* move recording icon to icon-svg component * move whiteboard options icon to icon-svg component
84 lines
5.4 KiB
84 lines
5.4 KiB
import React, { memo } from 'react';
import Styled from './styles';
interface IconProps {
iconName: string;
rotate?: boolean;
const iconsMap: { [key: string]: JSX.Element } = {
reactions: (
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recording: (
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whiteboardOptions: (
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M9 11.25H11.25
M11.25 11.25H13.5
M11.25 11.25V9
M11.25 11.25V13.5
M4 7H5.5
C5.89782 7 6.27936 6.84196 6.56066 6.56066
C6.84196 6.27936 7 5.89782 7 5.5V4
C7 3.60218 6.84196 3.22064 6.56066 2.93934
C6.27936 2.65804 5.89782 2.5 5.5 2.5H4
C3.60218 2.5 3.22064 2.65804 2.93934 2.93934
C2.65804 3.22064 2.5 3.60218 2.5 4V5.5
C2.5 5.89782 2.65804 6.27936 2.93934 6.56066
C3.22064 6.84196 3.60218 7 4 7
ZM4 13.5H5.5
C5.89782 13.5 6.27936 13.342 6.56066 13.0607
C6.84196 12.7794 7 12.3978 7 12V10.5
C7 10.1022 6.84196 9.72064 6.56066 9.43934
C6.27936 9.15804 5.89782 9 5.5 9H4
C3.60218 9 3.22064 9.15804 2.93934 9.43934
C2.65804 9.72064 2.5 10.1022 2.5 10.5V12
C2.5 12.3978 2.65804 12.7794 2.93934 13.0607
C3.22064 13.342 3.60218 13.5 4 13.5
ZM10.5 7H12
C12.3978 7 12.7794 6.84196 13.0607 6.56066
C13.342 6.27936 13.5 5.89782 13.5 5.5V4
C13.5 3.60218 13.342 3.22064 13.0607 2.93934
C12.7794 2.65804 12.3978 2.5 12 2.5H10.5
C10.1022 2.5 9.72064 2.65804 9.43934 2.93934
C9.15804 3.22064 9 3.60218 9 4V5.5
C9 5.89782 9.15804 6.27936 9.43934 6.56066
C9.72064 6.84196 10.1022 7 10.5 7
const Icon: React.FC<IconProps> = ({
iconName = '',
rotate = false,
}) => {
if (!iconsMap[iconName]) {
return null;
return (
<Styled.Icon $rotate={rotate}>
export default memo(Icon);