Leonardo Crauss Daronco bbe1c63c9f Basic whiteboard functionality in a new view and model
All it can do for now is initialize the Raphel objects and show the slide images in the screen.
2012-12-11 17:37:32 -02:00

106 lines
3.8 KiB

define [
], ($, _, Backbone, globals, WhiteboardPaperModel, preuploadImageTemplate) ->
# TODO: can be split in multiple views
# TODO: maybe the drawing stuff could be in a separate model
# The whiteboard components in a session
# The contents are rendered by SessionView, this class is Used to
# manage the events in the users.
SessionWhiteboardView = Backbone.View.extend
initialize: ->
@paper = null
# Bind to the event triggered when the client connects to the server
globals.connection.bind "connection:connected",
this.registerConnectionEvents, this
# Registers listeners for events in the application socket.
registerConnectionEvents: ->
socket = globals.connection.socket
# Received event to update all the slide images
# @param {Array} urls list of URLs to be added to the paper (after old images are removed)
socket.on "all_slides", (urls) =>
console.log "received all_slides", urls
# $("#uploadStatus").text ""
for url in urls
@paper.addImageToPaper(url[0], url[1], url[2])
# don't need to render anything, the rendering is done by SessionView.
render: ->
@colorView = @$("#colourView")
@colourViewCtx = @colorView[0].getContext("2d")
@colourText = @$("#colourText")
@thicknessControl = @$("#thicknessView")
@thicknessControlCtx = @thicknessControl[0].getContext("2d")
_renderPaper: ->
# have to create the paper here, in the initializer #slide doesn't exist yet
$slide = @$("#slide")
# TODO: at this point the dimensions of $slide are 0
@paper ?= new WhiteboardPaperModel($slide[0], $slide.innerWidth(), $slide.innerHeight())
# events triggered when an image is added or removed from the paper
@paper.bind "paper:image:added", @addPreloadImage, this
@paper.bind "paper:image:removed", @removePreloadImage, this
addPreloadImage: (img) ->
customSrc = img.attr("src")
customSrc = customSrc.replace(":3000", "") # TODO: temporary
console.log "adding preload image", customSrc
data =
url: customSrc
compiledTemplate = _.template(preuploadImageTemplate, data)
@$("#slide").append compiledTemplate
removePreloadImage: (imgID) ->
console.log "removing preload image", imgID
$("#preload-" + imgID).remove()
# Drawing the thickness viewer for client feedback.
# No messages are sent to the server, it is completely
# local. Shows visual of thickness for drawing tools.
# @param {number} thickness the thickness value
# @param {string} colour the colour it should be displayed as
# @return {undefined}
_drawThicknessView: (thickness, colour) ->
@currentThickness = thickness
@thicknessControlCtx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF"
@thicknessControlCtx.fillRect 0, 0, 20, 20
center = Math.round((20 - thickness + 1) / 2)
@thicknessControlCtx.fillStyle = colour
@thicknessControlCtx.fillRect center, center, thickness + 1, thickness + 1
# Drawing the colour viewer for client feedback.
# No messages are sent to the server, it is
# completely local. Shows colour visual for drawing tools.
# @param {string} colour the colour it should be displayed as
# @return {undefined}
_drawColourView: (colour) ->
@currentColour = colour
@colourViewCtx.fillStyle = colour
@colourText.value = colour
@colourViewCtx.fillRect 0, 0, 12, 12