2021-11-10 20:14:56 +00:00

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"app.home.greeting": "आपकी प्रस्तुति शीघ्र ही शुरू होगी ...",
"": "मेसेज भेजें",
"": "संदेश बहुत लंबा है {0} अक्षर()",
"": "आप डिस्कनेक्ट हो गए हैं, संदेश नहीं भेजे जा सकते हैं",
"": "चैट बंद है, संदेश नहीं भेजे जा सकते",
"": "चैट के लिए संदेश इनपुट {0}",
"": "{0} को संदेश भेजें",
"": "सार्वजनिक चैट",
"": "{0} के साथ निजी चैट",
"": "{0} ने बैठक छोड़ दी है",
"": "बंद करें {0}",
"": "{0} छिपाएँ",
"": "नीचे और अधिक संदेश",
"": "चैट विकल्प",
"": "स्पष्ट",
"": "प्रतिलिपि",
"": "बचाना",
"": "बातचीत",
"": "ऑफलाइन",
"": "चैट लॉग खाली है",
"": "सार्वजनिक चैट इतिहास एक मॉडरेटर द्वारा साफ़ किया गया था",
"": "कई उपयोगकर्ता टाइप कर रहे हैं",
"": "{0} टाइपिंग कर रहा है",
"": "{0} और {1} टाइप कर रहे हैं",
"app.captions.label": "कैप्शन",
"": "बंद करे",
"": "शुरू",
"": "कैप्शन लिखना शुरू करें",
"": "कैप्शन संपादक को खोलता है और मोडल को बंद कर देता है",
"": "उपलब्ध भाषा का चयन करें",
"": "कैप्शन भाषा",
"": "कृपया अपने सत्र के भीतर बंद कैप्शन के लिए एक भाषा और शैलियों का चयन करें।",
"": "बंद शीर्षक",
"": "आकार",
"": "लिपि का रंग",
"": "फ़ॉन्ट",
"": "पीछे का रंग",
"": "पूर्वावलोकन",
"": "रद्द करना",
"app.captions.pad.hide": "my name is hari",
"app.captions.pad.tip": "संपादक टूलबार पर ध्यान केंद्रित करने के लिए Esc दबाएं",
"app.captions.pad.ownership": "स्वामित्व लेने",
"app.captions.pad.ownershipTooltip": "आपको {0} कैप्शन के स्वामी के रूप में असाइन किया जाएगा",
"app.captions.pad.interimResult": "अंतरिम परिणाम",
"app.captions.pad.dictationStart": "श्रुतज्ञान प्रारंभ करें",
"app.captions.pad.dictationStop": "श्रुतज्ञान बंद करो",
"app.captions.pad.dictationOnDesc": "भाषण मान्यता को चालू करता है",
"app.note.title": "साझा किए गए नोट्स",
"app.note.label": "ध्यान दें",
"app.note.hideNoteLabel": "नोट छिपाएं",
"app.note.tipLabel": "संपादक टूलबार पर ध्यान केंद्रित करने के लिए Esc दबाएं",
"app.user.activityCheck": "उपयोगकर्ता गतिविधि की जाँच करें",
"app.user.activityCheck.label": "जांचें कि क्या उपयोगकर्ता अभी भी मिल रहा है ({0})",
"app.user.activityCheck.check": "चेक",
"app.userList.usersTitle": "उपयोगकर्ताओं",
"app.userList.participantsTitle": "प्रतिभागियों",
"app.userList.messagesTitle": "संदेश",
"app.userList.notesTitle": "टिप्पणियाँ",
"app.userList.captionsTitle": "कैप्शन",
"app.userList.presenter": "प्रस्तुतकर्ता",
"": "आप",
"app.userList.locked": "बंद",
"app.userList.label": "उपयोगकर्ता सूची",
"app.userList.toggleCompactView.label": "कॉम्पैक्ट व्यू मोड को टॉगल करें",
"app.userList.guest": "अतिथि",
"app.userList.menuTitleContext": "उपलब्ध विकल्प",
"": "स्पष्ट स्थिति",
"": "उपयोगकर्ता निकालें",
"": "उपयोगकर्ता को म्यूट करें",
"": "उपयोगकर्ता को अनम्यूट करें",
"app.userList.userAriaLabel": "{0} {1} {2} स्थिति {3}",
"": "मॉडरेटर को बढ़ावा दें",
"": "दर्शक को समर्पित करें",
"": "{0} अनलॉक करें",
"": "लॉक {0}",
"": "निर्देशिका लुकअप",
"": "प्रस्तोता बनाओ",
"app.userList.userOptions.manageUsersLabel": "उपयोगकर्ताओं को प्रबंधित करें",
"app.userList.userOptions.muteAllLabel": "सभी उपयोगकर्ताओं को म्यूट करें",
"app.userList.userOptions.muteAllDesc": "मीटिंग में सभी उपयोगकर्ताओं को म्यूट करता है",
"app.userList.userOptions.clearAllLabel": "सभी स्थिति आइकन साफ़ करें",
"app.userList.userOptions.clearAllDesc": "उपयोगकर्ताओं से सभी स्थिति आइकन साफ़ करता है",
"app.userList.userOptions.muteAllExceptPresenterLabel": "प्रस्तुतकर्ता को छोड़कर सभी उपयोगकर्ताओं को म्यूट करें",
"app.userList.userOptions.muteAllExceptPresenterDesc": "प्रस्तोता को छोड़कर बैठक में सभी उपयोगकर्ताओं को म्यूट करता है",
"app.userList.userOptions.unmuteAllLabel": "मीटिंग म्यूट बंद करें",
"app.userList.userOptions.unmuteAllDesc": "मीटिंग को अनम्यूट कर देता है",
"app.userList.userOptions.lockViewersLabel": "बंद दर्शक",
"app.userList.userOptions.lockViewersDesc": "बैठक के उपस्थित लोगों के लिए कुछ कार्यक्षमताओं को लॉक करें",
"app.userList.userOptions.disableCam": "दर्शकों के वेबकैम अक्षम हैं",
"app.userList.userOptions.disableMic": "दर्शकों के माइक्रोफोन अक्षम हैं",
"app.userList.userOptions.disablePrivChat": "निजी चैट अक्षम है",
"app.userList.userOptions.disablePubChat": "सार्वजनिक चैट अक्षम है",
"app.userList.userOptions.webcamsOnlyForModerator": "केवल मध्यस्थ दर्शकों की वेबकैम (लॉक सेटिंग के कारण) देख सकते हैं",
"": "मीडिया",
"": "स्क्रीनशॉट की शुरुआत हो चुकी है",
"": "स्क्रीनशेयर समाप्त हो गया है",
"app.meeting.ended": "यह सत्र समाप्त हो गया है।",
"app.meeting.meetingTimeRemaining": "बैठक का समय शेष: {0}",
"app.meeting.meetingTimeHasEnded": "समय समाप्त हुआ। बैठक जल्द ही बंद हो जाएगी",
"app.meeting.endedMessage": "You will be forwarded back to the home screen",
"app.presentation.hide": "प्रस्तुति छिपाएँ",
"app.presentation.slideContent": "स्लाइड सामग्री",
"app.presentation.startSlideContent": "स्लाइड सामग्री प्रारंभ",
"app.presentation.endSlideContent": "स्लाइड सामग्री अंत",
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"app.presentation.presentationToolbar.zoomOutLabel": "ज़ूम आउट",
"app.presentation.presentationToolbar.zoomOutDesc": "प्रस्तुति से ज़ूम आउट करें",
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"app.presentation.presentationToolbar.zoomIndicator": "वर्तमान ज़ूम प्रतिशत",
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"app.presentationUploder.fileToUpload": "अपलोड किया जाना है ...",
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"app.poll.quickPollInstruction": "अपना मतदान शुरू करने के लिए नीचे एक विकल्प चुनें।",
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"app.poll.noPresentationSelected": "कोई प्रस्तुति चयनित नहीं! कृपया एक का चयन करें",
"app.poll.clickHereToSelect": "चयन करने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें",
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"": "सही / गलत",
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"app.poll.a4": "ऐ/ बी /सी /डी",
"app.poll.a5": "ए / बी / सी / डी / ई",
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"app.poll.answer.false": "असत्य",
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"": "नहीं",
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"app.poll.liveResult.responsesTitle": "प्रतिक्रिया",
"app.polling.pollingTitle": "मतदान के विकल्प",
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"app.failedMessage": "माफी, सर्वर से जुड़ने में परेशानी।",
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"app.connectingMessage": "कनेक्ट कर रहा है ...",
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"": "माइक्रोफोन स्रोत",
"": "स्पीकर स्रोत",
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"app.actionsBar.actionsDropdown.createBreakoutRoomDesc": " िि ि ",
"app.actionsBar.actionsDropdown.takePresenter": " ",
"app.actionsBar.actionsDropdown.takePresenterDesc": " ",
"app.actionsBar.emojiMenu.statusTriggerLabel": "िि ",
"app.actionsBar.emojiMenu.awayLabel": "",
"app.actionsBar.emojiMenu.awayDesc": " िि ि ",
"app.actionsBar.emojiMenu.raiseHandDesc": " ि ",
"app.actionsBar.emojiMenu.neutralLabel": "ि ",
"app.actionsBar.emojiMenu.neutralDesc": " िि िि ",
"app.actionsBar.emojiMenu.confusedLabel": "",
"app.actionsBar.emojiMenu.confusedDesc": " िि ि ि ",
"app.actionsBar.emojiMenu.sadLabel": "",
"app.actionsBar.emojiMenu.sadDesc": " िि ",
"app.actionsBar.emojiMenu.happyLabel": "",
"app.actionsBar.emojiMenu.happyDesc": " ि िि ",
"app.actionsBar.emojiMenu.noneLabel": " िि",
"app.actionsBar.emojiMenu.noneDesc": " ि ",
"app.actionsBar.emojiMenu.applauseLabel": "",
"app.actionsBar.emojiMenu.applauseDesc": "ि ि िि ",
"app.actionsBar.emojiMenu.thumbsUpLabel": " ",
"app.actionsBar.emojiMenu.thumbsUpDesc": " िि ",
"app.actionsBar.emojiMenu.thumbsDownLabel": "",
"app.actionsBar.emojiMenu.thumbsDownDesc": " िि ",
"app.actionsBar.currentStatusDesc": " िि {0}",
"app.audioNotification.audioFailedMessage": " ि ि ",
"app.audioNotification.mediaFailedMessage": "getUserMicMedia ि ि ि ि ि ",
"app.audioNotification.closeLabel": " ",
"app.audioNotificaion.reconnectingAsListenOnly": " ि ि , ",
"app.breakoutJoinConfirmation.title": " ि ",
"app.breakoutJoinConfirmation.message": " ि ",
"app.breakoutJoinConfirmation.confirmDesc": " ि ",
"app.breakoutJoinConfirmation.dismissLabel": " ",
"app.breakoutJoinConfirmation.dismissDesc": " ि ि ",
"app.breakoutJoinConfirmation.freeJoinMessage": " ि ि ",
"app.breakoutTimeRemainingMessage": " : {0}",
"app.breakoutWillCloseMessage": " ",
"app.calculatingBreakoutTimeRemaining": " ...",
"app.audioModal.microphoneLabel": "",
"app.audioModal.listenOnlyLabel": " ",
"app.audioModal.audioChoiceLabel": " ि ?",
"app.audioModal.iOSBrowser": "ि / ि ि ",
"app.audioModal.iOSErrorDescription": " ि ि iOS ि ि ",
"app.audioModal.iOSErrorRecommendation": " ",
"app.audioModal.audioChoiceDesc": " ि ि ि ",
"app.audioModal.unsupportedBrowserLabel": " ि ि ि {0} {1} ",
"app.audioModal.closeLabel": " ",
"app.audioModal.yes": "",
"": "",
"app.audioModal.yes.arialabel" : " ",
"" : " ",
"app.audioModal.echoTestTitle": " ि ि ?",
"app.audioModal.settingsTitle": " ि ि ",
"app.audioModal.helpTitle": " ि ",
"app.audioModal.helpText": " ि ? ि ि , ि, ि ि , ि ि ि ि , ि ि ",
"app.audioModal.audioDialTitle": " ",
"app.audioDial.audioDialDescription": "",
"app.audioDial.audioDialConfrenceText": " ि :",
"app.audioManager.joinedAudio": " ि ि ",
"app.audioManager.joinedEcho": " ि ",
"app.audioManager.leftAudio": " ि ",
"app.audioManager.genericError": "ि: ि , ",
"app.audioManager.connectionError": "ि: ि",
"app.audioManager.requestTimeout": "ि: ",
"app.audioManager.invalidTarget": "ि: ि ि ",
"app.audioManager.mediaError": "ि: ि ",
"": "ि ि ",
"": "ि ",
"": " ",
"": "ि ",
"": "",
"": " ि ि ",
"": " , ि , ि ि ",
"": " ",
"": " ",
"": " ि ",
"": ": ",
"": "",
"": " ",
"": " ि ",
"": " ि ि ि ि :)",
"app.error.removed": " ि ि ",
"app.error.meeting.ended": " ि ",
"app.meeting.logout.duplicateUserEjectReason": "ि ि ि ",
"app.meeting.logout.permissionEjectReason": "ि िि ि ",
"app.meeting.logout.ejectedFromMeeting": " ि ि ि ",
"app.meeting.logout.validateTokenFailedEjectReason": "ि ि",
"app.meeting.logout.userInactivityEjectReason": "ि ि",
"app.modal.close": " ",
"app.modal.confirm": "ि ",
"app.dropdown.close": " ",
"app.error.400": " ",
"app.error.401": "ि",
"app.error.403": " ि ि ि ",
"app.error.404": " ि",
"app.error.500": "! ",
"app.error.leaveLabel": "ि ि ",
"app.error.fallback.presentation.description": " ि ",
"app.error.fallback.presentation.reloadButton": " ि ",
"app.guest.waiting": "ि ि ",
"app.userList.guest.waitingUsers": " ",
"app.userList.guest.waitingUsersTitle": " ",
"app.userList.guest.optionTitle": "ि ",
"app.userList.guest.allowAllAuthenticated": "ि ",
"app.userList.guest.allowAllGuests": " ि ",
"app.userList.guest.allowEveryone": " ि ",
"app.userList.guest.denyEveryone": " ",
"app.userList.guest.pendingUsers": "{0} ि ",
"app.userList.guest.pendingGuestUsers": "{0} ि िि ",
"app.userList.guest.pendingGuestAlert": " ि ",
"app.userList.guest.rememberChoice": " ",
"app.user-info.title": "िि ",
"app.toast.breakoutRoomEnded": " ि ि ",
"": " ि ",
"": " ि ",
"": "",
"app.notification.recordingStart": "",
"app.notification.recordingPaused": " ि ि ",
"app.notification.recordingAriaLabel": "ि ि ",
"app.shortcut-help.accessKeyNotAvailable": " ि ",
"app.shortcut-help.comboLabel": "",
"app.shortcut-help.functionLabel": "",
"app.shortcut-help.closeLabel": " ",
"app.shortcut-help.openOptions": "ि ",
"app.shortcut-help.toggleUserList": " ",
"app.shortcut-help.toggleMute": " / ",
"app.shortcut-help.togglePublicChat": "ि ( ि)",
"app.shortcut-help.hidePrivateChat": "ि ि",
"app.shortcut-help.closePrivateChat": "ि ",
"app.shortcut-help.openActions": "ि ",
"app.shortcut-help.openStatus": "िि ",
"app.shortcut-help.togglePan": " ि ()",
"app.shortcut-help.nextSlideDesc": " ()",
"app.shortcut-help.previousSlideDesc": "ि ()",
"app.lock-viewers.title": " ",
"app.lock-viewers.featuresLable": "",
"app.lock-viewers.webcamLabel": " ",
"app.lock-viewers.otherViewersWebcamLabel": " ",
"app.lock-viewers.button.cancel": " ",
"app.lock-viewers.locked": "",
"app.recording.startTitle": "िि ",
"app.recording.stopTitle": "िि ",
"app.recording.resumeTitle": "िि ि ",
"app.videoPreview.cameraLabel": "",
"app.videoPreview.cancelLabel": " ",
"app.videoPreview.closeLabel": " ",
"app.videoPreview.startSharingLabel": " ",
"app.videoPreview.webcamOptionLabel": " ",
"app.videoPreview.webcamPreviewLabel": " ",
"app.videoPreview.webcamSettingsTitle": " ि",
"app.videoPreview.webcamNotFoundLabel": " ि",
"": " ",
"": " ",
"": "ICE ि",
"": " ि ि ",
"": " ि",
"": " ि िि ि ",
"": " ि ि , ि िि ",
"": " ि ि , िि ि ",
"": " ि ि िि ि ",
"": " ",
"": "िि",
"": " ि ",
"": " ि",
"": " ",
"": "ि ",
"": "ि ि ",
"": " ि ",
"app.fullscreenButton.label": " {0}",
"app.meeting.endNotification.ok.label": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "ि",
"": "",
"": "ि",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"app.whiteboard.toolbar.thickness": " ",
"app.whiteboard.toolbar.thicknessDisabled": " ",
"app.whiteboard.toolbar.color": " ",
"app.whiteboard.toolbar.colorDisabled": " ",
"": "",
"app.whiteboard.toolbar.color.white": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"app.whiteboard.toolbar.color.eletricLime": "ि ",
"app.whiteboard.toolbar.color.lime": "",
"app.whiteboard.toolbar.color.cyan": "ि",
"app.whiteboard.toolbar.color.dodgerBlue": " ",
"": "",
"app.whiteboard.toolbar.color.violet": "",
"app.whiteboard.toolbar.color.magenta": "",
"app.whiteboard.toolbar.color.silver": "",
"app.whiteboard.toolbar.undo": " ",
"app.whiteboard.toolbar.clear": " ",
"app.whiteboard.toolbar.multiUserOn": "- ",
"app.whiteboard.toolbar.multiUserOff": "- ",
"app.whiteboard.toolbar.fontSize": " ",
"": " ि ",
"": " BigBlueButton (ि) ",
"": " BigBlueButton ?",
"": "िि ",
"": " िि ",
"app.videoDock.webcamFocusLabel": "",
"app.videoDock.webcamFocusDesc": "ि ",
"app.videoDock.webcamUnfocusLabel": "Unfocus",
"app.videoDock.webcamUnfocusDesc": "ि ",
"app.invitation.title": " ि",
"app.invitation.confirm": "",
"app.createBreakoutRoom.title": " ",
"app.createBreakoutRoom.ariaTitle": " ि",
"app.createBreakoutRoom.breakoutRoomLabel": " {0}",
"app.createBreakoutRoom.generatingURL": "URL ",
"app.createBreakoutRoom.duration": "ि {0}",
"": " {0}",
"app.createBreakoutRoom.notAssigned": " ि ({0})",
"app.createBreakoutRoom.join": " ",
"app.createBreakoutRoom.joinAudio": "ि ि ",
"app.createBreakoutRoom.returnAudio": "ि ",
"app.createBreakoutRoom.confirm": " ",
"app.createBreakoutRoom.numberOfRooms": " ",
"app.createBreakoutRoom.durationInMinutes": "ि (ि)",
"app.createBreakoutRoom.randomlyAssign": " ",
"app.createBreakoutRoom.endAllBreakouts": " ",
"app.createBreakoutRoom.roomName": "{0} ( - {1})",
"app.createBreakoutRoom.doneLabel": "ि ",
"app.createBreakoutRoom.nextLabel": "",
"app.createBreakoutRoom.addParticipantLabel": "+ ",
"app.createBreakoutRoom.freeJoin": " ि ि ि ",
"app.createBreakoutRoom.leastOneWarnBreakout": " ",
"app.externalVideo.start": " ि ",
"app.externalVideo.close": " ",
"app.iOSWarning.label": " iOS 12.2 "