493 lines
30 KiB
493 lines
30 KiB
bbb.mainshell.locale.version = 0.8
bbb.mainshell.statusProgress.connecting = 서버 접속중
bbb.mainshell.statusProgress.loading = 모듈 {0} 로딩중
bbb.mainshell.statusProgress.cannotConnectServer = 서버에 접속하지 못했습니다.
# bbb.mainshell.copyrightLabel2 = (c) 2013 BigBlueButton Inc. [build {0}] - For more information visit <a href\='http\://www.bigbluebutton.org/' target\='_blank'><u>http\://www.bigbluebutton.org</u></a>
bbb.mainshell.logBtn.toolTip = 기록 보기
bbb.mainshell.resetLayoutBtn.toolTip = 화면 재설정
bbb.oldlocalewindow.reminder1 = 이전 언어팩 설치되어 있습니다.
bbb.oldlocalewindow.reminder2 = 브라우저의 캐시를 삭제하고 다시 시도해보세요.
bbb.oldlocalewindow.windowTitle = 경고 \: 이전 언어팩 문제
# bbb.micSettings.speakers.header = Test Speakers
# bbb.micSettings.microphone.header = Test Microphone
bbb.micSettings.playSound = 테스트음 재생
# bbb.micSettings.playSound.toolTip = Play music to test your speakers
bbb.micSettings.hearFromHeadset = 컴퓨터 스피커가 아니라 헤드셋에서 소리가 들려야합니다.
bbb.micSettings.speakIntoMic = 버튼을 클릭하면 마이크를 테스트하거나 세팅을 변경할 수 있습니다.
bbb.micSettings.changeMic = 마이크 테스트 / 세팅 변경
# bbb.micSettings.changeMic.toolTip = Open the Flash Player microphone settings dialog box
bbb.micSettings.join = 음성 연결
# bbb.micSettings.cancel = Cancel
# bbb.micSettings.cancel.toolTip = Cancel joining the audio conference
bbb.micSettings.access.helpButton = 튜토리얼 영상을 보시려면 여기를 클릭하세요. 새창이 뜨게 됩니다.
bbb.micSettings.access.title = 음성 세팅, 윈도우가 닫힐때까지는 오디오 세팅 부분에 커서가 위치됩니다.
bbb.mainToolbar.helpBtn = 도움말
bbb.mainToolbar.logoutBtn = 로그아웃
bbb.mainToolbar.logoutBtn.toolTip = 로그아웃
bbb.mainToolbar.langSelector = 언어 선택
bbb.mainToolbar.settingsBtn = 세팅
bbb.mainToolbar.settingsBtn.toolTip = 세팅 열기
bbb.mainToolbar.shortcutBtn = 단축키
bbb.mainToolbar.shortcutBtn.toolTip = \n단축키 창 보기
bbb.window.minimizeBtn.toolTip = 축소
bbb.window.maximizeRestoreBtn.toolTip = 확대
bbb.window.closeBtn.toolTip = 닫기
# bbb.videoDock.titleBar = Webcam Window Title Bar
# bbb.presentation.titleBar = Presentation Window Title Bar
# bbb.chat.titleBar = Chat Window Title Bar
# bbb.users.title = Users{0} {1}
# bbb.users.titleBar = Users Window title bar
# bbb.users.quickLink.label = Users Window
# bbb.users.minimizeBtn.accessibilityName = Minimize the Users Window
# bbb.users.maximizeRestoreBtn.accessibilityName = Maximize the Users Window
# bbb.users.settings.buttonTooltip = Settings
# bbb.users.settings.audioSettings = Audio Settings
# bbb.users.settings.webcamSettings = Webcam Settings
# bbb.users.settings.muteAll = Mute All Users
# bbb.users.settings.muteAllExcept = Mute All Users Except Presenter
# bbb.users.settings.unmuteAll = Unmute All Users
# bbb.users.settings.lowerAllHands = Lower All Hands
# bbb.users.raiseHandBtn.toolTip = Raise Hand
# bbb.users.pushToTalk.toolTip = Talk
# bbb.users.pushToMute.toolTip = Mute yourself
# bbb.users.muteMeBtnTxt.talk = Unmute
# bbb.users.muteMeBtnTxt.mute = Mute
# bbb.users.muteMeBtnTxt.muted = Muted
# bbb.users.muteMeBtnTxt.unmuted = Unmuted
# bbb.users.usersGrid.accessibilityName = Users List. Use the arrow keys to navigate.
# bbb.users.usersGrid.nameItemRenderer = Name
# bbb.users.usersGrid.nameItemRenderer.youIdentifier = you
# bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer = Status
# bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.changePresenter = Change Presenter
# bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.presenter = Presenter
# bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.moderator = Moderator
# bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.lowerHand = Lower Hand
# bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.handRaised = Hand Raised
# bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.viewer = Viewer
# bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer = Media
# bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.talking = Talking
# bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.webcam = Sharing Webcam
# bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.webcamBtn = View webcam
# bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.pushToTalk = Unmute {0}
# bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.pushToMute = Mute {0}
# bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.pushToLock = Lock {0}'s mic
# bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.pushToUnlock = Unlock {0}'s mic
# bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.kickUser = Kick {0}
# bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.webcam = Sharing Webcam
# bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.micOff = Microphone off
# bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.micOn = Microphone on
# bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.noAudio = Not in audio conference
bbb.presentation.title = 프리젠테이션 \# Presentation
# bbb.presentation.titleWithPres = Presentation\: {0}
# bbb.presentation.quickLink.label = Presentation Window
# bbb.presentation.fitToWidth.toolTip = Fit presentation to width
# bbb.presentation.fitToPage.toolTip = Fit presentation to page
bbb.presentation.uploadPresBtn.toolTip = 프리젠테이션 자료 올리기 \# Upload a document for presentation.
bbb.presentation.backBtn.toolTip = 이전 슬라이드
# bbb.presentation.btnSlideNum.toolTip = Select a slide
bbb.presentation.forwardBtn.toolTip = 다음 슬라이드 \# Next slide
bbb.presentation.maxUploadFileExceededAlert = 에러 \: 파일 크기가 허용된 범위를 초과합니다. \# Error\: The file is bigger than what's allowed.
bbb.presentation.uploadcomplete = 업로드 완료. 문서를 변환할때까지 잠시만 기다려주세요. \# Upload completed. Please wait while we convert the document.
bbb.presentation.uploaded = 업로드 됨. \# uploaded.
bbb.presentation.document.supported = 지원되는 문서입니다. 변환 시작합니다. \# The uploaded document is supported. Starting to convert...
bbb.presentation.document.converted = 문서가 성공적으로 변환되었습니다. \# Successfully converted the office document.
bbb.presentation.error.document.convert.failed = 에러 \: 문서를 변환 중 에러 발생
bbb.presentation.error.io = 입출력 에러 \: 관리자에게 문의하세요. \# IO Error\: Please contact administrator.
bbb.presentation.error.security = 보안 에러 \: 관리자에게 문의하세요. \# Security Error\: Please contact administrator.
bbb.presentation.error.convert.notsupported = 에러 \: 지원되지 않는 문서입니다. 지원되는 문서를 업로드하세요.
bbb.presentation.error.convert.nbpage = 에러 \: 문서의 페이지수가 확인되지 않습니다. \# Error\: Failed to determine the number of pages in the uploaded document.
bbb.presentation.error.convert.maxnbpagereach = 에러 \: 문서의 페이지수가 너무 많습니다. \# Error\: The uploaded document has too many pages.
bbb.presentation.converted = 전체 슬라이드 {0}중의 {1}가 변환됨
bbb.presentation.ok = OK
# bbb.presentation.slider = Presentation zoom level
# bbb.presentation.slideloader.starttext = Slide text start
# bbb.presentation.slideloader.endtext = Slide text end
bbb.presentation.uploadwindow.presentationfile = 프리젠테이션 파일 \# Presentation file
bbb.presentation.uploadwindow.pdf = PDF
bbb.presentation.uploadwindow.word = 워드 \# WORD
bbb.presentation.uploadwindow.excel = 엑셀 \# EXCEL
bbb.presentation.uploadwindow.powerpoint = 파워포인트 \# POWERPOINT
bbb.presentation.uploadwindow.image = 이미지
# bbb.presentation.minimizeBtn.accessibilityName = Minimize the Presentation Window
# bbb.presentation.maximizeRestoreBtn.accessibilityName = Maximize the Presentation Window
# bbb.presentation.closeBtn.accessibilityName = Close the Presentation Window
bbb.fileupload.title = 프리젠테이션 업로드 \# Upload Presentation
bbb.fileupload.fileLbl = 파일 \: \# File\:
# bbb.fileupload.selectBtn.label = Select File
bbb.fileupload.selectBtn.toolTip = 탐색기 \# Browse file
bbb.fileupload.uploadBtn = 업로드 \# Upload
bbb.fileupload.uploadBtn.toolTip = 파일 업로드 \# Upload file
bbb.fileupload.presentationNamesLbl = 업로드된 프리젠테이션 \# Uploaded Presentations\:
bbb.fileupload.deleteBtn.toolTip = 프리젠테이션 삭제 \# Delete Presentation
bbb.fileupload.showBtn = 보이기
bbb.fileupload.showBtn.toolTip = 프리젠테이션 보이기 \# Show Presentation
bbb.fileupload.okCancelBtn = 취소 \# Cancel
# bbb.fileupload.okCancelBtn.toolTip = Close the File Upload dialog box
bbb.fileupload.genThumbText = 썸네일 추출 \# Generating thumbnails..
bbb.fileupload.progBarLbl = 진행중 \:
bbb.chat.title = 채팅 \# Chat
# bbb.chat.quickLink.label = Chat Window
bbb.chat.cmpColorPicker.toolTip = 글자색 \# Text Color
# bbb.chat.input.accessibilityName = Chat Message Editing Field
bbb.chat.sendBtn = 보내기
bbb.chat.sendBtn.toolTip = 메시지 보내기 \# Send Message
# bbb.chat.sendBtn.accessibilityName = Send chat message
bbb.chat.publicChatUsername = 모두 \# All
# bbb.chat.optionsTabName = Options
bbb.chat.privateChatSelect = 개별 채팅을 할 참석자를 선택 \# Select a person to chat with privately
# bbb.chat.private.userLeft = <b><i>The user has left.</i></b>
# bbb.chat.usersList.toolTip = Select a participant to open a private chat
bbb.chat.chatOptions = 채팅 옵션 \# Chat Options
bbb.chat.fontSize = 폰트 사이즈 \# Font Size
# bbb.chat.cmbFontSize.toolTip = Select a chat message font size
# bbb.chat.messageList = Message Box
# bbb.chat.minimizeBtn.accessibilityName = Minimize the Chat Window
# bbb.chat.maximizeRestoreBtn.accessibilityName = Maximize the Chat Window
# bbb.chat.closeBtn.accessibilityName = Close the Chat Window
# bbb.chat.chatTabs.accessibleNotice = New messages in this tab.
# bbb.publishVideo.changeCameraBtn.labelText = Change Webcam
# bbb.publishVideo.changeCameraBtn.toolTip = Open the change webcam dialog box
# bbb.publishVideo.cmbResolution.tooltip = Select a webcam resolution
# bbb.publishVideo.startPublishBtn.labelText = Start Sharing
bbb.publishVideo.startPublishBtn.toolTip = 공유시작
bbb.videodock.title = 비디오 도크
# bbb.videodock.quickLink.label = Webcams Window
# bbb.video.minimizeBtn.accessibilityName = Minimize the Webcams Window
# bbb.video.maximizeRestoreBtn.accessibilityName = Maximize the Webcams Window
# bbb.video.controls.muteButton.toolTip = Mute or unmute {0}
# bbb.video.controls.switchPresenter.toolTip = Make {0} presenter
# bbb.video.controls.ejectUserBtn.toolTip = Eject {0} from meeting
# bbb.video.controls.privateChatBtn.toolTip = Chat with {0}
# bbb.video.publish.hint.noCamera = No webcam available
# bbb.video.publish.hint.cantOpenCamera = Can't open your webcam
# bbb.video.publish.hint.waitingApproval = Waiting for approval
# bbb.video.publish.hint.videoPreview = Webcam preview
# bbb.video.publish.hint.openingCamera = Opening webcam...
# bbb.video.publish.hint.cameraDenied = Webcam access denied
# bbb.video.publish.hint.cameraIsBeingUsed = Your webcam is being used by another application
# bbb.video.publish.hint.publishing = Publishing...
# bbb.video.publish.closeBtn.accessName = Close the webcam settings dialog box
# bbb.video.publish.closeBtn.label = Cancel
# bbb.video.publish.titleBar = Publish Webcam Window
bbb.desktopPublish.title = 화면 공유 \: 화면 미리보기 \# Desktop Sharing\: Presenter's Preview
bbb.desktopPublish.fullscreen.tooltip = 화면전체공유 \# Share your whole screen
bbb.desktopPublish.fullscreen.label = 전체 화면 \# Full Screen
bbb.desktopPublish.region.tooltip = 특정 윈도우 \# Share a part of your screen
bbb.desktopPublish.region.label = 부분 선택 \# Region
bbb.desktopPublish.stop.tooltip = 화면 공유 닫기
bbb.desktopPublish.stop.label = 닫기 \# Close
bbb.desktopPublish.maximizeRestoreBtn.toolTip = 화면을 최대화할 수 없습니다. \# You cannot maximize this window.
bbb.desktopPublish.closeBtn.toolTip = 화면 공유를 중지하고 윈도우를 닫습니다. \# Stop sharing and close this window.
bbb.desktopPublish.minimizeBtn.toolTip = 윈도우를 최소화합니다. \# Minimize this window.
# bbb.desktopPublish.minimizeBtn.accessibilityName = Minimize the Desktop Sharing Publish Window
# bbb.desktopPublish.maximizeRestoreBtn.accessibilityName = Maximize the Desktop Sharing Publish Window
# bbb.desktopPublish.closeBtn.accessibilityName = Stop Sharing and Close the Desktop Sharing Publish Window
bbb.desktopView.title = 화면 공유
bbb.desktopView.fitToWindow = 윈도우에 맞게 정렬하기 \# Fit to Window
bbb.desktopView.actualSize = 실제 화면사이즈로 \# Display actual size
# bbb.desktopView.minimizeBtn.accessibilityName = Minimize the Desktop Sharing View Window
# bbb.desktopView.maximizeRestoreBtn.accessibilityName = Maximize the Desktop Sharing View Window
# bbb.desktopView.closeBtn.accessibilityName = Close the Desktop Sharing View Window
# bbb.toolbar.phone.toolTip.start = Join Audio
# bbb.toolbar.phone.toolTip.stop = Leave Audio
# bbb.toolbar.deskshare.toolTip.start = Share My Desktop
# bbb.toolbar.deskshare.toolTip.stop = Stop Sharing My Desktop
# bbb.toolbar.video.toolTip.start = Share My Webcam
# bbb.toolbar.video.toolTip.stop = Stop Sharing My Webcam
# bbb.layout.addButton.toolTip = Add the custom layout to the list
# bbb.layout.combo.toolTip = Change the current layout
# bbb.layout.loadButton.toolTip = Load layouts from a file
# bbb.layout.saveButton.toolTip = Save layouts to a file
# bbb.layout.lockButton.toolTip = Lock layout
# bbb.layout.combo.prompt = Apply a layout
# bbb.layout.combo.custom = * Custom layout
# bbb.layout.combo.customName = Custom layout
# bbb.layout.combo.remote = Remote
# bbb.layout.save.complete = Layouts were successfully saved
# bbb.layout.load.complete = Layouts were successfully loaded
# bbb.layout.load.failed = Failed to load the layouts
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.pencil = 선그리기 \# Highlighter
# bbb.highlighter.toolbar.pencil.accessibilityName = Switch whiteboard cursor to pencil
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.ellipse = 동그라미 \# Circle
# bbb.highlighter.toolbar.ellipse.accessibilityName = Switch whiteboard cursor to circle
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.rectangle = 사각형 \# Rectangle
# bbb.highlighter.toolbar.rectangle.accessibilityName = Switch whiteboard cursor to rectangle
# bbb.highlighter.toolbar.panzoom = Pan and Zoom
# bbb.highlighter.toolbar.panzoom.accessibilityName = Switch whiteboard cursor to pan and zoom
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.clear = 화면 초기화 \# Clear Page
# bbb.highlighter.toolbar.clear.accessibilityName = Clear the whiteboard page
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.undo = 모양 되돌리기 \# Undo Shape
# bbb.highlighter.toolbar.undo.accessibilityName = Undo the last whiteboard shape
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.color = 글자색 선택 \# Select Color
# bbb.highlighter.toolbar.color.accessibilityName = Whiteboard mark draw color
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.thickness = 두께 변경
# bbb.highlighter.toolbar.thickness.accessibilityName = Whiteboard draw thickness
bbb.logout.appshutdown = 서버 프로그램이 종료되었습니다.
bbb.logout.asyncerror = 비동기 에러 발생.
bbb.logout.connectionclosed = 서버 연결이 닫겼습니다.
bbb.logout.connectionfailed = 서버 연결에 실패 하였습니다.
bbb.logout.rejected = 서버 연결이 거부되었습니다.
bbb.logout.invalidapp = Red5가 설치되지 않았습니다.
bbb.logout.unknown = 클라이언트가 서버에 대한 연결을 잃었습니다.
bbb.logout.usercommand = 회의에서 로그아웃 하였습니다.
# bbb.logout.confirm.title = Confirm Logout
# bbb.logout.confirm.message = Are you sure you want to log out?
# bbb.logout.confirm.yes = Yes
# bbb.logout.confirm.no = No
# bbb.notes.title = Notes
# bbb.notes.cmpColorPicker.toolTip = Text Color
# bbb.notes.saveBtn = Save
# bbb.notes.saveBtn.toolTip = Save Note
bbb.settings.deskshare.instructions = 화면공유 검사창이 뜨면 허가를 클릭하세요.
bbb.settings.deskshare.start = 화면공유 확인
bbb.settings.voice.volume = 마이크 켜기
bbb.settings.java.label = Java 버전 에러
bbb.settings.java.text = 현재 Java {0} 버젼이 설치되어 있습니다. BigBlueButton 화면공유기능을 사용하자면 최신버젼 {1} 을 설치해야 합니다. 최신버젼 Java JRE을 설치하려면 아래의 단추를 클릭하세요.
bbb.settings.java.command = 최신 Java 설치
bbb.settings.flash.label = 플래시 버젼 에러
bbb.settings.flash.text = 현재 플래시 {0} 이 설치되어 있습니다. BigBlueButton가 정확히 실행되자면 플래시 최신버젼 {1} 을 설치해야 합니다. 최신버젼을 설치하려면 아래의 단추를 클릭하세요.
bbb.settings.flash.command = 최신 플래시 설치
bbb.settings.isight.label = iSight 카메라 에러
bbb.settings.isight.text = iSight 카메라에 문제가 있다면 OSX 10.6.5를 사용할때 카메라가 플래시 비디오를 만드는 문제와 관계가 있습니다. 이 문제를 해결하시려면 아래 링크를 눌러 새로운 플래쉬 플레이어를 다운을 받으시거나 맥의 새로운 버전으로 업그레이드하시기 바랍니다.
bbb.settings.isight.command = 플래시 10.2 RC2 설치
bbb.settings.warning.label = 경고
bbb.settings.warning.close = 경고창 닫기
bbb.settings.noissues = 별다른 문제가 발견되지 않았습니다.
bbb.settings.instructions = 카메라 사용허가에 대한 플래시 팝업창이 뜨면 허가를 하세요. 카메라와 스피커를 통해 자신의 모습과 목소리를 확인하셨다면 브라우저가 제대로 동작하는 것입니다. 아래와 같이 다른 문제가 발생된다면 문제 해결을 위해 각각의 내용을 클릭하세요.
# ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.toolbar.triangle = Triangle
# ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.toolbar.triangle.accessibilityName = Switch whiteboard cursor to triangle
# ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.toolbar.line = Line
# ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.toolbar.line.accessibilityName = Switch whiteboard cursor to line
# ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.toolbar.text = Text
# ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.toolbar.text.accessibilityName = Switch whiteboard cursor to text
# ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.texttoolbar.textColorPicker = Text color
# ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.texttoolbar.textSizeMenu = Font size
# bbb.accessibility.chat.chatBox.reachedFirst = You have reached the first message.
# bbb.accessibility.chat.chatBox.reachedLatest = You have reached the latest message.
# bbb.accessibility.chat.chatBox.navigatedFirst = You have navigated to the first message.
# bbb.accessibility.chat.chatBox.navigatedLatest = You have navigated to the latest message.
# bbb.accessibility.chat.chatBox.navigatedLatestRead = You have navigated to the most recent message you have read.
# bbb.accessibility.chat.chatwindow.input = Chat input
# bbb.accessibility.chat.initialDescription = Please use the arrow keys to navigate through chat messages.
# bbb.accessibility.notes.notesview.input = Notes input
# bbb.shortcuthelp.title = Shortcut Help
# bbb.shortcuthelp.minimizeBtn.accessibilityName = Minimize the Shortcut Help Window
# bbb.shortcuthelp.maximizeRestoreBtn.accessibilityName = Maximize the Shortcut Help Window
# bbb.shortcuthelp.closeBtn.accessibilityName = Close the Shortcut Help Window
# bbb.shortcuthelp.dropdown.general = Global shortcuts
# bbb.shortcuthelp.dropdown.presentation = Presentation shortcuts
# bbb.shortcuthelp.dropdown.chat = Chat shortcuts
# bbb.shortcuthelp.dropdown.users = Users shortcuts
# bbb.shortcuthelp.dropdown.polling = Presenter Polling shortcuts
# bbb.shortcuthelp.dropdown.polling2 = Viewer Polling shortcuts
# bbb.shortcuthelp.headers.shortcut = Shortcut
# bbb.shortcuthelp.headers.function = Function
# bbb.shortcutkey.general.minimize = 189
# bbb.shortcutkey.general.minimize.function = Minimize current window
# bbb.shortcutkey.general.maximize = 187
# bbb.shortcutkey.general.maximize.function = Maximize current window
# bbb.shortcutkey.flash.exit = 81
# bbb.shortcutkey.flash.exit.function = Focus out of the Flash window
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.muteme = 77
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.muteme.function = Mute and Unmute your microphone
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatinput = 73
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatinput.function = Focus the chat input field
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.focusslide = 67
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.focusslide.function = Focus the presentation slide
# bbb.shortcutkey.whiteboard.undo = 90
# bbb.shortcutkey.whiteboard.undo.function = Undo last whiteboard mark
# bbb.shortcutkey.focus.users = 49
# bbb.shortcutkey.focus.users.function = Move focus to the Users window
# bbb.shortcutkey.focus.video = 50
# bbb.shortcutkey.focus.video.function = Move focus to the Webcam window
# bbb.shortcutkey.focus.presentation = 51
# bbb.shortcutkey.focus.presentation.function = Move focus to the Presentation window
# bbb.shortcutkey.focus.chat = 52
# bbb.shortcutkey.focus.chat.function = Move focus to the Chat window
# bbb.shortcutkey.focus.pollingCreate = 67
# bbb.shortcutkey.focus.pollingCreate.function = Move focus to the Poll Creation window, if it is open.
# bbb.shortcutkey.focus.pollingStats = 83
# bbb.shortcutkey.focus.pollingStats.function = Move focus to the Poll Statistics window, if it is open.
# bbb.shortcutkey.focus.voting = 89
# bbb.shortcutkey.focus.voting.function = Move focus to the Voting window, if it is open.
# bbb.shortcutkey.share.desktop = 68
# bbb.shortcutkey.share.desktop.function = Open desktop sharing window
# bbb.shortcutkey.share.microphone = 79
# bbb.shortcutkey.share.microphone.function = Open audio settings window
# bbb.shortcutkey.share.webcam = 66
# bbb.shortcutkey.share.webcam.function = Open webcam sharing window
# bbb.shortcutkey.shortcutWindow = 72
# bbb.shortcutkey.shortcutWindow.function = Open/focus to shortcut help window
# bbb.shortcutkey.logout = 76
# bbb.shortcutkey.logout.function = Log out of this meeting
# bbb.shortcutkey.raiseHand = 82
# bbb.shortcutkey.raiseHand.function = Raise your hand
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.upload = 85
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.upload.function = Upload presentation
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.previous = 65
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.previous.function = Go to previous slide
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.select = 83
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.select.function = View all slides
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.next = 69
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.next.function = Go to next slide
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.fitWidth = 70
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.fitWidth.function = Fit slides to width
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.fitPage = 80
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.fitPage.function = Fit slides to page
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.makePresenter = 80
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.makePresenter.function = Make selected person presenter
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.kick = 75
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.kick.function = Kick selected person from the meeting
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.mute = 83
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.mute.function = Mute or unmute selected person
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.muteall = 65
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.muteall.function = Mute or unmute all users
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.focusUsers = 85
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.focusUsers.function = Focus to users list
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.muteAllButPres = 65
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.muteAllButPres.function = Mute everyone but the Presenter
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.focusTabs = 89
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.focusTabs.function = Focus to chat tabs
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.focusBox = 66
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.focusBox.function = Focus to chat box
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.changeColour = 67
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.changeColour.function = Focus to font color picker.
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.sendMessage = 83
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.sendMessage.function = Send chat message
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.explanation = ----
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.explanation.function = For message navigation, you must focus the chat box.
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.advance = 40
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.advance.function = Navigate to the next message
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.goback = 38
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.goback.function = Navigate to the previous message
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.repeat = 32
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.repeat.function = Repeat current message
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.golatest = 39
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.golatest.function = Navigate to the latest message
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.gofirst = 37
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.gofirst.function = Navigate to the first message
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.goread = 75
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.goread.function = Navigate to the most recent message you've read
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.debug = 71
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.debug.function = Temporary debug hotkey
# bbb.polling.createPoll = Create New Poll
# bbb.polling.createPoll.moreThanOneResponse = Allow users to choose more than one response
# bbb.polling.createPoll.hint = Hint\: Start every answer with a new line
# bbb.polling.createPoll.answers = Answers\:
# bbb.polling.createPoll.question = Question\:
# bbb.polling.createPoll.title = Title\:
# bbb.polling.createPoll.publishToWeb = Enable web polling
# bbb.polling.pollPreview = Poll Preview
# bbb.polling.pollPreview.modify = Modify
# bbb.polling.pollPreview.publish = Publish
# bbb.polling.pollPreview.preview = Preview
# bbb.polling.pollPreview.save = Save
# bbb.polling.pollPreview.cancel = Cancel
# bbb.polling.pollPreview.modify = Modify
# bbb.polling.pollPreview.hereIsYourPoll = Here is your poll\:
# bbb.polling.pollPreview.ifYouWantChanges = if you want to make any changes use the 'Modify' button
# bbb.polling.pollPreview.checkAll = (check all that may apply)
# bbb.polling.pollPreview.pollWillPublishOnline = This poll will be available for web polling.
# bbb.polling.validation.toolongAnswer = Your answers are too long. Max length is
# bbb.polling.validation.toolongQuestion = Question is too long. Maximum chars\:
# bbb.polling.validation.toolongTitle = Title is too long, Max\:
# bbb.polling.validation.noQuestion = Please provide a Question
# bbb.polling.validation.noTitle = Please provide a Title
# bbb.polling.validation.toomuchAnswers = You have too many answers. Max, answers allowed\:
# bbb.polling.validation.eachNewLine = Please provide at least 2 Answers start each with new line
# bbb.polling.validation.answerUnique = Every answer should be unique
# bbb.polling.validation.atLeast2Answers = Please provide at least 2 Answers
# bbb.polling.validation.duplicateTitle = This poll already exists
# bbb.polling.pollView.vote = Submit
# bbb.polling.toolbar.toolTip = Polling
# bbb.polling.stats.repost = Repost
# bbb.polling.stats.close = Close
# bbb.polling.stats.didNotVote = Did Not Vote
# bbb.polling.stats.refresh = Refresh
# bbb.polling.stats.stopPoll = Stop Poll
# bbb.polling.stats.webPollURL = This poll is available at\:
# bbb.polling.stats.answer = Answers
# bbb.polling.stats.votes = Votes
# bbb.polling.stats.percentage = % Of Votes
# bbb.polling.webPollClosed = Web polling has been closed.
# bbb.polling.pollClosed = Polling has been closed\! The results are
# bbb.polling.vote.error.radio = Please select an option, or close this window to not vote.
# bbb.polling.vote.error.check = Please select one or more options, or close this window to not vote.
# bbb.publishVideo.startPublishBtn.labelText = Start Sharing
# bbb.publishVideo.changeCameraBtn.labelText = Change Webcam
# bbb.accessibility.alerts.madePresenter = You are now the Presenter.
# bbb.accessibility.alerts.madeViewer = You are now a Viewer.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.buttonClick = 80
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.buttonClick.function = Open the Polling Menu.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.focusTitle = 67
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.focusTitle.function = Focus to Title input box.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.focusQuestion = 81
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.focusQuestion.function = Focus to Question input box.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.focusAnswers = 65
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.focusAnswers.function = Focus to Answers input box.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.focusMultipleCB = 77
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.focusMultipleCB.function = Focus to "Allow multiple selections" checkbox.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.focusWebPollCB = 66
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.focusWebPollCB.function = Focus to "Enable web polling" checkbox.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.previewClick = 80
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.previewClick.function = Preview your poll and proceed.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.cancelClick = 88
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.cancelClick.function = Cancel and exit Poll creation.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.modify = 69
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.modify.function = Go back and modify your poll.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.publish = 85
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.publish.function = Publish your poll and open voting.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.save = 83
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.save.function = Save your poll to use later.
# bbb.shortcutkey.pollStats.explanation = ----
# bbb.shortcutkey.pollStats.explanation.function = Poll results are only available once the poll has been published.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.focusData = 68
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.focusData.function = Focus to poll results.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.refresh = 82
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.refresh.function = Refresh poll results.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.focusWebPoll = 73
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.focusWebPoll.function = Focus to web polling URL box.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.stopPoll = 79
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.stopPoll.function = Stop the poll and end voting.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.repostPoll = 80
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.repostPoll.function = Re-publish the poll.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.closeStatsWindow = 88
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.closeStatsWindow.function = Close Polling Results window.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.vote = 86
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.vote.function = Cast your vote for the options selected.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.focusVoteQuestion = 81
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.focusVoteQuestion.function = Focus to question.
# bbb.shortcutkey.specialKeys.space = Spacebar
# bbb.shortcutkey.specialKeys.left = Left Arrow
# bbb.shortcutkey.specialKeys.right = Right Arrow
# bbb.shortcutkey.specialKeys.up = Up Arrow
# bbb.shortcutkey.specialKeys.down = Down Arrow
# bbb.shortcutkey.specialKeys.plus = Plus
# bbb.shortcutkey.specialKeys.minus = Minus