63 lines
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63 lines
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sha1 = require("sha1")
url = require("url")
config = require("./config")
Utils = exports
# Calculates the checksum given a url `fullUrl` and a `salt`, as calculate by bbb-web.
Utils.checksumAPI = (fullUrl, salt) ->
query = Utils.queryFromUrl(fullUrl)
method = Utils.methodFromUrl(fullUrl)
Utils.checksum(method + query + salt)
# Calculates the checksum for a string.
# Just a wrapper for the method that actually does it.
Utils.checksum = (string) ->
# Get the query of an API call from the url object (from url.parse())
# Example:
# * `fullUrl` = `http://bigbluebutton.org/bigbluebutton/api/create?name=Demo+Meeting&meetingID=Demo`
# * returns: `name=Demo+Meeting&meetingID=Demo`
Utils.queryFromUrl = (fullUrl) ->
# Returns the query without the checksum.
# We can't use url.parse() because it would change the encoding
# and the checksum wouldn't match. We need the url exactly as
# the client sent us.
query = fullUrl.replace(/&checksum=[^&]*/, '')
query = query.replace(/checksum=[^&]*&/, '')
query = query.replace(/checksum=[^&]*$/, '')
matched = query.match(/\?(.*)/)
if matched?
# Get the method name of an API call from the url object (from url.parse())
# Example:
# * `fullUrl` = `http://mconf.org/bigbluebutton/api/create?name=Demo+Meeting&meetingID=Demo`
# * returns: `create`
Utils.methodFromUrl = (fullUrl) ->
urlObj = url.parse(fullUrl, true)
urlObj.pathname.substr (config.bbb.apiPath + "/").length
# Returns the IP address of the client that made a request `req`.
# If can not determine the IP, returns ``.
Utils.ipFromRequest = (req) ->
# the first ip in the list if the ip of the client
# the others are proxys between him and us
if req.headers?["x-forwarded-for"]?
ips = req.headers["x-forwarded-for"].split(",")
ipAddress = ips[0]?.trim()
# fallbacks
ipAddress ||= req.headers?["x-real-ip"] # when behind nginx
ipAddress ||= req.connection?.remoteAddress
ipAddress ||= ""