2015-11-06 21:02:31 +00:00

576 lines
34 KiB

# bbb.mainshell.locale.version = 0.9.0
bbb.mainshell.statusProgress.connecting = Sedang membuat hubungan ke server
bbb.mainshell.statusProgress.loading = Memuat {0} modul
bbb.mainshell.statusProgress.cannotConnectServer = Maaf, tidak dapat terhubung ke server.
# bbb.mainshell.copyrightLabel2 = (c) 2015 BigBlueButton Inc. [build {0}] - For more information visit <a href\='event\:http\://' target\='_blank'><u>http\://</u></a>
bbb.mainshell.logBtn.toolTip = Buka Jendela Log
# bbb.mainshell.meetingNotFound = Meeting Not Found
# bbb.mainshell.invalidAuthToken = Invalid Authentication Token
bbb.mainshell.resetLayoutBtn.toolTip = Atur Ulang Tampilan
# bbb.mainshell.notification.tunnelling = Tunnelling
# bbb.mainshell.notification.webrtc = WebRTC Audio
bbb.oldlocalewindow.reminder1 = Penerjamah bahasa dari BigBlueButton anda mungkin sudah lawas
bbb.oldlocalewindow.reminder2 = Harap bersihkan cache browser anda kemudian coba lagi.
bbb.oldlocalewindow.windowTitle = Peringatan\: Penerjemahan bahasa lawas
# bbb.audioSelection.title = How do you want to join the audio?
# bbb.audioSelection.btnMicrophone.label = Microphone
# bbb.audioSelection.btnMicrophone.toolTip = Join the audio with your microphone
# bbb.audioSelection.btnListenOnly.label = Listen Only
# bbb.audioSelection.btnListenOnly.toolTip = Join the audio as listen only
# bbb.audioSelection.txtPhone.text = To join this meeting by phone, dial\: {0} then enter {1} as the conference pin number.
# bbb.micSettings.title = Audio Test
# bbb.micSettings.speakers.header = Test Speakers
# bbb.micSettings.microphone.header = Test Microphone
bbb.micSettings.playSound = Putar suara untuk percobaan
bbb.micSettings.playSound.toolTip = Mainkan musik untuk mengetes speaker anda
bbb.micSettings.hearFromHeadset = Anda seharusnya mendengar suara dari headset, bukan dari pengeras suara komputer.
# bbb.micSettings.speakIntoMic = If you are using a headset (or earbuds), you should hear the audio from your headset -- not from your computer speakers.
# bbb.micSettings.echoTestMicPrompt = This is a private echo test. Speak a few words. Did you hear audio?
# bbb.micSettings.echoTestAudioYes = Yes
# bbb.micSettings.echoTestAudioNo = No
# bbb.micSettings.speakIntoMicTestLevel = Speak into your microphone. You should see the bar move. If not, choose another mic.
# bbb.micSettings.recommendHeadset = Use a headset with a microphone for best audio experience.
bbb.micSettings.changeMic = Test atau Ganti Mikrofon
bbb.micSettings.changeMic.toolTip = Buka kotak dialog pengaturan mikrofon Flash Player
# bbb.micSettings.comboMicList.toolTip = Select a microphone
# bbb.micSettings.micRecordVolume.label = Gain
# bbb.micSettings.micRecordVolume.toolTip = Set your microphone gain
# bbb.micSettings.nextButton = Next
# bbb.micSettings.nextButton.toolTip = Start the echo test
bbb.micSettings.join = Gabung Suara
# bbb.micSettings.join.toolTip = Join the audio conference
# bbb.micSettings.cancel = Cancel
# bbb.micSettings.connectingtoecho = Connecting
# bbb.micSettings.connectingtoecho.error = Echo Test Error\: Please contact administrator.
# bbb.micSettings.cancel.toolTip = Cancel joining the audio conference
bbb.micSettings.access.helpButton = Buka video tutorial di halaman baru.
# bbb.micSettings.access.title = Audio Settings. Focus will remain in this audio settings window until the window is closed.
# bbb.micSettings.webrtc.title = WebRTC Support
# bbb.micSettings.webrtc.capableBrowser = Your browser supports WebRTC.
# bbb.micSettings.webrtc.capableBrowser.dontuseit = Click not to use WebRTC
# bbb.micSettings.webrtc.capableBrowser.dontuseit.toolTip = Click here if you don't want to use the WebRTC technology (recommended if you have problems using it).
# bbb.micSettings.webrtc.notCapableBrowser = WebRTC is not supported in your browser. Please use Google Chrome (version 32 or greater); or Mozilla Firefox (version 26 or greater). You will still be able to join the voice conference using the Adobe Flash Platform.
# bbb.micSettings.webrtc.connecting = Calling
# bbb.micSettings.webrtc.waitingforice = Connecting
# bbb.micSettings.webrtc.transferring = Transferring
# bbb.micSettings.webrtc.endingecho = Joining audio
# bbb.micSettings.webrtc.endedecho = Echo test ended.
# bbb.micPermissions.firefox.title = Firefox Microphone Permissions
# bbb.micPermissions.firefox.message1 = Choose your mic and then click Share.
# bbb.micPermissions.firefox.message2 = If you don't see the list of microphones, click on the microphone icon.
# = Chrome Microphone Permissions
# = Click Allow to give Chrome permission to use your microphone.
# bbb.micWarning.title = Audio Warning
# bbb.micWarning.joinBtn.label = Join anyway
# bbb.micWarning.testAgain.label = Test again
# bbb.micWarning.message = Your microphone did not show any activity, others probably won't be able to hear you during the session.
# bbb.webrtcWarning.message = Detected the following WebRTC issue\: {0}. Do you want to try Flash instead?
# bbb.webrtcWarning.title = WebRTC Audio Failure
# bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.1001 = Error 1001\: WebSocket disconnected
# bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.1002 = Error 1002\: Could not make a WebSocket connection
# bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.1003 = Error 1003\: Browser version not supported
# bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.1004 = Error 1004\: Failure on call (reason\={0})
# bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.1005 = Error 1005\: Call ended unexpectedly
# bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.1006 = Error 1006\: Call timed out
# bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.1007 = Error 1007\: ICE negotiation failed
# bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.1008 = Error 1008\: Transfer failed
# bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.1009 = Error 1009\: Could not fetch STUN/TURN server information
# bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.1010 = Error 1010\: ICE negotiation timeout
# bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.1011 = Error 1011\: ICE gathering timeout
# bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.unknown = Error {0}\: Unknown error code
# bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.mediamissing = Could not get your microphone for a WebRTC call
# bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.endedunexpectedly = The WebRTC echo test ended unexpectedly
bbb.mainToolbar.helpBtn = Bantuan
bbb.mainToolbar.logoutBtn = Keluar
# bbb.mainToolbar.logoutBtn.toolTip = Log Out
bbb.mainToolbar.langSelector = Pilih bahasa
bbb.mainToolbar.settingsBtn = Pengaturan
bbb.mainToolbar.settingsBtn.toolTip = Buka pengaturan
# bbb.mainToolbar.shortcutBtn = Shortcut Keys
# bbb.mainToolbar.shortcutBtn.toolTip = Open Shortcut Keys Window
# bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn.toolTip.start = Start recording
# bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn.toolTip.stop = Stop recording
# bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn.toolTip.recording = The session is being recorded
# bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn.toolTip.notRecording = The session isn't being recorded
# bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn.confirm.title = Confirm recording
# bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn.confirm.message.start = Are you sure you want to start recording the session?
# bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn.confirm.message.stop = Are you sure you want to stop recording the session?
# bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn..notification.title = Record Notification
# bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn..notification.message1 = You can record this meeting.
# bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn..notification.message2 = You must click the Start/Stop Recording button in the title bar to begin/end recording.
# bbb.mainToolbar.recordingLabel.recording = (Recording)
# bbb.mainToolbar.recordingLabel.notRecording = Not Recording
# bbb.clientstatus.title = Configuration Notifications
# bbb.clientstatus.notification = Unread notifications
# bbb.clientstatus.tunneling.title = Firewall
# bbb.clientstatus.tunneling.message = A firewall is preventing your client from connecting directly on port 1935 to the remote server. Recommend joining a less restrictive network for a more stable connection
# bbb.clientstatus.browser.title = Browser Version
# bbb.clientstatus.browser.message = Your browser ({0}) is not up-to-date. Recommend updating to the latest version.
# bbb.clientstatus.flash.title = Flash Player
# bbb.clientstatus.flash.message = Your Flash Player plugin ({0}) is out-of-date. Recommend updating to the latest version.
# bbb.clientstatus.webrtc.title = Audio
# bbb.clientstatus.webrtc.message = Recommend using either Firefox or Chrome for better audio.
# = Java
# = Java version not detected.
# = You have no Java installed, please click <font color\='\#0a4a7a'><a href\='http\://' target\='_blank'>HERE</a></font> to install the latest Java to use the desktop sharing feature.
# = You have an old Java installed, please click <font color\='\#0a4a7a'><a href\='http\://' target\='_blank'>HERE</a></font> to install the latest Java to use the desktop sharing feature.
bbb.window.minimizeBtn.toolTip = Minimalkan
bbb.window.maximizeRestoreBtn.toolTip = Maksimalkan
bbb.window.closeBtn.toolTip = Tutup
bbb.videoDock.titleBar = Nama Jendela Webcam
bbb.presentation.titleBar = Nama Jendela Presentasi = Nama Jendela Chat
bbb.users.title = Pengguna{0}-{1}
bbb.users.titleBar = Nama Jendela Users
# bbb.users.quickLink.label = Users Window
bbb.users.minimizeBtn.accessibilityName = Minimalkan Jendela Pengguna
bbb.users.maximizeRestoreBtn.accessibilityName = Maksimalkan Jendela Pengguna
bbb.users.settings.buttonTooltip = Pengaturan
# bbb.users.settings.audioSettings = Audio Test
bbb.users.settings.webcamSettings = Pengaturan Webcam
bbb.users.settings.muteAll = Diamkan Semua Pengguna
bbb.users.settings.muteAllExcept = Diamkan Semua Pengguna Kecuali Presenter
# bbb.users.settings.unmuteAll = Unmute All Users
# bbb.users.settings.clearAllStatus = Clear all status icons
# bbb.users.emojiStatusBtn.toolTip = Update my status icon
# bbb.users.roomMuted.text = Viewers Muted
# bbb.users.roomLocked.text = Viewers Locked
bbb.users.pushToTalk.toolTip = Bicara
bbb.users.pushToMute.toolTip = Diamkan diri sendiri
# = Unmute
# bbb.users.muteMeBtnTxt.mute = Mute
# bbb.users.muteMeBtnTxt.muted = Muted
# bbb.users.muteMeBtnTxt.unmuted = Unmuted
# bbb.users.usersGrid.contextmenu.exportusers = Copy User Names
# bbb.users.usersGrid.accessibilityName = Users List. Use the arrow keys to navigate.
bbb.users.usersGrid.nameItemRenderer = Nama
bbb.users.usersGrid.nameItemRenderer.youIdentifier = anda
bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer = Status
# bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.changePresenter = Click To Make Presenter
bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.presenter = Presenter
bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.moderator = Moderator
# bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.raiseHand = Hand Raised
# bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.happy = Happy
# bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.unhappy = Unhappy
# bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.confused = Confused
# bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.clearStatus = Clear my status
# bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.viewer = Viewer
# bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.streamIcon.toolTip = Sharing webcam.
# bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.presIcon.toolTip = Is Presenter.
bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer = Media
bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.talking = Berbicara = Berbagi Webcam
bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.webcamBtn = Lihat Webcam
# bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.pushToTalk = Unmute {0}
# bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.pushToMute = Mute {0}
# bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.pushToLock = Lock {0}
# bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.pushToUnlock = Unlock {0}
# bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.kickUser = Kick {0} = Berbagi Webcam
bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.micOff = Mikrofon off
bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.micOn = Mikrofon on
# bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.noAudio = Not in audio conference
# bbb.users.emojiStatus.clear = Clear
# bbb.users.emojiStatus.raiseHand = Raise hand
# bbb.users.emojiStatus.happy = Happy
# = Smile
# bbb.users.emojiStatus.sad = Sad
# bbb.users.emojiStatus.confused = Confused
# bbb.users.emojiStatus.neutral = Neutral
# bbb.users.emojiStatus.away = Away
bbb.presentation.title = Presentasi
# bbb.presentation.titleWithPres = Presentation\: {0}
# bbb.presentation.quickLink.label = Presentation Window
# bbb.presentation.fitToWidth.toolTip = Fit Presentation To Width
# bbb.presentation.fitToPage.toolTip = Fit Presentation To Page
# bbb.presentation.uploadPresBtn.toolTip = Upload Presentation
bbb.presentation.backBtn.toolTip = Slide Sebelumnya
# bbb.presentation.btnSlideNum.accessibilityName = Slide {0} of {1}
bbb.presentation.btnSlideNum.toolTip = Pilih slide
bbb.presentation.forwardBtn.toolTip = Slide selanjutnya
bbb.presentation.maxUploadFileExceededAlert = Error\: File lebih besar dari yg diizinkan.
bbb.presentation.uploadcomplete = Pengunggahan selesai. Harap menunggu sambil kami mengkonversi dokumen.
bbb.presentation.uploaded = Telah terunggah
bbb.presentation.document.supported = Dokumen yang diunggah didukung. Sedang memulai konversi...
bbb.presentation.document.converted = Berhasil Mengkonversi Dokumen Office.
bbb.presentation.error.document.convert.failed = Error\: Gagal Mengkonversi Dokumen Office. = IO Error\: Silahkan Hubungi Administrator. = Sekuritas bermasalah\: Silahkan hubungi Administrator.
bbb.presentation.error.convert.notsupported = Error\: Dokumen yang diunggah tidak didukung. Harap unggah file yang kompatibel
bbb.presentation.error.convert.nbpage = Error\: Gagal menentukan jumlah halaman dalam dokumen yg diupload.
bbb.presentation.error.convert.maxnbpagereach = Error\: Dokumen yang diunggah memiliki terlalu banyak halaman.
bbb.presentation.converted = Berhasil dikonversi
bbb.presentation.ok = OK
# bbb.presentation.slider = Presentation zoom level
# bbb.presentation.slideloader.starttext = Slide text start
# bbb.presentation.slideloader.endtext = Slide text end
bbb.presentation.uploadwindow.presentationfile = Berkas Presentasi
bbb.presentation.uploadwindow.pdf = PDF
bbb.presentation.uploadwindow.word = WORD
bbb.presentation.uploadwindow.excel = EXCEL
bbb.presentation.uploadwindow.powerpoint = POWERPOINT
bbb.presentation.uploadwindow.image = Citra
# bbb.presentation.minimizeBtn.accessibilityName = Minimize the Presentation Window
# bbb.presentation.maximizeRestoreBtn.accessibilityName = Maximize the Presentation Window
# bbb.presentation.closeBtn.accessibilityName = Close the Presentation Window
bbb.fileupload.title = Unggah Presentasi
# bbb.fileupload.lblFileName.defaultText = No file selected
bbb.fileupload.selectBtn.label = Pilih File
bbb.fileupload.selectBtn.toolTip = Cari berkas
bbb.fileupload.uploadBtn = Unggah
bbb.fileupload.uploadBtn.toolTip = Unggah file
bbb.fileupload.deleteBtn.toolTip = Hapus Presentasi
bbb.fileupload.showBtn = Tampilkan
bbb.fileupload.showBtn.toolTip = Tampilkan Presentasi
bbb.fileupload.okCancelBtn = Batal
# bbb.fileupload.okCancelBtn.toolTip = Close the File Upload dialog box
bbb.fileupload.genThumbText = Sedang membangun thumbnails
bbb.fileupload.progBarLbl = Hasil\:
# bbb.fileupload.fileFormatHint = Upload any office document or Portable Document Format (PDF) file. For best results upload PDF. = Obrolan
# = Chat Window = Warna Teks
# = Chat Message Editing Field = Kirim = Kirim Pesan
# = Send chat message
# = Copy All Text = Semua
# = Options = Pilih seseorang untuk obrolan pribadi
# = The user has left.
# = The user has joined.
# = Select User To Open Private Chat = Opsi Obrolan = Ukuran Huruf
# = Select Chat Message Font Size = Kotak Pesan = Kecilkan Jendela Chat = Besarkan Jendela Chat = Tutup Jendela Chat
# = New messages in this tab.
# = System
# = The message is {0} character(s) too long
bbb.publishVideo.changeCameraBtn.labelText = Ganti Webcam
bbb.publishVideo.changeCameraBtn.toolTip = Buka kotak dialog ubah webcam
bbb.publishVideo.cmbResolution.tooltip = Pilih resolusi webcam
bbb.publishVideo.startPublishBtn.labelText = Mulai Berbagi
bbb.publishVideo.startPublishBtn.toolTip = Mulai Berbagi
# = Chrome Webcam Permissions
# = Click Allow to give Chrome permission to use your webcam.
bbb.videodock.title = Dok video
# bbb.videodock.quickLink.label = Webcams Window = Kecilkan Jendela Webcam = Besarkan Jendela Webcam
# = Mute or unmute {0}
# = Make {0} presenter = Keluarkan {0} dari meeting
# = Chat with {0} = Tidak ada kamera tersedia = Tidak dapat membuka kamera anda = Menunggu persetujuan = Pratinjau video = Sedang membuka kamera... = Akses kamera ditolak
# = Your webcam couldn't be opened - it may be under use by another application = Mempublikasikan...
# = Close the webcam settings dialog box
# = Cancel
# = Publish Webcam Window
bbb.desktopPublish.title = Berbagi Desktop\: Pratinjau Presenter
# bbb.desktopPublish.fullscreen.tooltip = Share Your Main Screen
bbb.desktopPublish.fullscreen.label = Layar Penuh
# bbb.desktopPublish.region.tooltip = Share a Part of Your Screen
bbb.desktopPublish.region.label = Bagian
bbb.desktopPublish.stop.tooltip = Tutup layar berbagi
bbb.desktopPublish.stop.label = Tutup
bbb.desktopPublish.maximizeRestoreBtn.toolTip = Anda tidak dapat memaksimalkan jendela ini.
bbb.desktopPublish.closeBtn.toolTip = Berhenti berbagi dan tutup jendela ini.
# bbb.desktopPublish.chromeOnMacUnsupportedHint = Desktop sharing is not currently supported on Chrome running under Mac OS X. You must use a different web browser (Firefox recommended) to share your desktop.
# bbb.desktopPublish.chrome42UnsupportedHint = Chrome no longer supports Java Applets. You must use a different web browser (Firefox recommended) to share your desktop.
bbb.desktopPublish.minimizeBtn.toolTip = Minimalkan jendela ini.
# bbb.desktopPublish.minimizeBtn.accessibilityName = Minimize the Desktop Sharing Publish Window
# bbb.desktopPublish.maximizeRestoreBtn.accessibilityName = Maximize the Desktop Sharing Publish Window
# bbb.desktopPublish.chromeHint.title = Chrome may need your permission.
# bbb.desktopPublish.chromeHint.message = Select the plug-in icon (upper right-hand corner of Chrome), un-block plug-ins, and then select 'Retry'.
# bbb.desktopPublish.chromeHint.button = Retry
bbb.desktopView.title = Berbagi Desktop
bbb.desktopView.fitToWindow = Sesuaikan ke jendela
bbb.desktopView.actualSize = Tampilkan ukuran sebenarnya
# bbb.desktopView.minimizeBtn.accessibilityName = Minimize the Desktop Sharing View Window
# bbb.desktopView.maximizeRestoreBtn.accessibilityName = Maximize the Desktop Sharing View Window
# bbb.desktopView.closeBtn.accessibilityName = Close the Desktop Sharing View Window
# = Share Your Microphone
# = Stop Sharing Your Microphone
# = Stop listening the conference
# = Start listening the conference
# = No microphone detected
# bbb.toolbar.deskshare.toolTip.start = Share Your Desktop
# bbb.toolbar.deskshare.toolTip.stop = Stop Sharing Your Desktop
# = Share Your Webcam
# = Stop Sharing Your Webcam
# bbb.layout.addButton.toolTip = Add the custom layout to the list
# bbb.layout.broadcastButton.toolTip = Apply Current Layout to All Viewers
# bbb.layout.combo.toolTip = Change Your Layout
# bbb.layout.loadButton.toolTip = Load layouts from a file
# bbb.layout.saveButton.toolTip = Save layouts to a file
# bbb.layout.lockButton.toolTip = Lock layout
# bbb.layout.combo.prompt = Apply a layout
# bbb.layout.combo.custom = * Custom layout
# bbb.layout.combo.customName = Custom layout
# bbb.layout.combo.remote = Remote
# = Layouts were successfully saved
# bbb.layout.load.complete = Layouts were successfully loaded
# bbb.layout.load.failed = Failed to load the layouts
# = Default Layout
# = Video Chat
# = Webcam Meeting
# = Presentation Meeting
# = Lecture Assistant
# = Lecture
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.pencil = Penyorot
# bbb.highlighter.toolbar.pencil.accessibilityName = Switch whiteboard cursor to pencil
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.ellipse = Lingkaran
# bbb.highlighter.toolbar.ellipse.accessibilityName = Switch whiteboard cursor to circle
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.rectangle = Bujur sangkar
# bbb.highlighter.toolbar.rectangle.accessibilityName = Switch whiteboard cursor to rectangle
# bbb.highlighter.toolbar.panzoom = Pan and Zoom
# bbb.highlighter.toolbar.panzoom.accessibilityName = Switch whiteboard cursor to pan and zoom
# bbb.highlighter.toolbar.clear = Clear All Annotations
# bbb.highlighter.toolbar.clear.accessibilityName = Clear the whiteboard page
# bbb.highlighter.toolbar.undo = Undo Annotation
# bbb.highlighter.toolbar.undo.accessibilityName = Undo the last whiteboard shape
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.color = Pilih warna
# bbb.highlighter.toolbar.color.accessibilityName = Whiteboard mark draw color
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.thickness = Ubah ketebalan
# bbb.highlighter.toolbar.thickness.accessibilityName = Whiteboard draw thickness
# bbb.logout.title = Logged Out
bbb.logout.button.label = OK
bbb.logout.appshutdown = Server aplikasi telah dimatikan
bbb.logout.asyncerror = Terjadi Masalah sinkronisasi
bbb.logout.connectionclosed = Hubungan ke server telah tertutup
bbb.logout.connectionfailed = Hubungan ke server gagal
bbb.logout.rejected = Hubungan ke server ditolak
bbb.logout.invalidapp = Aplikasi red5 belum terpasang
bbb.logout.unknown = Klien anda telah kehilangan hubungan ke server.
bbb.logout.usercommand = Anda telah keluar dari konferensi
# bbb.logout.refresh.message = If this logout was unexpected click the button below to reconnect.
# bbb.logout.refresh.label = Reconnect
# bbb.logout.confirm.title = Confirm Logout
# bbb.logout.confirm.message = Are you sure you want to log out?
# bbb.logout.confirm.yes = Yes
# = No
# bbb.connection.failure=Detected Connectivity Problems
# bbb.connection.reconnecting=Reconnecting
# bbb.connection.reestablished=Connection reestablished
# bbb.connection.bigbluebutton=BigBlueButton
# bbb.connection.sip=SIP
# bbb.connection.deskshare=Deskshare
# bbb.notes.title = Notes
# bbb.notes.cmpColorPicker.toolTip = Text Color
# bbb.notes.saveBtn = Save
# bbb.notes.saveBtn.toolTip = Save Note
bbb.settings.deskshare.instructions = Klik Ijinkan pada jendela pop up untuk memeriksa jika berbagi desktop berjalan sebagaimana mestinya.
bbb.settings.deskshare.start = Periksa fitur Berbagi Desktop.
bbb.settings.voice.volume = Aktifitas Mikrofon = Versi Java bermasalah = Anda memiliki Java {0} yang terpasang, tapi anda membutuhkan paling tidak versi {1} untuk dapat menggunakan fitur berbagi desktop. Klik pada tombol di bawah untuk memasang versi Java JRE terbaru. = Pasang Java terbaru
bbb.settings.flash.label = Kesalahan pada versi Flash
bbb.settings.flash.text = Anda sudah memiliki Flash {0} yang terpasang, tapi anda membutuhkan paling tidak versi {1} untuk dapat menjalankan BigBlueButton dengan baik. Klik tombol di bawah untuk memasang versi Adobe Flash terbaru.
bbb.settings.flash.command = Pasang Flash yang terbaru
bbb.settings.isight.label = Terjadi kesalahan pada kamera iSight
bbb.settings.isight.text = Jika anda punya masalah dengan iSight kamera, mungkin karena anda menjalankan OS X 10.6.5, yang diketahui bermasalah pada penangkapan video Flash dari kamera iSight.\nUntuk memperbaiki hal ini, klik pada link di bawah untuk memasang versi Flash player yang lebih baru, atau update Mac anda ke versi terbaru
bbb.settings.isight.command = Pasang Flash 10.2.RC2
bbb.settings.warning.label = Peringatan
bbb.settings.warning.close = Tutup peringatan ini
bbb.settings.noissues = Tidak ada masalah mencolok yang terdeteksi.
bbb.settings.instructions = Terima konfirmasi Flash yang meminta izin atas kamera anda. Jika anda bisa melihat dan mendengar diri anda sendiri berarti peramban anda sudah diatur dengan benar. Masalah yang potensial lainnya ditampilkan di bawah. Klik untuk menemukan kemungkinan solusi dari masing-masing masalah.
# ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.toolbar.triangle = Triangle
# ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.toolbar.triangle.accessibilityName = Switch whiteboard cursor to triangle
# ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.toolbar.line = Line
# ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.toolbar.line.accessibilityName = Switch whiteboard cursor to line
# ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.toolbar.text = Text
# ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.toolbar.text.accessibilityName = Switch whiteboard cursor to text
# ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.texttoolbar.textColorPicker = Text color
# ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.texttoolbar.textSizeMenu = Font size
# bbb.accessibility.clientReady = Ready
# = You have reached the first message.
# = You have reached the latest message.
# = You have navigated to the first message.
# = You have navigated to the latest message.
# = You have navigated to the most recent message you have read.
# = Chat input
# = Please use the arrow keys to navigate through chat messages.
# bbb.accessibility.notes.notesview.input = Notes input
# bbb.shortcuthelp.title = Shortcut Keys
# bbb.shortcuthelp.minimizeBtn.accessibilityName = Minimize the Shortcut Help Window
# bbb.shortcuthelp.maximizeRestoreBtn.accessibilityName = Maximize the Shortcut Help Window
# bbb.shortcuthelp.closeBtn.accessibilityName = Close the Shortcut Help Window
# bbb.shortcuthelp.dropdown.general = Global shortcuts
# bbb.shortcuthelp.dropdown.presentation = Presentation shortcuts
# = Chat shortcuts
# bbb.shortcuthelp.dropdown.users = Users shortcuts
# bbb.shortcuthelp.headers.shortcut = Shortcut
# bbb.shortcuthelp.headers.function = Function
# bbb.shortcutkey.general.minimize = 189
# bbb.shortcutkey.general.minimize.function = Minimize current window
# bbb.shortcutkey.general.maximize = 187
# bbb.shortcutkey.general.maximize.function = Maximize current window
# bbb.shortcutkey.flash.exit = 81
# bbb.shortcutkey.flash.exit.function = Focus out of the Flash window
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.muteme = 77
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.muteme.function = Mute and Unmute your microphone
# = 73
# = Focus the chat input field
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.focusslide = 67
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.focusslide.function = Focus the presentation slide
# bbb.shortcutkey.whiteboard.undo = 90
# bbb.shortcutkey.whiteboard.undo.function = Undo last whiteboard mark
# bbb.shortcutkey.focus.users = 49
# bbb.shortcutkey.focus.users.function = Move focus to the Users window
# = 50
# = Move focus to the Webcam window
# bbb.shortcutkey.focus.presentation = 51
# bbb.shortcutkey.focus.presentation.function = Move focus to the Presentation window
# = 52
# = Move focus to the Chat window
# bbb.shortcutkey.share.desktop = 68
# bbb.shortcutkey.share.desktop.function = Open desktop sharing window
# bbb.shortcutkey.share.microphone = 79
# bbb.shortcutkey.share.microphone.function = Open audio settings window
# bbb.shortcutkey.share.pauseRemoteStream = 80
# bbb.shortcutkey.share.pauseRemoteStream.function = Start/Stop listening the conference
# = 66
# = Open webcam sharing window
# bbb.shortcutkey.shortcutWindow = 72
# bbb.shortcutkey.shortcutWindow.function = Open/focus to shortcut help window
# bbb.shortcutkey.logout = 76
# bbb.shortcutkey.logout.function = Log out of this meeting
# bbb.shortcutkey.raiseHand = 82
# bbb.shortcutkey.raiseHand.function = Raise your hand
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.upload = 85
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.upload.function = Upload presentation
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.previous = 65
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.previous.function = Go to previous slide
# = 83
# = View all slides
# = 69
# = Go to next slide
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.fitWidth = 70
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.fitWidth.function = Fit slides to width
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.fitPage = 80
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.fitPage.function = Fit slides to page
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.makePresenter = 80
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.makePresenter.function = Make selected person presenter
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.kick = 75
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.kick.function = Kick selected person from the meeting
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.mute = 83
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.mute.function = Mute or unmute selected person
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.muteall = 65
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.muteall.function = Mute or unmute all users
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.focusUsers = 85
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.focusUsers.function = Focus to users list
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.muteAllButPres = 65
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.muteAllButPres.function = Mute everyone but the Presenter
# = 89
# = Focus to chat tabs
# = 66
# = Focus to chat box
# = 67
# = Focus to font color picker.
# = 83
# = Send chat message
# = ----
# = For message navigation, you must focus the chat box.
# = 40
# = Navigate to the next message
# = 38
# = Navigate to the previous message
# = 32
# = Repeat current message
# = 39
# = Navigate to the latest message
# = 37
# = Navigate to the first message
# = 75
# = Navigate to the most recent message you've read
# = 71
# = Temporary debug hotkey
# bbb.polling.startButton.tooltip = Start a poll
# bbb.polling.startButton.label = Start Poll
# bbb.polling.publishButton.label = Publish
bbb.polling.closeButton.label = Tutup
# bbb.polling.pollModal.title = Live Poll Results
# bbb.polling.customChoices.title = Enter Polling Choices
# bbb.polling.respondersLabel.novotes = Waiting for responses
# bbb.polling.respondersLabel.text = {0} Users Responded
# bbb.polling.respondersLabel.finished = Done
# bbb.polling.answer.Yes = Yes
# bbb.polling.answer.No = No
# bbb.polling.answer.True = True
# bbb.polling.answer.False = False
# bbb.polling.answer.A = A
# bbb.polling.answer.B = B
# bbb.polling.answer.C = C
# bbb.polling.answer.D = D
# bbb.polling.answer.E = E
# bbb.polling.answer.F = F
# bbb.polling.answer.G = G
# bbb.polling.results.accessible.header = Poll Results.
# bbb.polling.results.accessible.answer = Answer {0} had {1} votes.
bbb.publishVideo.startPublishBtn.labelText = Mulai Berbagi
bbb.publishVideo.changeCameraBtn.labelText = Ganti Webcam
# bbb.accessibility.alerts.madePresenter = You are now the Presenter.
# bbb.accessibility.alerts.madeViewer = You are now a Viewer.
# = Spacebar
# bbb.shortcutkey.specialKeys.left = Left Arrow
# bbb.shortcutkey.specialKeys.right = Right Arrow
# bbb.shortcutkey.specialKeys.up = Up Arrow
# bbb.shortcutkey.specialKeys.down = Down Arrow
# = Plus
# bbb.shortcutkey.specialKeys.minus = Minus
# bbb.toolbar.videodock.toolTip.closeAllVideos = Close all videos
# bbb.users.settings.lockAll=Lock All Users
# bbb.users.settings.lockAllExcept=Lock Users Except Presenter
# bbb.users.settings.lockSettings=Lock Viewers ...
# bbb.users.settings.unlockAll=Unlock All Viewers
# bbb.users.settings.roomIsLocked=Locked by default
# bbb.users.settings.roomIsMuted=Muted by default
# = Apply
# = Apply lock settings
# bbb.lockSettings.cancel = Cancel
# bbb.lockSettings.cancel.toolTip = Close this window without saving
# bbb.lockSettings.moderatorLocking = Moderator locking
# bbb.lockSettings.privateChat = Private Chat
# bbb.lockSettings.publicChat = Public Chat
# = Webcam
# bbb.lockSettings.microphone = Microphone
# bbb.lockSettings.layout = Layout
# bbb.lockSettings.title=Lock Viewers
# bbb.lockSettings.feature=Feature
# bbb.lockSettings.locked=Locked
# bbb.lockSettings.lockOnJoin=Lock On Join