Richard Alam b0d6cf51ef Updating locales
Update locales as of Apr 6, 2016
2016-04-06 18:59:41 +00:00

587 lines
35 KiB

# bbb.mainshell.locale.version = 0.9.0
bbb.mainshell.statusProgress.connecting = Povezivanje se sa serverom
bbb.mainshell.statusProgress.loading = Učitavanje {0} modula
bbb.mainshell.statusProgress.cannotConnectServer = Nažalost nije moguće uspostaviti vezu sa serverom.
# bbb.mainshell.copyrightLabel2 = (c) 2016 <a href\='event\:http\://' target\='_blank'><u>BigBlueButton Inc.</u></a> (build {0})
bbb.mainshell.logBtn.toolTip = Otvori log prozor.
# bbb.mainshell.meetingNotFound = Meeting Not Found
# bbb.mainshell.invalidAuthToken = Invalid Authentication Token
bbb.mainshell.resetLayoutBtn.toolTip = Resetiraj izgled
# bbb.mainshell.notification.tunnelling = Tunnelling
# bbb.mainshell.notification.webrtc = WebRTC Audio
bbb.oldlocalewindow.reminder1 = Moguće je da imate staru verziju prijevoda.
bbb.oldlocalewindow.reminder2 = Molimo ispraznite keš pretraživača i pokušajte ponovo.
bbb.oldlocalewindow.windowTitle = Upozorenje\: Stara verzija prijevoda
# bbb.audioSelection.title = How do you want to join the audio?
bbb.audioSelection.btnMicrophone.label = Mikrofon
# bbb.audioSelection.btnMicrophone.toolTip = Join the audio with your microphone
# bbb.audioSelection.btnListenOnly.label = Listen Only
# bbb.audioSelection.btnListenOnly.toolTip = Join the audio as listen only
# bbb.audioSelection.txtPhone.text = To join this meeting by phone, dial\: {0} then enter {1} as the conference pin number.
# bbb.micSettings.title = Audio Test
bbb.micSettings.speakers.header = Testiraj zvučnike
bbb.micSettings.microphone.header = Testiraj mikrofon
bbb.micSettings.playSound = Testirajte zvučnike.
bbb.micSettings.playSound.toolTip = Pustite muziku kako biste testirali vaše zvučnike.
bbb.micSettings.hearFromHeadset = Trebalo bi da čujete zvuk u vašim slušalicama, a ne na zvučnicima vašeg računara.
# bbb.micSettings.speakIntoMic = If you are using a headset (or earbuds), you should hear the audio from your headset -- not from your computer speakers.
# bbb.micSettings.echoTestMicPrompt = This is a private echo test. Speak a few words. Did you hear audio?
bbb.micSettings.echoTestAudioYes = Da
bbb.micSettings.echoTestAudioNo = Ne
# bbb.micSettings.speakIntoMicTestLevel = Speak into your microphone. You should see the bar move. If not, choose another mic.
# bbb.micSettings.recommendHeadset = Use a headset with a microphone for best audio experience.
bbb.micSettings.changeMic = Testirajte ili promijenite mikrofon.
bbb.micSettings.changeMic.toolTip = Otvorite dijaloški okvir za podešavanje mikrofona u Flash Player-u.
bbb.micSettings.comboMicList.toolTip = Odaberi mikrofon
bbb.micSettings.micRecordVolume.label = Jačina
bbb.micSettings.micRecordVolume.toolTip = Podesite jačinu vašeg mikrofona
# bbb.micSettings.nextButton = Next
# bbb.micSettings.nextButton.toolTip = Start the echo test
bbb.micSettings.join = Pridružite se audio konferenciji.
bbb.micSettings.join.toolTip = Pridružite se audio konferenciji
bbb.micSettings.cancel = Otkaži
# bbb.micSettings.connectingtoecho = Connecting
# bbb.micSettings.connectingtoecho.error = Echo Test Error\: Please contact administrator.
bbb.micSettings.cancel.toolTip = Isključite se iz audio konferencije.
bbb.micSettings.access.helpButton = Otvorite video tutorijale u novoj stranici.
bbb.micSettings.access.title = Podešavanja zvuka. Fokus će ostati na prozoru za podešavanje zvuka, sve dok ga ne zatvorite.
bbb.micSettings.webrtc.title = WebRTC podrška
bbb.micSettings.webrtc.capableBrowser = Vaš browser podržava WebRTC.
bbb.micSettings.webrtc.capableBrowser.dontuseit = Kliknite da se ne koristi WebRTC
bbb.micSettings.webrtc.capableBrowser.dontuseit.toolTip = Kliknite ovdje ukoliko ne želite koristiti WebRTC tehnologiju (preporučeno ukoliko imate problema sa korištenjem iste).
bbb.micSettings.webrtc.notCapableBrowser = WebRTC nije podržana u vašem browseru. Molimo koristite Google Chrome (verzija 32 ili novija); ili Mozilla Firefox (verzija 26 ili novija). Ukoliko koristite Adobe Flash platformu Još uvijek ćete biti u mogućnosti da se pridružite audio konferenciji.
# bbb.micSettings.webrtc.connecting = Calling
# bbb.micSettings.webrtc.waitingforice = Connecting
# bbb.micSettings.webrtc.transferring = Transferring
# bbb.micSettings.webrtc.endingecho = Joining audio
# bbb.micSettings.webrtc.endedecho = Echo test ended.
# bbb.micPermissions.firefox.title = Firefox Microphone Permissions
# bbb.micPermissions.firefox.message1 = Choose your mic and then click Share.
# bbb.micPermissions.firefox.message2 = If you don't see the list of microphones, click on the microphone icon.
# = Chrome Microphone Permissions
# = Click Allow to give Chrome permission to use your microphone.
bbb.micWarning.title = Audio upozorenje
bbb.micWarning.joinBtn.label = Svejedno se pridruži
bbb.micWarning.testAgain.label = Testiraj ponovo
bbb.micWarning.message = Vaš mikrofon nije aktivan, ostali vas vjerovatno neće moći čuti tokom sesije.
# bbb.webrtcWarning.message = Detected the following WebRTC issue\: {0}. Do you want to try Flash instead?
# bbb.webrtcWarning.title = WebRTC Audio Failure
# bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.1001 = Error 1001\: WebSocket disconnected
# bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.1002 = Error 1002\: Could not make a WebSocket connection
# bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.1003 = Error 1003\: Browser version not supported
# bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.1004 = Error 1004\: Failure on call (reason\={0})
# bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.1005 = Error 1005\: Call ended unexpectedly
# bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.1006 = Error 1006\: Call timed out
# bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.1007 = Error 1007\: ICE negotiation failed
# bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.1008 = Error 1008\: Transfer failed
# bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.1009 = Error 1009\: Could not fetch STUN/TURN server information
# bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.1010 = Error 1010\: ICE negotiation timeout
# bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.1011 = Error 1011\: ICE gathering timeout
# bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.unknown = Error {0}\: Unknown error code
# bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.mediamissing = Could not get your microphone for a WebRTC call
# bbb.webrtcWarning.failedError.endedunexpectedly = The WebRTC echo test ended unexpectedly
# bbb.webrtcWarning.connection.dropped = WebRTC connection dropped
# bbb.webrtcWarning.connection.reconnecting = Attempting to reconnect
# bbb.webrtcWarning.connection.reestablished = WebRTC connection re-established
bbb.mainToolbar.helpBtn = Pomoć
bbb.mainToolbar.logoutBtn = Odjava
# bbb.mainToolbar.logoutBtn.toolTip = Log Out
bbb.mainToolbar.langSelector = Odaberi jezik
bbb.mainToolbar.settingsBtn = Postavke
bbb.mainToolbar.settingsBtn.toolTip = Otvori postavke
# bbb.mainToolbar.shortcutBtn = Shortcut Keys
# bbb.mainToolbar.shortcutBtn.toolTip = Open Shortcut Keys Window
bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn.toolTip.start = Započni snimanje
bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn.toolTip.stop = Zaustavi snimanje
bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn.toolTip.recording = Ova sesija se snima
bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn.toolTip.notRecording = Ova sesija se ne snima
bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn.confirm.title = Potvrdi snimanje
bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn.confirm.message.start = Da li ste sigurni da želite započeti snimanje sesije?
bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn.confirm.message.stop = Da li ste sigurni da želite zaustaviti snimanje sesije?
# bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn..notification.title = Record Notification
# bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn..notification.message1 = You can record this meeting.
# bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn..notification.message2 = You must click the Start/Stop Recording button in the title bar to begin/end recording.
# bbb.mainToolbar.recordingLabel.recording = (Recording)
# bbb.mainToolbar.recordingLabel.notRecording = Not Recording
# bbb.clientstatus.title = Configuration Notifications
# bbb.clientstatus.notification = Unread notifications
# bbb.clientstatus.close = Close
# bbb.clientstatus.tunneling.title = Firewall
# bbb.clientstatus.tunneling.message = A firewall is preventing your client from connecting directly on port 1935 to the remote server. Recommend joining a less restrictive network for a more stable connection
# bbb.clientstatus.browser.title = Browser Version
# bbb.clientstatus.browser.message = Your browser ({0}) is not up-to-date. Recommend updating to the latest version.
# bbb.clientstatus.flash.title = Flash Player
# bbb.clientstatus.flash.message = Your Flash Player plugin ({0}) is out-of-date. Recommend updating to the latest version.
# bbb.clientstatus.webrtc.title = Audio
# bbb.clientstatus.webrtc.message = Recommend using either Firefox or Chrome for better audio.
# = Java
# = Java version not detected.
# = You have no Java installed, please click <font color\='\#0a4a7a'><a href\='http\://' target\='_blank'>HERE</a></font> to install the latest Java to use the desktop sharing feature.
# = You have an old Java installed, please click <font color\='\#0a4a7a'><a href\='http\://' target\='_blank'>HERE</a></font> to install the latest Java to use the desktop sharing feature.
bbb.window.minimizeBtn.toolTip = Smanji
bbb.window.maximizeRestoreBtn.toolTip = Povećaj
bbb.window.closeBtn.toolTip = Zatvori
bbb.videoDock.titleBar = Prozor "Web kamera"
bbb.presentation.titleBar = Prozor "Prezentacija" = Prozor "Chat"
bbb.users.title = Korisnici{0} {1}
bbb.users.titleBar = Prozor "Korisnici"
bbb.users.quickLink.label = Prozor "Korisnici"
bbb.users.minimizeBtn.accessibilityName = Smanji prozor "Korisnici"
bbb.users.maximizeRestoreBtn.accessibilityName = Povećaj prozor "Korisnici"
bbb.users.settings.buttonTooltip = Postavke
# bbb.users.settings.audioSettings = Audio Test
bbb.users.settings.webcamSettings = Postavke web kamere
bbb.users.settings.muteAll = Utišaj sve korisnike
bbb.users.settings.muteAllExcept = Utišaj sve korisnike izuzev prezentatora
bbb.users.settings.unmuteAll = Uključi sve korisnike
# bbb.users.settings.clearAllStatus = Clear all status icons
# bbb.users.emojiStatusBtn.toolTip = Update my status icon
# bbb.users.roomMuted.text = Viewers Muted
# bbb.users.roomLocked.text = Viewers Locked
bbb.users.pushToTalk.toolTip = Pričaj
bbb.users.pushToMute.toolTip = Utišaj sebe = Uključi zvuk
bbb.users.muteMeBtnTxt.mute = Utišaj
bbb.users.muteMeBtnTxt.muted = Utišano
bbb.users.muteMeBtnTxt.unmuted = Zvuk uključen
# bbb.users.usersGrid.contextmenu.exportusers = Copy User Names
bbb.users.usersGrid.accessibilityName = Lista korisnika. Koristite tipke sa strelicama za navigaciju.
bbb.users.usersGrid.nameItemRenderer = Ime
bbb.users.usersGrid.nameItemRenderer.youIdentifier = ti
bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer = Status
# bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.changePresenter = Click To Make Presenter
bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.presenter = Prezentator
bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.moderator = Moderator
# bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.clearStatus = Clear status
bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.viewer = Preglednik
# bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.streamIcon.toolTip = Sharing webcam.
# bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.presIcon.toolTip = Is Presenter.
bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer = Media
bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.talking = Priča = Dijeljenje web kamere
bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.webcamBtn = Pogledaj web kameru
bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.pushToTalk = Uključi {0}
bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.pushToMute = Isključi {0}
bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.pushToLock = Zaključaj {0}
bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.pushToUnlock = Otključaj {0}
bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.kickUser = Trzni {0} = Dijeljenje web kamere
bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.micOff = Mikrofon isključen
bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.micOn = Mikrofon uključen
bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.noAudio = Nije u audio konferenciji
# bbb.users.emojiStatus.clear = Clear
# bbb.users.emojiStatus.clear.toolTip = Clear status
# bbb.users.emojiStatus.close = Close
# bbb.users.emojiStatus.close.toolTip = Close status popup
# bbb.users.emojiStatus.raiseHand = Raise hand status
# bbb.users.emojiStatus.happy = Happy status
# = Smile status
# bbb.users.emojiStatus.sad = Sad status
# bbb.users.emojiStatus.confused = Confused status
# bbb.users.emojiStatus.neutral = Neutral status
# bbb.users.emojiStatus.away = Away status
bbb.presentation.title = Prezentacija
bbb.presentation.titleWithPres = Prezentacija
bbb.presentation.quickLink.label = Prozor "Prezentacija"
# bbb.presentation.fitToWidth.toolTip = Fit Presentation To Width
# bbb.presentation.fitToPage.toolTip = Fit Presentation To Page
# bbb.presentation.uploadPresBtn.toolTip = Upload Presentation
bbb.presentation.backBtn.toolTip = Prethodni slajd
# bbb.presentation.btnSlideNum.accessibilityName = Slide {0} of {1}
bbb.presentation.btnSlideNum.toolTip = Izaberi slajd
bbb.presentation.forwardBtn.toolTip = Sljedeći slajd
bbb.presentation.maxUploadFileExceededAlert = Greška\: Datoteka je veća od dozvoljene.
bbb.presentation.uploadcomplete = Prebacivanje završeno. Molimo pričekajte dok se dokument konvertira.
bbb.presentation.uploaded = Prebačeno.
bbb.presentation.document.supported = Prebačeni dokument je podržan. Počinje konvertiranje...
bbb.presentation.document.converted = Uspješno konvertiran office dokument.
# bbb.presentation.error.document.convert.failed = Error\: Unable to convert the office document. = IO greška\: Molimo kontaktirajte administratora. = Sigurnosna greška\: Molimo kontaktirajte administratora.
bbb.presentation.error.convert.notsupported = Greška\: Prebačeni dokument nije podržan. Molimo prebacite kompatibilnu datoteku.
bbb.presentation.error.convert.nbpage = Greška\: Neuspjelo utvrđivanje broja stranica u prebačenom dokumentu.
bbb.presentation.error.convert.maxnbpagereach = Greška\: Prebačeni dokument ima previše stranica.
bbb.presentation.converted = Konvertirano {0} od {1} slajdova.
bbb.presentation.ok = OK
bbb.presentation.slider = Nivo uvećanja prezentacije
bbb.presentation.slideloader.starttext = Početak teksta slajda
bbb.presentation.slideloader.endtext = Kraj teksta slajda
bbb.presentation.uploadwindow.presentationfile = Prezentacijska datoteka
bbb.presentation.uploadwindow.pdf = PDF
bbb.presentation.uploadwindow.word = WORD
bbb.presentation.uploadwindow.excel = EXCEL
bbb.presentation.uploadwindow.powerpoint = POWERPOINT
bbb.presentation.uploadwindow.image = Slika
bbb.presentation.minimizeBtn.accessibilityName = Smanjite prozor prezentacije
bbb.presentation.maximizeRestoreBtn.accessibilityName = Povećajte prozor prezentacije
bbb.presentation.closeBtn.accessibilityName = Zatvorite prozor prezentacije
bbb.fileupload.title = Dodajte fajlove u vašu prezentaciju
# bbb.fileupload.lblFileName.defaultText = No file selected
bbb.fileupload.selectBtn.label = Izaberi datoteku
bbb.fileupload.selectBtn.toolTip = Otvori dijaloški prozor za odabir datoteke
bbb.fileupload.uploadBtn = Prebaci
bbb.fileupload.uploadBtn.toolTip = Prebaci označenu datoteku
bbb.fileupload.deleteBtn.toolTip = Izbriši prezentaciju
bbb.fileupload.showBtn = Prikaži
bbb.fileupload.showBtn.toolTip = Prikaži prezentaciju
bbb.fileupload.okCancelBtn = Zatvori
bbb.fileupload.okCancelBtn.toolTip = Zatvorite prozor za upload datoteka
bbb.fileupload.genThumbText = Generisanje sličica..
bbb.fileupload.progBarLbl = Progres\:
# bbb.fileupload.fileFormatHint = Upload any office document or Portable Document Format (PDF) file. For best results upload PDF. = Chat = Prozor "Chat" = Boja teksta = Polje za uređivanje poruke = Pošalji = Pošalji poruku = Pošalji poruku = Kopiraj sav tekst = Javno = Opcije = Izaberite osobu sa kojom želite privatno ćaskati
# = The user has left.
# = The user has joined.
# = Select User To Open Private Chat
# = Select user to open private chat. Use the arrow keys to navigate. = Podešavanja Chat-a = Veličina fonta "Chat" poruke
# = Select Chat Message Font Size = Poruke = Smanji prozor za chat = Povećaj prozor za chat = Zatvori prozor za chat = Nove poruke u ovom tabu.
# = System
# = The message is {0} character(s) too long
bbb.publishVideo.changeCameraBtn.labelText = Promijeni web kameru
bbb.publishVideo.changeCameraBtn.toolTip = Otvori dijaloški okvir za promjenu web kamere
bbb.publishVideo.cmbResolution.tooltip = Odaberi rezoluciju web kamere
bbb.publishVideo.startPublishBtn.labelText = Počni dijeliti
bbb.publishVideo.startPublishBtn.toolTip = Počni dijeliti web kameru
# bbb.publishVideo.startPublishBtn.errorName = Can't share webcam. Reason\: {0}
# = Chrome Webcam Permissions
# = Click Allow to give Chrome permission to use your webcam.
bbb.videodock.title = Web kamere
bbb.videodock.quickLink.label = Prozor "Web kamere" = Smanji prozor web kamere = Povećaj prozor web kamere = Isključi ili uključi {0} = Napravi {0} prezentera = Izbaci {0} sa sastanka = Ćaskaj sa {0} = Web kamera nije dostupna = Nije moguće otvoriti web kameru = Čekanje odobrenja = Pregled web kamere = Pokretanje web kamere... = Pristup web kameri odbijen
# = Your webcam couldn't be opened - it may be under use by another application = Objavljivanje... = Zatvorite dijaloški okvir za podešavanje web kamere = Otkaži = Objavi prozor web kamere
# = Close stream for\: {0}
bbb.desktopPublish.title = Podijeli radnu ploču\: Prezentatorov pregled
# bbb.desktopPublish.fullscreen.tooltip = Share Your Main Screen
bbb.desktopPublish.fullscreen.label = Cijeli prozor
# bbb.desktopPublish.region.tooltip = Share a Part of Your Screen
bbb.desktopPublish.region.label = Oblast
bbb.desktopPublish.stop.tooltip = Zatvori podjelu radne ploče
bbb.desktopPublish.stop.label = Zatvori
bbb.desktopPublish.maximizeRestoreBtn.toolTip = Ne možeš uvećati ovaj prozor.
bbb.desktopPublish.closeBtn.toolTip = Prekini podjelu radne ploče i zatvori prozor.
# bbb.desktopPublish.chromeOnMacUnsupportedHint = Desktop sharing is not currently supported on Chrome running under Mac OS X. You must use a different web browser (Firefox recommended) to share your desktop.
# bbb.desktopPublish.chrome42UnsupportedHint = Chrome no longer supports Java Applets. You must use a different web browser (Firefox recommended) to share your desktop.
# bbb.desktopPublish.edgePluginUnsupportedHint = Edge does not support Java Applets. You must use a different web browser (Firefox recommended) to share your desktop.
bbb.desktopPublish.minimizeBtn.toolTip = Smanji ovaj prozor.
bbb.desktopPublish.minimizeBtn.accessibilityName = Smanji prozor za podjelu radne ploče.
bbb.desktopPublish.maximizeRestoreBtn.accessibilityName = Povećaj prozor za podjelu radne ploče
# bbb.desktopPublish.chromeHint.title = Chrome may need your permission.
# bbb.desktopPublish.chromeHint.message = Select the plug-in icon (upper right-hand corner of Chrome), un-block plug-ins, and then select 'Retry'.
# bbb.desktopPublish.chromeHint.button = Retry
bbb.desktopView.title = Podjela radne ploče
bbb.desktopView.fitToWindow = Prilagodi prozoru
bbb.desktopView.actualSize = Prikaži trenutnu veličinu
bbb.desktopView.minimizeBtn.accessibilityName = Smanji prozor za pregled podjele radne ploče
bbb.desktopView.maximizeRestoreBtn.accessibilityName = Povećaj prozor za pregled podjele radne ploče
bbb.desktopView.closeBtn.accessibilityName = Zatvorite prozor za pregled podjele radne ploče
# = Share Your Microphone
# = Stop Sharing Your Microphone
# = Stop listening the conference
# = Start listening the conference
# = No microphone detected
# bbb.toolbar.deskshare.toolTip.start = Share Your Desktop
# bbb.toolbar.deskshare.toolTip.stop = Stop Sharing Your Desktop
# = Share Your Webcam
# = Stop Sharing Your Webcam
bbb.layout.addButton.toolTip = Dodajte prilagođeni raspored elemenata na listu
# bbb.layout.broadcastButton.toolTip = Apply Current Layout to All Viewers
# bbb.layout.combo.toolTip = Change Your Layout
bbb.layout.loadButton.toolTip = Učitaj rasporede iz datoteke
bbb.layout.saveButton.toolTip = Sačuvaj rasporede kao datoteku
bbb.layout.lockButton.toolTip = Zaključaj raspored
bbb.layout.combo.prompt = Primijeni raspored
bbb.layout.combo.custom = * Prilagođeni raspored
bbb.layout.combo.customName = Prilagođeni raspored
bbb.layout.combo.remote = Udaljen = Rasporedi su uspješno sačuvani
bbb.layout.load.complete = Rasporedi su uspješno učitani
# bbb.layout.load.failed = Unable to load the layouts
# = Default Layout
# = Video Chat
# = Webcam Meeting
# = Presentation Meeting
# = Lecture Assistant
# = Lecture
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.pencil = Olovka
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.pencil.accessibilityName = Promijenite kursor u olovku
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.ellipse = Krug
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.ellipse.accessibilityName = Promijenite kursor u krug
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.rectangle = Pravokutnik
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.rectangle.accessibilityName = Promijenite kursor u pravougaonik
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.panzoom = Pan and Zoom
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.panzoom.accessibilityName = Promijeni kursor u opciju "Pan and Zoom"
# bbb.highlighter.toolbar.clear = Clear All Annotations
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.clear.accessibilityName = Obriši stranicu radne ploče
# bbb.highlighter.toolbar.undo = Undo Annotation
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.undo.accessibilityName = Vrati posljednji objekat sa radne ploče
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.color = Izaberi boju
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.color.accessibilityName = Boja olovke za crtanje
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.thickness = Promijeni debljinu
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.thickness.accessibilityName = Debljina olovke za crtanje
bbb.logout.title = Odjavljen/a
bbb.logout.button.label = OK
bbb.logout.appshutdown = Serverska aplikacija je isključena
bbb.logout.asyncerror = Došlo je do greške u sinkronizaciji
bbb.logout.connectionclosed = Veza sa serverom je zatvorena
# bbb.logout.connectionfailed = The connection to the server has ended
bbb.logout.rejected = Veza sa serverom odbačena
bbb.logout.invalidapp = red5 aplikacija ne postoji
bbb.logout.unknown = Izgubljena veza sa serverom
bbb.logout.usercommand = Uspješno ste izašli iz konferencije
# bbb.logout.ejectedFromMeeting = A moderator has kicked you out of the meeting.
# bbb.logout.refresh.message = If this logout was unexpected click the button below to reconnect.
# bbb.logout.refresh.label = Reconnect
bbb.logout.confirm.title = Potvrdi odjavu
bbb.logout.confirm.message = Da li ste sigurni da se želite odjaviti?
bbb.logout.confirm.yes = Da = Ne
# bbb.connection.failure=Detected Connectivity Problems
# bbb.connection.reconnecting=Reconnecting
# bbb.connection.reestablished=Connection reestablished
# bbb.connection.bigbluebutton=BigBlueButton
# bbb.connection.sip=SIP
# bbb.connection.deskshare=Deskshare
bbb.notes.title = Bilješke
bbb.notes.cmpColorPicker.toolTip = Boja teksta
bbb.notes.saveBtn = Sačuvaj
bbb.notes.saveBtn.toolTip = Sačuvaj bilješke
bbb.settings.deskshare.instructions = Odaberite opciju "Dopusti" kako biste provjerili da li dijeljenje radne ploče funkcioniše kako treba
bbb.settings.deskshare.start = Provjerite dijeljenje radne ploče
bbb.settings.voice.volume = Status mikrofona = Greška u verziji Jave = Imate instaliranu Java verziju {0}. Da biste mogli koristiti opciju dijeljenja radne ploče morate instalirati najmanje verziju {1}. Klikom na dugme ispod, možete instalirati noviju verziju Java JRE. = Instaliraj noviju verziju Jave
bbb.settings.flash.label = Greška u verziji Flash-a
bbb.settings.flash.text = Imate instaliranu Flash verziju {0}. Da biste mogli koristiti BigBlueButton morate instalirati najmanje verziju {1}. Klikom na dugme ispod možete instalirati noviju verziju Adobe Flash-a.
bbb.settings.flash.command = Instaliraj noviju verziju Flash-a
bbb.settings.isight.label = Greška iSight web kamere
bbb.settings.isight.text = Ukoliko imate problema sa iSight web kamerom, to može biti zbog toga što koristite OS X 10.6.5, koji ima problem sa snimanjem videa sa iSight web kamere.\nDa biste ovo popravili, kliknite na link ispod kako biste instalirali noviju verziju Flash player-a ili nadogradite vaš Mac na noviju verziju
bbb.settings.isight.command = Instaliraj Flash 10.2 RC2
bbb.settings.warning.label = Upozorenje
bbb.settings.warning.close = Zatvori ovo upozorenje
bbb.settings.noissues = Nisu uočeni neuobičajeni problemi.
bbb.settings.instructions = Potvrdite Flash naredbu koja traži dozvolu za pristup web kameri. Ukoliko izlaz odgovara onome što se očekuje, vaš browser je ispravno podešen. Ostali potencijalni problemi su prikazani ispod. Ispitajte ih kako biste pronašli moguće rješenje.
ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.toolbar.triangle = Trokut
ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.toolbar.triangle.accessibilityName = Promijenite kursor u trokut
ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.toolbar.line = Linija
ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.toolbar.line.accessibilityName = Promijenite kursor u liniju
ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.toolbar.text = Tekst
ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.toolbar.text.accessibilityName = Promijenite kursor u tekst
ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.texttoolbar.textColorPicker = Boja teksta
ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.texttoolbar.textSizeMenu = Veličina fonta
# bbb.accessibility.clientReady = Ready = Došli ste do prve poruke. = Došli ste do posljednje poruke. = Došli ste do prve poruke. = Došli ste do posljednje poruke. = Došli ste do posljednje poruke koju ste pročitali. = Chat input
# = Audible Chat Notification = Molimo koristite tipke sa strelicama kako biste navigirali kroz chat poruke.
bbb.accessibility.notes.notesview.input = Unos bilješki
# bbb.shortcuthelp.title = Shortcut Keys
bbb.shortcuthelp.minimizeBtn.accessibilityName = Smanjite prozor prečice "Pomoć"
bbb.shortcuthelp.maximizeRestoreBtn.accessibilityName = Povećajte prozor prečice "Pomoć"
bbb.shortcuthelp.closeBtn.accessibilityName = Zatvorite prozor prečice "Pomoć"
bbb.shortcuthelp.dropdown.general = Prečice
bbb.shortcuthelp.dropdown.presentation = Prečice prezentacije = Chat prečice
bbb.shortcuthelp.dropdown.users = Prečice korisnika
bbb.shortcuthelp.headers.shortcut = Prečica
bbb.shortcuthelp.headers.function = Funkcija
bbb.shortcutkey.general.minimize = 189
bbb.shortcutkey.general.minimize.function = Smanji trenutni prozor
bbb.shortcutkey.general.maximize = 187
bbb.shortcutkey.general.maximize.function = Povećaj trenutni prozor
bbb.shortcutkey.flash.exit = 81
bbb.shortcutkey.flash.exit.function = Izađite iz Flash prozora
bbb.shortcutkey.users.muteme = 77
bbb.shortcutkey.users.muteme.function = Isključivanje i uključivanje mikrofona = 73 = Uđite u polje za unos poruka
bbb.shortcutkey.present.focusslide = 67
bbb.shortcutkey.present.focusslide.function = Uđite u prezentacijski slajd
bbb.shortcutkey.whiteboard.undo = 90
bbb.shortcutkey.whiteboard.undo.function = Vrati posljednju oznaku na radnoj ploči
bbb.shortcutkey.focus.users = 49
bbb.shortcutkey.focus.users.function = Prijeđi na prozor "Korisnici". = 50 = Prijeđi na prozor "Web kamera"
bbb.shortcutkey.focus.presentation = 51
bbb.shortcutkey.focus.presentation.function = Prijeđi na prozor "Prezentacija" = 52 = Prijeđi na prozor "Ćaskanje"
bbb.shortcutkey.share.desktop = 68
bbb.shortcutkey.share.desktop.function = Otvori prozor za dijeljenje radne ploče
bbb.shortcutkey.share.microphone = 79
bbb.shortcutkey.share.microphone.function = Otvori prozor za podešavanje zvuka
bbb.shortcutkey.share.pauseRemoteStream = 80
# bbb.shortcutkey.share.pauseRemoteStream.function = Start/Stop listening the conference = 66 = Otvori prozor za dijeljenje web kamere
bbb.shortcutkey.shortcutWindow = 72
bbb.shortcutkey.shortcutWindow.function = Otvori/stavi fokus na prozor prečice "Pomoć"
bbb.shortcutkey.logout = 76
bbb.shortcutkey.logout.function = Odjavite se sa ovog sastanka
bbb.shortcutkey.raiseHand = 82
bbb.shortcutkey.raiseHand.function = Podigni ruku
bbb.shortcutkey.present.upload = 85
bbb.shortcutkey.present.upload.function = Prenesi prezentaciju
bbb.shortcutkey.present.previous = 65
bbb.shortcutkey.present.previous.function = Idi na prethodni slajd = 83 = Pregledaj sve slajdove = 69 = Idi na naredni slajd
bbb.shortcutkey.present.fitWidth = 70
bbb.shortcutkey.present.fitWidth.function = Podesi slajdove po širini
bbb.shortcutkey.present.fitPage = 80
bbb.shortcutkey.present.fitPage.function = Podesi slajdove prema stranici
bbb.shortcutkey.users.makePresenter = 80
bbb.shortcutkey.users.makePresenter.function = Dodaj ulogu prezentatora za označenu osobu
bbb.shortcutkey.users.kick = 75
bbb.shortcutkey.users.kick.function = Izbaci odabranu osobu sa sastanka
bbb.shortcutkey.users.mute = 83
bbb.shortcutkey.users.mute.function = Utišaj ili uključi odabranu sobu
bbb.shortcutkey.users.muteall = 65
bbb.shortcutkey.users.muteall.function = Utišaj ili uključi sve korisnike
bbb.shortcutkey.users.focusUsers = 85
bbb.shortcutkey.users.focusUsers.function = Fokus na listu korisnika
bbb.shortcutkey.users.muteAllButPres = 65
bbb.shortcutkey.users.muteAllButPres.function = Utišaj sve sudionike osim prezentatora = 89 = Fokus na chat tabove = 66 = Fokus na chat okvir = 67 = Fokus na odabir boje fonta. = 83 = Pošalji poruku
# = 69
# = Close private chat tab = ---- = Za navigaciju kroz poruke, odaberite chat okvir. = 40 = Idite na narednu poruku = 38 = Idite na prethodnu poruku = 32 = Ponovi trenutnu poruku = 39 = Idite na posljednju poruku = 37 = Idite na prvu poruku = 75 = Idite na posljednju poruku koju ste pročitali = 71 = Privremeno uklonite hotkey
# bbb.polling.startButton.tooltip = Start a poll
# bbb.polling.startButton.label = Start Poll
bbb.polling.publishButton.label = Objavi
bbb.polling.closeButton.label = Zatvori
# bbb.polling.pollModal.title = Live Poll Results
# bbb.polling.customChoices.title = Enter Polling Choices
# bbb.polling.respondersLabel.novotes = Waiting for responses
# bbb.polling.respondersLabel.text = {0} Users Responded
# bbb.polling.respondersLabel.finished = Done
bbb.polling.answer.Yes = Da
bbb.polling.answer.No = Ne
# bbb.polling.answer.True = True
# bbb.polling.answer.False = False
# bbb.polling.answer.A = A
# bbb.polling.answer.B = B
# bbb.polling.answer.C = C
# bbb.polling.answer.D = D
# bbb.polling.answer.E = E
# bbb.polling.answer.F = F
# bbb.polling.answer.G = G
# bbb.polling.results.accessible.header = Poll Results.
# bbb.polling.results.accessible.answer = Answer {0} had {1} votes.
bbb.publishVideo.startPublishBtn.labelText = Počni dijeliti
bbb.publishVideo.changeCameraBtn.labelText = Promijeni web kameru
bbb.accessibility.alerts.madePresenter = Sada ste vi prezentator.
bbb.accessibility.alerts.madeViewer = Vi ste sada učesnik. = Razmaknica
bbb.shortcutkey.specialKeys.left = Lijevo
bbb.shortcutkey.specialKeys.right = Desno
bbb.shortcutkey.specialKeys.up = Gore
bbb.shortcutkey.specialKeys.down = Dolje = Plus
bbb.shortcutkey.specialKeys.minus = Minus
bbb.toolbar.videodock.toolTip.closeAllVideos = Zatvori sve video klipove
bbb.users.settings.lockAll=Zaključaj sve korisnike
bbb.users.settings.lockAllExcept=Zaključaj sve korisnike osim prezentatora
# bbb.users.settings.lockSettings=Lock Viewers ...
# bbb.users.settings.unlockAll=Unlock All Viewers
bbb.users.settings.roomIsLocked=Zaključano po zadanim postavkama
bbb.users.settings.roomIsMuted=Utišano po zadanim postavkama
# = Apply
# = Apply lock settings
bbb.lockSettings.cancel = Otkaži
bbb.lockSettings.cancel.toolTip = Zatvori prozor bez spašavanja
bbb.lockSettings.moderatorLocking = Zaključavanje moderatora
bbb.lockSettings.privateChat = Privatno ćaskanje
bbb.lockSettings.publicChat = Javno ćaskanje = Web kamera
bbb.lockSettings.microphone = Mikrofon
# bbb.lockSettings.layout = Layout
# bbb.lockSettings.title=Lock Viewers
# bbb.lockSettings.locked=Locked
# bbb.lockSettings.lockOnJoin=Lock On Join