106 lines
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Executable File
106 lines
3.1 KiB
Executable File
import { getMultiUserStatus } from '/imports/api/common/server/helpers';
import RedisPubSub from '/imports/startup/server/redis';
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { check } from 'meteor/check';
import Annotations from '/imports/api/annotations';
import isPodPresenter from '/imports/api/presentation-pods/server/utils/isPodPresenter';
function isLastMessage(meetingId, annotation, userId) {
const DRAW_END = Meteor.settings.public.whiteboard.annotations.status.end;
if (annotation.status === DRAW_END) {
const selector = {
id: annotation.id,
const _annotation = Annotations.findOne(selector);
return _annotation !== null;
return false;
export default function sendAnnotation(credentials, annotation) {
const REDIS_CONFIG = Meteor.settings.private.redis;
const CHANNEL = REDIS_CONFIG.channels.toAkkaApps;
const EVENT_NAME = 'SendWhiteboardAnnotationPubMsg';
const { meetingId, requesterUserId, requesterToken } = credentials;
const whiteboardId = annotation.wbId;
check(meetingId, String);
check(requesterUserId, String);
check(requesterToken, String);
check(annotation, Object);
check(whiteboardId, String);
// We allow messages to pass through in 3 cases:
// 1. When it's a standard message in presenter mode (Acl check)
// 2. When it's a standard message in multi-user mode (getMultUserStatus check)
// 3. When it's the last message, happens when the user is currently drawing
// and then slide/presentation changes, the user lost presenter rights,
// or multi-user whiteboard gets turned off
// So we allow the last "DRAW_END" message to pass through, to finish the shape.
const allowed = isPodPresenter(meetingId, whiteboardId, requesterUserId)
|| getMultiUserStatus(meetingId, whiteboardId)
|| isLastMessage(meetingId, annotation, requesterUserId);
if (!allowed) {
throw new Meteor.Error('not-allowed', `User ${requesterUserId} is not allowed to send an annotation`);
if (annotation.annotationType === 'text') {
check(annotation, {
id: String,
status: String,
annotationType: String,
annotationInfo: {
x: Number,
y: Number,
fontColor: Number,
calcedFontSize: Number,
textBoxWidth: Number,
text: String,
textBoxHeight: Number,
id: String,
whiteboardId: String,
status: String,
fontSize: Number,
dataPoints: String,
type: String,
wbId: String,
userId: String,
position: Number,
} else {
check(annotation, {
id: String,
status: String,
annotationType: String,
annotationInfo: {
color: Number,
thickness: Number,
points: Array,
id: String,
whiteboardId: String,
status: String,
type: String,
dimensions: Match.Maybe([Number]),
wbId: String,
userId: String,
position: Number,
const payload = {
return RedisPubSub.publishUserMessage(CHANNEL, EVENT_NAME, meetingId, requesterUserId, payload);