2014-08-19 16:54:01 +00:00

186 lines
7.0 KiB

# A text in the whiteboard
class @WhiteboardTextModel extends WhiteboardToolModel
constructor: (@paper) ->
super @paper
# the defintion of this shape, kept so we can redraw the shape whenever needed
# format: x, y, width, height, colour, fontSize, calcFontSize, text
@definition = [0, 0, 0, 0, "#000", 0, 0, ""]
# @textX = null
# @textY = null
# Make a text on the whiteboard
#make: (x, y, width, height, colour, fontSize, calcFontSize, text) ->
make: (startingData) ->
console.log "making a text:" + JSON.stringify startingData
x = startingData.x
y = startingData.y
width = startingData.textBoxWidth
height = startingData.textBoxHeight
colour = startingData.fontColor
fontSize = startingData.fontSize
calcFontSize = startingData.calcedFontSize
text = startingData.text
@definition =
shape: "text"
data: [x, y, width, height, colour, fontSize, calcFontSize, text]
#calcFontSize = (calcFontSize/100 * @gh)
x = (x * @gw) + @xOffset
y = (y * @gh) + @yOffset + calcFontSize
width = width/100 * @gw
#colour = Utils.strokeAndThickness(colour)["stroke"]
colour ="strokeAndThickness",colour, false)
@obj = @paper.text(x/100, y/100, "")
fill:"strokeAndThickness",colour, false)
"font-family": "Arial" # TODO: make dynamic
"font-size": calcFontSize["text-anchor"] = "start" # force left align["textAnchor"] = "start" # for firefox, 'cause they like to be different
# Update triangle drawn
# @param {number} x1 the x value of the top left corner
# @param {number} y1 the y value of the top left corner
# @param {number} x2 the x value of the bottom right corner
# @param {number} y2 the y value of the bottom right corner
#update: (x, y, width, height, colour, fontSize, calcFontSize, text) ->
update: (startingData) ->
console.log "updating text" + JSON.stringify startingData
x = startingData.x
y = startingData.y
width = startingData.textBoxWidth
height = startingData.textBoxHeight
colour = startingData.fontColor
fontSize = startingData.fontSize
calcFontSize = startingData.calcedFontSize
text = startingData.text
if @obj? = [x, y, width, height, colour, fontSize, calcFontSize, text]
calcFontSize = (calcFontSize/100 * @gh)
x = (x * @gw) + @xOffset
width = width/100 * @gw
#colour = Utils.strokeAndThickness(colour)["stroke"]
fill:"strokeAndThickness",colour, false)
"font-size": calcFontSize
cell = @obj.node
while cell? and cell.hasChildNodes()
cell.removeChild(cell.firstChild)"textFlow", text, cell, width, x, calcFontSize, false)
# Draw a text on the whiteboard
# @param {string} colour the colour of the object
# @param {number} thickness the thickness of the object's line(s)
# draw: (x, y, width, height, colour, fontSize, calcFontSize, text) ->
# calcFontSize = (calcFontSize/100 * @gh)
# x = x * @gw + @xOffset
# y = (y * @gh) + @yOffset + calcFontSize
# width = width/100 * @gw
# #colour = Utils.strokeAndThickness(colour)["stroke"]
# el = @paper.text(x, y, "")
# el.attr
# fill:"strokeAndThickness",colour, false)
# "font-family": "Arial" # TODO: make dynamic
# "font-size": calcFontSize
#["text-anchor"] = "start" # force left align
#["textAnchor"] = "start" # for firefox, 'cause they like to be different
#"textFlow", text, el.node, width, x, calcFontSize, false)
# el
# When first dragging the mouse to create the textbox size
# @param {number} x the x value of cursor at the time in relation to the left side of the browser
# @param {number} y the y value of cursor at the time in relation to the top of the browser
# TODO: moved here but not finished nor tested
# _textStart: (x, y) ->
# [sw, sh] = @_currentSlideDimensions()
# [cx, cy] = @_currentSlideOffsets()
# if @currentText?
# globals.connection.emitPublishShape "text",
# [ @textbox.value, @currentText.attrs.x / @gw, @currentText.attrs.y / @gh,
# @textbox.clientWidth, 16, @currentColour, "Arial", 14 ]
# globals.connection.emitTextDone()
# @textbox.value = ""
# = "hidden"
# @textX = x
# @textY = y
# sx = (@containerWidth - @gw) / 2
# sy = (@containerHeight - @gh) / 2
# @cx2 = (x - @containerOffsetLeft - sx + cx) / sw
# @cy2 = (y - @containerOffsetTop - sy + cy) / sh
# @_makeRect @cx2, @cy2, "#000", 1
# globals.connection.emitMakeShape "rect", [ @cx2, @cy2, "#000", 1 ]
# Finished drawing the rectangle that the text will fit into
# @param {Event} e the mouse event
# TODO: moved here but not finished nor tested
# _textStop: (e) ->
# @currentRect.hide() if @currentRect?
# [sw, sh] = @_currentSlideDimensions()
# [cx, cy] = @_currentSlideOffsets()
# tboxw = (e.pageX - @textX)
# tboxh = (e.pageY - @textY)
# if tboxw >= 14 or tboxh >= 14 # restrict size
# = tboxw * (@gw / sw) + "px"
# = "visible"
#["font-size"] = 14 + "px"
#["fontSize"] = 14 + "px" # firefox
# = @currentColour
# @textbox.value = ""
# sx = (@containerWidth - @gw) / 2
# sy = (@containerHeight - @gh) / 2
# x = @textX - @containerOffsetLeft - sx + cx + 1 # 1px random padding
# y = @textY - @containerOffsetTop - sy + cy
# @textbox.focus()
# # if you click outside, it will automatically sumbit
# @textbox.onblur = (e) =>
# if @currentText
# globals.connection.emitPublishShape "text",
# [ @value, @currentText.attrs.x / @gw, @currentText.attrs.y / @gh,
# @textbox.clientWidth, 16, @currentColour, "Arial", 14 ]
# globals.connection.emitTextDone()
# @textbox.value = ""
# = "hidden"
# # if user presses enter key, then automatically submit
# @textbox.onkeypress = (e) ->
# if e.keyCode is "13"
# e.preventDefault()
# e.stopPropagation()
# @onblur()
# # update everyone with the new text at every change
# _paper = @
# @textbox.onkeyup = (e) ->
# @style.color = _paper.currentColour
# @value = @value.replace(/\n{1,}/g, " ").replace(/\s{2,}/g, " ")
# globals.connection.emitUpdateShape "text",
# [ @value, x / _paper.sw, (y + (14 * ( / /,
# tboxw * ( / _paper.sw), 16, _paper.currentColour, "Arial", 14 ]
# The server has said the text is finished,
# so set it to null for the next text object
# TODO: moved here but not finished nor tested
# textDone: ->
# if @currentText?
# @currentText = null
# @currentRect.hide() if @currentRect?