
88 lines
2.8 KiB

_ = require('lodash')
request = require("request")
url = require('url')
EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
config = require("./config")
Logger = require("./logger")
Utils = require("./utils")
# Use to perform a callback. Will try several times until the callback is
# properly emitted and stop when successful (or after a given number of tries).
# Used to emit a single callback. Destroy it and create a new class for a new callback.
# Emits "success" on success, "failure" on error and "stopped" when gave up trying
# to perform the callback.
module.exports = class CallbackEmitter extends EventEmitter
constructor: (@callbackURL, @message) ->
@nextInterval = 0
@timestap = 0
start: ->
@timestamp = new Date().getTime()
@nextInterval = 0
@_scheduleNext 0
_scheduleNext: (timeout) ->
setTimeout( =>
@_emitMessage (error, result) =>
if not error? and result
@emit "success"
@emit "failure", error
# get the next interval we have to wait and schedule a new try
interval = config.hooks.retryIntervals[@nextInterval]
if interval?
Logger.warn "xx> Trying the callback again in #{interval/1000.0} secs"
# no intervals anymore, time to give up
@nextInterval = 0
@emit "stopped"
, timeout)
_emitMessage: (callback) ->
# data to be sent
# note: keep keys in alphabetical order
data =
event: JSON.stringify(@message)
timestamp: @timestamp
# calculate the checksum
checksum = Utils.checksum("#{@callbackURL}#{JSON.stringify(data)}#{config.bbb.sharedSecret}")
# get the final callback URL, including the checksum
urlObj = url.parse(@callbackURL, true)
callbackURL = @callbackURL
callbackURL += if _.isEmpty( then "?" else "&"
callbackURL += "checksum=#{checksum}"
requestOptions =
followRedirect: true
maxRedirects: 10
uri: callbackURL
method: "POST"
form: data
request requestOptions, (error, response, body) ->
if error? or not (response?.statusCode >= 200 and response?.statusCode < 300)
Logger.warn "xx> Error in the callback call to: [#{requestOptions.uri}] for #{simplifiedEvent(data.event)}"
Logger.warn "xx> Error:", error
Logger.warn "xx> Status:", response?.statusCode
callback error, false
else "==> Successful callback call to: [#{requestOptions.uri}] for #{simplifiedEvent(data.event)}"
callback null, true
# A simple string that identifies the event
simplifiedEvent = (event) ->
eventJs = JSON.parse(event)
"event: { name: #{eventJs.header?.name}, timestamp: #{eventJs.header?.timestamp} }"
catch e
"event: #{event}"