
49 lines
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Executable File

Meteor.users = new Meteor.Collection("bbb_users")
@Meetings = new Meteor.Collection("meetings")
@Chats = new Meteor.Collection("chats")
authenticate: (auth) ->
throw new Meteor.Error(422, "You need a token to authenticate.") unless auth.token
throw new Meteor.Error(422, "You need a userId to authenticate.") unless auth.userId
throw new Meteor.Error(422, "You need a meetingId to authenticate.") unless auth.meetingId
user =
userId: "user1"
meetingId: "demo123"
#UserSession.set(meetingId + ":" userId, user);
userId = Meteor.users.insert(user)
console.log "User id=[" + userId + "]"
@setUserId userId
console.log @userId
#showUserId: ->
# throw new Meteor.Error(422, @userId)return
addToCollection: (userId, meetingId) ->
#check if the user is already in the meeting
unless Meteor.users.findOne({userId:userId, meetingId: meetingId})?
user =
userId: userId
meetingId: meetingId
console.log "before:" + Meteor.users.find().count()
userId = Meteor.users.insert(user)
console.log "after:" + Meteor.users.find().count()
console.log "added user id=[" + userId + "] :" + JSON.stringify(user)
console.log "redundant entry, do not add to Meteor.users - " + userId + ":" + meetingId
removeFromCollection: (meetingId, userId) ->
console.log "----removing " + userId + "from " + meetingId
if meetingId? and userId?
console.log "before:" + Meteor.users.find().count()
id = Meteor.users.findOne({meetingId: meetingId, userId: userId})
Meteor.users.remove(_id: id._id)
console.log "after:" + Meteor.users.find().count()
console.log "at least one of {userId, meetingId} was missing"