PRESENTATION_SERVER was moved to a better place. It was kind of hardcoded in the client, now it is passed to the client by the server, so it can be easily configured in the server if needed in the future.
554 lines
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Executable File
554 lines
20 KiB
Executable File
define [
], ($, _, Backbone, Raphael, ScaleRaphael, globals, Utils,
WhiteboardCursorModel, WhiteboardSlideModel, WhiteboardRectModel, WhiteboardLineModel,
WhiteboardEllipseModel, WhiteboardTriangleModel, WhiteboardTextModel) ->
# "Paper" which is the Raphael term for the entire SVG object on the webpage.
# This class deals with this SVG component only.
WhiteboardPaperModel = Backbone.Model.extend
# Container must be a DOM element
initialize: (@container) ->
# a WhiteboardCursorModel
@cursor = null
# all slides in the presentation indexed by url
@slides = {}
# the slide being shown
@currentSlide = null
@fitToPage = true
@panX = null
@panY = null
# a raphaeljs set with all the shapes in the current slide
@currentShapes = null
# a list of shapes as passed to this client when it receives `all_slides`
# (se we are able to redraw the shapes whenever needed)
@currentShapesDefinitions = []
# pointers to the current shapes being drawn
@currentLine = null
@currentRect = null
@currentEllipse = null
@currentTriangle = null
@currentText = null
@zoomLevel = 1
@shiftPressed = false
@currentPathCount = 0
$(window).on "resize.whiteboard_paper", _.bind(@_onWindowResize, @)
$(document).on "keydown.whiteboard_paper", _.bind(@_onKeyDown, @)
$(document).on "keyup.whiteboard_paper", _.bind(@_onKeyUp, @)
# Override the close() to unbind events.
unbindEvents: ->
$(window).off "resize.whiteboard_paper"
$(document).off "keydown.whiteboard_paper"
$(document).off "keyup.whiteboard_paper"
# TODO: other events are being used in the code and should be off() here
# Initializes the paper in the page.
# Can't do these things in initialize() because by then some elements
# are not yet created in the page.
create: ->
# paper is embedded within the div#slide of the page.
@raphaelObj ?= ScaleRaphael(@container, "100%", "100%")
@raphaelObj.canvas.setAttribute "preserveAspectRatio", "xMinYMin slice"
@cursor = new WhiteboardCursorModel(@raphaelObj)
@cursor.on "cursor:mousewheel", _.bind(@_zoomSlide, @)
if @slides
@slides = {} # if previously loaded
unless navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") is -1
# Re-add the images to the paper that are found
# in the slides array (an object of urls and dimensions).
rebuild: ->
@currentSlide = null
for url of @slides
if @slides.hasOwnProperty(url)
@addImageToPaper url, @slides[url].getWidth(), @slides[url].getHeight()
# A wrapper around ScaleRaphael's `changeSize()` method, more details at:
# http://www.shapevent.com/scaleraphael/
# Also makes sure that the images are redraw in the canvas so they are actually resized.
changeSize: (windowWidth, windowHeight, center=true, clipping=false) ->
if @raphaelObj?
@raphaelObj.changeSize(windowWidth, windowHeight, center, clipping)
# TODO: we can scale the slides and drawings instead of re-adding them, but the logic
# will change quite a bit
# slides
slidesTmp = _.clone(@slides)
urlTmp = @currentSlide
@slides = slidesTmp
# drawings
tmp = _.clone(@currentShapesDefinitions)
# Add an image to the paper.
# @param {string} url the URL of the image to add to the paper
# @param {number} width the width of the image (in pixels)
# @param {number} height the height of the image (in pixels)
# @return {Raphael.image} the image object added to the whiteboard
addImageToPaper: (url, width, height) ->
console.log "adding image to paper", url, width, height
if @fitToPage
# solve for the ratio of what length is going to fit more than the other
max = Math.max(width / @containerWidth, height / @containerHeight)
# fit it all in appropriately
# TODO: temporary solution
url = @_slideUrl(url)
sw = width / max
sh = height / max
cx = (@containerWidth / 2) - (width / 2)
cy = (@containerHeight / 2) - (height / 2)
img = @raphaelObj.image(url, cx, cy, width, height)
originalWidth = width
originalHeight = height
# fit to width
console.log "no fit"
# assume it will fit width ways
sw = width / wr
sh = height / wr
wr = width / @containerWidth
originalWidth = sw
originalHeight = sh
sw = width / wr
sh = height / wr
img = @raphaelObj.image(url, cx = 0, cy = 0, sw, sh)
# sw slide width as percentage of original width of paper
# sh slide height as a percentage of original height of paper
# x-offset from top left corner as percentage of original width of paper
# y-offset from top left corner as percentage of original height of paper
@slides[url] = new WhiteboardSlideModel(img.id, url, img, originalWidth, originalHeight, sw, sh, cx, cy)
unless @currentSlide?
@currentSlide = @slides[url]
else if @currentSlide.url is url
$(@container).on "mousemove", _.bind(@_onMouseMove, @)
$(@container).on "mousewheel", _.bind(@_zoomSlide, @)
# TODO $(img.node).bind "mousewheel", zoomSlide
@trigger('paper:image:added', img)
# TODO: other places might also required an update in these dimensions
# Removes all the images from the Raphael paper.
removeAllImagesFromPaper: ->
for url of @slides
if @slides.hasOwnProperty(url)
@trigger('paper:image:removed', @slides[url].getId())
@slides = {}
@currentSlide = null
# Shows an image from the paper.
# The url must be in the slides array.
# @param {string} url the url of the image (must be in slides array)
showImageFromPaper: (url) ->
# TODO: temporary solution
url = @_slideUrl(url)
if not @currentSlide? or (@slides[url]? and @currentSlide.url isnt url)
@_hideImageFromPaper(@currentSlide.url) if @currentSlide?
next = @_getImageFromPaper(url)
if next
@currentShapes.forEach (element) ->
@currentSlide = @slides[url]
# Updates the paper from the server values.
# @param {number} cx_ the x-offset value as a percentage of the original width
# @param {number} cy_ the y-offset value as a percentage of the original height
# @param {number} sw_ the slide width value as a percentage of the original width
# @param {number} sh_ the slide height value as a percentage of the original height
# TODO: not tested yet
updatePaperFromServer: (cx_, cy_, sw_, sh_) ->
# if updating the slide size (zooming!)
[slideWidth, slideHeight] = @_currentSlideOriginalDimensions()
if sw_ and sh_
@raphaelObj.setViewBox cx_ * slideWidth, cy_ * slideHeight, sw_ * slideWidth, sh_ * slideHeight,
sw = slideWidth / sw_
sh = slideHeight / sh_
# just panning, so use old slide size values
[sw, sh] = @_currentSlideDimensions()
@raphaelObj.setViewBox cx_ * slideWidth, cy_ * slideHeight, @raphaelObj._viewBox[2], @raphaelObj._viewBox[3]
# update corners
cx = cx_ * sw
cy = cy_ * sh
# update position of svg object in the window
sx = (@containerWidth - slideWidth) / 2
sy = (@containerHeight - slideHeight) / 2
sy = 0 if sy < 0
@raphaelObj.canvas.style.left = sx + "px"
@raphaelObj.canvas.style.top = sy + "px"
@raphaelObj.setSize slideWidth - 2, slideHeight - 2
# update zoom level and cursor position
z = @raphaelObj._viewBox[2] / slideWidth
@zoomLevel = z
@cursor.setRadius(dcr * z)
# force the slice attribute despite Raphael changing it
@raphaelObj.canvas.setAttribute "preserveAspectRatio", "xMinYMin slice"
# Switches the tool and thus the functions that get
# called when certain events are fired from Raphael.
# @param {string} tool the tool to turn on
# @return {undefined}
setCurrentTool: (tool) ->
@currentTool = tool
console.log "setting current tool to", tool
switch tool
when "path", "line"
@currentLine = @_createTool(tool)
@cursor.drag(@currentLine.dragOnMove, @currentLine.dragOnStart, @currentLine.dragOnEnd)
when "rect"
@currentRect = @_createTool(tool)
@cursor.drag(@currentRect.dragOnMove, @currentRect.dragOnStart, @currentRect.dragOnEnd)
# TODO: the shapes below are still in the old format
# when "panzoom"
# @cursor.undrag()
# @cursor.drag _.bind(@_panDragging, @),
# _.bind(@_panGo, @), _.bind(@_panStop, @)
# when "ellipse"
# @cursor.undrag()
# @cursor.drag _.bind(@_ellipseDragging, @),
# _.bind(@_ellipseDragStart, @), _.bind(@_ellipseDragStop, @)
# when "text"
# @cursor.undrag()
# @cursor.drag _.bind(@_rectDragging, @),
# _.bind(@_textStart, @), _.bind(@_textStop, @)
console.log "ERROR: Cannot set invalid tool:", tool
# Sets the fit to page.
# @param {boolean} value If true fit to page. If false fit to width.
# TODO: not really working as it should be
setFitToPage: (value) ->
@fitToPage = value
# TODO: we can scale the slides and drawings instead of re-adding them, but the logic
# will change quite a bit
temp = @slides
@slides = temp
# re-add all the images as they should fit differently
# set to default zoom level
globals.connection.emitPaperUpdate 0, 0, 1, 1
# get the shapes to reprocess
# Socket response - Update zoom variables and viewbox
# @param {number} d the delta value from the scroll event
# @return {undefined}
setZoom: (d) ->
step = 0.05 # step size
if d < 0
@zoomLevel += step # zooming out
@zoomLevel -= step # zooming in
[sw, sh] = @_currentSlideDimensions()
[cx, cy] = @_currentSlideOffsets()
x = cx / sw
y = cy / sh
# cannot zoom out further than 100%
z = (if @zoomLevel > 1 then 1 else @zoomLevel)
# cannot zoom in further than 400% (1/4)
z = (if z < 0.25 then 0.25 else z)
# cannot zoom to make corner less than (x,y) = (0,0)
x = (if x < 0 then 0 else x)
y = (if y < 0 then 0 else y)
# cannot view more than the bottom corners
zz = 1 - z
x = (if x > zz then zz else x)
y = (if y > zz then zz else y)
globals.connection.emitPaperUpdate x, y, z, z # send update to all clients
stopPanning: ->
# nothing to do
# Draws an array of shapes to the paper.
# @param {array} shapes the array of shapes to draw
drawListOfShapes: (shapes) ->
@currentShapesDefinitions = shapes
@currentShapes = @raphaelObj.set()
for shape in shapes
data = if _.isString(shape.data) then JSON.parse(shape.data) else shape.data
tool = @_createTool(shape.shape)
if tool?
@currentShapes.push tool.draw.apply(tool, data)
console.log "shape not recognized at drawListOfShapes", shape
# make sure the cursor is still on top
# Clear all shapes from this paper.
clearShapes: ->
console.log "clearing shapes"
if @currentShapes?
@currentShapes.forEach (element) ->
@currentShapes = null
@currentShapesDefinitions = []
# Updated a shape `shape` with the data in `data`.
# TODO: check if the objects exist before calling update, if they don't they should be created
updateShape: (shape, data) ->
switch shape
when "line"
@currentLine.update.apply(@currentLine, data)
when "rect"
@currentRect.update.apply(@currentRect, data)
when "ellipse"
@currentEllipse.update.apply(@currentEllipse, data)
when "triangle"
@currentTriangle.update.apply(@currentTriangle, data)
when "text"
@currentText.update.apply(@currentText, data)
console.log "shape not recognized at updateShape", shape
# Make a shape `shape` with the data in `data`.
makeShape: (shape, data) ->
tool = null
switch shape
when "path", "line"
@currentLine = @_createTool(shape)
toolModel = @currentLine
tool = @currentLine.make.apply(@currentLine, data)
when "rect"
@currentRect = @_createTool(shape)
toolModel = @currentRect
tool = @currentRect.make.apply(@currentRect, data)
when "ellipse"
@currentEllipse = @_createTool(shape)
toolModel = @currentEllipse
tool = @currentEllipse.make.apply(@currentEllipse, data)
when "triangle"
@currentTriangle = @_createTool(shape)
toolModel = @currentTriangle
tool = @currentTriangle.make.apply(@currentTriangle, data)
when "text"
@currentText = @_createTool(shape)
toolModel = @currentText
tool = @currentText.make.apply(@currentText, data)
console.log "shape not recognized at makeShape", shape
if tool?
# Update the cursor position on screen
# @param {number} x the x value of the cursor as a percentage of the width
# @param {number} y the y value of the cursor as a percentage of the height
moveCursor: (x, y) ->
[cx, cy] = @_currentSlideOffsets()
[slideWidth, slideHeight] = @_currentSlideOriginalDimensions()
@cursor.setPosition(x * slideWidth + cx, y * slideHeight + cy)
# Update the dimensions of the container.
_updateContainerDimensions: ->
$container = $(@container)
@containerWidth = $container.innerWidth()
@containerHeight = $container.innerHeight()
@containerOffsetLeft = $container.offset().left
@containerOffsetTop = $container.offset().top
# Retrieves an image element from the paper.
# The url must be in the slides array.
# @param {string} url the url of the image (must be in slides array)
# @return {Raphael.image} return the image or null if not found
_getImageFromPaper: (url) ->
if @slides[url]
id = @slides[url].getId()
return @raphaelObj.getById(id) if id?
# Hides an image from the paper given the URL.
# The url must be in the slides array.
# @param {string} url the url of the image (must be in slides array)
_hideImageFromPaper: (url) ->
img = @_getImageFromPaper(url)
img.hide() if img?
# Update zoom variables on all clients
# @param {Event} e the event that occurs when scrolling
# @param {number} delta the speed/direction at which the scroll occurred
_zoomSlide: (e, delta) ->
globals.connection.emitZoom delta
# Called when the cursor is moved over the presentation.
# Sends cursor moving event to server.
# @param {Event} e the mouse event
# @param {number} x the x value of cursor at the time in relation to the left side of the browser
# @param {number} y the y value of cursor at the time in relation to the top of the browser
# TODO: this should only be done if the user is the presenter
_onMouseMove: (e, x, y) ->
[sw, sh] = @_currentSlideDimensions()
xLocal = (e.pageX - @containerOffsetLeft) / sw
yLocal = (e.pageY - @containerOffsetTop) / sh
globals.connection.emitMoveCursor xLocal, yLocal
# When the user is dragging the cursor (click + move)
# @param {number} dx the difference between the x value from panGo and now
# @param {number} dy the difference between the y value from panGo and now
_panDragging: (dx, dy) ->
[slideWidth, slideHeight] = @_currentSlideOriginalDimensions()
sx = (@containerWidth - slideWidth) / 2
sy = (@containerHeight - slideHeight) / 2
[sw, sh] = @_currentSlideDimensions()
# ensuring that we cannot pan outside of the boundaries
x = (@panX - dx)
# cannot pan past the left edge of the page
x = (if x < 0 then 0 else x)
y = (@panY - dy)
# cannot pan past the top of the page
y = (if y < 0 then 0 else y)
if @fitToPage
x2 = slideWidth + x
x2 = @containerWidth + x
# cannot pan past the width
x = (if x2 > sw then sw - (@containerWidth - sx * 2) else x)
if @fitToPage
y2 = slideHeight + y
# height of image could be greater (or less) than the box it fits in
y2 = @containerHeight + y
# cannot pan below the height
y = (if y2 > sh then sh - (@containerHeight - sy * 2) else y)
globals.connection.emitPaperUpdate x / sw, y / sh, null, null
# When panning starts
# @param {number} x the x value of the cursor
# @param {number} y the y value of the cursor
_panGo: (x, y) ->
[cx, cy] = @_currentSlideOffsets()
@panX = cx
@panY = cy
# When panning finishes
# @param {Event} e the mouse event
_panStop: (e) ->
# Called when the application window is resized.
_onWindowResize: ->
# when pressing down on a key at anytime
_onKeyDown: (event) ->
unless event
keyCode = window.event.keyCode
keyCode = event.keyCode
switch keyCode
when 16 # shift key
@shiftPressed = true
# when releasing any key at any time
_onKeyUp: ->
unless event
keyCode = window.event.keyCode
keyCode = event.keyCode
switch keyCode
when 16 # shift key
@shiftPressed = false
_currentSlideDimensions: ->
if @currentSlide? then @currentSlide.getDimensions() else [0, 0]
_currentSlideOriginalDimensions: ->
if @currentSlide? then @currentSlide.getOriginalDimensions() else [0, 0]
_currentSlideOffsets: ->
if @currentSlide? then @currentSlide.getOffsets() else [0, 0]
# Wrapper method to create a tool for the whiteboard
_createTool: (type) ->
switch type
when "path", "line"
model = WhiteboardLineModel
when "rect"
model = WhiteboardRectModel
when "ellipse"
model = WhiteboardEllipseModel
when "triangle"
model = WhiteboardTriangleModel
when "text"
model = WhiteboardTextModel
if model?
[slideWidth, slideHeight] = @_currentSlideOriginalDimensions()
[xOffset, yOffset] = @_currentSlideOffsets()
[width, height] = @_currentSlideDimensions()
tool = new model(@raphaelObj)
# TODO: why are the parameters inverted and it works?
tool.setPaperSize(slideHeight, slideWidth)
tool.setOffsets(xOffset, yOffset)
# Adds the base url (the protocol+server part) to `url` if needed.
_slideUrl: (url) ->
if url.match(/http[s]?:/)
globals.presentationServer + url