2019-02-01 00:06:42 -03:00

116 lines
4.6 KiB

// Global configuration file
// load the local configs
const config = require("./config_local.js");
// BigBlueButton configs
if (config.bbb == null) { config.bbb = {}; }
if (!config.bbb.sharedSecret) { config.bbb.sharedSecret = "sharedSecret"; }
if (!config.bbb.apiPath) { config.bbb.apiPath = "/bigbluebutton/api"; }
// Whether to use Auth2.0 or not, Auth2.0 sends the sharedSecret whithin an Authorization header as a bearer
// and data as JSON
if (config.bbb.auth2_0 == null) { config.bbb.auth2_0 = false; }
// Web server configs
if (!config.server) { config.server = {}; }
if (config.server.port == null) { config.server.port = 3005; }
// Web hooks configs
if (!config.hooks) { config.hooks = {}; }
if (!config.hooks.channels) {
config.hooks.channels = {
mainChannel: 'from-akka-apps-redis-channel',
rapChannel: 'from-bbb-web-redis-channel',
chatChannel: 'from-akka-apps-chat-redis-channel',
compMeetingChannel: 'bigbluebutton:from-bbb-apps:meeting',
compUserChannel: 'bigbluebutton:from-bbb-apps:users',
compChatChannel: 'bigbluebutton:from-bbb-apps:chat',
compRapChannel: 'bigbluebutton:from-rap'
// IP where permanent hook will post data (more than 1 URL means more than 1 permanent hook)
if (!config.hooks.permanentURLs) { config.hooks.permanentURLs = []; }
// How many messages will be enqueued to be processed at the same time
if (config.hooks.queueSize == null) { config.hooks.queueSize = 10000; }
// Allow permanent hooks to receive raw message, which is the message straight from BBB
if (config.hooks.getRaw == null) { config.hooks.getRaw = true; }
// If set to higher than 1, will send events on the format:
// "event=[{event1},{event2}],timestamp=000" or "[{event1},{event2}]" (based on using auth2_0 or not)
// when there are more than 1 event on the queue at the moment of processing the queue.
if (config.hooks.multiEvent == null) { config.hooks.multiEvent = 1; }
// Retry intervals for failed attempts for perform callback calls.
// In ms. Totals to around 5min.
config.hooks.retryIntervals = [
100, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 10000, 30000, 60000, 60000, 60000, 60000
// Reset permanent interval when exceeding maximum attemps
config.hooks.permanentIntervalReset = 8;
// Mappings of internal to external meeting IDs
config.mappings = {};
config.mappings.cleanupInterval = 10000; // 10 secs, in ms
config.mappings.timeout = 1000*60*60*24; // 24 hours, in ms
// Redis
config.redis = {}; = '';
config.redis.port = 6379;
config.redis.keys = {};
config.redis.keys.hook = id => `bigbluebutton:webhooks:hook:${id}`;
config.redis.keys.hooks = "bigbluebutton:webhooks:hooks";
config.redis.keys.mappings = "bigbluebutton:webhooks:mappings";
config.redis.keys.mapping = id => `bigbluebutton:webhooks:mapping:${id}`; = id => `bigbluebutton:webhooks:events:${id}`;
config.redis.keys.userMaps = "bigbluebutton:webhooks:userMaps";
config.redis.keys.userMap = id => `bigbluebutton:webhooks:userMap:${id}`;
config.api = {};
config.api.responses = {};
config.api.responses.failure = (key, msg) =>
`<response> \
<returncode>FAILED</returncode> \
<messageKey>${key}</messageKey> \
<message>${msg}</message> \
config.api.responses.checksumError =
config.api.responses.failure("checksumError", "You did not pass the checksum security check.");
config.api.responses.createSuccess = (id, permanent, getRaw) =>
`<response> \
<returncode>SUCCESS</returncode> \
<hookID>${id}</hookID> \
<permanentHook>${permanent}</permanentHook> \
<rawData>${getRaw}</rawData> \
config.api.responses.createFailure =
config.api.responses.failure("createHookError", "An error happened while creating your hook. Check the logs.");
config.api.responses.createDuplicated = id =>
`<response> \
<returncode>SUCCESS</returncode> \
<hookID>${id}</hookID> \
<messageKey>duplicateWarning</messageKey> \
<message>There is already a hook for this callback URL.</message> \
config.api.responses.destroySuccess =
`<response> \
<returncode>SUCCESS</returncode> \
<removed>true</removed> \
config.api.responses.destroyFailure =
config.api.responses.failure("destroyHookError", "An error happened while removing your hook. Check the logs.");
config.api.responses.destroyNoHook =
config.api.responses.failure("destroyMissingHook", "The hook informed was not found.");
config.api.responses.missingParamCallbackURL =
config.api.responses.failure("missingParamCallbackURL", "You must specify a callbackURL in the parameters.");
config.api.responses.missingParamHookID =
config.api.responses.failure("missingParamHookID", "You must specify a hookID in the parameters.");
module.exports = config;