By creating a new collection called WhiteboardCleanStatus which is used to alert the clients that the server is cleaning shapes. When shapes are being cleaned they are not drawn and so things don't slow down on firefox or chrome
77 lines
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Executable File
77 lines
3.4 KiB
Executable File
# Publish only the online users that are in the particular meetingId
# On the client side we pass the meetingId parameter
Meteor.publish 'users', (meetingId, userid, authToken) ->
Meteor.log.info "attempt publishing users for #{meetingId}, #{userid}, #{authToken}"
u = Meteor.Users.findOne({'userId': userid, 'meetingId': meetingId})
if u?
Meteor.log.info "found it from the first time #{userid}"
if isAllowedTo('subscribeUsers', meetingId, userid, authToken)
Meteor.log.info "#{userid} was allowed to subscribe to 'users'"
username = u?.user?.name or "UNKNOWN"
# offline -> online
if u.user?.connection_status isnt 'online'
Meteor.call "validateAuthToken", meetingId, userid, authToken
Meteor.Users.update({'meetingId':meetingId, 'userId': userid}, {$set:{'user.connection_status': "online"}})
Meteor.log.info "username of the subscriber: " + username + ", connection_status becomes online"
@_session.socket.on("close", Meteor.bindEnvironment(=>
Meteor.log.info "\na user lost connection: session.id=#{@_session.id} userId = #{userid}, username=#{username}, meeting=#{meetingId}"
Meteor.Users.update({'meetingId':meetingId, 'userId': userid}, {$set:{'user.connection_status': "offline"}})
Meteor.log.info "username of the user losing connection: " + username + ", connection_status: becomes offline"
requestUserLeaving meetingId, userid
#publish the users which are not offline
{meetingId: meetingId, 'user.connection_status':{$in: ["online", ""]}},
{fields:{'authToken': false}
Meteor.log.warn "was not authorized to subscribe to 'users'"
@error(new Meteor.Error(402, "The user was not authorized to subscribe to 'users'"))
else #subscribing before the user was added to the collection
Meteor.call "validateAuthToken", meetingId, userid, authToken
Meteor.log.error "there was no such user #{userid} in #{meetingId}"
{meetingId: meetingId, 'user.connection_status':{$in: ["online", ""]}},
{fields:{'authToken': false}
Meteor.publish 'chat', (meetingId, userid, authToken) ->
if isAllowedTo('subscribeChat', meetingId, userid, authToken)
Meteor.log.info "publishing chat for #{meetingId} #{userid} #{authToken}"
return Meteor.Chat.find({$or: [
{'message.chat_type': 'PUBLIC_CHAT', 'meetingId': meetingId},
{'message.from_userid': userid, 'meetingId': meetingId},
{'message.to_userid': userid, 'meetingId': meetingId}
@error new Meteor.Error(402, "The user was not authorized to subscribe for 'chats'")
Meteor.publish 'shapes', (meetingId) ->
Meteor.Shapes.find({meetingId: meetingId})
Meteor.publish 'slides', (meetingId) ->
Meteor.log.info "publishing slides for #{meetingId}"
Meteor.Slides.find({meetingId: meetingId})
Meteor.publish 'meetings', (meetingId) ->
Meteor.log.info "publishing meetings for #{meetingId}"
Meteor.Meetings.find({meetingId: meetingId})
Meteor.publish 'presentations', (meetingId) ->
Meteor.log.info "publishing presentations for #{meetingId}"
Meteor.Presentations.find({meetingId: meetingId})
Meteor.publish 'whiteboard-clean-status', (meetingId) ->
Meteor.log.info "whiteboard clean status #{meetingId}"
Meteor.WhiteboardCleanStatus.find({meetingId: meetingId})