Most of its methods are used only internally, so now the class is more isolated than before. But still with some methods that should be refactored.
170 lines
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170 lines
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Executable File
# Module dependencies
express = require("express")
RedisStore = require("connect-redis")(express)
redis = require("redis")
config = require("./config")
MainRouter = require("./routes/main_router")
RedisAction = require("./lib/redis_action")
WebsocketConnection = require("./lib/websocket_connection")
# global variables
config.redisAction = new RedisAction()
config.store = redis.createClient() # TODO:
config.redis.pub = redis.createClient() # TODO:
config.redis.sub = redis.createClient() # TODO:
subscriptions = ["*"]
config.redis.sub.psubscribe.apply(config.redis.sub, subscriptions)
# the application, exported in this module
config.app = app = module.exports = express.createServer()
# Configuration
app.configure ->
app.set "views", __dirname + "/views"
app.set "view engine", "jade"
app.use express["static"](__dirname + "/public")
app.use express.bodyParser()
app.use express.methodOverride()
app.use express.cookieParser()
# redis
app.use express.session(
secret: "password"
secure: true
store: new RedisStore(
host: ""
port: "6379"
key: "express.sid"
app.use app.router
app.configure "development", ->
app.use express.errorHandler(
dumpExceptions: true
showStack: true
app.configure "production", ->
app.use express.errorHandler()
h_environment: app.settings.env
# Router
config.mainRouter = new MainRouter(app)
# Socket.IO Routes
io = require("socket.io").listen(app)
This function is used to parse a variable value from a cookie string.
@param {String} cookie_string The cookie to parse.
@param {String} c_var The variable to extract from the cookie.
@return {String} The value of the variable extracted.
getCookie = (cookie_string, c_var) ->
if cookie_string
ARRcookies = cookie_string.split(";")
i = 0
while i < ARRcookies.length
x = ARRcookies[i].substr(0, ARRcookies[i].indexOf("="))
y = ARRcookies[i].substr(ARRcookies[i].indexOf("=") + 1)
x = x.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "")
return unescape(y) if x is c_var
console.log "Invalid cookie"
Authorize a session before it given access to connect to SocketIO
io.configure ->
io.set "authorization", (handshakeData, callback) ->
sessionID = getCookie(handshakeData.headers.cookie, "sessionid")
meetingID = getCookie(handshakeData.headers.cookie, "meetingid")
config.redisAction.isValidSession meetingID, sessionID, (isValid) ->
unless isValid
console.log "Invalid sessionID/meetingID"
callback null, false # failed authorization
config.redisAction.getUserProperties meetingID, sessionID, (properties) ->
handshakeData.sessionID = sessionID
handshakeData.username = properties.username
handshakeData.meetingID = properties.meetingID
callback null, true # good authorization
config.socketAction = new WebsocketConnection(io)
# Redis Routes
When Redis Sub gets a message from Pub
@param {String} pattern Matched pattern on Redis PubSub
@param {String} channel Channel the pmessage was published on (socket room)
@param {String} message Message published (socket message data)
@return {undefined}
TODO: why is this here?
config.redis.sub.on "pmessage", (pattern, channel, message) ->
if channel is "bigbluebutton:bridge"
console.log message
attributes = JSON.parse(message)
# In order to send 'changeslide' event to get the current slide url after user join,
# I manually save the current presentation slide url to redis key: 'currentUrl' for future use.
# This key will be used in socketio.js file line 276
if attributes[1] is "changeslide"
url = attributes[2]
config.store.set "currentUrl", url, (err, reply) ->
console.log "REDIS: Set current page url to " + url if reply
console.log "REDIS ERROR: Couldn't set current pageurl to " + url if err
# When presenter in flex side sends the 'undo' event, remove the current shape from Redis
# and publish the rest shapes to html5 users
if attributes[1] is "undo"
meetingID = attributes[0]
config.redisAction.getCurrentPresentationID meetingID, (presentationID) ->
config.redisAction.getCurrentPageID meetingID, presentationID, (pageID) ->
config.store.rpop config.redisAction.getCurrentShapesString(meetingID, presentationID, pageID), (err, reply) ->
config.socketAction.publishShapes meetingID
# When presenter in flex side sends the 'clrPaper' event, remove everything from Redis
if attributes[1] is "clrPaper"
meetingID = attributes[0]
config.redisAction.getCurrentPresentationID meetingID, (presentationID) ->
config.redisAction.getCurrentPageID meetingID, presentationID, (pageID) ->
config.redisAction.getItemIDs meetingID, presentationID, pageID, "currentshapes", (meetingID, presentationID, pageID, itemIDs, itemName) ->
config.redisAction.deleteItemList meetingID, presentationID, pageID, itemName, itemIDs
channel_viewers = io.sockets.in(attributes[0])
attributes.splice 0, 1
# var only_values = [];
# only_values.push(attributes.messageName);
# only_values.push(attributes.params);
# apply the parameters to the socket event, and emit it on the channels
channel_viewers.emit.apply channel_viewers, attributes
else if channel is "bigbluebutton:meeting:presentation"
attributes = JSON.parse(message)
if attributes.messageKey is "CONVERSION_COMPLETED"
meetingID = attributes.room
config.redis.pub.publish meetingID, JSON.stringify(["clrPaper"])
config.socketAction.publishSlides meetingID, null, ->
config.socketAction.publishViewBox meetingID
config.redis.pub.publish meetingID, JSON.stringify(["uploadStatus", "Upload succeeded", true])
# value of pub channel is used as the name of the SocketIO room to send to.
channel_viewers = io.sockets.in(channel)
# apply the parameters to the socket event, and emit it on the channels
channel_viewers.emit.apply channel_viewers, JSON.parse(message)