75 lines
2.8 KiB
Executable File
75 lines
2.8 KiB
Executable File
authenticate: (auth) ->
throw new Meteor.Error(422, "You need a token to authenticate.") unless auth.token
throw new Meteor.Error(422, "You need a userId to authenticate.") unless auth.userId
throw new Meteor.Error(422, "You need a meetingId to authenticate.") unless auth.meetingId
user =
userId: "user1"
meetingId: "demo123"
#UserSession.set(meetingId + ":" userId, user);
userId = Meteor.Users.insert(user)
console.log "User id=[" + userId + "]"
@setUserId userId
console.log @userId
#showUserId: ->
# throw new Meteor.Error(422, @userId)return
addUserToCollection: (meetingId, user) ->
userId = user.userid
#check if the user is already in the meeting
unless Meteor.Users.findOne({userId:userId, meetingId: meetingId})?
entry =
meetingId: meetingId
userId: userId
userid: user.userid
presenter: user.presenter
name: user.name
phone_user: user.phone_user
raise_hand: user.raise_hand
has_stream: user.has_stream
role: user.role
listenOnly: user.listenOnly
extern_userid: user.extern_userid
permissions: user.permissions
locked: user.locked
web_userid: user.voiceUser.web_userid
callernum: user.voiceUser.callernum
userid: user.voiceUser.userid
talking: user.voiceUser.talking
joined: user.voiceUser.joined
callername: user.voiceUser.callername
locked: user.voiceUser.locked
muted: user.voiceUser.muted
webcam_stream: user.webcam_stream
id = Meteor.Users.insert(entry)
console.log "added user id=[#{id}]:#{user.name}. Users.size is now #{Meteor.Users.find({meetingId: meetingId}).count()}"
removeUserFromCollection: (meetingId, userId) ->
if meetingId? and userId? and Meteor.Users.findOne({meetingId: meetingId, userId: userId})?
id = Meteor.Users.findOne({meetingId: meetingId, userId: userId})
if id?
console.log "----removed user[" + userId + "] from " + meetingId
userShareAudio: (meetingId, userId) ->
if meetingId? and userId?
Meteor.Users.update({meetingId: meetingId, userId: userId}, {$set:{'user.voiceUser.joined':true}})
userStopAudio: (meetingId, userId) ->
if meetingId? and userId?
Meteor.Users.update({meetingId: meetingId, userId: userId}, {$set:{'user.voiceUser.talking':false}})
Meteor.Users.update({meetingId: meetingId, userId: userId}, {$set:{'user.voiceUser.joined':false}})
userRaiseHand: (userId) ->
if userId?
Meteor.Users.update({userId:userId}, {$set: {'user.raise_hand':true}})