font size for the text elements on the left and on the right['font-size'] = calcFontSize;['font-size'] = calcFontSize;
//Horizontal padding
horizontalPadding = width * 0.1 / 4;
//Vertical padding
verticalPadding = height * 0.25 / (textArray.length + 1);
//******************************************MAGIC NUMBER***********************************************
//There is no automatic vertical centering in SVG.
//To center the text element we have to move it down by the half of its height.
//But every text element has its own padding by default.
//The height we receive by calling getBBox() includes padding, but the anchor point doesn't consider it.
//This way the text element is moved down a little bit too much and we have to move it up a bit.
//Number 3.5 seems to work fine.
// Oleksandr Zhurbenko. August 19, 2015
magicNumber = 3.5;
//Initial coordinates of the key column
yLeft = y + verticalPadding + barHeight / 2 - magicNumber;
xLeft = x + horizontalPadding + 1;
//Initial coordinates of the line bar column
xBar = x + maxLeftWidth + horizontalPadding * 2;
yBar = y + verticalPadding;
//Initial coordinates of the percentage column
yRight = y + verticalPadding + barHeight / 2 - magicNumber;
xRight = x + horizontalPadding * 3 + maxLeftWidth + maxRightWidth + maxBarWidth + 1;
objects = [this.obj, this.obj1, this.obj2, this.obj3];
for(i = m = 0, ref4 = textArray.length - 1; 0 <= ref4 ? m <= ref4 : m >= ref4; i = 0 <= ref4 ? ++m : --m) {
//Adding an element to the left column
tempSpanEl = document.createElementNS(svgNSi, "tspan");
tempSpanEl.setAttributeNS(null, "x", xLeft);
tempSpanEl.setAttributeNS(null, "y", yLeft);
tempSpanEl.setAttributeNS(null, "dy", maxLineHeight / 2);
tempTextNode = document.createTextNode(textArray[i][0]);
//drawing a black graph bar
if(maxNumVotes === 0 || startingData.result[i].num_votes === 0) {
barWidth = 2;
} else {
barWidth = startingData.result[i].num_votes / maxNumVotes * maxBarWidth;
this.obj4 = this.paper.rect(xBar, yBar, barWidth, barHeight, 0);
this.obj4.attr("stroke", "#333333");
this.obj4.attr("fill", "#333333");
this.obj4.attr("stroke-width", zoomStroke(formatThickness(0)));
//Adding an element to the right column
tempSpanEl = document.createElementNS(svgNSi, "tspan");
tempSpanEl.setAttributeNS(null, "x", xRight);
tempSpanEl.setAttributeNS(null, "y", yRight);
tempSpanEl.setAttributeNS(null, "dy", maxLineHeight / 2);
tempTextNode = document.createTextNode(textArray[i][2]);
//changing the Y coordinate for all the objects
yBar = yBar + barHeight + verticalPadding;
yLeft = yLeft + barHeight + verticalPadding;
yRight = yRight + barHeight + verticalPadding;
//Initializing a text element for the number of votes text field inside the line bar
this.obj5 = this.paper.text(x, y, "");
"fill": "#333333",
"font-family": "Arial",
"font-size": calcFontSize
centerCell = this.obj5.node;
while((centerCell != null) && centerCell.hasChildNodes()) {
//Initial coordinates of the text inside the bar column
xNumVotesDefault = x + maxLeftWidth + horizontalPadding * 2;
xNumVotesMovedRight = xNumVotesDefault + barWidth / 2 + horizontalPadding + maxDigitWidth / 2;
yNumVotes = y + verticalPadding - magicNumber;
color = "white";
//Drawing the text element with the number of votes inside of the black line bars
//Or outside if a line bar is too small
for(i = n = 0, ref5 = textArray.length - 1; 0 <= ref5 ? n <= ref5 : n >= ref5; i = 0 <= ref5 ? ++n : --n) {
if(maxNumVotes === 0 || startingData.result[i].num_votes === 0) {
barWidth = 2;
} else {
barWidth = startingData.result[i].num_votes / maxNumVotes * maxBarWidth;
if(barWidth < maxDigitWidth + 8) {
xNumVotes = xNumVotesMovedRight;
color = "#333333";
} else {
xNumVotes = xNumVotesDefault;
color = "white";
tempSpanEl = document.createElementNS(svgNSi, "tspan");
tempSpanEl.setAttributeNS(null, "x", xNumVotes + barWidth / 2);
tempSpanEl.setAttributeNS(null, "y", yNumVotes + barHeight / 2);
tempSpanEl.setAttributeNS(null, "dy", maxLineHeight / 2);
tempSpanEl.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", color);
tempTextNode = document.createTextNode(startingData.result[i].num_votes);
yNumVotes = yNumVotes + barHeight + verticalPadding;
return objects;
// Update the poll dimensions. Does nothing.
update(startingData) {}
return WhiteboardPollModel;
calculateFontAndWidth = function(textArray, calcFontSize, width, height, x, y) {
let calculatedData, flag, i, j, k, l, len, line, m, maxDigitWidth, maxLeftWidth, maxLineHeight, maxLineWidth, maxRightWidth, ref, ref1, spanHeight, spanWidth, test;
calculatedData = [];
//maximum line width can be either 1/3 of the line or 40px
//maximum line height is 75% of the initial size of the box divided by the number of lines
maxLineWidth = width / 3;
maxLineHeight = height * 0.75 / (textArray != null ? textArray.length : void 0);
//calculating a proper font-size
flag = true;
while(flag) {
flag = false;
for(i = k = 0, ref = textArray.length - 1; 0 <= ref ? k <= ref : k >= ref; i = 0 <= ref ? ++k : --k) {
for(j = l = 0, ref1 = textArray[i].length - 1; 0 <= ref1 ? l <= ref1 : l >= ref1; j = 0 <= ref1 ? ++l : --l) {
test = getRenderedTextSize(textArray[i][j], calcFontSize);
spanWidth = test[0];
spanHeight = test[1];
if(spanWidth > maxLineWidth || spanHeight > maxLineHeight) {
calcFontSize -= 1;
flag = true;
//looking for a maximum width and height of the left and right text elements
maxLeftWidth = 0;
maxRightWidth = 0;
maxLineHeight = 0;
for(m = 0, len = textArray.length; m < len; m++) {
line = textArray[m];
test = getRenderedTextSize(line[0], calcFontSize);
spanWidth = test[0];
spanHeight = test[1];
if(spanWidth > maxLeftWidth) {
maxLeftWidth = spanWidth;
if(spanHeight > maxLineHeight) {
maxLineHeight = spanHeight;
test = getRenderedTextSize(line[2], calcFontSize);
spanWidth = test[0];
spanHeight = test[1];
if(spanWidth > maxRightWidth) {
maxRightWidth = spanWidth;
if(spanHeight > maxLineHeight) {
maxLineHeight = spanHeight;
test = getRenderedTextSize("0", calcFontSize);
spanWidth = test[0];
spanHeight = test[1];
maxDigitWidth = spanWidth;
calculatedData.push(maxLeftWidth, maxRightWidth, maxLineHeight, maxDigitWidth);
return calculatedData;
getRenderedTextSize = function(string, fontSize) {
let arrayTest, bBox, el, paper;
paper = Raphael(0, 0, 0, 0); = 'hidden';
el = paper.text(0, 0, string);
el.attr("font-family", "Arial");
el.attr("font-size", fontSize);
bBox = el.getBBox();
arrayTest = [];
return arrayTest;