
267 lines
11 KiB
Executable File

validate: (meetingId, userId, authToken) ->
Meteor.redisPubSub.sendValidateToken(meetingId, userId, authToken)
userLogout: (meetingId, userId) ->
console.log "a user is logging out:" + userId
#remove from the collection"removeUserFromCollection", meetingId, userId)
#dispatch a message to redis
Meteor.redisPubSub.sendUserLeavingRequest(meetingId, userId)
console.log "destroying subscriptions----------------------------------"
# will have to add some code in here to ensure the user with userId can not get back into the meeting since we cannot clear their client side data
userKick: (meetingId, userId) ->
console.log "#{userId} is being kicked"
console.log "a user is logging out:" + userId
#remove from the collection"removeUserFromCollection", meetingId, userId)
#dispatch a message to redis
Meteor.redisPubSub.sendUserLeavingRequest(meetingId, userId)
publishChatMessage: (meetingId, messageObject) ->
Meteor.redisPubSub.publishingChatMessage(meetingId, messageObject)
publishMuteRequest: (meetingId, userId, requesterId, mutedBoolean) =>
console.log "publishing a user mute #{mutedBoolean} request for #{userId}"
message =
"userid": userId
"meeting_id": meetingId
"mute": mutedBoolean
"requester_id": requesterId
"timestamp": new Date().getTime()
"name": "mute_user_request"
"version": "0.0.1"
if meetingId? and userId? and requesterId?
Meteor.redisPubSub.publish(Meteor.config.redis.channels.toBBBApps.voice, message)
# modify the collection
Meteor.Users.update({userId:userId, meetingId: meetingId}, {$set:{'user.voiceUser.talking':false}})
numChanged = Meteor.Users.update({userId:userId, meetingId: meetingId}, {$set:{'user.voiceUser.muted':mutedBoolean}})
if numChanged isnt 1
console.log "\n\nSomething went wrong!! We were supposed to mute/unmute 1 user!!\n\n"
console.log "did not have enough information to send a mute_user_request"
class Meteor.RedisPubSub
constructor: (callback) ->
console.log "constructor RedisPubSub"
@pubClient = redis.createClient()
@subClient = redis.createClient()
console.log("RPC: Subscribing message on channel: #{Meteor.config.redis.channels.fromBBBApps}")
@subClient.on "psubscribe", Meteor.bindEnvironment(@_onSubscribe)
@subClient.on "pmessage", Meteor.bindEnvironment(@_onMessage)
callback @
# Construct and send a message to bbb-web to validate the user
sendValidateToken: (meetingId, userId, authToken) ->
console.log "\n\n i am sending a validate_auth_token with " + userId + "" + meetingId
message =
"auth_token": authToken
"userid": userId
"meeting_id": meetingId
"timestamp": new Date().getTime()
"reply_to": meetingId + "/" + userId
"name": "validate_auth_token"
if authToken? and userId? and meetingId?
@pubClient.publish(Meteor.config.redis.channels.toBBBApps.meeting, JSON.stringify(message))
console.log "did not have enough information to send a validate_auth_token message"
sendUserLeavingRequest: (meetingId, userId) ->
console.log "\n\n sending a user_leaving_request for #{meetingId}:#{userId}"
message =
"meeting_id": meetingId
"userid": userId
"timestamp": new Date().getTime()
"name": "user_leaving_request"
"version": "0.0.1"
if userId? and meetingId?
@pubClient.publish(Meteor.config.redis.channels.toBBBApps.users, JSON.stringify(message))
console.log "did not have enough information to send a user_leaving_request"
_onSubscribe: (channel, count) =>
console.log "Subscribed to #{channel}"
_onMessage: (pattern, channel, jsonMsg) =>
# TODO: this has to be in a try/catch block, otherwise the server will
# crash if the message has a bad format
message = JSON.parse(jsonMsg)
correlationId = message.payload?.reply_to or message.header?.reply_to
meetingId = message.payload?.meeting_id
ignoredEventTypes = [
unless message.header?.name in ignoredEventTypes
#console.log "\nchannel=" + channel
#console.log "correlationId=" + correlationId if correlationId?
console.log "eventType=" + message.header?.name #+ "\n"
#log.debug({ pattern: pattern, channel: channel, message: message}, "Received a message from redis")
console.log jsonMsg
if message.header?.name is 'user_voice_talking_message'
u = Meteor.Users.findOne({'userId': message.payload?.user?.userid})
if u? and not u?.user?.voiceUser?.muted
console.log "setting talking to #{message?.payload?.user?.voiceUser?.talking}\n\n\n\n"
Meteor.Users.update({_id:u._id}, {$set: {'user.voiceUser.talking':message?.payload?.user?.voiceUser?.talking}})
if message.header?.name is "get_all_meetings_reply"
console.log "Let's store some data for the running meetings so that when an HTML5 client joins everything is ready!"
listOfMeetings = message.payload?.meetings
for meeting in listOfMeetings"addMeetingToCollection", meeting.meetingID, meeting.meetingName, meeting.recorded)
if message.header?.name is "get_users_reply" and message.payload?.requester_id is "nodeJSapp"
unless Meteor.Meetings.findOne({MeetingId: message.payload?.meeting_id})?
users = message.payload?.users
for user in users"addUserToCollection", meetingId, user)
if message.header?.name is "user_joined_message"
user = message.payload.user"addUserToCollection", meetingId, user)
if message.header?.name is "user_left_message"
userId = message.payload?.user?.userid
if userId? and meetingId?"removeUserFromCollection", meetingId, userId)
if message.header?.name is "get_chat_history_reply" and message.payload?.requester_id is "nodeJSapp"
unless Meteor.Meetings.findOne({MeetingId: message.payload?.meeting_id})? # TODO check if MeetingId or meetingId!!
for chatMessage in message.payload?.chat_history"addChatToCollection", meetingId, chatMessage)
if message.header?.name is "send_public_chat_message"
messageObject = message.payload?.message"addChatToCollection", meetingId, messageObject)
if message.header?.name is "meeting_created_message"
# the event message contains very little info, so we will
# request for information for all the meetings and in
# this way can keep the Meetings collection up to date
if message.header?.name is "presentation_shared_message"
presentationId = message.payload?.presentation?.id
# change the currently displayed presentation to presentation.current = false
Meteor.Presentations.update({"presentation.current": true},{$set: {"presentation.current": false}})
#update(if already present) entirely the presentation with the fresh data"removePresentationFromCollection", meetingId, presentationId)"addPresentationToCollection", meetingId, message.payload?.presentation)
for slide in message.payload?.presentation?.pages"addSlideToCollection", meetingId, message.payload?.presentation?.id, slide)
if slide.current"displayThisSlide", meetingId,, slide)
if message.header?.name is "get_presentation_info_reply" and message.payload?.requester_id is "nodeJSapp"
# todo: grab the whiteboard shapes using the whiteboard_id we have here
for presentation in message.payload?.presentations"addPresentationToCollection", meetingId, presentation)
for page in presentation.pages
#add the slide to the collection"addSlideToCollection", meetingId,, page)
#request for shapes
whiteboardId = "#{}/#{page.num}" # d2d9a672040fbde2a47a10bf6c37b6a4b5ae187f-1404411622872/1
console.log "the whiteboard_id here is:" + whiteboardId
message =
"meeting_id": meetingId
"requester_id": "nodeJSapp"
"whiteboard_id": whiteboardId
"timestamp": new Date().getTime()
"name": "get_whiteboard_shapes_request"
"version": "0.0.1"
if whiteboardId? and meetingId?
@pubClient.publish(Meteor.config.redis.channels.toBBBApps.whiteboard, JSON.stringify(message))
console.log "did not have enough information to send a user_leaving_request"
if message.header?.name is "presentation_page_changed_message"
newSlide = message.payload?.page"displayThisSlide", meetingId, newSlide?.id, newSlide)
if message.header?.name is "get_whiteboard_shapes_reply" and message.payload?.requester_id is "nodeJSapp"
for shape in message.payload.shapes
whiteboardId = shape.wb_id"addShapeToCollection", meetingId, whiteboardId, shape)
if message.header?.name is "send_whiteboard_shape_message"
shape = message.payload?.shape
whiteboardId = shape?.wb_id"addShapeToCollection", meetingId, whiteboardId, shape)
if message.header?.name in ["meeting_ended_message", "meeting_destroyed_event",
"end_and_kick_all_message", "disconnect_all_users_message"]
if Meteor.Meetings.findOne({meetingId: meetingId})?
console.log "there are #{Meteor.Users.find({meetingId: meetingId}).count()} users in the meeting"
for user in Meteor.Users.find({meetingId: meetingId}).fetch()"removeUserFromCollection", meetingId, user.userId)
#TODO should we clear the chat messages for that meeting?!
unless message.header?.name is "disconnect_all_users_message""removeMeetingFromCollection", meetingId)
# message should be an object
publish: (channel, message) ->
console.log "Publishing channel=#{channel}, message=#{JSON.stringify(message)}"
@pubClient.publish(channel, JSON.stringify(message), (err, res) ->
console.log "err=" + err
console.log "res=" + res
publishingChatMessage: (meetingId, chatObject) =>
console.log "publishing a chat message to bbb-apps"
message =
header :
"timestamp": new Date().getTime()
"name": "send_public_chat_message_request"
"message" : chatObject
"meeting_id": meetingId
"requester_id": chatObject.from_userid
console.log "publishing:" + JSON.stringify (message)
@pubClient.publish(, JSON.stringify (message))
invokeGetAllMeetingsRequest: =>
#grab data about all active meetings on the server
message =
"name": "get_all_meetings_request"
"payload": {} # I need this, otherwise bbb-apps won't recognize the message
@pubClient.publish(Meteor.config.redis.channels.toBBBApps.meeting, JSON.stringify (message))