955 lines
31 KiB
Executable File
955 lines
31 KiB
Executable File
* BigBlueButton open source conferencing system - http://www.bigbluebutton.org/
* Copyright (c) 2012 BigBlueButton Inc. and by respective authors (see below).
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* BigBlueButton is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
* with BigBlueButton; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
<%@page import="java.text.SimpleDateFormat"%>
<%@page import="javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource"%>
<%@page import="javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult"%>
<%@page import="javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys"%>
<%@page import="javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory"%>
<%@page import="javax.xml.transform.Transformer"%>
<%@page import="org.w3c.dom.Element"%>
<%@page import="com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.dom.ChildNode"%>
<%@page import="org.w3c.dom.Node"%>
<%@page import="org.w3c.dom.NodeList"%>
<%@page import="java.util.*,java.io.*,java.net.*,javax.crypto.*,javax.xml.parsers.*,org.w3c.dom.Document,org.xml.sax.*" errorPage="error.jsp"%>
<%@ page import="org.apache.commons.codec.digest.*"%>
<%@ page import="java.io.*"%>
<%@ page import="java.nio.channels.FileChannel"%>
<%@ page import="org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils"%>
<%@ include file="bbb_api_conf.jsp"%>
// Create a meeting with specific
// - meetingID
// - welcome message
// - moderator password
// - viewer password
// - voiceBridge
// - logoutURL
// Added for 0.8
// - metadata
// - xml (for pre-upload of slides)
public String createMeeting(String meetingID, String welcome, String moderatorPassword, String viewerPassword, Integer voiceBridge, String logoutURL) {
String base_url_create = BigBlueButtonURL + "api/create?";
String welcome_param = "";
String checksum = "";
String attendee_password_param = "&attendeePW=ap";
String moderator_password_param = "&moderatorPW=mp";
String voice_bridge_param = "";
String logoutURL_param = "";
if ((welcome != null) && !welcome.equals("")) {
welcome_param = "&welcome=" + urlEncode(welcome);
if ((moderatorPassword != null) && !moderatorPassword.equals("")) {
moderator_password_param = "&moderatorPW=" + urlEncode(moderatorPassword);
if ((viewerPassword != null) && !viewerPassword.equals("")) {
attendee_password_param = "&attendeePW=" + urlEncode(viewerPassword);
if ((voiceBridge != null) && voiceBridge > 0) {
voice_bridge_param = "&voiceBridge=" + urlEncode(voiceBridge.toString());
} else {
// No voice bridge number passed, so we'll generate a random one for this meeting
Random random = new Random();
Integer n = 70000 + random.nextInt(9999);
voice_bridge_param = "&voiceBridge=" + n;
if ((logoutURL != null) && !logoutURL.equals("")) {
logoutURL_param = "&logoutURL=" + urlEncode(logoutURL);
// Now create the URL
String create_parameters = "name=" + urlEncode(meetingID)
+ "&meetingID=" + urlEncode(meetingID) + welcome_param
+ attendee_password_param + moderator_password_param
+ voice_bridge_param + logoutURL_param;
Document doc = null;
try {
// Attempt to create a meeting using meetingID
String xml = getURL(base_url_create + create_parameters
+ "&checksum="
+ checksum("create" + create_parameters + salt));
doc = parseXml(xml);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (doc.getElementsByTagName("returncode").item(0).getTextContent().trim().equals("SUCCESS")) {
return meetingID;
return "Error "
+ doc.getElementsByTagName("messageKey").item(0).getTextContent().trim()
+ ": "
+ doc.getElementsByTagName("message").item(0).getTextContent()
// getJoinMeetingURL() -- get join meeting URL for both viewer and moderator
public String getJoinMeetingURL(String username, String meetingID, String password, String clientURL) {
String base_url_join = BigBlueButtonURL + "api/join?";
String clientURL_param = "";
if ((clientURL != null) && !clientURL.equals("")) {
clientURL_param = "&redirectClient=true&clientURL=" + urlEncode( clientURL );
String join_parameters = "meetingID=" + urlEncode(meetingID)
+ "&fullName=" + urlEncode(username) + "&password="
+ urlEncode(password) + clientURL_param;
return base_url_join + join_parameters + "&checksum="
+ checksum("join" + join_parameters + salt);
// Create a meeting and return a URL to join it as moderator. This is used for the API demos.
// Passed
// - username
// - meetingID
// - record ["true", "false"]
// - welcome message (null causes BigBlueButton to use the default welcome message
// - metadata (passed through when record="true"
// - xml (used for pre-upload of slides)_
// Returned
// - valid join URL using the username
// Note this meeting will use username for meetingID
public String getJoinURL(String username, String meetingID, String record, String welcome, Map<String, String> metadata, String xml) {
String base_url_create = BigBlueButtonURL + "api/create?";
String base_url_join = BigBlueButtonURL + "api/join?";
String welcome_param = "";
if ((welcome != null) && !welcome.equals("")) {
welcome_param = "&welcome=" + urlEncode(welcome);
String xml_param = "";
if ((xml != null) && !xml.equals("")) {
xml_param = xml;
Random random = new Random();
String voiceBridge_param = "&voiceBridge=" + (70000 + random.nextInt(9999));
// When creating a meeting, the 'name' parameter is the name of the meeting (not to be confused with
// the username). For example, the name could be "Fred's meeting" and the meetingID could be "ID-1234312".
// While name and meetingID should be different, we'll keep them the same. Why? Because calling api/create?
// with a previously used meetingID will return same meetingToken (regardless if the meeting is running or not).
// This means the first person to call getJoinURL with meetingID="Demo Meeting" will actually create the
// meeting. Subsequent calls will return the same meetingToken and thus subsequent users will join the same
// meeting.
// Note: We're hard-coding the password for moderator and attendee (viewer) for purposes of demo.
String create_parameters = "name=" + urlEncode(meetingID)
+ "&meetingID=" + urlEncode(meetingID) + welcome_param + voiceBridge_param
+ "&attendeePW=ap&moderatorPW=mp"
+ "&record=" + record + getMetaData( metadata );
// Attempt to create a meeting using meetingID
Document doc = null;
try {
String url = base_url_create + create_parameters
+ "&checksum="
+ checksum("create" + create_parameters + salt);
doc = parseXml( postURL( url, xml_param ) );
} catch (Exception e) {
if (doc.getElementsByTagName("returncode").item(0).getTextContent()
.trim().equals("SUCCESS")) {
// Looks good, now return a URL to join that meeting
String join_parameters = "meetingID=" + urlEncode(meetingID)
+ "&fullName=" + urlEncode(username) + "&password=mp";
return base_url_join + join_parameters + "&checksum="
+ checksum("join" + join_parameters + salt);
return doc.getElementsByTagName("messageKey").item(0).getTextContent()
+ ": "
+ doc.getElementsByTagName("message").item(0).getTextContent()
public String getJoinURLwithDynamicConfigXML(String username, String meetingID, String configXML) {
String base_url_create = BigBlueButtonURL + "api/create?";
String base_url_join = BigBlueButtonURL + "api/join?";
String base_url_setConfigXML = BigBlueButtonURL + "api/setConfigXML.xml?";
Random random = new Random();
String voiceBridge_param = "&voiceBridge=" + (70000 + random.nextInt(9999));
String url;
// When creating a meeting, the 'name' parameter is the name of the meeting (not to be confused with
// the username). For example, the name could be "Fred's meeting" and the meetingID could be "ID-1234312".
// While name and meetingID should be different, we'll keep them the same. Why? Because calling api/create?
// with a previously used meetingID will return same meetingToken (regardless if the meeting is running or not).
// This means the first person to call getJoinURL with meetingID="Demo Meeting" will actually create the
// meeting. Subsequent calls will return the same meetingToken and thus subsequent users will join the same
// meeting.
// Note: We're hard-coding the password for moderator and attendee (viewer) for purposes of demo.
String create_parameters = "name=" + urlEncode(meetingID)
+ "&meetingID=" + urlEncode(meetingID) + voiceBridge_param
+ "&attendeePW=ap&moderatorPW=mp";
// Attempt to create a meeting using meetingID
Document doc = null;
url = "";
try {
url = base_url_create + create_parameters
+ "&checksum="
+ checksum("create" + create_parameters + salt);
doc = parseXml( postURL( url, "" ) );
} catch (Exception e) {
if (!doc.getElementsByTagName("returncode").item(0).getTextContent().trim().equals("SUCCESS")) {
// Someting went wrong, return the error
return " " + url + "<br>" + doc.getElementsByTagName("messageKey").item(0).getTextContent()
+ ": "
+ doc.getElementsByTagName("message").item(0).getTextContent()
// Looks good, now Attempt to send the ConfigXML file and get the token
String xml_param = "";
if ((configXML != null) && !configXML.equals("")) {
xml_param = configXML;
xml_param = xml_param.replace("\n", "");
xml_param = xml_param.replace("\t", "");
xml_param = xml_param.replace("> <", "><");
xml_param = xml_param.replace("> <", "><");
// Create the parameters we want to send to the server.
Map<String, String[]> paramsMap = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
paramsMap.put("meetingID", new String[]{urlEncode(meetingID)});
paramsMap.put("configXML", new String[]{urlEncode(xml_param)});
String baseString = createBaseString(paramsMap);
String setConfigXML_parameters = baseString + "&checksum=" + checksum("setConfigXML" + baseString + salt);
try {
doc = parseXml( postURL( base_url_setConfigXML, setConfigXML_parameters, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ) );
} catch (Exception e) {
String configToken = "";
if (!doc.getElementsByTagName("returncode").item(0).getTextContent().trim().equals("SUCCESS")) {
// Someting went wrong, return the error
return " " + base_url_setConfigXML + "<br>" + doc.getElementsByTagName("messageKey").item(0).getTextContent().trim()
+ ": "
+ doc.getElementsByTagName("message").item(0).getTextContent().trim() + "<br>" + encodeURIComponent(xml_param);
} else {
configToken = doc.getElementsByTagName("configToken").item(0).getTextContent().trim();
// And finally return a URL to join that meeting using the specific config.xml
String join_parameters = "meetingID=" + urlEncode(meetingID) + "&fullName=" + urlEncode(username) + "&password=mp&configToken=" + configToken;
return base_url_join + join_parameters + "&checksum=" + checksum("join" + join_parameters + salt);
// From the list of parameters we want to pass. Creates a base string with parameters
// sorted in alphabetical order for us to sign.
public String createBaseString(Map<String, String[]> params) {
StringBuffer csbuf = new StringBuffer();
SortedSet<String> keys = new TreeSet<String>(params.keySet());
boolean first = true;
String checksum = null;
for (String key: keys) {
for (String value: params.get(key)) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
return csbuf.toString();
// Create a meeting and return a URL to join it as moderator
public String getJoinURLXML(String username, String meetingID, String welcome, String xml) {
String base_url_create = BigBlueButtonURL + "api/create?";
String base_url_join = BigBlueButtonURL + "api/join?";
String welcome_param = "";
Random random = new Random();
Integer voiceBridge = 70000 + random.nextInt(9999);
if ((welcome != null) && !welcome.equals("")) {
welcome_param = "&welcome=" + urlEncode(welcome);
String xml_param = "";
if ((xml != null) && !xml.equals("")) {
xml_param = xml;
String create_parameters = "name=" + urlEncode(meetingID)
+ "&meetingID=" + urlEncode(meetingID) + welcome_param
+ "&attendeePW=ap&moderatorPW=mp&voiceBridge=" + voiceBridge;
Document doc = null;
try {
// Attempt to create a meeting using meetingID
String params = postURL(base_url_create + create_parameters
+ "&checksum="
+ checksum("create" + create_parameters + salt), xml_param);
doc = parseXml(params);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (doc.getElementsByTagName("returncode").item(0).getTextContent()
.trim().equals("SUCCESS")) {
String join_parameters = "meetingID=" + urlEncode(meetingID)
+ "&fullName=" + urlEncode(username) + "&password=mp";
return base_url_join + join_parameters + "&checksum="
+ checksum("join" + join_parameters + salt);
return doc.getElementsByTagName("messageKey").item(0).getTextContent()
+ ": "
+ doc.getElementsByTagName("message").item(0).getTextContent()
// getJoinURLViewer() -- Get the URL to join a meeting as viewer
public String getJoinURLViewer(String username, String meetingID) {
String base_url_join = BigBlueButtonURL + "api/join?";
String join_parameters = "meetingID=" + urlEncode(meetingID)
+ "&fullName=" + urlEncode(username) + "&password=ap";
return base_url_join + join_parameters + "&checksum="
+ checksum("join" + join_parameters + salt);
// getURLisMeetingRunning() -- return a URL that the client can use to poll for whether the given meeting is running
public String getURLisMeetingRunning(String meetingID) {
String meetingParameters = "meetingID=" + urlEncode(meetingID);
return BigBlueButtonURL + "api/isMeetingRunning?" + meetingParameters
+ "&checksum="
+ checksum("isMeetingRunning" + meetingParameters + salt);
// isMeetingRunning() -- check the BigBlueButton server to see if the meeting is running (i.e. there is someone in the meeting)
public String isMeetingRunning(String meetingID) {
Document doc = null;
try {
doc = parseXml( getURL( getURLisMeetingRunning(meetingID) ));
} catch (Exception e) {
if (doc.getElementsByTagName("returncode").item(0).getTextContent()
.trim().equals("SUCCESS")) {
return doc.getElementsByTagName("running").item(0).getTextContent()
return "Error "
+ doc.getElementsByTagName("messageKey").item(0)
+ ": "
+ doc.getElementsByTagName("message").item(0).getTextContent()
public String getMeetingInfoURL(String meetingID, String password) {
String meetingParameters = "meetingID=" + urlEncode(meetingID)
+ "&password=" + password;
return BigBlueButtonURL + "api/getMeetingInfo?" + meetingParameters
+ "&checksum="
+ checksum("getMeetingInfo" + meetingParameters + salt);
public String getMeetingInfo(String meetingID, String password) {
try {
return getURL( getMeetingInfoURL(meetingID, password));
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
public String getDefaultConfigXML() {
try {
return getURL( getDefaultConfigXMLURL() );
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
public String getDefaultConfigXMLURL() {
String meetingParameters = "";
return BigBlueButtonURL + "api/getDefaultConfigXML?" + meetingParameters
+ "&checksum="
+ checksum("getDefaultConfigXML" + meetingParameters + salt);
public String getMeetingsURL() {
String meetingParameters = "random=" + new Random().nextInt(9999);
return BigBlueButtonURL + "api/getMeetings?" + meetingParameters
+ "&checksum="
+ checksum("getMeetings" + meetingParameters + salt);
// Calls getMeetings to obtain the list of meetings, then calls getMeetingInfo for each meeting
// and concatenates the result.
public String getMeetings() {
try {
Document doc = parseXml( getURL( getMeetingsURL() ));
// tags needed for parsing xml documents
final String startTag = "<meetings>";
final String endTag = "</meetings>";
final String startResponse = "<response>";
final String endResponse = "</response>";
// if the request succeeded, then calculate the checksum of each meeting and insert it into the document
NodeList meetingsList = doc.getElementsByTagName("meeting");
String newXMldocument = startTag;
for (int i = 0; i < meetingsList.getLength(); i++) {
Element meeting = (Element) meetingsList.item(i);
String meetingID = meeting.getElementsByTagName("meetingID").item(0).getTextContent();
String password = meeting.getElementsByTagName("moderatorPW").item(0).getTextContent();
String data = getURL( getMeetingInfoURL(meetingID, password) );
if (data.indexOf("<response>") != -1) {
int startIndex = data.indexOf(startResponse) + startTag.length();
int endIndex = data.indexOf(endResponse);
newXMldocument += "<meeting>" + data.substring(startIndex, endIndex) + "</meeting>";
newXMldocument += endTag;
return newXMldocument;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
public String getendMeetingURL(String meetingID, String moderatorPassword) {
String end_parameters = "meetingID=" + urlEncode(meetingID) + "&password="
+ urlEncode(moderatorPassword);
return BigBlueButtonURL + "api/end?" + end_parameters + "&checksum="
+ checksum("end" + end_parameters + salt);
public String endMeeting(String meetingID, String moderatorPassword) {
Document doc = null;
try {
String xml = getURL(getendMeetingURL(meetingID, moderatorPassword));
doc = parseXml(xml);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (doc.getElementsByTagName("returncode").item(0).getTextContent()
.trim().equals("SUCCESS")) {
return "true";
return "Error "
+ doc.getElementsByTagName("messageKey").item(0)
+ ": "
+ doc.getElementsByTagName("message").item(0).getTextContent()
// Added for BigBlueButton 0.8
public String getRecordingsURL(String meetingID) {
String record_parameters = "meetingID=" + urlEncode(meetingID);
return BigBlueButtonURL + "api/getRecordings?" + record_parameters + "&checksum="
+ checksum("getRecordings" + record_parameters + salt);
public String getRecordings(String meetingID) {
String newXMLdoc = "<recordings>";
try {
Document doc = null;
String url = getRecordingsURL(meetingID);
doc = parseXml( getURL(url) );
// if the request succeeded, then calculate the checksum of each meeting and insert it into the document
NodeList recordingList = doc.getElementsByTagName("recording");
for (int i = 0; i < recordingList.getLength(); i++) {
Element recording = (Element) recordingList.item(i);
String recordID = recording.getElementsByTagName("recordID").item(0).getTextContent();
String name = recording.getElementsByTagName("name").item(0).getTextContent();
String description = "";
NodeList metadata = recording.getElementsByTagName("metadata");
Element metadataElem = (Element) metadata.item(0);
if(metadataElem.getElementsByTagName("description").getLength() > 0){
description = metadataElem.getElementsByTagName("description").item(0).getTextContent();
String starttime = recording.getElementsByTagName("startTime").item(0).getTextContent();
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss");
Date resultdate = new Date(Long.parseLong(starttime));
starttime = sdf.format(resultdate);
}catch(Exception e){
String published = recording.getElementsByTagName("published").item(0).getTextContent();
String playback = "";
String length = "";
NodeList formats = recording.getElementsByTagName("format");
for (int j = 0; j < formats.getLength(); j++){
Element format = (Element) formats.item(j);
String typeP = format.getElementsByTagName("type").item(0).getTextContent();
String urlP = format.getElementsByTagName("url").item(0).getTextContent();
String lengthP = format.getElementsByTagName("length").item(0).getTextContent();
if (j != 0){
playback +=", ";
playback += StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml("<a href='" + urlP + "' target='_blank'>" + typeP + "</a>");
if(typeP.equalsIgnoreCase("slides") || typeP.equalsIgnoreCase("presentation")){
length = lengthP;
newXMLdoc += "<recording>";
newXMLdoc += "<recordID>" + recordID + "</recordID>";
newXMLdoc += "<name><![CDATA[" + name + "]]></name>";
newXMLdoc += "<description><![CDATA[" + description + "]]></description>";
newXMLdoc += "<startTime>" + starttime + "</startTime>";
newXMLdoc += "<published>" + published + "</published>";
newXMLdoc += "<playback>" + playback + "</playback>";
newXMLdoc += "<length>" + length + "</length>";
newXMLdoc += "</recording>";
}catch (Exception e) {
return "error: "+e.getMessage();
newXMLdoc += "</recordings>";
return newXMLdoc;
public String getPublishRecordingsURL(boolean publish, String recordID) {
String publish_parameters = "recordID=" + urlEncode(recordID)
+ "&publish=" + publish;
return BigBlueButtonURL + "api/publishRecordings?" + publish_parameters + "&checksum="
+ checksum("publishRecordings" + publish_parameters + salt);
public String setPublishRecordings(boolean publish, String recordID){
try {
return getURL( getPublishRecordingsURL(publish,recordID));
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
public String getDeleteRecordingsURL(String recordID) {
String delete_parameters = "recordID=" + urlEncode(recordID);
return BigBlueButtonURL + "api/deleteRecordings?" + delete_parameters + "&checksum="
+ checksum("deleteRecordings" + delete_parameters + salt);
public String deleteRecordings(String recordID){
try {
return getURL( getDeleteRecordingsURL(recordID));
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
// Helper Routines
public String getMetaData( Map<String, String> metadata ) {
String metadata_params = "";
if ( metadata!=null ){
for(String metakey : metadata.keySet()){
metadata_params = metadata_params + "&meta_" + urlEncode(metakey) + "=" + urlEncode(metadata.get(metakey));
return metadata_params;
// checksum() -- Return a checksum based on SHA-1 digest
public static String checksum(String s) {
String checksum = "";
try {
checksum = org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils.shaHex(s);
} catch (Exception e) {
return checksum;
// getURL() -- fetch a URL and return its contents as a String
public static String getURL(String url) {
StringBuffer response = null;
try {
URL u = new URL(url);
HttpURLConnection httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection) u.openConnection();
int responseCode = httpConnection.getResponseCode();
if (responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
InputStream input = httpConnection.getInputStream();
// Read server's response.
response = new StringBuffer();
Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(input, "UTF-8");
reader = new BufferedReader(reader);
char[] buffer = new char[1024];
for (int n = 0; n >= 0;) {
n = reader.read(buffer, 0, buffer.length);
if (n > 0)
response.append(buffer, 0, n);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (response != null) {
return response.toString();
} else {
return "";
public static String postURL(String targetURL, String urlParameters)
return postURL(targetURL, urlParameters, "text/xml");
public static String postURL(String targetURL, String urlParameters, String contentType)
URL url;
HttpURLConnection connection = null;
int responseCode = 0;
try {
//Create connection
url = new URL(targetURL);
connection = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", contentType);
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", "" +
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Language", "en-US");
connection.setUseCaches (false);
//Send request
DataOutputStream wr = new DataOutputStream (
connection.getOutputStream ());
wr.writeBytes (urlParameters);
wr.flush ();
wr.close ();
//Get Response
InputStream is = connection.getInputStream();
BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
String line;
StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
while((line = rd.readLine()) != null) {
return response.toString();
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
} finally {
if(connection != null) {
// parseXml() -- return a DOM of the XML
public static Document parseXml(String xml)
throws ParserConfigurationException, IOException, SAXException {
DocumentBuilderFactory docFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory
DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
Document doc = docBuilder.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(xml)));
return doc;
// urlEncode() -- URL encode the string
public static String urlEncode(String s) {
try {
return URLEncoder.encode(s, "UTF-8");
} catch (Exception e) {
return "";
//encodeURIComponent() -- Java encoding similiar to JavaScript encodeURIComponent
public static String encodeURIComponent(String component) {
String result = null;
try {
result = URLEncoder.encode(component, "UTF-8")
.replaceAll("\\%28", "(")
.replaceAll("\\%29", ")")
.replaceAll("\\+", "%20")
.replaceAll("\\%27", "'")
.replaceAll("\\%21", "!")
.replaceAll("\\%7E", "~");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
result = component;
return result;
public String getMeetingsWithoutPasswords() {
try {
Document doc = parseXml( getURL( getMeetingsURL() ));
// tags needed for parsing xml documents
final String startTag = "<meetings>";
final String endTag = "</meetings>";
final String startResponse = "<response>";
final String endResponse = "</response>";
// if the request succeeded, then calculate the checksum of each meeting and insert it into the document
NodeList meetingsList = doc.getElementsByTagName("meeting");
String newXMldocument = startTag;
for (int i = 0; i < meetingsList.getLength(); i++) {
Element meeting = (Element) meetingsList.item(i);
String meetingID = meeting.getElementsByTagName("meetingID").item(0).getTextContent();
String password = meeting.getElementsByTagName("moderatorPW").item(0).getTextContent();
String data = getURL( getMeetingInfoURL(meetingID, password) );
if (data.indexOf("<response>") != -1) {
data = removeTag(data, "<attendeePW>", "</attendeePW>");
data = removeTag(data, "<moderatorPW>", "</moderatorPW>");
int startIndex = data.indexOf(startResponse) + startResponse.length();
int endIndex = data.indexOf(endResponse);
newXMldocument += "<meeting>" + data.substring(startIndex, endIndex) + "</meeting>";
newXMldocument += endTag;
return newXMldocument;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
public static String removeTag(String data, String startTag, String endTag){
int startIndex = data.indexOf(startTag);
int endIndex = data.indexOf(endTag) + endTag.length();
String tagStr = data.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
return data.replace(tagStr,"");
public String getBigBlueButtonIP()
try {
URL url = new URL(BigBlueButtonURL);
String bbbIP = url.getHost();
return bbbIP;
} catch (Exception e) {
return "localhost";
public static Element getElementWithAttribute(Node root, String attrName, String attrValue)
NodeList nl = root.getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) {
Node n = nl.item(i);
if (n instanceof Element) {
Element el = (Element) n;
if (el.getAttribute(attrName).equals(attrValue)) {
return el;
el = getElementWithAttribute(n, attrName, attrValue); //search recursively
if(el != null){
return el;
return null;