2014-11-18 22:03:13 +00:00

207 lines
9.0 KiB
Executable File

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public methods on server
# All these method must first authenticate the user before it calls the private function counterpart below
# which sends the request to bbbApps. If the method is modifying the media the current user is sharing,
# you should perform the request before sending the request to bbbApps. This allows the user request to be performed
# immediately, since they do not require permission for things such as muting themsevles.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
userShareAudio: (meetingId, userId, user_id) ->
updateVoiceUser {'user_id': user_id, 'talking':false, 'joined': true, 'muted':false}
#NOTE: We do not need to send a message to bbb-apps about joining the audio
userStopAudio: (meetingId, userId, user_id, requesterUserId, requester_id) ->
user = Meteor.Users.findOne({'meetingId': meetingId, 'userId': userId, '_id': user_id})
requester = Meteor.Users.findOne({'meetingId': meetingId, 'userId': requesterUserId, '_id': requester_id})
if user? and requester? and ((user._id is requester._id) or requester.presenter)
updateVoiceUser meetingId, {'user_id': user_id, talking:false, joined: false, muted:false}
#NOTE: We do not need to send a message to bbb-apps about leaving the audio
# Verifies muter exists, provided proper credentials, and has permission to mute the user
# meetingId: the meetingId of the meeting the user[s] is in
# toMuteUserId: the userId of the user to be [un]muted
# requesterUserId: the userId of the requester
# requesterSecret: the userSecret of the requester
# mutedBoolean: true for muting, false for unmuting
muteUser: (meetingId, toMuteUserId, requesterUserId, requesterSecret, mutedBoolean) ->
action = ->
if mutedBoolean
if toMuteUserId is requesterUserId
return 'muteSelf'
return 'muteOther'
if toMuteUserId is requesterUserId
return 'unmuteSelf'
return 'unmuteOther'
if isAllowedTo(action(), meetingId, requesterUserId, requesterSecret)
message =
userid: toMuteUserId
meeting_id: meetingId
mute: mutedBoolean
requester_id: requesterUserId
timestamp: new Date().getTime()
name: "mute_user_request"
version: "0.0.1" "publishing a user mute #{mutedBoolean} request for #{toMuteUserId}"
publish Meteor.config.redis.channels.toBBBApps.voice, message
updateVoiceUser meetingId, {'web_userid': toMuteUserId, talking:false, muted:mutedBoolean}
# meetingId: the meetingId which both users are in
# toLowerUserId: the userid of the user to have their hand lowered
# loweredByUserId: userId of person lowering
# loweredBySecret: the secret of the requestor
userLowerHand: (meetingId, toLowerUserId, loweredByUserId, loweredBySecret) ->
action = ->
if toLowerUserId is loweredByUserId
return 'lowerOwnHand'
return 'lowerOthersHand'
if isAllowedTo(action(), meetingId, loweredByUserId, loweredBySecret)
message =
userid: toLowerUserId
meeting_id: meetingId
raise_hand: false
lowered_by: loweredByUserId
timestamp: new Date().getTime()
name: "user_lowered_hand_message"
version: "0.0.1"
# publish to pubsub
publish Meteor.config.redis.channels.toBBBApps.users, message
# meetingId: the meetingId which both users are in
# toRaiseUserId: the userid of the user to have their hand lowered
# raisedByUserId: userId of person lowering
# raisedBySecret: the secret of the requestor
userRaiseHand: (meetingId, toRaiseUserId, raisedByUserId, raisedBySecret) ->
action = ->
if toRaiseUserId is raisedByUserId
return 'raiseOwnHand'
return 'raiseOthersHand'
if isAllowedTo(action(), meetingId, raisedByUserId, raisedBySecret)
message =
userid: toRaiseUserId
meeting_id: meetingId
raise_hand: false
lowered_by: raisedByUserId
timestamp: new Date().getTime()
name: "user_raised_hand_message"
version: "0.0.1"
# publish to pubsub
publish Meteor.config.redis.channels.toBBBApps.users, message
# meetingId: the meeting where the user is
# userId: the userid of the user logging out
# userSecret: the authentication string of the user
userLogout: (meetingId, userId, userSecret) ->
if isAllowedTo('logoutSelf', meetingId, userId, userSecret) "a user is logging out from #{meetingId}:" + userId
requestUserLeaving meetingId, userId
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private methods on server
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Only callable from server
# Received information from BBB-Apps that a user left
# Need to update the collection
# params: meetingid, userid as defined in BBB-Apps
@removeUserFromMeeting = (meetingId, userId) ->
u = Meteor.Users.findOne({'meetingId': meetingId, 'userId': userId})
if u?
Meteor.Users.remove(u._id) "----removed user[" + userId + "] from " + meetingId
else "did not find a user [userId] to delete in meetingid:#{meetingId}"
# Corresponds to a valid action on the HTML clientside
# After authorization, publish a user_leaving_request in redis
# params: meetingid, userid as defined in BBB-App
@requestUserLeaving = (meetingId, userId) ->
if Meteor.Users.findOne({'meetingId': meetingId, 'userId': userId})?
message =
meeting_id: meetingId
userid: userId
timestamp: new Date().getTime()
name: "user_leaving_request"
version: "0.0.1"
if userId? and meetingId? "sending a user_leaving_request for #{meetingId}:#{userId}"
publish Meteor.config.redis.channels.toBBBApps.users, message
else "did not have enough information to send a user_leaving_request"
#update a voiceUser - a helper method
@updateVoiceUser = (meetingId, voiceUserObject) ->
u = Meteor.Users.findOne userId: voiceUserObject.web_userid
if u?
if voiceUserObject.talking?
Meteor.Users.update({meetingId: meetingId ,userId: voiceUserObject.web_userid}, {$set: {'user.voiceUser.talking':voiceUserObject.talking}}, {multi: false}) # talking
if voiceUserObject.joined?
Meteor.Users.update({meetingId: meetingId ,userId: voiceUserObject.web_userid}, {$set: {'user.voiceUser.joined':voiceUserObject.joined}}, {multi: false}) # joined
if voiceUserObject.locked?
Meteor.Users.update({meetingId: meetingId ,userId: voiceUserObject.web_userid}, {$set: {'user.voiceUser.locked':voiceUserObject.locked}}, {multi: false}) # locked
if voiceUserObject.muted?
Meteor.Users.update({meetingId: meetingId ,userId: voiceUserObject.web_userid}, {$set: {'user.voiceUser.muted':voiceUserObject.muted}}, {multi: false}) # muted
if voiceUserObject.listenOnly?
Meteor.Users.update({meetingId: meetingId ,userId: voiceUserObject.web_userid}, {$set: {'user.listenOnly':voiceUserObject.listenOnly}}, {multi: false}) # muted
else "ERROR! did not find such voiceUser!"
@addUserToCollection = (meetingId, user) ->
userId = user.userid
#check if the user is already in the meeting
unless Meteor.Users.findOne({userId:userId, meetingId: meetingId})?
entry =
meetingId: meetingId
userId: userId
userSecret: Math.random().toString(36).substring(2,13)
userid: user.userid
presenter: user.presenter
phone_user: user.phone_user
raise_hand: user.raise_hand
has_stream: user.has_stream
role: user.role
listenOnly: user.listenOnly
extern_userid: user.extern_userid
permissions: user.permissions
locked: user.locked
time_of_joining: user.timeOfJoining
connection_status: "" # TODO consider other default value
web_userid: user.voiceUser.web_userid
callernum: user.voiceUser.callernum
userid: user.voiceUser.userid
talking: user.voiceUser.talking
joined: user.voiceUser.joined
callername: user.voiceUser.callername
locked: user.voiceUser.locked
muted: user.voiceUser.muted
webcam_stream: user.webcam_stream
id = Meteor.Users.insert(entry) "added user userSecret=#{entry.userSecret} id=[#{id}]:#{}. Users.size is now #{Meteor.Users.find({meetingId: meetingId}).count()}"