Joao Siebel a3cf7cd98e Prevent validateAuthToken spamming.
If an ejected user tries to enter in the meeting using the current url
html5 client keep trying to validate that user, but without success
causing a validateAuthToken message spam until the connection times out.
2020-09-21 15:50:54 -03:00

41 lines
1.7 KiB

import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import RedisPubSub from '/imports/startup/server/redis';
import Logger from '/imports/startup/server/logger';
import pendingAuthenticationsStore from '../store/pendingAuthentications';
import BannedUsers from '../store/bannedUsers';
import Users from '/imports/api/users';
export default function validateAuthToken(meetingId, requesterUserId, requesterToken, externalId) {
const REDIS_CONFIG = Meteor.settings.private.redis;
const CHANNEL = REDIS_CONFIG.channels.toAkkaApps;
const EVENT_NAME = 'ValidateAuthTokenReqMsg';
// Check if externalId is banned from the meeting
if (externalId) {
if (BannedUsers.has(meetingId, externalId)) {
Logger.warn(`A banned user with extId ${externalId} tried to enter in meeting ${meetingId}`);
return { invalid: true, reason: 'User has been banned.' };
// Check if a removed user is trying to access the meeting using the same sessionToken
const isUserEjected = Users.findOne({ meetingId, authToken: requesterToken, ejected: true });
if (isUserEjected) {
Logger.warn(`An invalid sessionToken tried to validateAuthToken meetingId=${meetingId} authToken=${requesterToken}`);
return { invalid: true, reason: 'User has been ejected.' };
// Store reference of methodInvocationObject ( to postpone the connection userId definition )
pendingAuthenticationsStore.add(meetingId, requesterUserId, requesterToken, this);
const payload = {
userId: requesterUserId,
authToken: requesterToken,
};`User '${requesterUserId}' is trying to validate auth token for meeting '${meetingId}' from connection '${}'`);
return RedisPubSub.publishUserMessage(CHANNEL, EVENT_NAME, meetingId, requesterUserId, payload);