2011-02-11 15:34:37 -05:00

420 lines
17 KiB
Executable File

from lxml.builder import E
from lxml import etree
import logging, os, getopt, sys, subprocess, re
LOGFILE = 'process-audio.log'
audioSamplingRate = 16000
AUDIO_DIR = "audio"
AUDIO_RECORDING_WAV = "recording.wav"
AUDIO_RECORDING_OGG = "recording.ogg"
audio_recordings = []
def usage():
print ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------'
print ' '
print ' Create an audio file in ogg format by combining all audio recordings and '
print ' filling the gaps between recordings with silence '
print ' '
print ' Usage:'
print ' -m [meetingid] -a [audio-recording-directory] -p [presentation directory] -r [archive directory]'
print ' '
print ' h, --help Print this'
print ' m, --meeting-id The id of the meeting'
print ' a, --audio-dir The location of the audio recording (e.g. /var/freeswitch/meetings)'
print ' p, --presentation-dir The location of the presentations (e.g. /var/bigbluebutton/'
print ' r, --archive-dir The directory where the audio and presentation will be archived'
print ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------'
def printUsageHelp():
class AudioRecording:
filename = None
fileFound = False
startEventTimestamp = 0
startRecordingTimestamp = 0
stopRecordingTimestamp = 0
stopEventTimestamp = 0
lengthFromFile = 0
gapFile = False
position = 0
lengthOfGap = 0
def create_audio_gap_recording(startTimestamp, stopTimestamp, isGap, lengthOfGap):
Create information for a gap in the audio recording.
startTimestamp: The start of the event
stopTimestamp: The end of the event
isGap: If the audio is a gap filler
lengthOfGap: How long is the audio
audioGap = AudioRecording()
audioGap.startEventTimestamp = long(startTimestamp)
audioGap.stopEventTimestamp = long(stopTimestamp)
audioGap.gapFile = isGap
audioGap.lengthOfGap = lengthOfGap
audioGap.filename = 'gap-' + str(lengthOfGap) + ".wav"
return audioGap
def create_audio_gap_file(length_in_msec, filename, sampling_rate):
Creates a raw audio file
length_in_msec: The length of the audio in milliseconds
filename: The absolute filename of the audio resulting .wav file
sampling_rate: The sampling rate of the audio (e.g. 16000)
rate_in_ms = sampling_rate / 1000
f = open(filename + '.dat', "wb")
samples = length_in_msec * rate_in_ms
# Write the sample rate for this audio file.
f.write('; SampleRate ' + str(sampling_rate) + '\n')
x = 0
while x <= samples:
f.write(str(x / rate_in_ms) + "\t0\n");
x += 1
proc = subprocess.Popen("sox " + filename + ".dat -b 16 -r 16000 -c 1 -s " + filename, shell=True)
# Wait for the process to finish before removing the temp file
# Delete the temporary raw audio file
os.remove(filename + ".dat")
def get_first_timestamp_of_session(events):
Get the timestamp of the first event.
events: List of events of the meeting
return events[0].get('timestamp')
def get_last_timestamp_of_session(events):
Get the timestamp of the last event.
events: List of events of the meeting
return events[len(events)-1].get('timestamp')
def get_start_audio_recording_events(tree):
Retrieve all the start audio recording events.
tree: The xml tree of all events.
return tree.xpath("//event[@name='StartRecordingEvent']")
def get_stop_audio_recording_events(tree):
Retrieve all the stop audio recording events.
tree: The xml tree of all events.
return tree.xpath("//event[@name='StopRecordingEvent']")
def create_audio_recording_for_event(event):
ar = AudioRecording()
ar.filename = evt.find('filename').text
ar.startRecordingTimestamp = evt.find('recordingTimestamp').text
ar.startEventTimestamp = evt.get('timestamp')
return ar
def create_audio_recordings_for_events(startRecEvents):
Create an audio recording event for start audio events.
audioRecordings = []
for evt in startRecEvents:
return audioRecordings
def insert_stop_event_info(evt, audioRecordings):
Store a stop event information.
for rec in audioRecordings:
if (rec.filename == evt.find('filename').text):
rec.stopRecordingTimestamp = int(evt.find('recordingTimestamp').text) / 1000
rec.stopEventTimestamp = evt.get('timestamp')
return True
return False
def pad_beginning_of_audio_if_needed(audioRecording, firstEventTimestamp, meetingAudio):
Pad the beginning of the audio to start at the first event timestamp.
lengthOfGap = long(audioRecording.startEventTimestamp) - long(firstEventTimestamp)
if (lengthOfGap > 0):
audioGap = create_audio_gap_recording(long(firstEventTimestamp), long(audioRecording.startEventTimestamp), True, lengthOfGap)
def pad_between_recorded_audio_files_if_needed(audioRecordings, meetingAudio):
Pad the audio in between audio recordings.
numAudioRecs = len(audioRecordings)
i = 0
while i < numAudioRecs-1:
arPrev = audioRecordings[i]
arNext = audioRecordings[i+1]
lengthOfGap = long(arNext.startEventTimestamp) - long(arPrev.stopEventTimestamp)
if (lengthOfGap > 0):
audioGap = create_audio_gap_recording(long(arPrev.stopEventTimestamp), long(arNext.startEventTimestamp), True, lengthOfGap)
i += 1
def pad_end_of_audio_if_needed(audioRecording, lastEventTimestamp, meetingAudio):
Pad the audio to end at the same time as the last event timestamp.
lengthOfGap = long(lastEventTimestamp) - long(audioRecording.stopEventTimestamp)
if (lengthOfGap > 0):
audioGap = create_audio_gap_recording(long(audioRecording.stopEventTimestamp), long(lastEventTimestamp), True, lengthOfGap)
def create_gap_audio_files(meetingArchiveDir, audioRecordings, audioSamplingRate):
Create an audio of silence to fill in the gaps between recordings.
for ar in audioRecordings:
if (ar.gapFile):
ar.filename = meetingArchiveDir + "/audio/" + ar.filename
lsec = long(ar.lengthOfGap)
create_audio_gap_file(lsec, ar.filename, audioSamplingRate)
def get_audio_filenames(audioRecordings):
Get the filnames of all audio files.
audioFilenames = []
for ar in audioRecordings:
return audioFilenames
def concatenate_all_audio_files(meetingArchiveDir, audioFilenames):
Concatenate all audio files, including gaps, to create one audio recording file.
concatCmd = 'sox '
for ar in audioFilenames:
concatCmd += " " + ar
outputWavFile = meetingArchiveDir + "/" + AUDIO_RECORDING_WAV
concatCmd += " " + outputWavFile"Creating recorded audio file")
proc = subprocess.Popen(concatCmd, shell=True)
# Wait for the process to finish before removing the temp file
return outputWavFile
def create_ogg_from_wav(meetingArchiveDir, outputWavFile):
Create an ogg file of the audio recording.
ogg_file = meetingArchiveDir + '/' + AUDIO_RECORDING_OGG"Convert wav file to ogg")
proc = subprocess.Popen('oggenc -a "Budka Suflera" -l "Za Ostatni Grosz" -N 1 -t "Za Ostatni Grosz" -d "1981-05-01" -c "composer=Romuald Lipko, Marek Dutkiewicz" -o '
+ ogg_file + " " + outputWavFile, shell=True)
def determine_if_file_is_present(audioFileDir, audioRecordings):
Check if the audio file is in the archive directory.
audioFileList = os.listdir(audioFileDir)
for ar in audioRecordings:
# Strip the filename and pre-pend the audio archive dir
ar.filename = audioFileDir + '/' + ar.filename.split('/')[-1]
ar.fileFound = True
def determine_length_of_audio_from_file(audioFileDir, audioRecordings):
Get the length of audio from the file.
audioFileList = os.listdir(audioFileDir)
for ar in audioRecordings:
if ar.fileFound:
# Need to use 2>&1 for the output redirected to stdout.
proc = subprocess.Popen('sox ' + ar.filename + ' -n stat 2>&1', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
# Wait for the process to finish
retCode = proc.wait()
# Read the output of the process
result =
if retCode == 0:
# Everything went well, output should be in the following format. We need to get the Length (seconds) value
# Samples read: 888960
# Length (seconds): 55.560000
# Scaled by: 2147483647.0
# Maximum amplitude: 0.822937
# Minimum amplitude: -0.707764
# Midline amplitude: 0.057587
# Mean norm: 0.026014
# Mean amplitude: -0.000059
# RMS amplitude: 0.040610
# Maximum delta: 0.330719
# Minimum delta: 0.000000
# Mean delta: 0.003805
# RMS delta: 0.008049
# Rough frequency: 504
# Volume adjustment: 1.215
regex = re.compile("Length \(seconds\):(.+)")
# convert to milliseconds
length = float(regex.findall(result)[0].strip()) * 1000
# round it off to an integer
ar.lengthFromFile = int(length)
# Failed to get the length of the audio from the file
ar.lengthFromFile = int(-1)
def generate_recording_xml(audioDir, audioRecordings):
Generates an xml file of information about the audio recordings.
xml = page = (
E.title("Available audio recordings for meeting.")
for ar in audioRecordings:
ev = E.recording(
targetFile = audioDir + "/recordings.xml"
f = open(targetFile, 'w')
f.write(etree.tostring(page, pretty_print=True))
def sanitize_audio_recording_info(audioRecordings):
Try as much as possible to put values on the timestamp fields.
for ar in audioRecordings:
if (ar.startRecordingTimestamp == 0 and ar.startEventTimestamp > 0):
ar.startRecordingTimestamp = ar.startEventTimestamp
if (ar.startRecordingTimestamp > 0 and ar.startEventTimestamp == 0):
ar.startEventTimestamp = ar.startRecordingTimestamp
if (ar.stopRecordingTimestamp == 0 and ar.stopEventTimestamp > 0):
ar.stopRecordingTimestamp = ar.stopEventTimestamp
if (ar.stopRecordingTimestamp > 0 and ar.stopEventTimestamp == 0):
ar.stopEventTimestamp = ar.stopRecordingTimestamp
if (ar.startRecordingTimestamp == 0 and ar.startEventTimestamp == 0):
if (ar.fileFound and ar.stopEventTimestamp > 0):
ar.startRecordingTimestamp = ar.startEventTimestamp = long(ar.stopEventTimestamp) - ar.lengthFromFile
if (ar.stopRecordingTimestamp == 0 and ar.stopEventTimestamp == 0):
if (ar.fileFound and ar.startEventTimestamp > 0):
ar.stopRecordingTimestamp = ar.stopEventTimestamp = long(ar.startEventTimestamp) + ar.lengthFromFile
def main():
meetingId = ""
ingestDir = ""
logFile = ""
# Get all the passed in options
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hm:i:", ["help", "meeting-id=", "ingest-dir="])
except getopt.GetoptError, err:
# print help information and exit:
print str(err) # will print something like "option -a not recognized"
output = None
verbose = False
for o, a in opts:
if o in ("-h", "--help"):
elif o in ("-m", "--meeting-id"):
meetingId = a
elif o in ("-i", "--ingest-dir"):
ingestDir = a
assert False, "unhandled option"
meetingArchiveDir = ingestDir + "/" + meetingId
audioArchiveDir = meetingArchiveDir + "/" + AUDIO_DIR
logFile = meetingArchiveDir + "/process-audio.log"
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, filename=logFile)'Starting ingest process')
audioRecordings = []
meetingAudio = []
tree = etree.parse(meetingArchiveDir + '/events.xml')
r = tree.xpath('/events/event')
firstEventTimestamp = get_first_timestamp_of_session(r)
lastEventTimestamp = get_last_timestamp_of_session(r)
startRecordingEvents = get_start_audio_recording_events(tree)
stopRecordingEvents = get_stop_audio_recording_events(tree)
if (len(startRecordingEvents) != len(stopRecordingEvents)):
logging.warn("Number of start events [%s] does not match stop events [%s]" % (len(startRecordingEvents), len(stopRecordingEvents)))
for evt in startRecordingEvents:
ar = AudioRecording()
ar.filename = evt.find('filename').text
ar.startRecordingTimestamp = int(evt.find('recordingTimestamp').text) / 1000
ar.startEventTimestamp = evt.get('timestamp')
for evt in stopRecordingEvents:
if (not insert_stop_event_info(evt, audioRecordings)):
# Oohh, we got more work to do. This means that a stop event doesn't have a matching start event.
# Create an audio recording and let's figure out the start timestamp later
ar = AudioRecording()
ar.filename = evt.find('filename').text
ar.stopRecordingTimestamp = int(evt.find('recordingTimestamp').text) / 1000
ar.stopEventTimestamp = evt.get('timestamp')
# Check if the audio files listed in the events are actually in the audio directory
determine_if_file_is_present(audioArchiveDir, audioRecordings)
# Let's figure out the length of the audio from the file. This allows us to guess what the
# start/stop timestamps of the events in case we don't have it.
determine_length_of_audio_from_file(audioArchiveDir, audioRecordings)
# Let's try and put valid values into the different information we need to process the audio files.
# Save the information into a file. This way if something goes wrong, an admin can take a look at
# the information and figure out why something did not work out.
generate_recording_xml(audioArchiveDir, audioRecordings)
# Now, start processing the audio. See if we need to pad the recorded audio files from the beginning.
pad_beginning_of_audio_if_needed(audioRecordings[0], firstEventTimestamp, meetingAudio)
# Determine if we need to pad the audio with silence in between recorded audio files.
pad_between_recorded_audio_files_if_needed(audioRecordings, meetingAudio)
# Determine if we need to pad the end the of the recording to match the last event timestamp.
pad_end_of_audio_if_needed(audioRecordings[-1], lastEventTimestamp, meetingAudio)
# We've not figured out which parts of the recording we need to pad. Create the pad audio files.
create_gap_audio_files(meetingArchiveDir, meetingAudio, audioSamplingRate)
# Let's get all the filenames of the audio files including the gap files.
audio_filenames = get_audio_filenames(meetingAudio)
# Create one audio file by combining all the audio files.
outputWavFile = concatenate_all_audio_files(meetingArchiveDir, audio_filenames)
# Convert the wav file into ogg format to be playable in the browser.
create_ogg_from_wav(meetingArchiveDir, outputWavFile)
if __name__ == "__main__":