Leonardo Crauss Daronco ed3975674e HTML5: removing lots of unused or unnecessary code from the server
Cleanup the node.js server removing things that were not used or were related
to making the HTML5 client a presenter, which will not be necessary at this
first iteration.
The node.js server should also not change anything that's in redis, just read
it. Removed some of the code that changes redis.

Also updating the comments to match codo's format.
2013-10-30 10:08:16 -02:00

552 lines
26 KiB
Executable File

_ = require("lodash")
rack = require("hat").rack()
config = require("../config")
Logger = require("./logger")
RedisKeys = require("./redis_keys")
Utils = require("./utils")
moduleDeps = ["RedisStore"]
# Includes methods to fetch and set values related to meetings in redis. Acts as a bridge
# between the application and redis.
# All callbacks are in the format `method(error, response)`, where `response` is usually the
# response returned by the method called on redis.
# @TODO some callbacks are not always called
# @TODO use standard success/error responses (e.g. sometimes failure returns `null`, sometimes `false`)
module.exports = class RedisAction
constructor: ->
config.modules.wait moduleDeps, =>
@redisStore = config.modules.get("RedisStore")
# Set the public and session ID to match one another for lookup later
# @param meetingID [string] the ID of the meeting
# @param sessionID [string] the sessionID (unique ID) of the user
# @param publicID [string] the unique public ID of the user
# @param callback [Function(err, reply)] callback function
setIDs: (meetingID, sessionID, publicID, callback) ->
@redisStore.set RedisKeys.getSessionIDString(meetingID, sessionID), publicID, (err, reply) =>
registerResponse "setIDs", err, reply
if err?
callback?(err, reply)
@redisStore.set RedisKeys.getPublicIDString(meetingID, publicID), sessionID, (err, reply) ->
callback?(err, reply)
# Given a meetingID, sessionID and username a meeting will be created and a user with the
# given username will be joined. The callback indicates either true or false depending on whether
# the meeting was created successfully or not.
# @param meetingID [string] the meeting ID of the meeting we are creating and/or connecting to
# @param sessionID [string] the session ID of the user that is connecting to the meeting
# @param username [string] username of the users that that is connecting to the meeting
# @param callback [Function(succeeded)] the callback function returns true if meeting successfully started and joined, false otherwise
makeMeeting: (meetingID, sessionID, username, callback) ->
failed = false
publicID = new Date().getTime()
@_isMeetingRunning meetingID, (err, isRunning) =>
# TODO: Currently the meeting is always created in the flash client. To allow the HTML5 to create
# a meeting this block has to be implemented
# unless isRunning
# @redisStore.sadd RedisKeys.getMeetingsString(), meetingID, (err, reply) =>
# @setCurrentTool meetingID, "line"
# @setPresenter meetingID, sessionID, publicID
@createUser meetingID, sessionID, (err, reply) =>
failed or= err?
@setIDs meetingID, sessionID, publicID, (err, reply) =>
failed or= err?
# TODO: comment what these parameters are used for
properties = ["username", username, "meetingID", meetingID, "refreshing", false, "dupSess", false, "sockets", 0, "pubID", publicID]
@updateUserProperties meetingID, sessionID, properties, (err, reply) ->
failed or= err?
# Create a reference to a user on redis.
# The user is identified by his sessionID and will be grouped inside the users key for
# the meeting `meetingID`.
# @example Example values for the key created
# meeting-183f0bf3a0982a127bdb8161e0c44eb696b3e75c-1382970693956-users qT6PfopPUcRsRbtH4T9A8o2R.y7bD/JtU6MFbBn9g1lhKAYmNkD/rzZRS5AYl7TWw/9A
# @param meetingID [string] the ID of the meeting
# @param userID [string] the unique session ID of the user
# @param callback [Function(err, reply)] callback function
createUser: (meetingID, userID, callback) ->
@redisStore.sadd RedisKeys.getUsersString(meetingID), userID, (err, reply) ->
registerResponse "createUser", err, reply
callback?(err, reply)
# Set user properties on redis
# @param meetingID [string] the ID of the meeting
# @param userID [string] the unique session ID of the user
# @param properties [Object] a hash of properties to set as the users properties
# @param callback [Function(err, properties)] the callback function to be called when finished
updateUserProperties: (meetingID, userID, properties, callback) ->
properties.unshift RedisKeys.getUserString(meetingID, userID)
# push the callback as the last parameter in the array
properties.push (err, reply) ->
registerResponse "updateUserProperties", err, reply
callback?(err, reply)
@redisStore.hmset.apply @redisStore, properties
# Sets the current URL for the current presentation page.
# @param url [string] the URL for the page being set as current
# @param callback [Function(err, reply)] called when the URL is set, with the error and reply from redis
setCurrentUrl: (url, callback) ->
# TODO: "currentUrl" is a bad name for a key, there's probably already a key with the current page
@redisStore.set "currentUrl", url, (err, reply) ->
registerResponse "setCurrentUrl", err, reply, "setting current page url to #{url}"
callback?(err, reply)
# Called when the application receives a `changeslide` from the server.
# @param url [string] the URL for the slide that will be shown
# @param callback [Function(err, reply)] called when the URL is set, with the error and reply from redis
onChangeSlide: (url, callback) ->
@setCurrentUrl url, callback
# Called when the application receives an `undo` from the server.
# @param meetingID [string] the ID of the meeting the undo was called on
# @param callback [Function(err, reply)] called when done, with the error and reply from redis
onUndo: (meetingID, callback) ->
@getCurrentPresentationID meetingID, (err, presentationID) =>
@getCurrentPageID meetingID, presentationID, (err, pageID) =>
@redisStore.rpop RedisKeys.getCurrentShapesString(meetingID, presentationID, pageID), (err, reply) =>
callback?(err, reply)
# Called when the application receives a `clrPaper` from the server.
# @param meetingID [string] the ID of the meeting the method was called on
# @param callback [Function(err, reply)] called when done, with the error and reply from redis
onClearPaper: (meetingID, callback) ->
@getCurrentPresentationID meetingID, (err, presentationID) =>
@getCurrentPageID meetingID, presentationID, (err, pageID) =>
@_getItemIDs meetingID, presentationID, pageID, "currentshapes", (err, itemIDs) =>
@_deleteItemList meetingID, presentationID, pageID, "currentshapes", itemIDs, (err, reply) ->
# Get the session ID (private) of the current presenter.
# @param meetingID [string] the ID of the meeting
# @param callback [Function(error, presenterID)] callback function
getPresenterSessionID: (meetingID, callback) ->
@redisStore.hget RedisKeys.getPresenterString(meetingID), "sessionID", (err, reply) ->
registerResponse "getPresenterSessionID", err, reply
callback?(err, reply)
# Get the public ID of the presenter.
# @param meetingID [string] the ID of the meeting
# @param callback [Function(err, id)] callback function
getPresenterPublicID: (meetingID, callback) ->
@redisStore.hget RedisKeys.getPresenterString(meetingID), "publicID", (err, id) ->
registerResponse "getPresenterPublicID", err, id
callback?(err, id)
# Get the current tool of the meeting.
# @param meetingID [string] the ID of the meeting
# @param callback [Function(err, tool)] callback function
getCurrentTool: (meetingID, callback) ->
@redisStore.get RedisKeys.getCurrentToolString(meetingID), (err, reply) ->
registerResponse "getCurrentTool", err, reply
callback?(err, reply)
# Get a image size from the image on the page
# @param meetingID [string] the ID of the meeting
# @param presentationID [string] the unique ID of the presentation in the meeting
# @param pageID [string] the unique ID of the page in the presentation
# @param callback [Function(err, width, height)] the callback function to be called when finished
getImageSize: (meetingID, presentationID, pageID, callback) ->
@redisStore.get RedisKeys.getPageWidthString(meetingID, presentationID, pageID), (err, width) =>
registerResponse "getImageSize", err, width, "getting width of #{meetingID}, #{presentationID}, #{pageID}"
@redisStore.get RedisKeys.getPageHeightString(meetingID, presentationID, pageID), (err, height) =>
registerResponse "getImageSize", err, height, "getting height of #{meetingID}, #{presentationID}, #{pageID}"
callback?(err, width, height)
# Get the page IDs for a presentation
# @param meetingID [string] the ID of the meeting
# @param presentationID [string] the unique ID of the presentation in the meeting
# @param callback [Function(err, ids)] the callback function to be called when finished
getPageIDs: (meetingID, presentationID, callback) ->
@redisStore.lrange RedisKeys.getPagesString(meetingID, presentationID), 0, -1, (err, pageIDs) ->
registerResponse "getPageIDs", err, pageIDs, "getting page IDs for #{meetingID}, #{presentationID}"
callback?(err, pageIDs)
# Checks the redis datastore whether the session is valid
# @param meetingID [string] the ID of the meeting
# @param sessionID [string] the sessionID (unique ID) of the user
# @param callback [Function(err, isValid)] callback function returns true if valid session
isValidSession: (meetingID, sessionID, callback) ->
@redisStore.sismember RedisKeys.getUsersString(meetingID), sessionID, (err, isValid) ->
registerResponse "isValidSession", err, isValid, "checking session #{meetingID}, #{sessionID}"
callback?(err, isValid)
# Delete the user from redis
# @param meetingID [string] the ID of the meeting
# @param sessionID [string] the sessionID (unique ID) of the user
# @param callback [Function(err, isValid)] callback function called when finished
deleteUser: (meetingID, sessionID, callback) ->
@redisStore.srem RedisKeys.getUsersString(meetingID), sessionID, (err, reply) =>
registerResponse "deleteUser", err, reply, "deleting user #{meetingID}, #{sessionID}"
if err?
callback?(err, reply)
@redisStore.del RedisKeys.getUserString(meetingID, sessionID), (err, reply) =>
registerResponse "deleteUser", err, reply, "deleting user string #{meetingID}, #{sessionID}"
callback?(err, reply)
# Gets all the properties associated with a specific user (sessionID)
# @param meetingID [string] the ID of the meeting
# @param sessionID [string] the sessionID (unique ID) of the user
# @param callback [Function(err, properties)] callback function
getUserProperties: (meetingID, sessionID, callback) ->
@redisStore.hgetall RedisKeys.getUserString(meetingID, sessionID), (err, properties) ->
registerResponse "getUserProperties", err, properties, "getting user properties #{meetingID}, #{sessionID}"
callback?(err, properties)
# Get all users and their data in an array
# @param meetingID [string] the ID of the meeting
# @param callback [Function(err, users)] callback function
# @todo callback is not always called, can use async for this
getUsers: (meetingID, callback) ->
users = []
usercount = 0
usersdone = 0
@redisStore.smembers RedisKeys.getUsersString(meetingID), (err, userids) =>
registerResponse "getUsers", err, userids, "getting users string for #{meetingID}"
userids.forEach (userid) =>
@redisStore.hgetall RedisKeys.getUserString(meetingID, userid), (err, props) =>
registerResponse "getUsers", err, props, "getting user string for #{meetingID}, #{userid}"
users.push props
if userids.length is usersdone
callback?(err, users)
# Get array of items by item name and meeting id
# @param meetingID [string] the ID of the meeting
# @param presentationID [string] the unique ID of the presentation in the meeting
# @param pageID [string] the unique ID of the page in the presentation
# @param item [string] the name of the type of item
# @param callback [Function(err, items)] the callback function to be called when finished
# @todo callback is not always called, can use async for this
getItems: (meetingID, presentationID, pageID, item, callback) ->
items = []
itemCount = 0
itemsDone = 0
itemsGetFunction = undefined
itemGetFunction = undefined
itemGetFunction = @_getItemStringFunction(item)
itemsGetFunction = @_getItemsStringFunction(item)
@redisStore.lrange itemsGetFunction(meetingID, presentationID, pageID), 0, -1, (err, itemIDs) =>
registerResponse "getItems", err, itemIDs, "getting items for #{meetingID}, #{presentationID}, #{pageID}"
callback?([]) if itemCount is 0
itemIDs.forEach (itemID) =>
@redisStore.hgetall itemGetFunction(meetingID, presentationID, pageID, itemID), (err, itemHash) ->
registerResponse "getItems", err, itemHash, "getting item #{meetingID}, #{presentationID}, #{pageID}, #{itemID}"
items.push itemHash
if itemIDs.length is itemsDone
callback?(err, items)
# Get the image filename of a presentation page
# @param meetingID [string] the ID of the meeting
# @param presentationID [string] the unique ID of the presentation in the meeting
# @param pageID [string] the unique ID of the page in the presentation
# @param callback [Function(err, filename)] the callback function to be called when finished
getPageImage: (meetingID, presentationID, pageID, callback) ->
@redisStore.get RedisKeys.getPageImageString(meetingID, presentationID, pageID), (err, filename) ->
registerResponse "getPageImage", err, filename, "getting page image #{meetingID}, #{presentationID}, #{pageID}"
callback?(err, filename)
# Get the current presentation ID for the meeting
# @param meetingID [string] the ID of the meeting
# @param callback [Function(err, id)] callback function
getCurrentPresentationID: (meetingID, callback) ->
@redisStore.get RedisKeys.getCurrentPresentationString(meetingID), (err, id) ->
registerResponse "getCurrentPresentationID", err, id, "getting current presentation id for #{meetingID}"
callback?(err, id)
# Get the current page of the presentation
# @param meetingID [string] the ID of the meeting
# @param presentationID [string] the unique ID of the presentation in the meeting
# @param callback [Function(err, id)] the callback function to be called when finished
getCurrentPageID: (meetingID, presentationID, callback) ->
# the first element in the pages is always the current page
@redisStore.lindex RedisKeys.getPagesString(meetingID, presentationID), 0, (err, id) ->
registerResponse "getCurrentPageID", err, id, "getting current page id for #{meetingID}, #{presentationID}"
callback?(err, id)
# Set the value of the current viewbox for the meeting
# @param meetingID [string] the ID of the meeting
# @param viewbox [string] the string representing the viewbox value
# @param callback [Function(err, reply)] the callback function to be called when finished
# @todo sets values on redis, should be on bbb-apps
setViewBox: (meetingID, viewbox, callback) ->
@redisStore.set RedisKeys.getCurrentViewBoxString(meetingID), viewbox, (err, reply) ->
registerResponse "setViewBox", err, reply, "setting view box for #{meetingID}, #{viewbox}"
callback?(err, reply)
# Get the current viewbox of the meeting
# @param meetingID [string] the ID of the meeting
# @param callback [Function(err, viewbox)] the callback function to be called when finished
getViewBox: (meetingID, callback) ->
@redisStore.get RedisKeys.getCurrentViewBoxString(meetingID), (err, reply) ->
registerResponse "getViewBox", err, reply, "getting view box for #{meetingID}"
callback?(err, JSON.parse(reply))
# Get the list of meetings from redis
# @param callback [Function(err, meetings)] the callback function to be called when finished
# @example Returned meeting array:
# [ { meetingID: '183f0bf3a0982a127bdb8161e0c44eb696b3e75c-1383072476983',
# externalID: 'Demo Meeting',
# meetingName: 'Demo Meeting' } ]
getMeetings: (callback) ->
@redisStore.smembers "meetings", (err, meetingids) =>
registerResponse "getMeetings", err, meetingids
if meetingids
index = 0
resp = []
f = (err, properties) =>
if index is meetingids.length
callback?(err, resp)
r =
meetingID: meetingids[index]
externalID: properties["externalID"]
meetingName: properties["name"]
resp.push r
index += 1
@redisStore.hgetall "meeting-" + meetingids[index], f
@redisStore.hgetall "meeting-" + meetingids[index], f
callback?(null, [])
# # Private methods
# Returns the function for getting the string of a specific item given the name of
# the item type in redis.
# @param itemString [string] the name of the item
# @return [Function] the function used to get the key for a specific item from redis
# @private
_getItemStringFunction: (itemString) ->
functions =
messages: RedisKeys.getMessageString
shapes: RedisKeys.getShapeString
currentshapes: RedisKeys.getShapeString
# Returns the function for getting the string of all the items given the name of the items
# in redis
# @param itemString [string] the name of the item
# @return [Function] the function used to get the key for the list of specific items in redis
# @private
_getItemsStringFunction: (itemString) ->
functions =
messages: RedisKeys.getMessagesString
shapes: RedisKeys.getCurrentShapesString
currentshapes: RedisKeys.getCurrentShapesString
# Get the session ID from the public ID of a user
# @param meetingID [string] the ID of the meeting
# @param publicID [string] the unique public ID of the user
# @param callback(sessionID) [Function] callback function
# @private
_getSessionIDFromPublicID: (meetingID, publicID, callback) ->
@redisStore.get RedisKeys.getPublicIDString(meetingID, publicID), (err, sessionID) ->
registerError("_getSessionIDFromPublicID", err)
# Set the image for a particular page ID
# @param meetingID [string] the ID of the meeting
# @param presentationID [string] the unique ID of the presentation in the meeting
# @param pageID [string] the unique ID of the page in the presentation
# @param imageName [string] the file name of the image
# @private
_setPageImage: (meetingID, presentationID, pageID, imageName, callback) ->
@redisStore.set RedisKeys.getPageImageString(meetingID, presentationID, pageID), imageName, (err, reply) ->
registerSuccess("_setPageImage", "set page #{pageID} image to #{imageName}") if reply
registerError("_setPageImage", err, "couldn't set page #{pageID} image to #{imageName}") if err?
# Delete a list of items from redis
# @param meetingID [string] the ID of the meeting
# @param presentationID [string] the unique ID of the presentation in the meeting
# @param pageID [string] the unique ID of the page in the presentation
# @param itemName [string] the type of items being deleted
# @param callback [Function(err, reply)] the callback function to be called when finished
# @private
_deleteItemList: (meetingID, presentationID, pageID, itemName, callback) ->
@redisStore.del @_getItemsStringFunction(itemName)(meetingID, presentationID, pageID), (err, reply) ->
registerResponse "_deleteItemList", err, reply, "deleting the list of items: #{itemName}"
callback?(err, reply)
# Deletes the items by itemName and an array of itemIDs (use helper).
# @param meetingID [string] the ID of the meeting
# @param presentationID [string] the unique ID of the presentation in the meeting
# @param pageID [pageID] the unique ID of the page in the presentation
# @param itemName [string] the name of the item
# @param itemIDs [string] an array of itemIDs to delete
# @param callback [Function(err, reply)] the callback function to be called when finished
# @private
# @todo review if the loop is ok
# @todo callback should be called after all items are deleted, use a lib like 'async' or other similar
# @todo add examples of what types of items can be removed
_deleteItems: (meetingID, presentationID, pageID, itemName, itemIDs, callback) ->
getString = @_getItemStringFunction(itemName)
itemIDs.forEach (item) =>
@redisStore.del getString(meetingID, presentationID, pageID, item), (err, reply) ->
registerResponse "_deleteItems", err, reply, "deleting the item: #{itemName}"
# Delete a meeting from redis.
# @param meetingID [string] the ID of the meeting
# @param callback [Function(err, reply)] the callback function to be called when finished
# @private
_deleteMeeting: (meetingID, callback) ->
@redisStore.srem RedisKeys.getMeetingsString(), meetingID, (err, reply) ->
registerResponse "_deleteMeeting", err, reply, "deleting the meeting from the list: #{meetingID}"
callback?(err, reply)
# Get the item IDs from the item name
# @param meetingID [string] the ID of the meeting
# @param presentationID [string] the unique ID of the presentation in the meeting
# @param pageID [string] the unique ID of the page in the presentation
# @param itemName [string] the name of the type of items getting the IDs of
# @param callback [Function(err, reply)] the callback function to be called when finished
# @private
_getItemIDs: (meetingID, presentationID, pageID, itemName, callback) ->
method = @_getItemsStringFunction(itemName)
@redisStore.lrange method(meetingID, presentationID, pageID), 0, -1, (err, itemIDs) ->
registerResponse "_getItemIDs", err, itemIDs
callback?(err, itemIDs)
# Get the list of presentation IDs for a meeting
# @param meetingID [string] the ID of the meeting
# @param callback [Function(err, ids)] callback called when finished
# @private
_getPresentationIDs: (meetingID, callback) ->
@redisStore.smembers RedisKeys.getPresentationsString(meetingID), (err, presIDs) ->
registerResponse "_getPresentationIDs", err, presIDs
callback?(err, presIDs)
# Checks whether the meeting is running or not
# @param meetingID [string] the ID of the meeting
# @param callback [Function(err, isRunning)] callback function returns true if meeting is running
# @private
_isMeetingRunning: (meetingID, callback) ->
@redisStore.sismember RedisKeys.getMeetingsString(), meetingID, (err, reply) ->
registerResponse "isMeetingRunning", err, reply, "checking if meeting is running #{meetingID}"
callback?(err, (reply is 1))
# Delete all page references from a presentation.
# @param meetingID [string] the ID of the meeting
# @param presentationID [string] the unique ID of the presentation in the meeting
# @param callback [Function(err, reply)] the callback function to be called when finished
# @private
# @todo why `while`s? and not `for`s?
# @todo review
_deletePages: (meetingID, presentationID, callback) ->
# delete each page image
@getPageIDs meetingID, presentationID, (err, pageIDs) =>
pageIDs.forEach (pageID) =>
# @todo has a callback
@_deletePageImage meetingID, presentationID, pageID
# delete list of pages
@redisStore.del RedisKeys.getPagesString(meetingID, presentationID), (err, reply) =>
registerResponse "_deletePages", err, reply, "deleting pages from #{meetingID}, #{presentationID}"
# delete currentpage
@redisStore.del RedisKeys.getCurrentPageString(meetingID, presentationID), (err, reply) ->
registerResponse "_deletePages", err, reply, "deleting current page from #{meetingID}, #{presentationID}"
callback?(err, reply)
# Delete the reference to the image from a particular presentation page in a meeting
# @param meetingID [string] the ID of the meeting
# @param presentationID [string] the unique ID of the presentation in the meeting
# @param pageID [string] the unique ID of the page in the presentation
# @param callback [Function(err, reply)] the callback function to be called when finished
# @private
_deletePageImage: (meetingID, presentationID, pageID, callback) ->
@redisStore.del RedisKeys.getPageImageString(meetingID, presentationID, pageID), (err, reply) ->
registerResponse "_deletePageImage", err, reply, "deleting page image for #{meetingID}, #{presentationID}, #{pageID}"
callback?(err, reply)
# Delete all presentation references from the meeting
# @param meetingID [string] the ID of the meeting
# @param callback [Function(err, reply)] callback function
# @private
_deletePresentations: (meetingID, callback) ->
@redisStore.del RedisKeys.getPresentationsString(meetingID), (err, reply) =>
registerResponse "_deletePresentations", err, reply, "deleting presentatations for #{meetingID}"
if err?
callback?(err, reply)
@redisStore.del RedisKeys.getCurrentPresentationString(meetingID), (err, reply) ->
registerResponse "_deletePresentations", err, reply, "deleting current presentatation for #{meetingID}"
callback?(err, reply)
# # Local methods
registerError = (method, err, message="") ->
Logger.error "error on RedisAction##{method}:", message, err if err?
registerSuccess = (method, message="") -> "success on RedisAction##{method}:", message
registerResponse = (method, err, reply, message="") ->
Utils.registerResponse "RedisAction##{method}", err, reply, message