2014-01-06 08:44:15 -08:00

61 lines
1.7 KiB
Executable File

define [
], ($, _, Backbone, Raphael, globals, WhiteboardPaperModel,
sessionWhiteboardTemplate) ->
# The whiteboard components in a session
# The contents are rendered by SessionView, this class is Used to
# manage the events in the users.
SessionWhiteboardView = Backbone.View.extend
initialize: ->
@paper = null
# Resize the paper when the window is resize to make it always 100%x100%
resizePaper = => @_setPaperSize()
# Bind to the event triggered when the client connects to the server
if globals.connection.isConnected()
else "connection:connected", =>
# Override the close() method so we can close the sub-views.
close: ->
render: ->
compiledTemplate = _.template(sessionWhiteboardTemplate)
@$el.html compiledTemplate
_createPaper: ->
# have to create the paper here, in the initializer #slide doesn't exist yet
container = @$("#slide")[0]
@paper ?= new WhiteboardPaperModel(container)
# Registers listeners for events in the gloval event bus
_registerEvents: -> "whiteboard:paper:all_slides", (urls) =>
# to make sure the paper will ocuupy all available area
_setPaperSize: () ->
@paper.changeSize(@$el.width(), @$el.height(), true, false)