72 lines
1.7 KiB
72 lines
1.7 KiB
# Pads the nice output to the longest log level.
pad = (str) ->
max = 0
i = 0
l = levels.length
while i < l
max = Math.max(max, levels[i].length)
return str + new Array(max - str.length + 1).join(" ") if str.length < max
# Log levels.
levels = [ "error", "warn", "info", "debug" ]
# Colors for log levels.
colors = [ 91, 93, 34, 90 ]
# Logger module, copied and adapted from SocketIO
# @method .info(message)
# Prints an info message
# @method .error(message)
# Prints an error message
# @method .warn(message)
# Prints a warning message
# @method .debug(message)
# Prints a debug message
# @see https://github.com/LearnBoost/socket.io
module.exports = class Logger
@colors = false
@level = 3
@enabled = false
# Saves to log and to req.flash to also show in a view.
@flash = (req, type) ->
args = toArray(arguments).slice(2)
log.apply this, [ type ].concat(args)
type = "success" if type is "info"
req.flash type, args.join(" ")
# Generate methods for the types of log we want.
levels.forEach (name) ->
Logger[name] = ->
log.apply this, [ name ].concat(toArray(arguments))
# Standard log method.
log = (type) ->
index = levels.indexOf(type)
if index > Logger.level or
not Logger.enabled or process.env.LOGGER_DISABLED
return Logger
now = new Date()
if Logger.colors
msg = [ "\u001b[" + colors[index] + "m[" + now.toISOString() + "] " + type + ":\u001b[39m" ]
msg = [ "[" + now.toISOString() + "] " + type + ":" ]
console.log.apply console, msg.concat(toArray(arguments).slice(1))
# Converts an enumerable to an array.
toArray = (enu) ->
arr = []
i = 0
l = enu.length
while i < l
arr.push enu[i]