Update locales as of May 11, 2016.
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588 lines
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bbb.mainshell.locale.version = 0.9.0
bbb.mainshell.statusProgress.connecting = Pievienojas serverim
bbb.mainshell.statusProgress.loading = Iel?d? {0} modu?us
bbb.mainshell.statusProgress.cannotConnectServer = Atvainojiet, piesl?gties serverim neizdev?s.
bbb.mainshell.copyrightLabel2 = (c) 2016 <a href\='event\:http\://www.bigbluebutton.org/' target\='_blank'><u>BigBlueButton Inc.</u></a> (build {0})
bbb.mainshell.logBtn.toolTip = Atv?rt logus
bbb.mainshell.meetingNotFound = Meeting Not Found
bbb.mainshell.invalidAuthToken = Invalid Authentication Token
bbb.mainshell.resetLayoutBtn.toolTip = Atiestat?t izk?rtojumu
bbb.mainshell.notification.tunnelling = Tunnelling
bbb.mainshell.notification.webrtc = WebRTC Audio
bbb.oldlocalewindow.reminder1 = Iesp?jams, ka tulkojums ir novecojis.
bbb.oldlocalewindow.reminder2 = Izt?riet p?rl?ka kešatmi?u un m??iniet v?lreiz.
bbb.oldlocalewindow.windowTitle = Br?din?jums\: Tulkojums ir novecojis.
bbb.audioSelection.title = How do you want to join the audio?
bbb.audioSelection.btnMicrophone.label = Microphone
bbb.audioSelection.btnMicrophone.toolTip = Join the audio with your microphone
bbb.audioSelection.btnListenOnly.label = Listen Only
bbb.audioSelection.btnListenOnly.toolTip = Join the audio as listen only
bbb.audioSelection.txtPhone.text = To join this meeting by phone, dial\: {0} then enter {1} as the conference pin number.
bbb.micSettings.title = Audio Test
bbb.micSettings.speakers.header = Test Speakers
bbb.micSettings.microphone.header = Test Microphone
bbb.micSettings.playSound = Test Speakers
bbb.micSettings.playSound.toolTip = Play music to test your speakers
bbb.micSettings.hearFromHeadset = You should hear audio in your headset, not your computer speakers.
bbb.micSettings.speakIntoMic = If you are using a headset (or earbuds), you should hear the audio from your headset -- not from your computer speakers.
bbb.micSettings.echoTestMicPrompt = This is a private echo test. Speak a few words. Did you hear audio?
bbb.micSettings.echoTestAudioYes = Yes
bbb.micSettings.echoTestAudioNo = No
bbb.micSettings.speakIntoMicTestLevel = Speak into your microphone. You should see the bar move. If not, choose another mic.
bbb.micSettings.recommendHeadset = Use a headset with a microphone for best audio experience.
bbb.micSettings.changeMic = Test or Change Microphone
bbb.micSettings.changeMic.toolTip = Open the Flash Player microphone settings dialog box
bbb.micSettings.comboMicList.toolTip = Select a microphone
bbb.micSettings.micRecordVolume.label = Gain
bbb.micSettings.micRecordVolume.toolTip = Set your microphone gain
bbb.micSettings.nextButton = Next
bbb.micSettings.nextButton.toolTip = Start the echo test
bbb.micSettings.join = Join Audio
bbb.micSettings.join.toolTip = Join the audio conference
bbb.micSettings.cancel = Cancel
bbb.micSettings.connectingtoecho = Connecting
bbb.micSettings.connectingtoecho.error = Echo Test Error\: Please contact administrator.
bbb.micSettings.cancel.toolTip = Cancel joining the audio conference
bbb.micSettings.access.helpButton = Help (open tutorial videos in new page)
bbb.micSettings.access.title = Audio Settings. Focus will remain in this audio settings window until the window is closed.
bbb.micSettings.webrtc.title = WebRTC Support
bbb.micSettings.webrtc.capableBrowser = Your browser supports WebRTC.
bbb.micSettings.webrtc.capableBrowser.dontuseit = Click not to use WebRTC
bbb.micSettings.webrtc.capableBrowser.dontuseit.toolTip = Click here if you don't want to use the WebRTC technology (recommended if you have problems using it).
bbb.micSettings.webrtc.notCapableBrowser = WebRTC is not supported in your browser. Please use Google Chrome (version 32 or greater); or Mozilla Firefox (version 26 or greater). You will still be able to join the voice conference using the Adobe Flash Platform.
bbb.micSettings.webrtc.connecting = Calling
bbb.micSettings.webrtc.waitingforice = Connecting
bbb.micSettings.webrtc.transferring = Transferring
bbb.micSettings.webrtc.endingecho = Joining audio
bbb.micSettings.webrtc.endedecho = Echo test ended.
bbb.micPermissions.firefox.title = Firefox Microphone Permissions
bbb.micPermissions.firefox.message1 = Choose your mic and then click Share.
bbb.micPermissions.firefox.message2 = If you don't see the list of microphones, click on the microphone icon.
bbb.micPermissions.chrome.title = Chrome Microphone Permissions
bbb.micPermissions.chrome.message1 = Click Allow to give Chrome permission to use your microphone.
bbb.micWarning.title = Audio Warning
bbb.micWarning.joinBtn.label = Join anyway
bbb.micWarning.testAgain.label = Test again
bbb.micWarning.message = Your microphone did not show any activity, others probably won't be able to hear you during the session.
bbb.webrtcWarning.message = Detected the following WebRTC issue\: {0}. Do you want to try Flash instead?
bbb.webrtcWarning.title = WebRTC Audio Failure
bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.1001 = Error 1001\: WebSocket disconnected
bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.1002 = Error 1002\: Could not make a WebSocket connection
bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.1003 = Error 1003\: Browser version not supported
bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.1004 = Error 1004\: Failure on call (reason\={0})
bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.1005 = Error 1005\: Call ended unexpectedly
bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.1006 = Error 1006\: Call timed out
bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.1007 = Error 1007\: ICE negotiation failed
bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.1008 = Error 1008\: Transfer failed
bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.1009 = Error 1009\: Could not fetch STUN/TURN server information
bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.1010 = Error 1010\: ICE negotiation timeout
bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.1011 = Error 1011\: ICE gathering timeout
bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.unknown = Error {0}\: Unknown error code
bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.mediamissing = Could not get your microphone for a WebRTC call
bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.endedunexpectedly = The WebRTC echo test ended unexpectedly
bbb.webrtcWarning.connection.dropped = WebRTC connection dropped
bbb.webrtcWarning.connection.reconnecting = Attempting to reconnect
bbb.webrtcWarning.connection.reestablished = WebRTC connection re-established
bbb.mainToolbar.helpBtn = Pal?dz?ba
bbb.mainToolbar.logoutBtn = Iziet
bbb.mainToolbar.logoutBtn.toolTip = Log Out
bbb.mainToolbar.langSelector = Select language
bbb.mainToolbar.settingsBtn = Settings
bbb.mainToolbar.settingsBtn.toolTip = Open Settings
bbb.mainToolbar.shortcutBtn = Shortcut Keys
bbb.mainToolbar.shortcutBtn.toolTip = Open Shortcut Keys Window
bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn.toolTip.start = Start recording
bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn.toolTip.stop = Stop recording
bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn.toolTip.recording = The session is being recorded
bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn.toolTip.notRecording = The session isn't being recorded
bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn.confirm.title = Confirm recording
bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn.confirm.message.start = Are you sure you want to start recording the session?
bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn.confirm.message.stop = Are you sure you want to stop recording the session?
bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn..notification.title = Record Notification
bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn..notification.message1 = You can record this meeting.
bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn..notification.message2 = You must click the Start/Stop Recording button in the title bar to begin/end recording.
bbb.mainToolbar.recordingLabel.recording = (Recording)
bbb.mainToolbar.recordingLabel.notRecording = Not Recording
bbb.clientstatus.title = Configuration Notifications
bbb.clientstatus.notification = Unread notifications
bbb.clientstatus.close = Close
bbb.clientstatus.tunneling.title = Firewall
bbb.clientstatus.tunneling.message = A firewall is preventing your client from connecting directly on port 1935 to the remote server. Recommend joining a less restrictive network for a more stable connection
bbb.clientstatus.browser.title = Browser Version
bbb.clientstatus.browser.message = Your browser ({0}) is not up-to-date. Recommend updating to the latest version.
bbb.clientstatus.flash.title = Flash Player
bbb.clientstatus.flash.message = Your Flash Player plugin ({0}) is out-of-date. Recommend updating to the latest version.
bbb.clientstatus.webrtc.title = Audio
bbb.clientstatus.webrtc.message = Recommend using either Firefox or Chrome for better audio.
bbb.clientstatus.java.title = Java
bbb.clientstatus.java.notdetected = Java version not detected.
bbb.clientstatus.java.notinstalled = You have no Java installed, please click <font color\='\#0a4a7a'><a href\='http\://www.java.com/download/' target\='_blank'>HERE</a></font> to install the latest Java to use the desktop sharing feature.
bbb.clientstatus.java.oldversion = You have an old Java installed, please click <font color\='\#0a4a7a'><a href\='http\://www.java.com/download/' target\='_blank'>HERE</a></font> to install the latest Java to use the desktop sharing feature.
bbb.window.minimizeBtn.toolTip = Minimize
bbb.window.maximizeRestoreBtn.toolTip = Maximize
bbb.window.closeBtn.toolTip = Close
bbb.videoDock.titleBar = Webcam Window Title Bar
bbb.presentation.titleBar = Presentation Window Title Bar
bbb.chat.titleBar = Chat Window Title Bar
bbb.users.title = Users{0} {1}
bbb.users.titleBar = Users Window title bar
bbb.users.quickLink.label = Users Window
bbb.users.minimizeBtn.accessibilityName = Minimize the Users Window
bbb.users.maximizeRestoreBtn.accessibilityName = Maximize the Users Window
bbb.users.settings.buttonTooltip = Settings
bbb.users.settings.audioSettings = Audio Test
bbb.users.settings.webcamSettings = Webcam Settings
bbb.users.settings.muteAll = Mute All Users
bbb.users.settings.muteAllExcept = Mute All Users Except Presenter
bbb.users.settings.unmuteAll = Unmute All Users
bbb.users.settings.clearAllStatus = Clear all status icons
bbb.users.emojiStatusBtn.toolTip = Update my status icon
bbb.users.roomMuted.text = Viewers Muted
bbb.users.roomLocked.text = Viewers Locked
bbb.users.pushToTalk.toolTip = Talk
bbb.users.pushToMute.toolTip = Mute yourself
bbb.users.muteMeBtnTxt.talk = Unmute
bbb.users.muteMeBtnTxt.mute = Mute
bbb.users.muteMeBtnTxt.muted = Muted
bbb.users.muteMeBtnTxt.unmuted = Unmuted
bbb.users.usersGrid.contextmenu.exportusers = Copy User Names
bbb.users.usersGrid.accessibilityName = Users List. Use the arrow keys to navigate.
bbb.users.usersGrid.nameItemRenderer = Name
bbb.users.usersGrid.nameItemRenderer.youIdentifier = you
bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer = Status
bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.changePresenter = Click To Make Presenter
bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.presenter = Presenter
bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.moderator = Moderator
bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.clearStatus = Clear status
bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.viewer = Viewer
bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.streamIcon.toolTip = Sharing webcam.
bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.presIcon.toolTip = Is Presenter.
bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer = Media
bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.talking = Talking
bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.webcam = Sharing Webcam
bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.webcamBtn = View webcam
bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.pushToTalk = Unmute {0}
bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.pushToMute = Mute {0}
bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.pushToLock = Lock {0}
bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.pushToUnlock = Unlock {0}
bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.kickUser = Kick {0}
bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.webcam = Sharing Webcam
bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.micOff = Microphone off
bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.micOn = Microphone on
bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.noAudio = Not in audio conference
bbb.users.emojiStatus.clear = Clear
bbb.users.emojiStatus.clear.toolTip = Clear status
bbb.users.emojiStatus.close = Close
bbb.users.emojiStatus.close.toolTip = Close status popup
bbb.users.emojiStatus.raiseHand = Raise hand status
bbb.users.emojiStatus.happy = Happy status
bbb.users.emojiStatus.smile = Smile status
bbb.users.emojiStatus.sad = Sad status
bbb.users.emojiStatus.confused = Confused status
bbb.users.emojiStatus.neutral = Neutral status
bbb.users.emojiStatus.away = Away status
bbb.presentation.title = Prezent?cija
bbb.presentation.titleWithPres = Presentation\: {0}
bbb.presentation.quickLink.label = Presentation Window
bbb.presentation.fitToWidth.toolTip = Fit Presentation To Width
bbb.presentation.fitToPage.toolTip = Fit Presentation To Page
bbb.presentation.uploadPresBtn.toolTip = Upload Presentation
bbb.presentation.backBtn.toolTip = Iepriekš?jais slaids.
bbb.presentation.btnSlideNum.accessibilityName = Slide {0} of {1}
bbb.presentation.btnSlideNum.toolTip = Select a slide
bbb.presentation.forwardBtn.toolTip = N?košais slaids
bbb.presentation.maxUploadFileExceededAlert = K??da\: Faila izm?rs ir liel?ks par at?auto.
bbb.presentation.uploadcomplete = Augšupiel?de pabeigta. Uzgaidiet kam?r dokuments tiek konvert?ts.
bbb.presentation.uploaded = augšupiel?d?ts.
bbb.presentation.document.supported = Augšupiel?d?tais documents ir atbalst?ts. Uzs?kta konvert?cija...
bbb.presentation.document.converted = Dokuments veiksm?gi konvert?ts.
bbb.presentation.error.document.convert.failed = Error\: Unable to convert the office document.
bbb.presentation.error.io = IO K??da\: Kontakt?jieties ar administratoru.
bbb.presentation.error.security = Droš?bas K??da\: Kontakt?jieties ar administratoru.
bbb.presentation.error.convert.notsupported = K??da\: Augšupiel?d?tais dokuments netiek atbalst?ts.
bbb.presentation.error.convert.nbpage = K??da\: Neizdev?s noteikt dokumenta lapu skaitu.
bbb.presentation.error.convert.maxnbpagereach = K??da\: Augšupiel?d?tajam dokumentam ir par daudz lapu.
bbb.presentation.converted = Konvert?ti {0} no {1} slaidiem.
bbb.presentation.ok = OK
bbb.presentation.slider = Presentation zoom level
bbb.presentation.slideloader.starttext = Slide text start
bbb.presentation.slideloader.endtext = Slide text end
bbb.presentation.uploadwindow.presentationfile = Prezent?cijas fails
bbb.presentation.uploadwindow.pdf = PDF
bbb.presentation.uploadwindow.word = WORD
bbb.presentation.uploadwindow.excel = EXCEL
bbb.presentation.uploadwindow.powerpoint = POWERPOINT
bbb.presentation.uploadwindow.image = ATT?LS
bbb.presentation.minimizeBtn.accessibilityName = Minimize the Presentation Window
bbb.presentation.maximizeRestoreBtn.accessibilityName = Maximize the Presentation Window
bbb.presentation.closeBtn.accessibilityName = Close the Presentation Window
bbb.fileupload.title = Augšupiel?d?t prezent?ciju
bbb.fileupload.lblFileName.defaultText = No file selected
bbb.fileupload.selectBtn.label = Select File
bbb.fileupload.selectBtn.toolTip = P?rl?kot failu
bbb.fileupload.uploadBtn = Augšupiel?d?t
bbb.fileupload.uploadBtn.toolTip = Augšupiel?d?t failu
bbb.fileupload.deleteBtn.toolTip = Dz?st prezent?ciju
bbb.fileupload.showBtn = R?d?t
bbb.fileupload.showBtn.toolTip = R?d?t prezent?ciju
bbb.fileupload.okCancelBtn = Atcelt
bbb.fileupload.okCancelBtn.toolTip = Close the File Upload dialog box
bbb.fileupload.genThumbText = ?ener? priekšskat?jumus..
bbb.fileupload.progBarLbl = Progress\:
bbb.fileupload.fileFormatHint = Upload any office document or Portable Document Format (PDF) file. For best results upload PDF.
bbb.chat.title = ?ats
bbb.chat.quickLink.label = Chat Window
bbb.chat.cmpColorPicker.toolTip = Teksta kr?sa
bbb.chat.input.accessibilityName = Chat Message Editing Field
bbb.chat.sendBtn = S?t?t
bbb.chat.sendBtn.toolTip = S?t?t zi?u
bbb.chat.sendBtn.accessibilityName = Send chat message
bbb.chat.contextmenu.copyalltext = Copy All Text
bbb.chat.publicChatUsername = Visi
bbb.chat.optionsTabName = Options
bbb.chat.privateChatSelect = Izv?l?ties personu priv?tam ?atam
bbb.chat.private.userLeft = The user has left.
bbb.chat.private.userJoined = The user has joined.
bbb.chat.private.closeMessage = You can close this tab by using the key combination {0}.
bbb.chat.usersList.toolTip = Select User To Open Private Chat
bbb.chat.usersList.accessibilityName = Select user to open private chat. Use the arrow keys to navigate.
bbb.chat.chatOptions = ?ata opcijas
bbb.chat.fontSize = Šrifta izm?rs
bbb.chat.cmbFontSize.toolTip = Select Chat Message Font Size
bbb.chat.messageList = Message Box
bbb.chat.minimizeBtn.accessibilityName = Minimize the Chat Window
bbb.chat.maximizeRestoreBtn.accessibilityName = Maximize the Chat Window
bbb.chat.closeBtn.accessibilityName = Close the Chat Window
bbb.chat.chatTabs.accessibleNotice = New messages in this tab.
bbb.chat.chatMessage.systemMessage = System
bbb.chat.chatMessage.tooLong = The message is {0} character(s) too long
bbb.publishVideo.changeCameraBtn.labelText = Change Webcam
bbb.publishVideo.changeCameraBtn.toolTip = Open the change webcam dialog box
bbb.publishVideo.cmbResolution.tooltip = Select a webcam resolution
bbb.publishVideo.startPublishBtn.labelText = Start Sharing
bbb.publishVideo.startPublishBtn.toolTip = S?kt raid?šanu
bbb.publishVideo.startPublishBtn.errorName = Can't share webcam. Reason\: {0}
bbb.webcamPermissions.chrome.title = Chrome Webcam Permissions
bbb.webcamPermissions.chrome.message1 = Click Allow to give Chrome permission to use your webcam.
bbb.videodock.title = Webcams
bbb.videodock.quickLink.label = Webcams Window
bbb.video.minimizeBtn.accessibilityName = Minimize the Webcams Window
bbb.video.maximizeRestoreBtn.accessibilityName = Maximize the Webcams Window
bbb.video.controls.muteButton.toolTip = Mute or unmute {0}
bbb.video.controls.switchPresenter.toolTip = Make {0} presenter
bbb.video.controls.ejectUserBtn.toolTip = Eject {0} from meeting
bbb.video.controls.privateChatBtn.toolTip = Chat with {0}
bbb.video.publish.hint.noCamera = No webcam available
bbb.video.publish.hint.cantOpenCamera = Can't open your webcam
bbb.video.publish.hint.waitingApproval = Waiting for approval
bbb.video.publish.hint.videoPreview = Webcam preview
bbb.video.publish.hint.openingCamera = Opening webcam...
bbb.video.publish.hint.cameraDenied = Webcam access denied
bbb.video.publish.hint.cameraIsBeingUsed = Your webcam couldn't be opened - it may be under use by another application
bbb.video.publish.hint.publishing = Publishing...
bbb.video.publish.closeBtn.accessName = Close the webcam settings dialog box
bbb.video.publish.closeBtn.label = Cancel
bbb.video.publish.titleBar = Publish Webcam Window
bbb.video.streamClose.toolTip = Close stream for\: {0}
bbb.desktopPublish.title = Darbavirsmas raid?šana\: Demonstr?t?ja piem?rs
bbb.desktopPublish.fullscreen.tooltip = Share Your Main Screen
bbb.desktopPublish.fullscreen.label = Pilnekr?ns
bbb.desktopPublish.region.tooltip = Share a Part of Your Screen
bbb.desktopPublish.region.label = Re?ions
bbb.desktopPublish.stop.tooltip = Aizv?rt ekr?na raid?šanu
bbb.desktopPublish.stop.label = Aizv?rt
bbb.desktopPublish.maximizeRestoreBtn.toolTip = Šo logu maksimiz?t nevar.
bbb.desktopPublish.closeBtn.toolTip = Aptur?t raid?šanu un aizv?rt šo logu.
bbb.desktopPublish.chromeOnMacUnsupportedHint = Desktop sharing is not currently supported on Chrome running under Mac OS X. You must use a different web browser (Firefox recommended) to share your desktop.
bbb.desktopPublish.chrome42UnsupportedHint = Chrome no longer supports Java Applets. You must use a different web browser (Firefox recommended) to share your desktop.
bbb.desktopPublish.edgePluginUnsupportedHint = Edge does not support Java Applets. You must use a different web browser (Firefox recommended) to share your desktop.
bbb.desktopPublish.minimizeBtn.toolTip = Minimiz?t šo logu.
bbb.desktopPublish.minimizeBtn.accessibilityName = Minimize the Desktop Sharing Publish Window
bbb.desktopPublish.maximizeRestoreBtn.accessibilityName = Maximize the Desktop Sharing Publish Window
bbb.desktopPublish.chromeHint.title = Chrome may need your permission.
bbb.desktopPublish.chromeHint.message = Select the plug-in icon (upper right-hand corner of Chrome), un-block plug-ins, and then select 'Retry'.
bbb.desktopPublish.chromeHint.button = Retry
bbb.desktopView.title = Darbavirsmas raid?šana
bbb.desktopView.fitToWindow = Ietilpin?t log?
bbb.desktopView.actualSize = R?d?t re?laj? izm?r?
bbb.desktopView.minimizeBtn.accessibilityName = Minimize the Desktop Sharing View Window
bbb.desktopView.maximizeRestoreBtn.accessibilityName = Maximize the Desktop Sharing View Window
bbb.desktopView.closeBtn.accessibilityName = Close the Desktop Sharing View Window
bbb.toolbar.phone.toolTip.start = Share Your Microphone
bbb.toolbar.phone.toolTip.stop = Stop Sharing Your Microphone
bbb.toolbar.phone.toolTip.mute = Stop listening the conference
bbb.toolbar.phone.toolTip.unmute = Start listening the conference
bbb.toolbar.phone.toolTip.nomic = No microphone detected
bbb.toolbar.deskshare.toolTip.start = Share Your Desktop
bbb.toolbar.deskshare.toolTip.stop = Stop Sharing Your Desktop
bbb.toolbar.video.toolTip.start = Share Your Webcam
bbb.toolbar.video.toolTip.stop = Stop Sharing Your Webcam
bbb.layout.addButton.toolTip = Add the custom layout to the list
bbb.layout.broadcastButton.toolTip = Apply Current Layout to All Viewers
bbb.layout.combo.toolTip = Change Your Layout
bbb.layout.loadButton.toolTip = Load layouts from a file
bbb.layout.saveButton.toolTip = Save layouts to a file
bbb.layout.lockButton.toolTip = Lock layout
bbb.layout.combo.prompt = Apply a layout
bbb.layout.combo.custom = * Custom layout
bbb.layout.combo.customName = Custom layout
bbb.layout.combo.remote = Remote
bbb.layout.save.complete = Layouts were successfully saved
bbb.layout.load.complete = Layouts were successfully loaded
bbb.layout.load.failed = Unable to load the layouts
bbb.layout.name.defaultlayout = Default Layout
bbb.layout.name.videochat = Video Chat
bbb.layout.name.webcamsfocus = Webcam Meeting
bbb.layout.name.presentfocus = Presentation Meeting
bbb.layout.name.lectureassistant = Lecture Assistant
bbb.layout.name.lecture = Lecture
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.pencil = Mar?ieris
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.pencil.accessibilityName = Switch whiteboard cursor to pencil
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.ellipse = Elipse
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.ellipse.accessibilityName = Switch whiteboard cursor to circle
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.rectangle = Taisnst?ris
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.rectangle.accessibilityName = Switch whiteboard cursor to rectangle
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.panzoom = Pan and Zoom
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.panzoom.accessibilityName = Switch whiteboard cursor to pan and zoom
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.clear = Clear All Annotations
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.clear.accessibilityName = Clear the whiteboard page
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.undo = Undo Annotation
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.undo.accessibilityName = Undo the last whiteboard shape
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.color = Izv?l?ties kr?su
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.color.accessibilityName = Whiteboard mark draw color
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.thickness = Main?t biezumu
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.thickness.accessibilityName = Whiteboard draw thickness
bbb.logout.title = Logged Out
bbb.logout.button.label = OK
bbb.logout.appshutdown = The server app has been shut down
bbb.logout.asyncerror = An Async Error occured
bbb.logout.connectionclosed = The connection to the server has been closed
bbb.logout.connectionfailed = The connection to the server has ended
bbb.logout.rejected = The connection to the server has been rejected
bbb.logout.invalidapp = The red5 app does not exist
bbb.logout.unknown = Your client has lost connection with the server
bbb.logout.usercommand = You have logged out of the conference
bbb.logout.ejectedFromMeeting = A moderator has kicked you out of the meeting.
bbb.logout.refresh.message = If this logout was unexpected click the button below to reconnect.
bbb.logout.refresh.label = Reconnect
bbb.logout.confirm.title = Confirm Logout
bbb.logout.confirm.message = Are you sure you want to log out?
bbb.logout.confirm.yes = Yes
bbb.logout.confirm.no = No
bbb.connection.failure=Detected Connectivity Problems
bbb.connection.reestablished=Connection reestablished
bbb.notes.title = Notes
bbb.notes.cmpColorPicker.toolTip = Text Color
bbb.notes.saveBtn = Save
bbb.notes.saveBtn.toolTip = Save Note
bbb.settings.deskshare.instructions = Choose Allow on the prompt that pops up to check that desktop sharing is working properly for you
bbb.settings.deskshare.start = Check Desktop Sharing
bbb.settings.voice.volume = Microphone Activity
bbb.settings.java.label = Java version error
bbb.settings.java.text = You have Java {0} installed, but you need at least version {1} to use the BigBlueButton desktop sharing feature. The button below will install the newest Java JRE version.
bbb.settings.java.command = Install newest Java
bbb.settings.flash.label = Flash version error
bbb.settings.flash.text = You have Flash {0} installed, but you need at least version {1} to run BigBlueButton properly. The button below will install the newest Adobe Flash version.
bbb.settings.flash.command = Install newest Flash
bbb.settings.isight.label = iSight webcam error
bbb.settings.isight.text = If you have problems with your iSight webcam, it may be because you are running OS X 10.6.5, which is known to have a problem with Flash capturing video from the iSight webcam. \n To correct this, the link below will install a newer version of Flash player, or update your Mac to the newest version
bbb.settings.isight.command = Install Flash 10.2 RC2
bbb.settings.warning.label = Warning
bbb.settings.warning.close = Close this Warning
bbb.settings.noissues = No outstanding issues have been detected.
bbb.settings.instructions = Accept the Flash prompt that asks you for webcam permissions. If the output matches what is expected, your browser has been set up correctly. Other potentials issues are below. Examine them to find a possible solution.
ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.toolbar.triangle = Triangle
ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.toolbar.triangle.accessibilityName = Switch whiteboard cursor to triangle
ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.toolbar.line = Line
ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.toolbar.line.accessibilityName = Switch whiteboard cursor to line
ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.toolbar.text = Text
ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.toolbar.text.accessibilityName = Switch whiteboard cursor to text
ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.texttoolbar.textColorPicker = Text color
ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.texttoolbar.textSizeMenu = Font size
bbb.accessibility.clientReady = Ready
bbb.accessibility.chat.chatBox.reachedFirst = You have reached the first message.
bbb.accessibility.chat.chatBox.reachedLatest = You have reached the latest message.
bbb.accessibility.chat.chatBox.navigatedFirst = You have navigated to the first message.
bbb.accessibility.chat.chatBox.navigatedLatest = You have navigated to the latest message.
bbb.accessibility.chat.chatBox.navigatedLatestRead = You have navigated to the most recent message you have read.
bbb.accessibility.chat.chatwindow.input = Chat input
bbb.accessibility.chat.chatwindow.audibleChatNotification = Audible Chat Notification
bbb.accessibility.chat.initialDescription = Please use the arrow keys to navigate through chat messages.
bbb.accessibility.notes.notesview.input = Notes input
bbb.shortcuthelp.title = Shortcut Keys
bbb.shortcuthelp.minimizeBtn.accessibilityName = Minimize the Shortcut Help Window
bbb.shortcuthelp.maximizeRestoreBtn.accessibilityName = Maximize the Shortcut Help Window
bbb.shortcuthelp.closeBtn.accessibilityName = Close the Shortcut Help Window
bbb.shortcuthelp.dropdown.general = Global shortcuts
bbb.shortcuthelp.dropdown.presentation = Presentation shortcuts
bbb.shortcuthelp.dropdown.chat = Chat shortcuts
bbb.shortcuthelp.dropdown.users = Users shortcuts
bbb.shortcuthelp.headers.shortcut = Shortcut
bbb.shortcuthelp.headers.function = Function
bbb.shortcutkey.general.minimize = 189
bbb.shortcutkey.general.minimize.function = Minimize current window
bbb.shortcutkey.general.maximize = 187
bbb.shortcutkey.general.maximize.function = Maximize current window
bbb.shortcutkey.flash.exit = 81
bbb.shortcutkey.flash.exit.function = Focus out of the Flash window
bbb.shortcutkey.users.muteme = 77
bbb.shortcutkey.users.muteme.function = Mute and Unmute your microphone
bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatinput = 73
bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatinput.function = Focus the chat input field
bbb.shortcutkey.present.focusslide = 67
bbb.shortcutkey.present.focusslide.function = Focus the presentation slide
bbb.shortcutkey.whiteboard.undo = 90
bbb.shortcutkey.whiteboard.undo.function = Undo last whiteboard mark
bbb.shortcutkey.focus.users = 49
bbb.shortcutkey.focus.users.function = Move focus to the Users window
bbb.shortcutkey.focus.video = 50
bbb.shortcutkey.focus.video.function = Move focus to the Webcam window
bbb.shortcutkey.focus.presentation = 51
bbb.shortcutkey.focus.presentation.function = Move focus to the Presentation window
bbb.shortcutkey.focus.chat = 52
bbb.shortcutkey.focus.chat.function = Move focus to the Chat window
bbb.shortcutkey.share.desktop = 68
bbb.shortcutkey.share.desktop.function = Open desktop sharing window
bbb.shortcutkey.share.microphone = 79
bbb.shortcutkey.share.microphone.function = Open audio settings window
bbb.shortcutkey.share.pauseRemoteStream = 80
bbb.shortcutkey.share.pauseRemoteStream.function = Start/Stop listening the conference
bbb.shortcutkey.share.webcam = 66
bbb.shortcutkey.share.webcam.function = Open webcam sharing window
bbb.shortcutkey.shortcutWindow = 72
bbb.shortcutkey.shortcutWindow.function = Open/focus to shortcut help window
bbb.shortcutkey.logout = 76
bbb.shortcutkey.logout.function = Log out of this meeting
bbb.shortcutkey.raiseHand = 82
bbb.shortcutkey.raiseHand.function = Raise your hand
bbb.shortcutkey.present.upload = 85
bbb.shortcutkey.present.upload.function = Upload presentation
bbb.shortcutkey.present.previous = 65
bbb.shortcutkey.present.previous.function = Go to previous slide
bbb.shortcutkey.present.select = 83
bbb.shortcutkey.present.select.function = View all slides
bbb.shortcutkey.present.next = 69
bbb.shortcutkey.present.next.function = Go to next slide
bbb.shortcutkey.present.fitWidth = 70
bbb.shortcutkey.present.fitWidth.function = Fit slides to width
bbb.shortcutkey.present.fitPage = 80
bbb.shortcutkey.present.fitPage.function = Fit slides to page
bbb.shortcutkey.users.makePresenter = 80
bbb.shortcutkey.users.makePresenter.function = Make selected person presenter
bbb.shortcutkey.users.kick = 75
bbb.shortcutkey.users.kick.function = Kick selected person from the meeting
bbb.shortcutkey.users.mute = 83
bbb.shortcutkey.users.mute.function = Mute or unmute selected person
bbb.shortcutkey.users.muteall = 65
bbb.shortcutkey.users.muteall.function = Mute or unmute all users
bbb.shortcutkey.users.focusUsers = 85
bbb.shortcutkey.users.focusUsers.function = Focus to users list
bbb.shortcutkey.users.muteAllButPres = 65
bbb.shortcutkey.users.muteAllButPres.function = Mute everyone but the Presenter
bbb.shortcutkey.chat.focusTabs = 89
bbb.shortcutkey.chat.focusTabs.function = Focus to chat tabs
bbb.shortcutkey.chat.focusBox = 66
bbb.shortcutkey.chat.focusBox.function = Focus to chat box
bbb.shortcutkey.chat.changeColour = 67
bbb.shortcutkey.chat.changeColour.function = Focus to font color picker.
bbb.shortcutkey.chat.sendMessage = 83
bbb.shortcutkey.chat.sendMessage.function = Send chat message
bbb.shortcutkey.chat.closePrivate = 69
bbb.shortcutkey.chat.closePrivate.function = Close private chat tab
bbb.shortcutkey.chat.explanation = ----
bbb.shortcutkey.chat.explanation.function = For message navigation, you must focus the chat box.
bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.advance = 40
bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.advance.function = Navigate to the next message
bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.goback = 38
bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.goback.function = Navigate to the previous message
bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.repeat = 32
bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.repeat.function = Repeat current message
bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.golatest = 39
bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.golatest.function = Navigate to the latest message
bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.gofirst = 37
bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.gofirst.function = Navigate to the first message
bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.goread = 75
bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.goread.function = Navigate to the most recent message you've read
bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.debug = 71
bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.debug.function = Temporary debug hotkey
bbb.polling.startButton.tooltip = Start a poll
bbb.polling.startButton.label = Start Poll
bbb.polling.publishButton.label = Publish
bbb.polling.closeButton.label = Aizv?rt
bbb.polling.pollModal.title = Live Poll Results
bbb.polling.customChoices.title = Enter Polling Choices
bbb.polling.respondersLabel.novotes = Waiting for responses
bbb.polling.respondersLabel.text = {0} Users Responded
bbb.polling.respondersLabel.finished = Done
bbb.polling.answer.Yes = Yes
bbb.polling.answer.No = No
bbb.polling.answer.True = True
bbb.polling.answer.False = False
bbb.polling.answer.A = A
bbb.polling.answer.B = B
bbb.polling.answer.C = C
bbb.polling.answer.D = D
bbb.polling.answer.E = E
bbb.polling.answer.F = F
bbb.polling.answer.G = G
bbb.polling.results.accessible.header = Poll Results.
bbb.polling.results.accessible.answer = Answer {0} had {1} votes.
bbb.publishVideo.startPublishBtn.labelText = Start Sharing
bbb.publishVideo.changeCameraBtn.labelText = Change Webcam
bbb.accessibility.alerts.madePresenter = You are now the Presenter.
bbb.accessibility.alerts.madeViewer = You are now a Viewer.
bbb.shortcutkey.specialKeys.space = Spacebar
bbb.shortcutkey.specialKeys.left = Left Arrow
bbb.shortcutkey.specialKeys.right = Right Arrow
bbb.shortcutkey.specialKeys.up = Up Arrow
bbb.shortcutkey.specialKeys.down = Down Arrow
bbb.shortcutkey.specialKeys.plus = Plus
bbb.shortcutkey.specialKeys.minus = Minus
bbb.toolbar.videodock.toolTip.closeAllVideos = Close all videos
bbb.users.settings.lockAll=Lock All Users
bbb.users.settings.lockAllExcept=Lock Users Except Presenter
bbb.users.settings.lockSettings=Lock Viewers ...
bbb.users.settings.unlockAll=Unlock All Viewers
bbb.users.settings.roomIsLocked=Locked by default
bbb.users.settings.roomIsMuted=Muted by default
bbb.lockSettings.save = Apply
bbb.lockSettings.save.tooltip = Apply lock settings
bbb.lockSettings.cancel = Cancel
bbb.lockSettings.cancel.toolTip = Close this window without saving
bbb.lockSettings.moderatorLocking = Moderator locking
bbb.lockSettings.privateChat = Private Chat
bbb.lockSettings.publicChat = Public Chat
bbb.lockSettings.webcam = Webcam
bbb.lockSettings.microphone = Microphone
bbb.lockSettings.layout = Layout
bbb.lockSettings.title=Lock Viewers
bbb.lockSettings.lockOnJoin=Lock On Join